
Naruto: The Great Swordsman

Ding! [ The novice period is over, the system is disbanding, good luck on your journey of Ninja World] Timeline: Shippuden Yoshitake Azuma, finds himself occupying the body of a kid who died in Konoha Crush Plan, after training for two years, he finally becomes strong enough, just about the time when the real story starts. Read chapters ahead on P@treon.com/Navyking6666.

Navy_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
117 Chs

Chapter 106 Battle of Endurance

All around the world reanimated shinobi started flying back to pure land, white beams of light shooting towards the sky.

"Finally…the troublesome bunch is gone!"

Shikamaru let out a relieved breath watching the reanimated shinobi ascending back to pure land, the tide of the war finally shifting to their side.


"It's father!"

But at this moment every shinobi who was rejoicing at the undoing of Reanimation Jutsu heard a voice ringing in their heads, Shikamaru recognizing the voice immediately.

"Hurry Up!!"

The remaining shinobi alliance scattered around the world suddenly marched in the same direction, all rushing towards the place where a huge tree reaching the dark sky could be seen, a pink bud on its top.

"To think all the five Kage along with Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi and Guy Sensei would be taken down so easily!"

"The only reason Infinite Tsukuyomi hasn't been launched yet is bcz of Azuma…we can't let him fight Madara alone, everyone faster!!!!"

Leading the Ino-Shika-Cho squad was Shikamaru running alongside him Ino and Choji, Shikamaru analyzing the information his father gave shouting at the squad following behind, rare eagerness in the usual lazy eyes.

"The guy no one knew just half a year ago would turn out to be our last hope, really amazing!"

Said Neji in an emotional tone, leading the Hyuga Squad towards the main battlefield around him Lee and Hinata.

"Azuma Kun is really amazing! It's getting me fired up!!"

Lee who had heard that Azuma was dealing with Madara, the Jinchuriki of Ten Tails, felt his blood boiling and couldn't wait to go and help Azuma.

The emotion of every squad of the ninja alliance were similar, some curious about Konoha's Hawkeye and some emotional at his overwhelming strength.


Soon every squad finally reached the edge of the main battlefield the huge divine tree clearly visible.

"When that bud blooms completely…it will cast Infinite Tsukuyomi on the moon, we need to do something before that!"

All the squads converged, Shikamaru on the front pointing towards the bud at the top of the tree, telling the information he got from his father.

"Than what are we waiting for, let's take that tree down!!"

Yelled Kiba with an impatient face, rushing towards the tree next moment, sitting on the back of Akamaru.

"No wait__


Kiba had just rushed forward a little, Neji from behind shouting, his Byakugan spotting two huge chakras approaching them at light speed.

But the speed of the huge chakras was too fast, not even time to complete his words and remind Kiba, above the Ninja Alliance one green and one red light passing by, the ground wherever they passed by bursting open completely, square shaped blocks flying in the air.

"What the hell!!!!?"

Every Shinobi immediately toppled down couldn't maintain the balance some drilling into the deep pits, a look of disbelief and confusion on every face, couldn't understand what had just happened.


The situation of Kiba, the most eager one was the worst a huge boulder on his right leg, Kiba lying on the ground unable to move, groaning in pain.



Sakura and the other Konoha 11 immediately stood up and rushed forward with a worried face, the former blowing the huge boulder away with a punch, revealing the right leg of Kiba, currently turned into meat paste.

"Oh my god!"

Seeing the state of Kiba's leg, Ino, Tenten, Hinata and Sakura covered their mouths in shock, not bcz they hadn't seen such sights before, it's because Kiba was a close friend.

"What's done is done, Sakura shift him to a safe place and stop the blood flow, the rest completely move away from the battlefield, we are too weak to be even around the battle!"

Said Shikamaru the first one to calm his emotions, immediately giving instructions, eyes towards the sky where green and red light was flashing constantly, massive air pressure spreading at every collision.


Another collision resounded in the sky, both the red and green light from the sky shooting towards the area around the divine tree, landing on the ground.


Madara held a sword of double helix shape in his hands, a cut on shoulders healing at an astonishing pace, before him at some distance Azuma, red thunder flashing around him constantly, hawk eyes focused on Madara.

"Impressive, to think even after attaining the power of Six Paths, I'm still the one who is being injured…if I'm not wrong…you can see the future right?"

Madara didn't seem in a hurry to attack again as with an enlightened face, he questioned Azuma who quietly stood before him.

Even after gaining the power of sage, he still couldn't land a hit on Azuma and even his limbo was completely useless against Azuma, the opponent would evade his attack and counterattack like he knew beforehand.

"Took you long enough!"

Responded Azuma calmly no point in denying it, Madara had already guessed it and there was nothing Madara could do to counter it, so he wasn't worried.

"I see…than it's a battle of Endurance from here onward…you can't kill me in my current form and no matter how strong…unlike me you have a mortal body…your end is near!"

"Endurance huh"

To the words of Madara, Azuma only chuckled with a funny face.

Read chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Navyking6666