
Naruto:The Heir Of Uzumaki Hiatus

After Max dies fighting stage four cancer, he is reincarnated in the Ninja world to start his journey as Ren Uzumaki. Follow his path as he revives the Uzumaki clan and takes on the ninja world. Welcoming Feedback and Suggestions! First time writing something lets see how it goes.

enabisking · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs


Ren's eyes fluttered open as he emerged from what seemed like a protracted slumber. His eyelids felt heavy, laden with an unseen weight. Swathed in confusion, he tried to make sense of his surroundings—the towering monument of seals and the memory of the mysterious old man lingering in his mind. Doubt gnawed at him as he pondered, "Was it merely a dream? Or was any of it real?" The lines between reality and fantasy blurred, leaving him disoriented, searching for answers.

Leaping out of bed, Ren instantly absorbed the sights of the spacious room. "This must be my room," he realized with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. The walls were adorned with an assortment of posters and ninja-related paraphernalia, infusing the room with a lively and familiar atmosphere he had never experienced before. A peculiar sense of belonging washed over him, as if this place was somehow tethered to his true self.

His gaze wandered and settled upon a picture resting on the side table beside his bed. It portrayed a frozen moment in time—Naruto with his iconic golden hair, a young boy with fiery red hair, and the radiant figure of Kushina at the heart of the image. The warmth radiating from the picture made Ren's heart flutter with a medley of emotions, yet he couldn't shake the suspicion that more met the eye than this scene suggested.

Approaching the mirror, his mind buzzing with uncertainty, Ren gazed at his reflection. A tumult of emotions washed over him as he truly saw himself in this new world for the first time. His heart fluttered as he drank in the sight before him.

His appearance was striking, his face could only be described as handsome. His fair skin seemed to luminesce under the soft room light. His vibrant red hair, the most eye-catching feature, stood out like flames dancing in the breeze. But what truly captivated him were his eyes—violet orbs possessing a mesmerizing depth, reminiscent of the cosmos itself. A faint tinge of red within those violet depths added an air of mystery to his gaze.

As he continued to examine his reflection, awe and wonder gradually overcame his uncertainty. He was not the same person he once was, yet he felt an inexplicable connection to the character he now embodied in this world. The realization that he was now part of the Naruto universe stirred up excitement and anticipation for the impending adventures.

As Max was lost in thought, a gentle knock on the door pulled him from his reverie.

"Ren, dear, wake up! Breakfast is ready. Today is your first day at the academy," said a warm, nurturing feminine voice from the other side.

His heart fluttered at the sound of the voice. A blend of excitement and trepidation filled him as he acknowledged that in this new life, he might finally experience the love of a mother and the warmth of a family.

With anticipation coursing through his veins, Ren hurried to the door, eager to embark on this new chapter of his life. The prospect of attending the academy, making friends, and learning to become a ninja instilled him with a sense of purpose and determination. Maybe, just maybe, he would discover the belonging and love he had always yearned for.

Stepping into the Uzumaki residence, Ren found himself enveloped in a cozy and lived-in space that radiated warmth and love. The walls were embellished with colorful ninja posters, depicting legendary figures from the Hidden Leaf Village's history. A few proud bookshelves filled with volumes of ninja techniques and thrilling adventure stories stood in one corner. The faint scent of incense lingered in the air, adding a touch of tranquility to the bustling home.

The living room featured a large, inviting sofa where the family congregated for quality time. A coffee table adorned with fresh flowers occupied the center, symbolizing the Uzumaki family's love for nature and beauty. The room was vibrant and alive, mirroring the personalities of each family member.

The kitchen, a culinary hub, bustled as breakfast was being prepared. The clinking of utensils and rhythmic chopping of vegetables filled the air, complemented by the soft hum of laughter and chatter. Kushina's renowned culinary skills were at work, and the aroma of her cooking wafted throughout the house, promising a delightful start to the day.

Upon entering the dining area, Ren noticed a large wooden dining table surrounded by mismatched chairs, each with a different story to tell. The table was laden with an array of mouthwatering dishes, from steaming bowls of ramen to freshly baked pastries— a testament to the Uzumaki family's love for good food and shared hearty meals.

Naruto, radiating characteristic energy, was already seated at the table, eagerly awaiting breakfast. His excitement and boundless curiosity filled the room, making it come alive. Even in moments of tranquility, Naruto's spirit was as indomitable as ever.

Kushina, with her vibrant red hair and violet eyes, moved gracefully around the kitchen, adeptly balancing her ninja duties with motherhood. Her smile was infectious, lighting up the room with a sense of comfort and acceptance.

As Ren settled at the table, a rush of emotions overwhelmed him. For the first time in his life, he was experiencing the warmth and joy of being part of a family. The Uzumaki residence was more than just a physical space; it was a haven of love, a place where he truly belonged.

"Hey, slugger, you overslept! We gotta hurry to the Academy!" Naruto exclaimed, bouncing on his toes with contagious eagerness.

A smile crept onto Ren's face. This energetic blond boy, with his indomitable spirit, was now his brother. The realization filled Ren's heart with newfound purpose and determination.

As breakfast progressed, Ren marveled at the laughter and camaraderie that filled the room. Even when Naruto playfully complained about being bonked on the head by their mother, it was evident that these interactions were laced with affection and understanding.

The sense of belonging had permeated Ren's bones, and he knew this family was invaluable. He made an unspoken promise to himself: he would do whatever it took to safeguard this peace, this love, and this newfound family. And in the world of Naruto, where challenges and adventures awaited, Ren understood that power was the key to protecting the ones he loved.

As they wrapped up breakfast, Naruto, brimming with energy, urged Ren to hurry to the Academy. Ren couldn't help but be amazed by the boundless energy his brother exhibited.

As they exited the Uzumaki residence, Ren felt an impulse to look back. His mom was standing at the door, waving at them. A lump formed in his throat as he rushed to her and enveloped her in a heartfelt hug.

"Mom, I will make you proud," he whispered, determination and gratitude saturating his voice.

"I know you will, son," Kushina murmured to herself as her sons ventured off to the Academy. Deep within her heart, she felt a sense of unsaid pride, tinged with sadness as thoughts of her late husband, Minato, surfaced.

Walking beside Naruto, Ren understood that his journey in the Naruto world was just beginning. He wondered about the impending adventures and challenges, but he was ready. He had a family now, and he would protect them, no matter what.