
Naruto: The Prince of Lust

There are times when all it takes is the right voice to help you realize the greatness within to conquer the painful evil without. Uzumaki Naruto's voice of promise turns out to be his... from the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning: lemons, moral ambiguity, slow development, and harem.

William777 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
176 Chs

Chapter 136

He can't laugh at his soft verbal poke due to the pain, but he smiles weakly and though she doesn't wholly agree with his eye-rolling playful taunt, she just squeezes his moderately hard penis for a second, calling him a, "brat. But yes, it's more than that example. Dirty talk is a different form of connection that's very personal."

Rubbing his temple with his eyes closed, he asks, "so, what's the best way to talk dirty?"

"Above all else," Kurenai starts, circularly thumbing between the main two hardening muscle of the underside of his shaft; just playing with his appendage at this point. "We have to feel comfortable, no matter what we say. As an example, I could say I'm your Hokage now, and you must address me as Hokage-sama." Kurenai is happy to feel him get harder at that. She rewards his crown with lusty licks before sucking his head to a wet pop. "Mnn…Or you could make me beg for permission to cum. 'Naruto-sama, I can't hold it any longer! Please, won't you let me cum? You make me want to cum so bad!'"

Though his brow is still drawn together, his smile is wider now as he asks, "can I call you a dirty name?"

In between licking, she asks, "like what?"

Nervously he answers, "like… a slut?"

Kurenai stops and turns to him, the length of his meaty thickness pressed against her perfectly attractive face. "Do you think I'm a slut?"

"No!" he answers sitting up. "No, I don't think that at all!"

"Naruto," she calmly says with a smirk. "This isn't about being shy or apprehensive- er, afraid. Those feelings have no place when talking dirty. You have to be just as confident as when you tell people you're going to be the Hokage-"

"Best Hokage, ever," he clarifies to her wide smile and she's happy to see he's starting to feel better.

"Exactly," Kurenai happily acknowledges. "This is about being risky and accepting of one another's imagination. It's fantasy, like when you henge. We both know I'm not a slut, but in the moment, when we're both incredibly aroused and high on sex, it can be extra thrilling to imagine that I am your cock-hungry slut, who can't live without your cum. Or you're my pet who does what I want, when I want, how I want."

"…Fantasy," he mutters looking deep in thought, as if the word sparked something in his memory banks.

"It's a great way to reach a new level of erotic intimacy."

Naruto takes his shirt off. Moving away, she watches him arrange the pillows before laying back, so he's elevated enough to see her without having to strain his neck. Though his head still ached with obvious discomfort, Naruto's face changes as his voice commands, "Nai-chan, come here." A little taken by his calm yet staunch directive, an amused Kurenai slowly advances, making certain her breast dragged from thigh to chest. When her head is an inch above his, he commands her, "you're not naked enough, Nai-chan."

At the sight of his thick mast rearing to go, Kurenai smiles and plays along, slowly removing her seamless panties and bra before straddling his crotch.

"Where does my cock go, Nai-chan," he confidently dares her. Smiling wider, her humid palm takes his extremely hard shaft by the base and she lines him perfectly with her sodden snatch. His countenance is half pained and half aroused as he gazes her beautifully nubile body slowly descend on his long thickness, spreading her slick line into a wide oval. Kurenai shuts her eyes tight as his striking crown kisses her cervix, and still, there's more length to his girth. Naruto takes her forearms and pulls her to him, bending her at the waist while she tightens deliciously around him.

"Mnnnn," Kurenai moans as his left hand massages her reactive scalp while his right traces her jawline, caressing her cheek and neck. They so close when she thinks to kiss him, he roguishly asks her, "when I was all the way inside of Ino-chan, like how I'm deep inside you now, I did what you taught me."

Smiling despite half her focus on his pulsing and jerking prick, she dares him to be perfect at talking dirty on his first try by asking a daring question. It isn't the first time she expects him to be perfect right at the beginning because Kurenai understands this is how he learns. He makes mistakes once maybe twice before he gets better, and though it may not be romantic, it's fortunate for them this relationship doesn't depend on romance. With a bit of a pout, she asks, "was she better than me?"

To her surprise, he smiles but he doesn't answer right away. Instead, he rolls her over so he's on top of her before gripping the underside of her knees and raising them, gradually adding to the moist tightness, then hooking her long toned legs over his shoulders. Deep inside her tight, sodden, hot, center, he flexes his raging hardness, and as if by some command, her moaning body softens even further, taking the rest of him in as Kurenai groans loudly through clenched lips.

Face to face, the tip of Naruto's nose presses against Kurenai's when he finally answers, "that's the wrong question."

"Mnn…" Kurenai moans feeling the vibrations of his words as her eyelids flutter open. With her legs flush over his shoulders, his hands have free reign to massage and knead her pliant round orbs, manipulating her soft tissue to add to the pleasure of his intimate stuffing. 'Kami, I'm so fucking wet,' she mentally yells as she fights his bone-deep heat and her heightening arousal. Kurenai asks in a breathy and shaky voice, "then- mmnn, w-what's- the ummnn, right question?"

Rolling her stiff pink nipples between his middle and index fingers as he massages her fleshy chest languidly, he softly asks, "you want to know?" And she can feel his breath on her flush cheek, eliciting goosebumps to travel down her neck and back.

"MMn-hhmm," she moans, eyes closed and rubbing her face against his, adding clearly, "yes."

He moves his face away, withdrawing his thick rod as he gazes at her flush figure below him and demands her to, "beg."

"Please, Naruto- AAH!" Kurenai groans as Naruto slams back into her with ease, stuffing her completely.

"Please, Naruto-sama," he demands as he pulls out and pistons back in.

"Please," Kurenai tries again as he starts zeroing out of her before completely filling her creamy nook again. "Naruto-sama, ahn, haah, MMN! Tell me- uhn, teach me what the ahn! Right question isszz!"

Picking up his pace, Naruto can feel himself become mindless to the hyper-pleasant feeling taking over as the ledge of his penis-head vibrates incredibly against the slick ribs of her hot tightness. His abs and inner thighs tingle as he nears release, yelling out, "such a good girl, Nai-chan!"

"Aahhn, aahn, ahhh! I'm your good girl, Naruto-sama," Kurenai moans as her hands find his nipples and playfully rubs at his hard nips.

"The question," he starts as he builds the buzzing pleasure of wet hot friction. "You should be asking… is was her pussy… made for me?" He struggles to speak as he pounds deep into her amazingly wet center with long angled strokes, moving closer to forgetting this lesson in favor of happily releasing his eager man milk inside her.

"AHH, Naruto!" Kurenai moans loudly as the power of his thrust increase, making her once again marvel at his crazy staying power. Pulsing powerfully, her muscle tense and quiver as she meets his every thrust eagerly. Neck, jaw, trapezius muscles begin to spasm up and the taunt curvature of her back and down her toned legs burn in anticipation.

Losing his higher brain function, Naruto can barely demand, "ask- haah! Ask me- uooh, if her pussy was made for me!"

"MMn! Was her tiny pussy- Ahn! Made for your- Ahhnn! AAhhnn! AAhhn- Magnificent cock- Kami! Naruto-sama!?" Kurenai feels her leaking walls shaking and her toes start to curl under the monumental anticipation of a powerful release. "Was her pretty pussy AHH, made for you?!"

"Not yet!" he grunts. "My pretty little Nai-chan… needs to teach her how to please me! Mng!"

Kurenai recites her own prayer before her kingdom cums. "I'm almost- AH! Naruto-sama, I'm almost-"

He yells, "say no one wants my dick more than you!" as he feels the fuse has been lite. Naruto is witless as he rushes to his monumental climax.

Kurenai feels like she's going to suffocate in pleasure as she bangs her sweaty head against the pillow, screaming, "no one wants your dick more than meeeeeee!"

"…this pussy belongs to me!"

Th- Thi- thhiisssss pussssy be- belongs to- to- ah! You!"

"Say… my cum… belongs in your cunt!" Naruto slams forward diving in as deep as he could go before his balls lurch tightly before rupturing monstrously inside her.

Kurenai tries, "your cummmmm AAHN belongs in- in my cunnnnnnt," before her enormous pleasure coil snaps. "CUMMM, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMMMMMIEE!" Feeling his massive amount of molten baby cream hasten to fill and drown her pink cavern, her loud wails chokes to silence with her wide tongue-out mouth in raptured pleasure and her midnight mane is matted to the sweaty feverish skin of her pleasure contorted face. As her quaking quim wraps and pulls in his massive semen spewing shaft, their bodies, wrecked with waves upon waves of mind-altering euphoria hold each other for dear life.

It takes them many minutes to finally come down from their amazing high to which a huffing Naruto can only comment, "wow!"

"That… haah, was a very good start," answers with a satisfied grin as she catches her breath.

"The research I tried to do before you agreed to teach me was more like that," Naruto admits. "There's a lot of that bossy kind of stuff in those books I read. I guess they came in handy after all."

'Kami I hope it wasn't a little orange book,' Kurenai thinks, preferring not to ask. "Well, don't be afraid to push it further. Remember, it's only a fantasy between two consenting partners."

"Fantasy," he repeats with a soft chuckle. At her curious red eye, he takes her in his strong arms, brings her even closer and answers her silent query, "Nai-chan, you're the hottest, smartest, most caring woman I get to have sex with… I get to cum inside of… I get to kiss and hold. Who cares about fantasy when real life is a thousand times better!"

Touched to the point of being tongue-tied, Kurenai struggles to say, "…Thank you… Naruto."

"Shesheshe," he chuckles. "You don't have to thank me."

"No," Kurenai abruptly declares, staring deeply into his baby-blue eyes. "Thank you for not being a horrible person… for being a wonderful student, for asking me to be your sensei. I know this isn't love, but every day I grow just a little more… blessed, I guess, to have this with you."

Though his lips rush to meet hers, his haste was only to close the distance. Once his nose is beside hers, Naruto slows to just before their pillowy soft flesh meet. Kurenai can feel his presence like a second skin; his heat, his breath, his sweaty musk mixing with her own. He was suffocating and when his moist lips finally pressed fully against her, the emotions behind them felt like she could breathe. He opened his mouth against hers, pushing all the while until she rolled to her back, opening her mouth to happily surrender all the moist access he wanted.

In that moment, she gave him everything, but Kurenai also returned just as much affection, just as much tongue, just as much heart all the while his right hand found a home in her lush ebony locks, massaging and gripping, pulling her head in or tilting her the way he wanted with a slow yet vigorous need for more. His left hand ran up and down her body, kneading and massaging her breast to her mewling delight as her own hands' massage and hold him flush to her. Her toned legs spread and wrap around his ass, ensuring he doesn't leave her.

Though he was rock hard and throbbing against her protruding love button, the lovers were content to build this affection with the deep kissing and skin-to-skin adhesion. Kurenai can feel how different this union was than all the others. It felt more intense with emotional vulnerability. The intimacy was more than just physical and she knew how much more when he breaks their slow kiss to gaze affectionately in her red irises. He didn't break eye contact for even a moment as his hand descends, takes hold of himself and slowly guides it to her sodden entrance.

Naruto was so slow and so wholly connected to her, Kurenai grew scared—his eyes felt like looking directly at a sun made of affection. Kurenai was scared and when he slowly spread her tight sex, she shuddered, like expelling a cold breath on a hot day. Her eyes prickled with moist heat as his thick rod slowly spread her small sodden closure wide. Kurenai gasps breathlessly as he rearranged her quivering insides, and despite being fully inside her, they never break eye contact, even when tears flow down the sides of her face. He looked so fascinated to see her, and in defiance of her fear, she couldn't look away.

Pulling out added to the building emotional pleasure. His throbbing manhood already brings out the highest peak of physical satisfaction, and now, Naruto—the person—is within range of her sensitive heart. It's beginning to feel like more.






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