
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
77 Chs

Chapter 25 - Mission Complete

Hours flew by and after meeting up with Mira, Kagami stored Karin Mother's items in a scroll. Luckily she didn't have much and it could easily fit into one, since he only had a small one that was not made to hold a variety of items.

"So one of the entire reasons the Grass Village is so profitable is because of her?" Mira asked while studying the woman.

"She is a gifted Uzumaki sort of like Kushina." Kagami said.

"What is your name?" Mira asked the woman.

"Vima." Karin's mother replied.

'Is that her name?' Kagami thought.

After a bit more time, Kagami and Mira successfully snuck Vima out of the Grass Village. So hitching a ride with a small peddler who was an older gentleman and seemed to take an interest in Vima. By the time the Grass Village realized that their healing bag was gone, the three were already miles away.


While on the wagon, Vima chatted with the gentleman while Kagami and Mira sat on the back. Kagami was keeping an eye out while rubbing his chin in thought. He was thinking about how to improve molding two chakras together more efficiently as well as how to improve upon Wood Release.

'Mira is more interested in training her lighting alongside fire and blaze release. It seems she finds combining wind and fire together is more interesting.' Kagami thought to himself.

"Are you and your children heading to Konoha?" Suddenly the peddler asked, breaking Kagami from his thoughts.

Kagami sent a glance at Vima as he gently nodded to her to agree. Thanks to that, he began to search the surroundings as well as the wagon silently. While he was sure the peddler didn't mean any harm in asking, it set Kagami and Mira sensors off. So while it might be a false alarm, Kagami and Mira were on edge.

After searching the cart and only finding some materials, food and bags of clothes. Kagami formed a few hand signals the two created for situations like this. Since her grandfather recommended they create one for themselves outside of the Konoha one.

Seeing that there was nothing suspicious, Kagami took a couple glances at the peddler and studied his profile for a moment. The man didn't appear to be a ninja nor very wary of his health either. The peddler had a bit of a beer gut on him and didn't appear to take much in physical exercise.

After a few moments, Mira signals back to him that she too found nothing suspicious. So they moved back to their original spot and pretended nothing happened.


"I pity any woman that man marries." Vima said as they waved the peddler goodbye.

Kagami gave a dry laugh as Mira snickered at her words. During their entire time the man was a nonstop chatterbox. If he wasn't asking questions to show Vima his interest in her, he was either talking about his past trades, places he had been and knowledge he picked up.

Still, Kagami gave the man a bit of credit as the man was brave to trade in the Land of Rain. Well in the past since now trading there is not worth the toll fees he has to pay to enter and leave.

Following the road and after half a day, the main gates for Konoha came into view. Much to Vima relief since while she had a stronger body then most due to her Uzumaki traits, she had civilian level stamina. Not to mention they had to keep stopping once in a while due to bathroom breaks.

Stepping through the gates and checking back in, Kagami and Mira led Vima to the Hokage Office. Upon entering, the two saw Minato grinning like a silly man. Which didn't fit the scene as his hands were moving as he scanned over one paper after another.

"Kagami, your back." Minato blinked. "Did you really complete the mission already?"

Investigating missions usually took more than a day or two, but both Kagami and Mira returned within three days. So it was a bit suspicious, but his eyes then glanced up to Vima who stood behind them.

."Well the mission is complete and we found a Uzumaki member who is fairly talented." Kagami jabbed his thumb behind him.

"Ah, the healing bite huh." Minato nodded. "Kushina mentioned it before."

"Yeah, well anyways here the report of our investigations. There is also a note of suspicious movements of Hozuki Castle that Mira found." Kagami handed over a scroll.

Kagami only had some vague memories and knew this was a movie plot, but he could say he watched it. He could also say he didn't as he really didn't pay all that much attention to it. So he could remember it being about a box but that about it.

"Strange?" Minato seemed a bit interested.

"It seems that prisoners enter but recently no prisoner came out." Mira answered. "There was no mention or information of the prison upgrading to only for life level criminals."

Minato made a small note to investigate this as he also found it interesting. However after finishing the report, they got Vima listed and a small apartment to live in.

Leaving the office with Vima happily following them both as she had no idea where the apartment was located. So, Mira kindly offered to show her the way, while Kagami had the idea of heading to his laboratory. Then an idea hit him as he looked at Vima, before suggesting she stop by the Konoha Hospital.

While he was tempted to collect her blood, he decided to just leave it to the nanobots. While they repaired her, they will also collect what he will need anyways. So Mira, who simply rolled her eyes, went along with it as did Vima.

So after seeing them off, Kagami left for the lab. He had a project in mind and he couldn't wait to begin and while he awaits the data. A few needed machines to help him needed to be built. So a quick stop to the junkyard was in order since it was cheap and he could simply repair parts he needed.

Thanks for Reading.

LegendaryChaoscreators' thoughts