
Chapter: 13

#Dungeon City Ouroboros#

Mujina glances to naruto and he has this look on his face as they follow alegra to the maelstrom familia's home base, "How do you know about my clan" he says. Alegra looks back with a soft look on her face, "All will be revealed by My Mistress" she says. Maelstrom familia's home base is near Daedalus Street close to the east and south east main streets. The home base is behind a high wall and is a mansion about quarter mile from the wall with several sparring or working out.

"Are they like Konoha" mujina asks.

"Close but not the same" naruto says, as they enter the mansion and alegra leads them to a large room. The room has several banners of a chain style spiral with tatami mats on the floor and low throne hidden behind a shade but they could see someone sitting.

"Mistress.. I have brought him.. Naruto Uzumaki a Lost Uzumaki of Uzushio" alegra says kneeling down fully.

"To see one of the Lost Uzumaki is a sight I did not believe I would ever see again" the mistress says. Naruto uses observe on the mistress and finds out her name is Ingrid Marie Faustian, "How do you know of my Clan" he says.

"My name is Ingrid Marie Faustian... Tell me Lost Uzumaki.. Do you know about the fall of Uzushio" ingrid says, as servants bring low tables to allow naruto and mujina to eat their meal from cafe wishe.

"Uzushio fell in the Second Shinobi War by the combined efforts of two Shinobi Villages.. It brought a Uzushio to Zero and the Typhoon came bringing them to Minus.. After that the Uzumaki were scattered to the winds.. Did some come here" naruto says.

"Only their works.. My family lived and learned among the Uzumaki.. It is in their Honor we dyed our hair Red and our Familia's name Maelstrom as a reminder" ingrid says and the shade lifts, revealing her long red hair with amber eyes.

"So Only History survived" naruto says, sadly and ingrid nods.

"Yes.. However with a Living Uzumaki.. One can gain It" ingrid says and naruto furrows his brow, "It is known as The Library of Ashina.. A complete history of the Uzumaki going back to their beginning" she adds and opens a box next to her, beckoning for alegra. Alegra brings naruto an octagram shape box with symbols of whirlpools, earth, wind, fire, lighting and water.

"Turn the top and it will open" ingrid says. Naruto slowly takes the key from alegra and slowly turns it as it opens into eight triangles having different designs.

"That Key will open the Library along with your Uzumaki blood.. It is yours Lost Uzumaki" ingrid says.

Quest Received!

Find your Ancestral home of Uzushio and find the Library of Ashina.

Defeat the Keeper of Secrets.


1) 1000000 EXP

2) Yang half of Kyubi no Yoko

3) Instant Transmission

"What could be the Keeper of Secrets" musashi says, not really caring about gaining her lost half but would not mind it.

"We'll see.. When we go to Uzushio" naruto thought and drives his fork into his steak, pushing the whole thing into his mouth.

"I did not mean for you to rush" ingrid says but naruto shakes his head, chewing as he swallows.

"No it was I who rushed... Alegra said you would aid me in the War Game.. All I need to know is what to expect" naruto says, changing the subject and ingrid clears her throat.

"They are essentially Proxy Wars between Familia but with set rules.. The Guild will have both sides set down the rules and decide on what type of War Game it will be.. Along with what the winner would receive.. The Familia that loses in a War Game must obey the terms set without question" ingrid explains.

"What sort War Games are there" mujina asks.

"There are Single Combat.. Siege and various others but Apollon prefers Siege.. It is how Apollo has swelled his Familia.. Most are forced to join Apollon through losses in War Games.. Debt.. Underhanded tactics or Intimidation" ingrid replies.

"How does Siege work" naruto asks, after finishing his potatoes.

"A Siege Battle is where both sides attempt to overtake their oppositions Home Base.. Apollo and his Familia live in Hearth Mansion" ingrid says.

"Which may harm the Moon Horse" mujina says. Ingrid rises from her throne and shockingly kneels before naruto with her forehead on the mat, "Lost Uzumaki.. Let my Familia aid you against Apollon" she says.

"You will gain Supporters for the Dungeon and a chance to visit Uzushio" musashi says. Naruto has his eyes closed and opens his eyes with a sigh, "I accept" he says.

"We should move your things here from the Moon Horse.. Apollon may try something early" alegra says.

"That's fine.. I'll send some clones" naruto says and alegra nods. Two days later naruto is sitting in a room inside the guild at a long table on one end with ingrid to his right. Eina and guildmaster Royman Mardeel, a fat elf having white hair, green eyes and short legs with black suit that is of high-quality sit in the middle.

"To think we would have a War Game with such a disparity in terms of power.. Apollon is one the strongest in Ouroboros" royman says.

"However this is one of Apollon's tactics" eina says and royman wipes his forehead. The doors of the room open as apollo enters with two girls hanging off of him, "So.. This is the Infamous Rookie... Ahh Ingrid as well" he says, in a mocking one. Apollo is about naruto's height of five foot and ten inches with red and white hair in a high ponytail, blue eyes and wearing a sky-blue three-piece suit.

"Please take a seat Mr. Apollo" eina says. Apollo takes a seat with a smirk and props his legs on the desk as the girls giggle, moving their chairs close to him with condescending looks on their faces.

"Now then.. This is a meeting to decide the Rules for the War Game between the Apollon Familia and Akai Senko with the Maelstrom Familia assisting" eina says.

"Didn't you suffer a TPK recently.. Now you want to help some Rookie" apollo says and the girls giggle but ingrid remains quiet. Naruto uses observe on apollo and they are nearly the same level with apollo at 125 compared to his own 127 with his stats at 1,500 for each and his chakra or magic is 7,000.

"I'll say again what I told your Lackey.. The Biggest Familia challenging someone with None.. It just doesn't seem fair for Apollon.. Because I Doubt they can face All of me" naruto says and apollo scoffs.

"All of you is you.. Some half elf and a Familia on the verge of collapse" apollo says.

"Believe that right until We win" naruto says and apollo narrows his eyes.

"W-what sort of War Game do both sides agree on" royman says, breaking the beginning tension.

"Siege" apollo says, immediately.

"Siege is fine" naruto says.

"Terms" eina says.

"When I win.. Maelstrom is absorbed into Apollon.. Same with Akai Senko.. You can work as Supporters" apollo says.

"Deal.. When We win.. Apollon Permanently dissolves and their members allowed to do as they wish and Assets go to Maelstrom" naruto says and apollo laughs loudly.

"Hahaha.. Fine" apollo says.

"Then Both sides agree and the Pact is witnessed by Guildmaster Royman Mardeel and Eina Tulle.. Both sides will shake hands and the War Game will begin in one week" eina says. Naruto and apollo rise from their chairs and meet in the middle as the tension is high as both were nose to nose, "Good Luck Rookie" apollo says, shaking naruto's hand and winces in pain but keeps his arrogant demeanor.

"Good Luck" naruto says, as apollo and his girls leave followed by royman.

"Naruto.. Be prepared for Apollon to make their move as soon as Apollo reaches his mansion" ingrid says.

"Yes.. The week is just a courtesy" eina says. Naruto grasps ingrid's shoulder with a smirk on his face, "Bet on us Eina" he says and they vanish with a swirl of leaves. The remains of the day are used for preparation with naruto sealing maelstrom familia's grounds and preparing for storming apollo's mansion. The next day comes as naruto prepares to head out for his daily run and looks to maelstrom's flag on the roof.

"Are you sure you wish to go out" mujina say, in her full gear.

"I am.. No need for them to stack.. Besides it is a habit" naruto says.

"Be careful" mujina says but her breath hitches, as naruto kisses her before leaving and leaving her blushing brightly.

"Bold of you Boya" musashi says, as the redhead is blushing as well. He begins his run but notices his numerous tails in form of apollon members lead by Lissos. Naruto reaches an abandon church and comes to a halt as nearly three dozen apollon members appear, "Let the games begin" he thought.

"Fire" lissos says, raising his hand and bringing it down. Naruto's eyes widen but a smirk forms as the blasts hit him and bursts from the smoke dressed for battle. He wears black cargo pants and harness boots, his new dark green wyvern scale shirt, his jonin vest and his sword on his back in his chest harness. The vanguard launch themselves at naruto but the redhead's speed blitzes them with ease as lissos slams into a chimney.

"You would fight alone.. Give up.. No one can defeat Lord Apollo.. Not even us" one Daphne Lauros says, as naruto lands on a roof. She has medium length dark red hair and sharp light-yellow eyes, wearing a white apollon uniform.

"I'm Never alone" naruto says and makes a cross sign, creating a dozen clones to daphne's shock and Cassandra Ilion as well. She is a beautiful young woman with long, waist-length blue hair and light green eyes, wearing a black apollon uniform.

"Daphne.. I don't think we should mess with him" cassandra says but both gasp as naruto chops the back of their necks.

"Well soon you'll be beholden to Apollo no longer" naruto says and bites his lip to draw blood, smearing on his gloves with a weave of signs.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu" naruto shouts, slamming his hands down. Several puffs of smoke erupts as souei, shion, hirro, shuna and hakurou.

"Seems you've summoned us within a battle" shion says, seeing the downed daphne and cassandra.

"Yeah.. I'm currently facing a group.. I need everyone to aid Mujina in defending our home base.. One of my clones will explain things" naruto says.

"Hohoho.. We'll handle it Naruto" hakurou says and they follow one of his clones, as another two grab daphne and cassandra to follow. Naruto head towards apollo's mansion as he takes down more apollon members in full view of the townspeople.

"His arrogance will be his undoing" naruto thought but sees hyakinthos standing before him with long red sword called Sun's Flamberge.

"I will end your arrogance here" hyakinthos says. Naruto reaches for his sword with a come hither for hyakinthos and he goes for his sword, only for his head to leave his body as his sword is drawn. Hyakinthos gasps and touches his neck in shock, "T-that felt real" he thought, fully drawing his sword and readies to rush the redhead. However his outstretched leg is cut off at the ankle, "Another Illusion" hyakinthos thought, lowering his stance but this time his legs were cut at the knees and his head. He grits his teeth and shoots forward into an overhead and downward strike that naruto blocks, before chaining it into two side-sweeping attacks as naruto parries each.

"I hope Apollo puts up a better fight" naruto says, breaking open hyakinthos's guard and sending a kick through to stagger him back.

"L-lord Apollo will crush you" hyakinhos hisses and chants, "Aro Zephyros" he shouts, firing a rapidly spinning disk like flame. Naruto avoids it but it follows him as hyakinthos charges with several strikes, "Even if you avoid it.. It will not cease until it hits you" hyakinthos says. Naruto slices it in half but it reforms quickly, "Well let's have it do so" he says, avoiding a swing from hyakinthos with a skid as the flame charges. He raises his hand as hyakinthos chants again and it explodes in naruto's face as a look of triumph forms on hyakinthos' face but it immediately fails as naruto emerges with several heavy strikes, forcing hyakinthos on the backfoot.

"How can he be so strong" hyakinthos thought, as naruto's strikes become faster and faster.

"Sword Qi: Hazy Moon" naruto says, as sun's flamberge shatters and hyakinthos' chest sprays blood.

"I-impossible" hyakinthos says, before naruto knocks him with a left to the face.

"Now for your Boss" naruto says, going SSJ and flying towards apollo's mansion.


Apollo stands in front his mansion's fountain in his lion slayer full plate armor having snarling lions on the shoulder, chest and a helmet letting his hair act as a mane. His dragon slayer sword that resembles a red scale bastard sword, each enchanted to increase his overall power. His anger is palpable as his sure victory is turning into a sure defeat, "How can this happening?!.. How can one Rookie dismantle my familia" apollo thought and sees a golden missile coming. It lands with a dustup to reveal naruto with a small smile on his face, "Apollo.. Your time has come" he says.

"What's going on.. He's different.. He changed" apollo thought and bares his teeth, "My time?!.. It's your end" he shouts, rushing naruto. He avoids several of apollo's swings but the air is disturbed with each, "Claws of the Dragon" apollo shouts, leaping and swinging down. Naruto avoids five claw like gashes as it tears through the ground but meeting him in furious clash.

"Wings of the Dragon" apollo shouts, creating a cyclone of wind that pushes naruto back with a few cuts.

"Uzumaki Ryu: Crescent Wave" naruto declares, forcing apollo to dodge a wave of energy.

"Breath of the Dragon" apollo shouts, creating a wave of flames. Naruto tosses his sword up with a rapid chain of signs to ram, "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu" he shouts, creating a water dragon from the fountain to crash into the wave of flames and catches his sword.

"Heavenly Dragon Wave" naruto shouts, creating another dragon. Apollo blocks with his sword as the heavenly dragon pushes him across the grounds, digging a long rut in the grass and naruto is on him in rapid nearly invisible strikes. Naruto vanishes from apollo's sight as he swings his dragon slayer but appears behind him, "Uzumaki-Ryu: Ryūkansen" naruto says, slashing through his lion slayer armor. Apollo crashes forward as naruto levels his eyes on him but apollo slowly rises, rage on his face as his armor falls from his chest.

"Uzumaki-Ryu: Kuzuryūsen" naruto declares, hitting apollo in nine places at once and shattering his sword as he crashes on his back. Naruto sheathes his sword but his pupil-less eyes narrow as apollo kips up and beginning to look bigger with heat coming off of him.

[Music: One Piece - Moukou (Hip Hop Remix-Loop)]

"Y-you Bastard" apollo hisses, as both close the gap and now apollo is pushing nearly seven feet.

"Is this the real you" naruto says and apollo brings his forearm down as naruto blocks with his own.

"I will put you in your place Rookie" apollo says but naruto hits him a rising knee into a whirlwind kick. Apollo flies back but catches himself and rockets forward into naruto's azure dragon sword going through his stomach, "Y-you" apollo says, spewing blood and naruto sends him crashing back with a punch. However again apollo kips up but his time even bigger and his wound has closed, "I'll show why I'm blessed by the Sun!" he shouts.

"He is burning the ground around him" musashi says.

"Hao!" naruto shouts, going SSJ2 to apollo's shock but he gets over it.

"Divine Chop" apollo declares, appearing in front of naruto and brings his right hand down like an axe but naruto catches it as the ground spiderwebs under him.

"Vigorous Right Fist Garyu" naruto shouts, slamming the concussive blow into apollo's midsection. Apollo crashes to his knees and belches up more blood but recovers with ten furiously heavy punches that naruto blocks or weaves away from, before blocking another divine chop that pushes him down to create a crater.

"Feel the power of the Sun!" apollo shouts, creating a sun like energy blast. Naruto lets go of apollo and falls back to kick the mini sun skyward as it explodes above them, before using shunshin as apollo glares at him. Naruto goes on the offensive by going for an uppercut but apollo blocks as his hand that nearly hits his face from the force, before the redhead goes for a roundhouse with his right as apollo traps his leg into a spin culminating into downward left sends naruto hard to the ground but he uses kawarimi with a stone. Naruto comes down with a dropping heel kick of apollo's right shoulder with enough force to dislocate but also drive him to his knees into the ground. Naruto lands with a somersault but rushes apollo in a weaving infinity motion into punches coming from right to left.

"H-how can I be losing.. I am blessed by the Sun" apollo thought as his head moves right to left from naruto's punches. He chains these punches into an uppercut with enough force to dislodge apollo from the ground and sends him crashing on his back. Naruto remains on guard as apollo slowly struggles to his feet as blood drips from his busted lip, cut cheeks and broken nose.

"I-I-I will Not lose to you" apollo says and raises his left as his right arm dangles, "I will end you with my Divine Spear!" he shouts. Naruto closes in as apollo shoots his spear like left forward but he avoids it, connecting with one uppercut to lift apollo off the ground, chaining that into a leaping but downward right with enough force to turn apollo a full revolution. He catches apollo with a whip like strike for another revolution and finishes with another right driving him into the ground. Naruto turns his gaze to the flag on the roof to the mansion before flying up to grab it and raising it high, thus winning the war game as a crowd is gathering at the gates. [song ends]

Hidden Quest Completed!

Defeat the one Blessed by the Sun!

1) 500000EXP

2) Earn Blessings of the Sun. Katon Affinity evolves in Blue Fire Kekkei Genkai

"Blessing of Sun.. I guess that what he meant" naruto says. A few hours later naruto and mujina were sitting in the hostess of fertility as many were celebrating akai senko and the maelstrom familia's victory over apollon.

"Blue Flames are similar of Matatabi's flames.. They are so hot and leave no ashes" musashi says.

"Interesting" naruto thought, drinking from a tall mug of cider.

"Well.. Well.. The Hero of the day" a voice says and many gasp.

"Lady Syifa from the Frey Familia" a few whisper. She is a breathtaking woman with long silver hair, blue eyes and tan skin in a beautiful flowing dark dress.

"How can I help Lady Syifa" naruto asks. Syifa opens the fan in her gloved hand to cover her mouth, "Oh Nothing.. I simply came to congratulate you on your War Game victory" she says.

"Thank you" naruto says and uses observe.

"She is strong but not to you or Apollo's level" musashi says.

"I'll leave you to your celebration.. Perhaps we can work together on clearing the lower floors" syifa says and turns on her heels, approaching her escort Ors.

"Do you think you can defeat him Ors" syifa says, once they were out of the pub and heading for the tower.

"He would be a challenge" ors says and syifa smiles. Celebrations last well into the night as naruto and mujina leave the pub, "Um Naruto" she says, after they were walking in silence for awhile.

"Something wrong" naruto asks.

"Well.. Are we going to talk about the kiss this morning" mujina says, her cheeks a little pink.

"I-I guess I just moved" naruto says.

"I see.. I wonder if we can do it again" mujina says, stopping in her tracks. Naruto halts as well and turns to mujina having flickering eyes with a small gulp, "We can" he says. Mujina closes the distance between them and places her hands on his chest before standing on her toes to kiss him once again as musashi giggles. Nearly three weeks pass as akai senko officially joins the maelstrom familia also shockingly daphne and cassandra join as well. Many former apollon members join the frey familia as apollo leaves ouroboros with hyakinthos for parts unknown. The time soon comes for akai senko's journey to the 30th floor and aiding trickster in chasing rumors of black monsters.

"So you got two Apollon rejects as your Supporters" bete says.

"Yes and Alegra.. They'll be enough" naruto says.

"Alright.. We're heading to Rivira and investigate possible Black Monsters.. The Maelstrom Familia will accompany us while heading to the 30th floor" finn says and everyone nods. Several hours later the group were on floor seventeen killing Ligerfangs and a few minotaur, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" naruto declares and incinerates several minotaur.

"Blue Flames" cassandra says.

"And he killed several minotaur" daphne says.

"As expected of one the Lost Uzumaki" alegra says.

"Lost Uzumaki" finn asks. They continue on as alegra explains about naruto's clan and soon they reach the entrance of the Big Wall of Grief, "If he is so strong.. He can face the Goliath" bete says.

"Fine by me.. I didn't get a chance to kill a Monster Rex" naruto says, as the seven-meter-tall monster is emerging from the wall having gray skin. He marches for the goliath but picks up speed as the boss roars and brings it down with a plume of debris. Naruto emerges and races up its arm as a Rasengan forming in his right hand, "Big Bang Rasengan" he shouts, slamming the swirling orb into the mouth of the goliath.

"Did you hear the name of his attack.. Big Bang Rasengan.. Hahaha" bete says, as the goliath crashes into the wall and vanishes.

"He killed a Monster Rex alone" cassandra says.

"Seem so" daphne says. The two groups pass through the opening near the wall and head down until they see lush green grass with an exceptionally high ceiling filled with brilliant shining crystals of two colors, white crystals in the center that resemble the sun and blue crystals surrounding it that resemble the sky.

"When last we were here.. We didn't stay long and avoided the inn" mujina says.

"Rumors also said they are high-priced" naruto comments, driger on his head. The group moves through the forest to the eastern side of the lake to rivira itself as blue crystals of different sizes reflect the light from above, causing the forest to have a pale blue glow.

"Rivira is 200 meters up that cliff and like Naruto said.. It is high-priced.. Which is why camp out here" finn says. They find a decent area and begin setting up their camp with several tents as mujina, cassandra, alegra and daphne share on. Nightfall soon comes and every gathers to fill their stomachs, "Tomorrow Naruto and I will head to Rivira and talk to Bors Elder and Villy.. Everyone else spread out and check the forest for any monsters" finn says.

"If we find a Black Monster" bete says.

"Exercise caution" finn says. Everyone continue eating and discussing strategy before turning in for the night but morning soon comes as breakfast is eaten, while naruto sends clones for his dailies. Naruto and finn set off for rivira with some small talk, "What is your home like" finn asks.

"Fairly normal.. Well except training to be a Shinobi.. It's not as fantastical as here" naruto says.

"Shinobi.. I've met a few from Yukikaze.. They're secretive but mostly friendly" finn says.

"I would like to travel to Yukikaze" naruto says. The pair soon reach rivira and see some construction going on but those living there were selling their ware at a very high price.

"Seeing as they live here.. High prices can be done when one is desperate" musashi says, as naruto sees something for 13,000 valis and it was not high quality.

"This way" finn says and they find one of the inns. Several adventurers see them and talk about them as they see a young man with black hair, black cat ears and tail.

"Villy.. We need to talk" finn says.

"About what" villy says, glancing to a busty woman and ogling her.

"The Rumors about a Black Monster" finn says.

"They are rumors" villy says.

"We know but the rumors are persistent.. My Familia suffered a TPK because of it" naruto says and villy's eyes narrow.

"You're with Maelstrom" a voice says and both look back to see a well-built, muscular man with black hair and teal eyes, an eyepatch covering his left eye. He wears a sleeveless open jacket that shows his muscular body, arm covers and gloves, blue pants, boots, and a belt with a red monster face carving and fur.

"I am and you are" naruto says.

"Bors Elder.. Representative of Rivira" bors says.

"Do you know anything Bors" finn says.

"I know something but It'll cost ya" bors says, smirking. Naruto unseals a sack and tosses it at bors' feet, "75,000 Valis.. Talk" naruto says, seriously. Bors picks up the sack with greed in his eyes and beckons for them to follow, "Some say it's a Goliath.. It appeared two weeks ago and moves every few days" bors says, after leading them to cliff edge over the lake below.

"Why didn't you send word to the surface" finn says.

"I'm not dumb enough to fight it" bors says. Naruto squats downs and looks closer at the water but a familiar translucent blue box appears while ripples form on the lake.

Quest Received!

Defeat the Black Goliath.


1) 750000 EXP

"Finn" naruto says, as the black goliath rises from the lake with a loud roar that incites monsters in the forest.

"Bors.. Get everyone you can spare to fight this Boss" finn says but bors has taken off.

"Find the others.. I'll go" naruto says and goes SSJ.

"We'll back you up" finn says and rushes to find the others, as naruto leaps from the cliff.

"Machine Gun Blows" naruto shouts and fires a barrage of energy blasts into the goliath. It roars in pain as it swings its long arm backwards but naruto avoids it and it swings it other arm while the redhead throws his hands forward. Naruto is pushed back from the force of the punch and halts it but doesn't avoid the other as it slaps him down to the lake with a wide wake.

"Final Shine" naruto thought, firing the green blast and blows off part of the goliath's left shoulder. He flies out of the lake and could see the wound healing, "Very much like that Ogre" naruto thought and files forward with a weave of signs, "Raiton: Jian" he shouts, creating a javelin of lightning to its right eye. The goliath roar in pain and swings a left as naruto counters with his iron annihilation, creating a minor shockwave and causing a few minor blown blood vessels. Naruto flips up on the damaged arm and races towards the boss' face but has to dodge its other arm while weaving signs to tiger, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" he shouts, leaping and inhaling to spew a large stream of blue flames.

"Seems everyone is dealing with the monsters in the forest" musashi says, as naruto glances to see explosion in the forest. The goliath roars as the smoke vanishes to see part of its face is burned to the bone but also not healing. Naruto quickly weaves signs once again for a stronger katon jutsu as two clones form and both make his elemental Rasengan.

"Katon: Karyū Endan" naruto shouts and spews a jet of flames that forms a fire dragon, splitting into several heads as it bites into the flesh of the goliath. The Rasenshuriken forms with its loud screeches and the RasenNova forms like a swirling blue flame orb, before both clones push the orbs together and both meld into a screeching, flaming Rasengan and both fly forward.

"Prominence Rasengan" both roar, as it crashes into the goliath's mouth. Everyone sees the sun like explosion as the black goliath is killed by naruto to the shock of many save mujina.

Quest Completed!

Level Up!


1) 750000 EXP

Naruto has his eyes set on bors as the man is glaring at him but keeps his eye off his own, "You can keep the money.. However why didn't you get involved" naruto says.

"You think I or those here could fight a Black Monster.. Let along a Monster Rex" bors says.

"Which is not wrong but you were slow to aid us in dealing with the monsters in the forest.. Daphne was injured and we'll need to take her back to the surface" finn says, as the three were in the pub.

"Cassandra will go with her.. Alegra.. Mujina.. Driger and I will forge ahead" naruto says, drinking a mug of cider.

"We'll take care of them" finn says and naruto nods.

"Any theories on why a Black Monster Rex came to be here" naruto says.

"Who knows how the Dungeon works" bors says.

"Perhaps but such a monster to appear on a Peaceful floor" naruto says.

"One can wonder.. I'll consult the Guild about it" finn says. Naruto slowly finishes his cider and rises from the table, "If you find anything.. Let Daphne and Cassandra know" he says and finn nods, before the redhead leaves and makes his way back to camp. Daphne is resting in the tent as naruto enters with cassandra at her side and mujina checking her over, "The poison is non-life threatening but as said.. She'll need to head back to the surface for a proper antidote" mujina says.

"Sorry" daphne says.

"It's fine.. Your safety is more important.. Trickster will see you to the surface" naruto says and looks around, "Where's Alegra" he adds.

"She went to pay her respects to her fallen comrades.. She didn't say where" cassandra says.

"Ok.. We'll set out tomorrow for the next floors" naruto says and mujina nods. Nightfall comes once again and both groups gather around the fire for dinner but also celebrate their defeat of the black monster.

"Naruto.. What was that thing you used to kill the Boss" tiona says, a little too close and eager. Naruto holds his hand out and forms a Rasengan to the wonder of everyone, "It's called the Rasengan.. My dad created it and is a concentrated orb of chakra or magic.. What you saw was called Prominence Rasengan and it's a combined version adding Wind and Fire" he explains and dispels it.

"That was Amazing" tiona says.

"Calm down sister" tione says, thinking finn was stronger. Tiona pulls naruto's right arm into her breasts with a smile but naruto sees mujina staring at him and this look in her eyes.

"Tione that's not nice" ais says, as naruto yanks his arm free but she would pester him until everyone turns in for the night. Morning comes and both groups say their goodbyes as naruto gives daphne a letter for ingrid, "Alegra.. How good are you with Uzumaki Arts" naruto asks, as they begin to head down.

"I am skilled in Barriers and several Offensive skills" alegra says and the redhead nods. The 19th's floors, walls, ground and ceiling were made out of wood making it seem like the inside of a giant tree. Instead of phosphorescent light, radiating moss grows across the floor and give off blue light.

"Seeing it again and it is still Amazing" mujina says.

"Yes.. The 19th to 24th floors are known as the Large Tree Labyrinth" alegra says.

"Yamato could have a field day here" naruto thought, making some clones and sending them ahead. They soon come upon a few bug bears and make short work of them but a battle boar gets involved as mujina takes it out with her bow. A few hours later they were on near the entrance of the 21st floor, hidden by a barrier after killing lizardmen, mad beetles, incinerating some Dark Fungus and Gun Libellula with some decent drops.

"This is very Good" alegra says, eating a cheeseburger that naruto had sealed away.

"Indeed.. Naruto is very good cook" mujina says, eating a triple cheeseburger with bacon while naruto is doing pushups with driger on his back.

"I can cook for everyone when we get back" naruto says and about one hour later are back on the move.

"Doton: Yomi Numa" naruto shouts and slams his hands down, "Aim for its eyes" he adds. The Mammoth Fool sinks down in the mud about three meters, about half its size and keeps is spear-like tusk from them as well. Mujina fires several arrows as alegra fires several fireballs while driger goes for its red fur, soon the beast dies from well-placed arrows from mujina.

"We defeated a Mammoth Fool with only Three.. Four of us" alegra says, looking to driger.

"Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu" naruto says, suddenly killing several gun libellula trying to get in on the fun with several shuriken shape fireballs. They collect the magic stones and continue on towards the 22nd floor, which is much the same but encounter a Sword Stag and a Deadly Hornet.

"We'll camp here for tonight" naruto says, finding a decent size clearing on the 23rd floor.

"I'll set up some Barrier and Detection seals" alegra says.

"I start on the tent" mujina says.

"I'll get some wood for a fire" naruto says and jogs off. He moves through the floor and gathers some wood with a clone killing any monsters but some unsavory individuals decide to cause some issues.

"Look.. It's the Rookie who toppled Apollon" one says and his seven comrades laugh, each of nondescript builds.

"Yeah and he's here on the 23rd floor.. It took us Years to do That" a second says. Naruto drops his wood and slowly reaches into his pouch as his eyes shifting between the eight before they laugh at his throwing knife. The leader draws his sword and rushes towards naruto as he tosses his knife lazily behind the leader before the redhead vanishes with a red flash, grabbing his knife and slamming a spinning roundhouse to the leader's left shoulder, sending him crashing into a tree with his shoulder dislocated.

"Fireball" two say, as naruto tosses his knife with a half ram sign and copies of his knives hit various spots. Naruto moves from knife to knife with punishing strikes to each of them as each knife vanishes save the one in his hand. His clone brings his wood and he makes his way back to his camp as the tent is ready, "Anything happen" mujina asks.

"Some Adventurers tried to attack me" naruto says, setting up the firepit for tomorrow.

"Were they from a Familia" alegra asks but naruto shakes his head, activating the seals and erasing their presence. They turn in for the night with driger going in naruto's tent for the night but the redhead wakes during the night.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu" naruto whispers, at the fire and summons the boss of the oni Benimaru.

"This is a First" benimaru says. He is a handsome oni with flame-like lightly wavy crimson hair as two large jet-black horns protrude, tear-like red markings that flows down from the bottom of his eyes over his cheeks. His eyes are incredibly sharp and fierce-looking with orange-red iris, wearing a kimono and robes.

"Yes Lord Benimaru.. I summoned you as I have acquired a new skill" naruto says.

"Show me" benimaru says and naruto focuses, drawing in some natural energy as the oni lord watches.

"I see.. You have tapped into nature itself.. Natural energy can be blended with one's chakra.. Gaining Senjutsu.. The Toads of Mount Myōboku.. The Snakes of Ryūchi Cave and possibly the Slugs of the Shikkotsu Forest" benimaru says.

"Can the Oni do the same" naruto asks.

"We can but first you must be able to sense Natural Energy which you have.. Second is blend it with your own Chakra but it must be even.. To do so makes one a Sage" benimaru explains and reaches out to naruto's shoulder, "Which I believe can as you are a Jinchuriki" he adds.

"And your Gamer Bloodline" musashi says. Benimaru dismisses himself and naruto goes back to his sleeping bag with his thoughts on beginning his sage training. Morning comes and breakfast eaten as the group make their way through the 23rd floor towards the 24th floor. Stronger version of previous floor monsters attack them and new monsters like Hobgoblins, Metal Rabbits and they are even forced to deal with a Bloody Hive but naruto's enhanced katon deals with it.

"What are those" mujina says, pointing to some trees.

"Those trees can produce special gems.. However they are guarded by Green Dragons.. The strongest of the floor" alegra says, as they were on a large tree.

"Any Bosses" naruto asks.

"Green Dragons" alegra says. They head down into the grove but find no green dragons, "Should we collect some gems" mujina says.

"You two do that.. I'll scout ahead.. Any Green Dragon come.. Hide" naruto says and both nod.

"You sense it" musashi says, as naruto moves away from mujina and the others.

"Heavy Killer Intent" naruto thought, now beginning to see bodies of adventurers. Some were burned heavily by lightning; some were eaten as a loud and piercing roar echoes through the area. Naruto makes a clone and sends it back to keep the others safe as the trail of bodies ends with a black minotaur eating the heart of someone. However this minotaur is very different as it stands two meters high, red horns and boulder like muscles with armor, namely full plate armor that is small on him to look light armor.

Quest Received!

Defeat Black Minotaur Asterius.


1) 750000 EXP

"Asterius huh" naruto says. Asterius has a huge double-sided axe and a second axe strapped to its back while naruto uses observe, "2000 minimum but Str.. Dex and Sta close to 2500 with Vit near 3000" naruto thought his breath hitches, as asterius crashes into him and sends them through several trees. Asterius grabs naruto by the head and launches him skyward, meeting him and slams naruto down with a forearm blow, before launching down at the redhead but he avoids the black monster.

"Hao!" naruto shouts, his body surging with blue bio-electricity. His hair lifts and turns gold as his eyes become a pupil-less blue-green before his SSJ aura explodes out with a small shockwave. Asterius roars with a wide smile and rushes naruto as he does the same while going for his sword with a heavy and furious clash.

"Iron Annihilation!" naruto shouts, breaking open asterius' guard and connects to the body. Asterius flies back but shakes off the damage and grabs its second axe while raising it up. A dark cloud forms as naruto closes in before a blinding blue light fills the area that can even be seen from mujina's group.

"What was that?!" mujina says.

"Something dangerous" the clone says, looking over an unconscious alegra.

"So his second axe is a Magical one" naruto hisses, smoke coming from his body as his sword hand is numb and makes him drop his sword. Asterius rushes forward with its head low and nearly gores naruto with its horns, crashing them through numerous more trees and causing the redhead to spew some blood. Naruto flares his aura and blows asterius back but the redhead falls to one knee as the minotaur is on its feet, "Need to deal with that Magic Axe" naruto thought, grabbing one his knives. Asterius roars and raises the magic axe as naruto tosses his knife forward but asterius block with the double-sided axe, before naruto appears with a red flash to grab the magic axe. It vanishes into a seal on naruto's glove and he uses kawarimi with a downed tree to avoid asterius' downward swing.

"There is still its other one" musashi says. Naruto reverse summons his sword to his hand while he adds his wind sword qi, azure dragon sword and musashi's chakra as it becomes a glowing white-purple sword.

"Wind Sword Qi Azure Murasaki Dragon Sword" naruto says and rushes asterius as musashi sweatdrops. They meet with a minor shockwave as both push for dominance before asterius sends a foot up but naruto blocks with his left forearm and sends it back down to crack the ground.

"Martial Qi: Fist of Mars" naruto shouts, connecting with a flaming punch to asterius' chest and sending the minotaur back.

"Uzumaki Ryu: Crescent Wave" naruto adds, swinging down. Asterius blocks the crescent wave of energy with its axe as naruto closes in with several slicing attacks, cutting into the black monster's black hide. Naruto avoids the downward strike into spin as asterius swing and the redhead slices through the double-sided axe, before asterius lets go and swings a left to naruto's face. Blood sprays from naruto's now broken nose as he crashes back with five hops and asterius roars with his eyes becoming red. Naruto makes it to his feet as blood pours from his nose but his adrenaline slows it and he can blow the remains out of each nostril.

"Berserker" naruto says, sheathing his sword. Asterius bellows a roar as naruto does the same and rush forward into a test of power as their hands meet while the ground fractures underneath them. Asterius begins to gain the upperhand but naruto manages to slam a rising knee double strike with both in succession to send the black monster's head up and letting go, "Hyakuretsuken" naruto shouts, slamming one hundred punches. However asterius manages to push through the barrage with a rising body-blow to lift naruto off the ground several feet but he manages to correct and fire several energy blasts. Naruto lands with a crash and channels martial qi to his left arm as he closes in, "Martial Qi: Lightning Breaker" he roars, sending a corkscrew blow and his caves in asterius' chest to end it as it crashes to its knees.

Quest Completed!

Level Up!


1) 750000 EXP


Special Quest Unlocked

Defeat the Planetary Terror Xanxus!


1) SSJ3 Unlocked

Naruto powers down and falls to his knees with a few calming breaths, "Naruto" a voice shouts and naruto sees mujina coming with alegra on driger's back. Naruto gets to his feet only for mujina to hug him, "You both ok" he says, wrapping his left arm around mujina's lower back.

"We are" alegra says.

"What happened" mujina asks, muffled a little by his chest.

"A Black Minotaur.. However this one was strange" naruto says.

"Strange how" alegra asks.

"It was wearing armor and carrying a Magical Axe" naruto replies, as mujina pulls back and he unseals the axe.

"This looks like something an Adventurer named Hashana had made courtesy of the Etna Familia.. He was a bit arrogant and bragged about it" alegra says.

"We'll give to Tsubaki once we make it back" naruto says and seals it into a scroll.

"We should get moving to the 25th floor before the Green Dragons respawn" alegra says and both nod. They reach the entrance of the 25th Floor known as the Second Line also known as Water City and beginning of the Great Fall.

"Amazing" mujina says, seeing the paradise of water.

"Yes.. The Great Fall is estimated to be 400 meters wide and twice that in length.. Lasting until the 27th Floor" alegra says.

"How do we reach the next floor" mujina asks.

"We'll need to navigate through a series of passageways varying in elevations around the waterfall to reach the passageway to the next floor" alegra replies, while naruto is taking photos for his album. They move along the maze like paths near various rapids and soon encounter several Blue Crabs with one of their claws being abnormally developed, gaining three blue crab shells and magic stones.

"Is That?!" alegra says, pointing to some coral.

"What is it" mujina asks.

"Under Coral.. A rare material that grows only here" alegra says. Naruto sees a few stones across the fast-flowing water, "Should we grab some" he says.

"Would you.. It might have Under Pearls which can fetch a high price" alegra says and naruto nods. He jumps towards a rock as a Raider Fish emerges but one energy blast kills it, before securing several coral pieces which have a few pearls. He makes way across as one Aqua Serpent emerges from the ceiling but naruto rapidly weaves signs to tiger, "Suiton: Suiryūben" he declares, as a water orb rises shooting out whips to impale the serpent. They secure their loot and continue on with a small break as alegra explains they can get at least three million for the coral.

"Boya" musashi says, as they about at the halfway point on the established route. Naruto raises his arm to stop his group as alegra sees a person staggering from the opening, her right arm missing and green vines coming from various wounds.

"What is that?!" mujina says, pointing as behind the girl is a moss like creature with a mace shaped rock in its hands.

"Stay here" naruto says and rushes in. The moss monster roars and swings as naruto reaches it but the redhead avoids the swing into a leaping spinning roundhouse. A clone pops to life and grabs the girl as the moss creature swings wildly but with purpose.

"If fights like Asterius but its not boss" naruto thought but his breath hitches as several tubes emerge on its body before he leaps skyward as projectiles shoot out as a high rate, before the monster retreats down the tunnel.

"What the hell was that" naruto says, dropping down and heading to the others.

"She's gone" alegra says, closing her eyes as naruto reaches them.

"However she managed to pass on some information" mujina says and explains that creature is a moss huge that is enhanced by eating magic stones.

"Making Adventurers an All you can eat buffet" naruto says, as alegra removes the deceased tags.

"What should we do" mujina says.

"We'll need to find kill it.. If we race back to the surface.. It'll grow stronger" naruto says.

"She said its like a parasite and spread seeds into others to steal nutrients" alegra adds.

"All the more reason to kill it" naruto says.

"How do we find it" mujina says, as naruto uses his doton skill to bury the body.

"It's attracted to magic stones.. So it may stay close by but its skilled in hiding.. We'll continue on and hope it finds us" naruto says and everyone nods. They continue on and see a trail of blood but also having to deal with some blue crabs. They soon reach the end of the tunnel and sees two more people barely alive with the moss creature between them.

"This isn't good" naruto says.

"If we move in.. The Moss Huge will attack.. So will the other monsters" mujina says.

"It set a trap for us" alegra says. Naruto grabs one of his knives and look to mujina, "I'll use the Hiraishin.. Aim for its head" he says and she nods, preparing her bow. Naruto tosses his knife and vanishes as mujina fires her arrow but the moss monster is actually a third person. The moss huge bursts from the water with a roar towards naruto, swinging its mace but naruto slices through it with his violent god slicer. Naruto weaves away from several of its heavy swings and weaves signs to tiger, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" he says and inhales to spews a blue fireball. The moss huge roars and tries to put out the flames but dives into the water as some damage is done.

"Fire harms it" musashi says and nods, as the others check on the two survivors.

"There is a Safe zone of Floor 28" alegra says.

"Will they make it" mujina says.

"We'll need to try.. We need to kill the Moss Huge as well" naruto says and makes two clones to carry the elven survivors. The group continues on towards the next floor but soon reach a space with multiple paths and openings like a beehive.

"Something is off" naruto says and looks around, as numerous monsters were coming from each side in a large horde but they see the moss huge behind one set.

"It created a Pass Parade?!" alegra says and a dozen clones come to life as driger grows to her full size. The group fights on the run and clear a path but the horde of monsters keep coming, "Behind" alegra shouts, as a Crystaroth Urchin in rolling towards them.

"Martial Qi: Fist of Pluto" one clone shouts and the concussive punch kills the urchin. They move and find a place to make a stand as more monsters spawn as some sort of mass outbreak, "Machine Gun Blows" naruto shouts, firing numerous blasts as his eyes catches movement. The moss huge is here and grabbing numerous magic stones, "Bastard" naruto says, as the moss huge eats them and its body changes. It grows in height and its wooden frame creates numerous spikes on is back, its head stretches and its mouth stretches looking more like a lamprey.

"Let's go" naruto shouts, rushing the irregular moss huge and it sends a punch that naruto blocks with ease. It throws several more but naruto counters with his own fists and dodges its tongue with double stomp to its head into a back flip and several energy blasts. Naruto draws his sword and imbues it flame sword qi as moss huge sees the red blade before attempting to escape but sends numerous chains.

"No more running Monster" naruto says and shunshins forward to drive his sword inside its gut, "Crimson Cyclone" he shouts, as blue flames tear out of the irregular moss huge and ending its reign of terror.


"We're nearing the entrance to floor 27 and we'll need to face Amphisbaena the Monster Rex or Voltimeria the strongest on the floor" alegra says. It has been a day and half since killing the irregular moss huge and passing through the 26th floor. The two elven survivors hitched themselves to a fellow elven party to head back to the surface, taking their friends tags and magic stones. They soon reach floor 27 and encounter several Light Quartz, several hordes of Devil Mosquito, a horde of Iguazu, a Kelpie and a few Lamia. They reach the halfway point and camp for the night before setting out in the morning.

"We're nearing the area where Amphisbaena usually resides" alegra says, as they were nearing the basin to the waterfall.

"Don't bother Weaklings.. We killed Amphisbaena" a voice says and alegra's eyes widen in fright.

"Allen Fromel.. Vana Frey" alegra says. Allen has penetrating yellow eyes and black hair, along with cat ears and a tail. He wears little armor of a single silver shoulder protector covering his left shoulder. Extending from it is an emerald pelisse, a one-sided cloak and silver leg protectors covering his legs from his knee downwards, also carrying a spear.

"You saved us a bit of time" naruto says but allen squares up with him. A bit of tension rises as yellow and blue stare into one another with blue and yellow auras coming from them.

"Another time Naruto Uzumaki" allen says, scoffing and leaving with his party following him.

"Not bad" musashi says.

"Vana Frey is dangerous" alegra says.

"Maybe.. Come on" naruto says and they continue on. The remains of the journey is easier with amphisbaena dead but still encounter voltimeria where the water is deep and the currents intersect.

"Is that Voltimeria" mujina says, seeing several fish monsters with a blackish-purple body made of stone. They are two meters in length and eight fin-like organs with a single eye on its forehead.

"Yes" alegra says, creating a barrier to block the crashing fishes as they dives back into water. Naruto weaves a long chain of signs that ends in bird as the voltimeria leap from the water, "Suiton: Suiryū Sanrendan no Jutsu" he shouts, as three golden eye dragons rise and crash into the fishes. Naruto launches forward with his right fist clenched, "Destructive Second Bullet" he shouts, punching forward and shattering a larger stone fish.

"We shouldn't stay too long" naruto says and they take off for the 28th floor. They would spend a day on the 28th to recuperate and soon press on to their final two the 29th and 30th floors. Naruto debated on doing his SSJ3 quest but decided against it as he decided to incorporate sage mode with his skills. According to alegra there were two regions called the Dense Forest Ravine which is a jungle area but also a place where dungeon crops were plentiful. Hours pass and the group pass through floor 29, killing packs of Bloodsaurus and reaching their destination but a terrifying roar echoes through.

"What is That?!" mujina says, seeing driger frightened and alegra falls to knees.

"I-it's here" alegra says and another roar echoes, getting closer.

"Sometimes my Luck is detrimental" naruto thought and looks to mujina, "Head back up to Floor 28.. Don't stop.. Something Dangerous is coming" he adds and makes five clones.

"What is coming" mujina says.

"A J-juggernaut" alegra says.

"Juggernaut?!" mujina says.

"It's a very dangerous monster.. It is supposed to be on the Lower floors but a group in the past would bring it to higher floor.. The Guild remarks if you hear its distinct roar of the anguished screams of people.. Run" alegra says.

"You three run.. I'll take it down" naruto says, slamming his fist into his other.

"But Lost Uzumaki" alegra says and naruto looks back to her with a smirk, as a clone lifts her in his arms.

"Hurry back" mujina says and picks up driger, before they take off back for the 28th. Naruto sucks in a breath and before suddenly his chest erupts with a spray of blood as he vanishes, "It cut through the Wyvern scale shirt" he thought, immediately going SSJ2 and seeing the creature. It has razor-sharp claws and armored skin with a lanky frame having a reptilian head and barbs goings down its back to its tail.

"It looks like an emaciated dragon" musashi says, as naruto fires several energy blasts but the juggernaut avoids them. Naruto rockets down with a shocking first bullet but it avoids him again and goes for a swipe as naruto dodges, coming down with a vigorous left fist. A clang echoes as naruto dents the monster's head but swats him back, "It can take a Concussive blow.. I wonder if a Lightning Breaker can bring it down" he thought, catching himself and avoiding another swipe. Naruto fires off his chains and weaves signs as the juggernaut avoids them but one of its legs is snagged by swamp of the underworld while naruto chains more signs, "Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu" he thought, spewing the dragon shape flame.

"Boya!" musashi shouts and naruto avoids his jutsu but burns his left arm.

"If reflected my Jutsu?!" naruto says.

"Meaning Physical attacks only" musashi says.

"Then how about this" naruto says and makes a dozen of clones, "You guys distract it and one of you be ready to toss a Hiraishin knife" he says. All the clones but one launch themselves at the juggernaut as naruto closes his eyes, "It's been awhile but This should put it down" naruto thought, focusing martial qi to his left arm as steam begins to rise from his body. His SSJ aura flares out as a red aura surges overlaps it, "How far will you got Five.. Ten.." musashi says, as clones fall.

"Super Kaioken X20!.. Now!" naruto roars, as his aura explodes out and the clone tosses the knife towards the juggernaut. Naruto vanishes with red flash and appears to grab the knife, "Martial Qi: Lightning Breaker" he howls, connecting on the back of the juggernaut's back as it screeches in agony as the concussive punch shatters its spine and creates five craters. It fades away and leaves only a large core as naruto crashes to the ground with his body screaming pain from using super kaioken, "Even training with it still shreds the body.. My fault for stopping after gaining SSJ" he says but sees a very familiar box.

Hidden Quest Complete!

Defeat Juggernaut!


1) 1000000 EXP

"Another Hidden one Huh" naruto says, laying motionless but begins to feel his natural energy entering his body.

"The Natural Energy will help.. Perhaps we can take advantage of this" musashi says. After about thirty minutes of not moving naruto rises and begins his trek to catch the others after grabbing the juggernaut core. He finds them about halfway to the 28th and mujina immediately hugs him as alegra fires off numerous questions. He explain he manage to kill the juggernaut and showed its core and says they need to head back to the surface and report on the irregular moss huge, asterius and the juggernaut. Three days later they were back on the surface and reporting to the guild, needless to say eina was shocked and rumors quickly spread. They also heard that the frey and ishtari familia were involved in a war game, ending with the latter's fall and their members scattered to the winds.

Naruto would gain the nickname Jaeger for slaying such monsters and raised the maelstrom familia's name but also his own. He and mujina would go see tsubaki, showing his damaged wyvern scale shirt but also the magical axe known as Kaminari Ikazuchimaru. Tsubaki told them an adventurer Hashana indeed had it commissioned but rumors had him dying months ago. She told him she would make him something as payment for bringing back one of her works from some of the loot they brought back. Naruto would then shift gears to sage training and grinding by sending a clone inside. He learned from hakurou on how to balance the various energies inside himself and the redhead used his clones to do so, even sealing clones in stasis scrolls to get around having to remain still. Two months would pass and naruto could officially call himself a sage of the oni clan and when using sage mode, it takes the form of blue stripes that run down his body starting from his right eye. Now armed with sage mode naruto would finally tackle his SSJ3 quest and defeat the planetary terror xanxus.