
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
77 Chs

Chapter 47 - Mangekyō Sharingan

Still within the room, Kagami looked at the balding old man before him. His complexion, while still having a slight healthy hue, also had heavy wariness. Which made Kagami guess that this is the state mentioned still living but can enter the death door at the next moment.

Tapping his finger on the armrest of the chair, Kagami went into thought. He knew that in some fiction he read, a few achieved eternal youth or biological powers using nanobots. Some by simply incorporating nanobots and turning their bodies into nanobots. Others by having the nanobots repair the cells so the damage that would cause aging would be repaired. Thus expanding one youth and life.

However, he was unsure if he should test this feature on Maru. For he didn't want Maru to hate him, but he also didn't want to see Maru die either. Since it will hurt not only him, but his grandfather and especially Mira. Hence he felt like he was stuck in a conundrum while realizing this was a very bad topic to be thinking about.

"Kagami." Maru broke the silence first.


"Death is part of life and I lived a long life compared to most of my friends and children. There are many things I miss and some regrets that I wish I could change. However, there is something I learned in my life." Maru said as he looked at the ceiling, but his eyes seemed to be seeing something else.

"While it is not bad to seek strength to protect your friends and family, one needs to take a look around him too. For even if one reaches the peak of strength, he will be lonely if he doesn't have friends to share it with."

Slightly confused why he was being told this, Kagami continued to listen. However, soon Maru turned his head to him and looked him straight in the eye. Not in a menacing way nor coldly, but one of fondness and joy.

"For why I am telling you this, Kagami. Part of it is due to an old man rambling, but the other part is because both I and your grandfather believe in you. Your potential far exceeds our imagination, so much so that we believe that there won't be anyone who comes close to you in the past, present or the future."

Kagami was slightly surprised at this statement and belief, but he didn't deny it either. It wasn't a lie to say he was talented. However, he wondered why Maru brought this up.

"While it is a shame I won't be seeing your accomplishment in the future, however I hope you don't lose yourself in confidence or loneliness. I have seen it happen before and I wish you don't have to experience it first hand." Maru warned as bitter memories surfaced.

In the end, Kagami didn't offer his nanobots nor put any more thought into extending Maru life. He could tell that Maru was tired and made peace with dying. So even if it hurt, he decided to abide by his wishes.

Hence a week flew by and Maru health really took a turn as his health from a week ago couldn't be seen. Well, it could but the man was struggling to breath and it didn't take much thought to know he was at the end.

"Grandfather." Mira squeezed her grandfather's hand lightly.

"Mira, don't be sad. Even if I am not here physically, I will always be here." Maru said with a smile as he pointed at his own heart. His dark eyes soon drifted over to Kagami as he spoke his next sentence. "Besides, you won't be alone, I am leaving you in very capable hands."

Mira just nodded as did Kagami for he would always look out for his best friend. Since she was basically his only friend his age and his rival. Not to mention that he enjoyed her competitive spirit and the various challenges she proposed.

Seeing this, Maru smiled as his eyelid slowly lowered as his breathing slowed before it finally stopped. Leaving the three heartbroken as Taiyō placed his hands on their shoulders. While two blood streaks ran down both Kagami and Mira's cheeks. Their sharingan rotated as they evolved into Mangekyō Sharingan.

Wiping the bloody streaks away, Kagami didn't feel so good despite awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan. It didn't make the pain of losing Maru fade away. However, he knew that Mira felt it worse, so he decided to hug her to comfort her the best he could.

"Mira, Maru asked me if you can live with us from now on if you want to." Taiyō spoke softly. "I won't force a decision nor ask for one now as this offer can be taken at any time. You will always be welcome."

"Thank you." Mira said softly.

"We will hold the funeral in a few days. Everything is prepared." Taiyō said as he left.

It wasn't until after Taiyō left did Mira begin to cry hard into Kagami's chest. So despite not really knowing how to comfort others despite living two lives. He just rubbed her back as he waited for her to get it out. Since he knew bottling one emotion isn't good, and he knew the other Uchiha's clan men don't care much.

Maru and Mira were slightly outcast among their clan since both of them believe heavily in Hashirama Will of Fire. So besides a few Maru old friends, many won't mind much that he had passed on, nor care much about Mira's well being. Which Maru knew and is why he asked his rival and friend Taiyō to take her in.

"Kagami, why did he have to die?" Maru whispered.

Kagami took a moment before he answered. "Mira, everyone dies and death isn't the end. It is just the opening for the next great adventure."

"Then Grandfather isn't looking over at me anymore?" Mira said as if hearing her heart shattering, Kagami shook his head.

"He will always look over you. Just look up at the night sky as the stars are his window to watch over you."

Mira nodded as she rubbed her eyes. "Thank you Kagami for being you."

Kagami looked at her weirdly, if not him, then who is he?

Thanks for Reading.

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