

Chapter 34 – Bloody Flicker

Seeing that the other party suddenly started to Jieyin, Bai Ye said inwardly that he was not good, and quickly rushed to Zhiyi, wanting to take him away from the place.

"Wind Escape·Suppression!"

I saw the opponent spit out a high-pressure typhoon from a distance, which was about ten meters in diameter when viewed from a distance, and was rushing in the direction of avoiding the white night.

All the trees on its path were shattered by wind pressure in an instant, and the ground passing by was also plowed into a deep hole of about two meters, leaving nothing intact wherever it passed.

Seeing that the destructive power of ninjutsu released by the other party was so strong, Bai Ye's pupils shrank, and he could judge from it that he was absolutely capable of forbearance. His two idiots dared to catch up and interfere.

Bai Ye watched the high-pressure typhoon getting closer and closer to him, but because he was still holding the burden of Zhiyi in his hand, he had already used the energy of milking, and still could not run out of the attack range.

Seeing that the high-pressure typhoon ball was about to hit him, and he was only one step away from the attack range, but even at a distance of less than half a meter, it was like a moat that could never be crossed.

At this last juncture, Bai Ye's heart was ruthless, and his left hand pushed forward desperately, barely sending Zhi Yi out of the attack range, and he was a gamble with his abnormal physique.

Because Bai Ye turned around and pushed someone forcibly, his figure stagnated, and the high-pressure wind ball swept through the right half of Bai Ye's body so fiercely.

At this moment, half of his body seemed to be overwhelmed, and a series of small wounds appeared. Although the power seemed to be weak at first, the wounds appeared continuously, as if they wanted to take away all the flesh and blood on his body .Fortunately, before Bai Ye was hit, he deliberately shifted his head to the left, otherwise the brain would be hit so hard that he might not die on the spot.

I saw Bai Ye's appearance at this time is extremely miserable, the right half of the body can no longer see a complete skin, only some pieces of meat that do not know how many times have been cut, still sticking to the bones.

The blood that should have spewed out with the wound also flew away with the wind ball, and the ground looked a little tidy instead.

Bai Ye, who was already in a state of confusion, still firmly held the Zanpai Knife with his right hand, and did not let it disappear into the typhoon ball together.

The original smooth and neat blade of this Zhanpakukō has now become dilapidated, and it seems that it can be easily broken into two parts with a little effort.


Zhiyi looked at Bai Ye because he was so badly injured, and he stared at the enemy with blood red eyes, wishing to smash his body into pieces immediately.

However, he was not completely dazzled by anger. Instead, he stayed in place and relied on Chakra to catalyze the breeding of parasites. At the same time, he also summoned many wild insects from the surrounding woods to block him and Bai Ye.

Because Zhiyi saw that the opponent started to seal again, he did not move as fast as Bai Ye, and he would definitely not be able to run out of the opponent's attack range, so he could only choose to rely on insects to block the front.

And now Zhiyi didn't dare to move Bai Ye's body at will, for fear that his improper operation would cause Bai Ye to accelerate his death.(Read more @ mtlnation.com)It didn't take long for Zhiyi to feel the air gradually heat up, realizing that the other party had chosen Huo Dun to restrain the insects.

Although I feel distressed about the large number of insects' deaths, the only thing I can do now is to delay the support.

Zhiyi focused on mobilizing the insects, but did not notice the white night, and his body began to produce some unknown changes.

In the wound on the right half of Bai Ye, a lot of unknown white matter emerged, slowly enveloping his whole body, and when it derives from his face, a pure white mask was formed.

There were two bloody tears on the mask, and Bai Ye's black hair gradually transformed into bloody as the mask formed, and began to continue to grow until it reached the waist and stopped completely.

After the body completely stopped changing, Bai Ye finally opened his eyes again, and his original brown pupils had turned into blood at some point, and the whites of his eyes had also completely turned milky white, reaching the point where the bloodshot eyes were completely invisible.

Bai Ye slowly lifted his milky white arm, and a blood ball appeared on the tip of his index finger, and it slowly widened.

When they gathered to a certain degree, they shot out from the fingertips instantly, easily penetrated the protective barrier formed by the worms, and shot madly towards the outside.


The ninja, who kept spitting fire at the insect swarm outside, suddenly became flustered at the moment the ball of light shot out, feeling as if something bad was about to happen.Just cut off the connection between Chakra and Ninjutsu, and wanted to dodge to avoid unknown dangers, he saw a bloody light shoot out from the flames, and the target was his heart.

The moment he saw this light, it had reached his chest successfully, leaving him no reaction time at all, reluctantly relying on instinct to hug his heart.

The light rubbed the edge of the heart and penetrated through the chest. After penetrating a huge hole, it continued to rush towards the distance until it hit a small hill with no one, and stopped completely.

After a delay of about 0.1 seconds, the blood-colored ball of light suddenly began to expand, rapidly spreading from the center of the hillside to the surroundings.

A huge blood-colored light ball was formed, and the originally black sky was stained with blood, and it began to slowly dissipate after nearly 5 seconds.

I saw that the small hill in the distance had disappeared, leaving only a huge deep hole in place to prove what had happened here.

After the blood-colored light ball disappeared, the vibration caused by the explosion was transmitted from afar.

Now, let's bring our perspective back to the moment when Bai Ye just emitted the bloody ball of light.

"Bai Ye, you are now awake!"

Zhiyi suddenly felt that the inside of the insect swarm was stained with blood, and he subconsciously looked towards Bai Ye.He was relieved to find that although the other party didn't know why the whole person had become white, he should be sober up from the state.

However, Bai Ye didn't reply, especially after releasing the virtual flash, the whole person seemed to be relieved, and straight down toward the ground in front of him, Shiichi hurried over to support him.

He found that Bai Ye had cracks all over his body, and before he could say anything, he felt the earth begin to vibrate.

The white substance on Bai Ye's body also fell off the body completely with this vibration, revealing the delicate skin inside, and the original injuries disappeared, but his eyes were still closed tightly.

Although Zhiyi didn't know what happened to Shiroya now, he could still feel that it should be changing in a good direction.

As for why this change happened, he regarded it as a kind of blood inheritance that he didn't know.

"Why did the opponent stop attacking suddenly? Could it be that they ran away after causing the vibration just now?"

Zhiyi suddenly realized that his bugs didn't seem to die anymore, and made some guesses about what was happening outside.

Because Qian tried his best to urge the bugs to protect themselves and Bai Ye, they didn't waste some bugs exploring around, and they didn't know the situation outside.

Therefore, I didn't see the screen of Bai Ye killing the opponent in a single blow. I thought that the vibration just now was the ninjutsu used by the opponent, and I didn't dare to remove the insect swarm's defense at will.