
Naruto: The legend of phoenix (Re-written)

WARNING: THIS IS BL (Boy’s love, Yaoi), YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Our MC, who in his past life is just an average working man, suddenly wakes up and realizes that he was born in the world of Naruto as Uzumaki Haruka. As an average man on Earth in his past life, how will he cope up in this world full of conspiracist and war, will he choose to stay passive or will he man up and raise his strength step by step. But there is a problem, and that is… Please read this story at your own discretion. Note: This is a Re-written version of the first novel that I wrote. Please forget about the first version of this fanfic since I change most of it. Also, this new version is a little slower pace, and although this is my second time writing the same novel, I am still not proficient in the English language, and I apologize if there is incorrect phrasing or grammar in this novel. Disclaimer: I own nothing in this novel I also base some of my plot on some fan-fic novels For the picture above I found it on Pinterest so if the owner wants me to take it down just message me And for all the pictures that are present on this Fanfic, I also found them on Pinterest and Google, credits due to their respective owners, although I edit some of them to fit my description. The Schedule of updates of this novel is every Mon-Fri

Blue_neko · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Chapter 3- Growing up

Third person's POV:

Baby Haru continued his daily baby life; he is a very active baby. He always loves to play with his family.

One day, Haru is in the hands of Sosuke while waiting for Rin to finish cooking their dinner, Sosuke played with Haru.

"Say, Daddy"

"Dauwgahh" (Just imagine baby noise)

"Common Haru, say, Daddy, D-d-a-d-d-y"

The baby furrowed his eyebrows and thought, 'Hehe fine, I'll say it'


"Yes, continue"




"HAHAHA YES! Good baby"

Haru just rolled his eyes at his father, while they heard Rin's rapid footsteps coming from the kitchen.

"What is it? Why? What's wrong Sosuke?" ask Rin

"Haha Rin you won't believe it, Haru just called me daddy, he said daddy first," said Sosuke excitedly, unknown to him the scary smile on Rin's face

"Hehe, really he called you?" Rin took Haru on her husband's hand

"Common Haru, say mommy"

Haru just stared at his mother, and he sighs mentally.


"Kyahhh! Yes, baby here is mommy" said Rin while kissing Haru's cheeks

She looks at her husband in a triumphant pose while Sosuke just shakes his head at his wife's antics,

'I still won, he said daddy first' thought Sosuke, but he did not dare to say it out loud if he wants to sleep on the bed and not on the couch.



Days pass by and Haru is now 6 months old, he can now speak easy-to-pronounce words since his first word.

After that, he also started crawling here and there, and by 8 months he already started standing and walking after another month.

Together with baby Kakashi, they played here and there, they are both so cute that whenever their parents see them playing happily warms their hearts.

Rin took care of both of them since Sakumo have to go do his duty and missions, this also made Haru very happy since he has a playmate and his favorite character to boot.

Although Haru is an old soul, he still needs to act like a baby so that his parents will not be suspicious of him, and being with Kakashi helps him to mask his abnormality.

Sakumo is also very thankful to Rin since without her family he did not know what to do, he is still down due to the passing of his wife. Having Kakashi with her family can accompany him and fill in Kakashi's lack of maternal love.



Konoha is year 52, and Haru is now 1 year old.

Haru is a very energetic child, his parents also called him a genius since he can now speak fluently and also started to learn how to read books, children's books to be exact, although he has difficulty since he is not Japanese in his past life, he is learning quite fast for his age. Well, having an old soul in a child's body has its perks.

Haru's interaction with his other family member is also very good, Kushina treats him like a younger sibling, Minato also went to their house from time to time to be a sparring partner of Kushina.

Since Minato is also an orphan, Rin and Sosuke are very welcoming to him.

Haru also likes to watch them when they are training and tried to imitate their hand-signs although clumsily, it is a good way to start.

Kushina and Minato also notice this and were surprised, by then, when they have time, they will show Haru how to do different basic hand-signs.

Haru of course is very happy about it, he did not know whether God answered his prayers, but his memory is pretty amazing, he can learn anything he sees very quickly and he can remember them easily. He just did not know if this is the effect of him being a baby since he read in his past life that babies learn quickly.

He just hopes that is not the case and that he really became a genius… probably.

He also has a very good relationship with his uncle Sakumo, he is very fond of Haru, although he is seldom home due to the start of the second shinobi world war, once he comes home, he played with both Kakashi and Haru.

Aside from that, his father's business is booming, his weaponry is selling like hotcakes. The reason is because of the start of the war, well, although Sosuke did not like war, you cannot discard the fact that during this time of crisis that businesses like his weaponry would generate huge income.

Also, Haru knowing that there is an ongoing war, started to run around to increase his stamina, he also tried to read some other books in his father's study to increase his knowledge, although there are characters he did not understand, but reading it several times and asking his mother, he can now understand it.

Kakashi also follows Haru around, surprisingly he can also speak simple words and read simple sentences making him also a genius of the clan, but Haru stole his limelight. (LOL)



Another year passes by in a blink of an eye, Konoha year 53, and Haru and Kakashi age 2.

In the Hatake training ground…

A blonde boy and red-haired girl are currently sparring with each other, at the side are two cute cinnamon rolls watching them in complete interest.

Of course, they are Minato, Kushina, Haru, and Kakashi.

After training for a while, Minato and Kushina stop sparring and went to the two kids who are sitting, Haru gave them face towels to wipe their sweat and Kakashi gave them both some refreshments.

"Thank you, Haru, Kakashi," said Minato

Haru and Kakashi just nod and Kushina pats both of their heads. Minato and Kushina sit beside the two kids and rest for a while.

"Ha! It's so hard to train, it's a good thing I already graduated in the academy and can get some vacation-Tebane," said Kushina

Minato just giggled at her and said, "Well, yeah for now we can have some rest since there is no available Jonin that can teach us because of the war"

Kushina nods happily but then asks, "But I heard that you already have a mentor? -Tebane"

"Well, yeah, Hokage-sama said that he already set someone as my mentor, but he is not currently available"

"Who is it?"

"It's Jiraiya-sama," said Minato excitingly, then he added

"Did you know, he is one of the students of the Third, and I just heard that him, Tsunade-sama, and Orochimaru-sama, fought Hanzo the Salamander of Amegakure and won his recognition, he then named them the Legendary Sannin"

[A/N: Picture of Jiraiya]

[A/N: Picture of Tsunade]

[A/N: Picture of Orochimaru]

[A/N: Picture of Hanzo]

"Hanzo the Salamander?" she asks

"Yup, he is the leader of Amegakure"

"I see, so Jiraiya-sama is going to be your mentor?"

Minato nodded then said, "Yes, I am just waiting for him to come back"

"Good for you Minato -Tebane," Kushina said while smiling at him, "I wonder who my mentor will be?"

She asks before they heard a commotion inside the house, then they saw Rin coming together with a man in a white robe and a red hat holding a smoking pipe in his hand.

Minato and Kushina and even Haru were shocked when they saw the Third Hokage in their house.

[A/N: Picture of Hiruzen]

"Hokage-sama" Minato and Kushina said while saluting,

Kakashi just stared curiously at the man and Haru just stood there wide-eyed.

Rin and the Hokage walk to them, she went to the kids and stood beside them, Hiruzen look at them with a smile on his face and said,

"So, this is your son, Rin? He looks just like you"

"Yes Hokage-sama, this is Haru and beside him is Kakashi,"

"Yes, yes, I heard about him, and even Haru here, Sakumo always told me about the two of them"

Rin smiled at Hiruzen and Hiruzen then turned his gaze to both Minato and Kushina,

"Well, I never expected that you would be here Minato"

"Hai, Hokage-sama, I am here to visit Kushina and train together"

"Hahaha, you are really a hard-working young lad"

Minato just smiled and Hiruzen looks at Kushina and nodded at her, then he looks at Rin and said,

"Well, Rin, Mito-sama wants to see Kushina"

[A/N: Picture of Mito]

"Mito-san?" Rin said anxiously since she knows what this meant, she then looks at Kushina and said,

"Is it already time?"

Hiruzen just nods and she sighs and looks at Kushina, "Kushina, you remembered Mito-san right?"

"Yes, of course, I remembered granny Mito, I will meet her again?" she asks excitedly

Rin just nodded and said, "Yes, you will go with Hokage-sama to meet her"

Kushina then looks at Hiruzen and Hiruzen just nodded and said, "Well, Rin we will go now since we are in a rush"

Rin nodded and Kushina went away with the Hokage.

Minato looks at Rin and asks, "Rin-san, who is Mito-sama?"

Rin smiled and said, "Well, she is the wife of the First Hokage, and also my grandmother"

"Grandmother?" ask Haru

Rin looked at her son and smiled and said, "Well, she is the sister of your grandfather, that makes her your great-grandmother"

Haru was shocked when he heard this and thought,

'So, that makes mom a direct descendant of the clan, or so to say in the main family, well it's not like I know the rule of the clan. Wait, if Mito-san is my great-grandma, does that mean, Tsunade is my aunt?'

Minato's eyes also widen when he heard Rin's words and asks, "She is still alive?"

Rin laughs at Minato's reaction, "Of course she is, well she is an Uzumaki, so her vitality is much higher than the normal,"

"I see,"

"Well, let's go back and eat dinner, Minato, you can join us"

Minato nodded and said, "Thank you, Rin-san"

Then they all went inside the house, but when Haru looks at her mother she can see worry and sadness in her eyes. He also knew that when the Hokage took away Kushina, it is because they will transfer the Kyubii to her and that Mito will die after.

And sure enough, just a few days later, Rin receives the news and she dresses them both in black to attend a funeral.

When they got there, they saw Kushina crying and they went to her, when she saw them, Kushina runs towards Rin and hugs her while crying.

Rin just comforted her, then after a while, Kushina calmed down and they participated in the funeral.

After that, they all went to give flowers, and Haru saw Tsunade and a blue-haired guy beside her,

Haru looks at this in surprise and thought, 'It looks like that is Tsunade, and who is the guy beside her? Wait it can't be?'

After the funeral, Rin wanted to take Kushina home, but the Hokage said that they will still need to examine her, Kushina wave goodbye to them, and they are prepared to leave when a voice called to them,


Rin turned her head in surprise, but she smiled and greeted,

"Ara~ Tsunade, long time no see"

Tsunade and Rin hugs each other and smiled, "I never saw you for so long. How are you?"

"Well, I am doing fine"

"Ara~ I can see that," Rin said while looking at the man beside Tsunade

Tsunade blushes and introduces the man beside her, "Rin-san, meet Dan, my lover"

"Hello, Rin-san, my name is Kato Dan," said the man while smiling and raises his hand

[A/N: Picture of Dan Kato]

Rin shook his hand and said, "Hello, I am Hatake Rin, these two kids are Haru and Kakashi"

"Hello, Onii-san," the two kids said,

"Wow, Rin-san, who are these two cute kids?" asks Tsunade

"Hehe, well these two kids are Haru my son, and Kakashi, Sakumo-nii's son"

"I see, hello, Haru, Kakashi," she said while she pats the head of the two

Haru looks at her with shining eyes and said, "Hello, pwetty sister"

Tsunade is surprised but she laughs and said, "Hahaha such an intelligent child you have here Rin-san"

"Of course, don't you know that Haru can already speak when he is 6 months old, then he can already read books right now, the same for Kakashi," Rin said smugly

"Well, as expected, they are both a genius," Tsunade said smiling

"Why don't we go to our house and eat dinner,"

"We would like to, but we need to be on our way to the sand, we only stop here due to the funeral"

"I see, well, be careful the both of you"

Tsunade and Dan nodded and said thanks and they both went away, Haru looks at them going away and thought about what will happen in this war and sigh,

'Well, I don't really have any strength to do anything right now'

He thought while clenching his tiny hands into his fist and his eyes are full of determination.