
Chapter 8 : Weak is not an option

Meanwhile inside the house standing in front of the window, Harumi looks at her son who is trying to train in the backyard of their house.

In her heart, Harumi once again has a complicated feeling about letting his son start training from a very young age.

On one hand Harumi doesn't want his son to train because he is still a child and she wants him to enjoy more of his time playing with other kids and have fun without thinking about anything.

She doesn't want her child to have the same childhood as her who needs to work from a very young age and have little time for having fun, how she always envies those other children who can have fun and play until they're exhausted.

But on the other hand she knows how cruel the world is for the weak because as a civilian herself she feels first hand the cruelty of the world.

How she lost her entire family in midst of war even though her family are only civilians but war has no mercy to anyone and being weak is not an option.

Harumi remembers that day where her entire family was being killed, if Guy did not pass by her home near the border and save her, maybe she would be killed like the rest of her family that time.

Harumi doesn't want her son to feel the powerlessness she felt back then and for the good of her son's future, even if her heart feels reluctant to agree to her son's request she needs to allow it moreover her son who requests it himself.

Looking at her son's face that was full of sweat, Harumi seemed to feel something in her son's eyes. She seemed to see eyes that were full of determination, eyes that looked like they wanted to become better of himself it made her proud of the determination his son had.

She saw his son's little legs that kept running even though he wanted to give up but he still kept going.

She wanted to stop it and let him rest a bit watching him look so exhausted but Harumi knows that in the context of physical training her husband is known better than anyone else.

Moreover, her husband already promised to her that he was gonna keep it easy even though she knows what her husband says it "easy" is not always what everyone else thinks "easy" was supposed to be.

After sometimes feeling that lunch time is approaching, Harumi decides to cook for her son and husband and leave to prepare food.


Feeling that he was about to pass out, the voice of his father was heard.

"Good job Kai that was the POWER OF YOUTH"

His father said while approaching him with a proud face and usual overwhelming energy that shone around it.

"Here is a daily training routine that I already prepared for you when I'm on the mission" Guy said to his son while handing a paper roll that was tied with some kind of rope that he personally built for his son after observing what his son needed for improvement.

Feeling really tired, Kai wanted to sit down to rest but his father's hand prevented that.

"You can't sit yet. It's not good for your body. Let's walk to the kitchen, maybe your mother has already prepared lunch for us".

"Yes father" Kai said to his father, even though he was really tired he chose to listen to it cause it comes from his father it must be beneficial for him.


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