
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
77 Chs

Chapter 13 - Sunagakure Frontlines

In the Konoha base camp for Sunagakure, a few months have passed since Suna's latest attack. Walking around doing minor tasks such as moving supplies or the dying or dead for transport back to the village. The two figures of Kagami and Mira could be seen walking all over the camp throughout the day under the blazing sun.

"Is Suna crazy?" Mira complained.

"It can't be helped. Rasa just recently ascended to the Fourth Kazekage position and thanks to the war not going in his favor. He is having trouble stabilizing his position especially now that Parkura became Sunagakure Hero." Kagami answered as they carried boxes of medicine from the warehouse.

"Hasn't it been a few years already since he became Kazekage?" Mira questioned.

Thinking, Kagami nodded, "Yes, but since he pushed to start the war look at what has happened? It quickly turned into a stalemate that we broke fairly quickly. So not only did he start his career as Kazekage in a rocky start due to the Third Kazekage disappearance, he lost a large portion of their shinobi while gaining nothing in return. So his standing in the village is really weak at the moment and if Pakura pushes for it, it is not impossible for him to be overthrown."

Mira nodded in understanding one she thought over what Kagami just said. While she is not well versed in politics, she does know a few things. So she can see such a thing and vaguely guess an ending for Pakura. Since she figures that Pakura prestige could underline his authority in his currently unstable position.

"Still his latest actions are strange. I heard that the skirmish around the border that has been quieting down heated up once again. Is he trying to reverse the situation now that the war is entering its final legs?" Mira frowned.

Recently the once dwindling number of troops suddenly surged. So many squads patrolling were ambushed. Leaving the base camp lacking troops driving the Nara Clan member in charge with a headache. Which showed Kagami, while Nara clan members are generally smart, they are not all brainics like Shikaku and Shikamaru.

Rubbing his head, Kagami tried to think what the Fourth Kazekage had in mind. However, he was clueless as there were no large movements on either side lately. Maybe Mira's words were right on the mark about the Kazekage in wanting to try a reversal.

After placing down the medicine boxes, a chunin appeared behind them. The man appeared to be in his thirties. "Kagami and Mira, you have received orders to gather at the front of the camp in twenty minutes. There you will meet your team for patrol."

Once he finished the chunin vanished leaving both confused. Ever since arriving they never were tasked with patrol or even allowed half a foot outside of the camp. However, since receiving orders they didn't dare delay and went to the reporting spot.


Upon reaching the gathering spot and waiting, Kagami watched as two men walked over. One with pure white eyes that belong to the Hyuuga clan. While the other has two tattoos on his cheeks and a fairly large dog trailing behind him. Neither of them looked very pleased as they walked closer.

"I will be the team captain. You may address me as Captain Inuzuka." The Inuzuka clan member addressed.

Nodding as this was a temporary team anyways, neither Kagami or Mira minded not knowing the Inuzuka team member name. Then they shifted their gaze over to the Hyuuga clan member. Upon seeing their looks, he didn't speak and just grunted seemingly not caring in the slightest.

With a slight cough, Captain Inuzuka brought the attention back to himself. "Now that the introductions are out of the way. We are tasked with patrolling to make sure Suna ninjas aren't gathering in large numbers or laying traps along the various trading routes. Any questions?"

Shaking their heads, Captain Inuzuka took the lead while Kagami and Mira were in the center with the Hyuuga member covering the back. Thus forming a diamond shape as they headed out for patrol.

Slightly nervous, Kagami and Mira were extra vigilant compared to their captain and Hyuuga member. While both were scanning with their Byakugan or enhanced senses. The two seemed to be treating this as a stroll rather than patrolling.

Nearly thirty minutes into their patrol, Kagami frowned as he began looking around. Something felt off about this area but neither the captain nor Hyuuga member seemed to mind. Hence, he slightly relaxed thinking he was over thinking things.

'Did a skirmish happen in this area recently?' Kagami looked at the surroundings.

There were some subtle marks that the ground was disturbed and repaired with earth ninjutsu. Since neither older member of the squad seemed to care and Mira noticed and looked around. Kagami assumed that this was one of the sights of Suna ambushes lately.

Continuing along their route, Kagami as well as Mira senses triggered. Jumping away, not a moment too soon as a large explosion happened. Kagami and Mira looked around as they pulled out their swords.

"Mira are you ok?" Kagami asked her as he moved behind her, covering her back.

"Yes, what about you and the other two?" Mira answered as she looked around for their captain and Hyuuga member.

"Worry more about yourself than others." a slightly cold and rough voice answered them.

Glancing over, much like themselves the Inuzuka and Hyuuga members were in a similar position. Their weapons and hands raised as they all watched as eight figures came out of the shadows.

Dressed in the standard Sunagakure uniforms, the Konoha squad all felt their hearts turn cold. For five of the eight Suna shinobi were dressed as Jonin while the three left were chunin. Each smiling happily as they encircled the group.

"Kagami, any ideas?" Mira whispered.

"Don't die?" Kagami replied cheekily, while cursing their luck.

Who would have thought their first patrol would end up in such a large ambush?

Thanks for Reading.

LegendaryChaoscreators' thoughts