
Naruto: The Hidden Protector

A soul was employed by a higher being to help him manage his world. How will our protagonist live her life to the fullest while also fulfilling her new duties? I don't own Naruto. I adjusted the story to my liking. English is not my main language so don't bother about grammar mistakes too much. If you guys want to read advanced chapters go to my Patreon account. patreon.com/Nauty_Manu

Nauty_Manu · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
71 Chs

Chapter 44

Unlike the vibrant atmosphere in the village, the Uchiha clan district is a little bland. Even though in the past this district was one of the busiest in Konoha. But with the Third Hokage gaining power this business district slowly began to lose the excitement it once held. 


After the nine tail incident and with the clan being forced to move away from their ancestral ground the businesses in the Uchiha clan were deeply affected. Villagers rarely came to purchase items from their shops due to the rumors. This forced many clan members to join the police department. 


The only reason why the clan isn't bankrupt is due to the numerous assets they have all around the Fire nation. But even with these assets they were very tight with their finances. 


So when Fugaku heard that the village had basically dumped a huge debt on them without even thinking twice he almost felt his heart stop beating. This is a huge problem for him. Even the clan's idea of rebelling is not big compared to this. 


He could barely keep his composure as he left the Hokage tower. If he could, he wished to destroy that building with his Susano. He felt great disappointment after what happened that day. He knew the village didn't like the Uchiha clan but to disregard them this much. 


Furthermore the debt is something the two clans had to take to establish this village. And despite knowing this the elders ruthlessly said that they will not interfere with this. Isn't this the same as saying the Uchiha clan is no longer recognised in Konoha. What about the sacrifices the clan made to support this village? Aren't they one of the founding clans? 


These questions lingered in Fugaku's mind as he walked back to his home. He was too tired to even go to work today. He only managed to calm his mind down a little after drinking some of his favourite tea. 


Exhaling a deep sigh he rubbed his forehead in pain. He was wondering how to break this news to the clan members. Due to most of the clansmen joining the police force he knew they were too agitated these days. With this news he is pretty sure even they would finally snap. 


" It seems a coup d'etat is inevitable " Fugaku muttered with a heavy sigh. 


Although he is against the idea, but he has no choice. This debt would leave many clansmen homeless and painless. As a clan leader he must care about his clan before anything else. The only option they have is to mortgage their properties but doing that would basically make them homeless. 


Just as Fugaku was going through a spiral of dark thoughts he heard a clan member calling out his name in a hurry. He got up from his seat in a hurry. Did the clan elders somehow find out about the debt and finally go crazy?. After Shisui's death the elders were on the boiling point. The radicals were screaming their lungs out for revenge. 


Fugaku imagining the worst case scenario gulped as he went towards the door. Looking at the distraised clan member he asked, " what happened " 


" Clan leader, a few minutes ago someone came to the Police headquarters and issued a Hyakki Yagyō . The receptionist tried to chase away her saying that that tradition is no longer a thing. But that girl didn't listen at all. And she then began to beat up every single member in the police force. Even the captions were not speared. She is now heading towards here, " the distressed clan member said . In his voice there was a bit of distress and admiration. 


"Huh " Fugaku was stunned. Not in a million years did he ever think such a thing was happening. Also Hyakki Yagyō isn't that something you only do when deciding the clan leader. 


Filled with various questions Fugaku followed his clan member to meet this person. Using a Hyakki Yagyō comes with a cost. Either you submit or die. There is no excuse for being the loser. 


~ At the Police Headquarters ~


Izanami walked out of the Police headquarters with Naruto with a little difficulty. Well with people lying on the floor everywhere it is quite hard to move without stepping on them. 


Earlier she went to the Police Headquarters thinking of meeting Fugaku there but it seems he wasn't at work today. Since she had to go straight to his house to meet him she decided to help him a bit on the way. So she issued a Hyakki Yagyō to the whole clan. 


Hyakki Yagyō is the sacred ritual the Uchiha clan uses to select their clan leaders. This is basically the candidate fighting all the elders and making them submit to his rule. If they are stubborn to the core then they will be punished. In the best case you would just be stripped off your titles and positions and in the worst case you will be killed. 


The Uchiha clan value strength above all else isn't actually a lie. To them strength is justice. This is also why Itachi, even under suspicion of murdering Shisui, wasn't subject to interrogation. Unless you could catch him by yourself, no clan member wanted to oppose Itachi. And the lack of evidence also played a crucial role in it. 


What Izanami aimed to do was to let the frustrated Uchiha members vent by fighting her. As a clan that loves the thrill of battle this is the best way to make them a little calm. Izanami proposing a Hyakki Yagyō is the best excuse for them to fight to their heart's content. 


" Remember Naruto, to fully tame a Uchiha you must defeat them in battle and make them submit to you. " Izanami said to Naruto who had stars in her eyes. 


Naruto didn't know any adult business such as Uchiha pride or dignity. All he knows is that his big sister is so cool. She defeated close to 30 in a matter of minutes. And that's without using any ninjutsu. For him who has never seen a ninja fight, Izanami was like a huge superhero. So even when Izanami was explaining something to him he wasn't paying much attention to it as he was busy admiring his new big sister. 


He only managed to break out of his fantasy when she flicked his forehead. Clutching his forehead in pain he looked at Izanami with a tear filled gaze. 


Izanami smiled at him and explained , " Remember Naruto we are here to meet a guest so we shouldn't step on anyone or harm any property. "


" Oh " Naruto said as he looked at his surroundings. There were unconscious men everywhere. And he almost stepped on one of them without knowing it. 


"Uh I'm sorry sleeping uncle , I'll be careful next time " Naruto said to the man who he was about to step on. Whether the man heard it or not is unknown as he only grunted. 












 If you want to read some advanced chapters go to my Patreon Account.
