
Chapter: 10

#Trinor Forest#

Naruto trudges through the calf deep snows of trinor forest in search of proof of sera being alive and bringing back to kingsland or bringing back her corpse. Soon he comes upon several sleeping snow buffalo and kills them with earth flowing spears or energy blasts through the head. He eventually finds a pile of bones with fresh blood and looks through it, soon finding mir's body half eaten by the carnivorous buffalo.

"It does not look good Boya" musashi says. Naruto creates some clones to drag the bodies of the buffalo to the pile as he cuts a lock of mir's green hair and grabs his platinum plate, before seeing sera's ear tassel and his thoughts go to the worst. Naruto sets the pile on fire with his clones but his danger senses go off as he dodges tree roots but he sees sera ensnared by a living-dead tree. Naruto dodges the roots and runs down a few as he fires energy blasts, causing it to shriek as he makes it to sera, yanking her free and diving into a lake nearby.

"W-who's there" sera whispers, the cold shocking her awake and opens her eyes to see naruto. He lifts them from the water and destroys the tree with a energy blast, "You're safe now" naruto says. He finds them a cave and makes a fire for them to dry their clothes but also their bodies as he uses a little Iryojutsu, "I'm not as good as Tsunade or Sensei but I'm affable" naruto says, his hands glowing green.

"Is this Shinobi Jutsu" sera asks, her eyes flickering and naruto nods, while her eyes roam his body but pauses on the ugly scar under his pec down towards his stomach.

"If only he were Two years older" sera thought, as naruto finishes and she slowly gets dressed. Naruto does the same and she sees his oni back tattoo, "How'd you know where I was" she asks.

"Suzanna and Tim told me you went missing.. Also about Mir" naruto says and sera nods, wiping some tears.

"Thank you for saving me Naruto" sera says, taking his coat to put on over her damaged clothes. They set out quickly and reach kingsland as counter hurricane were setting out to find her, "Suzanna!" sera shouts, rushing into her.

"Sera?!" suzanna says and looks to naruto but her eyes widen, "Y-you went out as soon as you heard" she says and naruto nods. Tim approaches and takes naruto's hands with tears in his eyes, "Thank you Naruto.. I'm truly grateful.. Anything.. Name it and I'll do it" tim says.

"Your thanks is enough" naruto says but a thought pops into his head, "Though.. I wonder if you can help someone.. I know you've just lost Mir but she is a Healer with potential" he adds and hands him mir's effects.

"I will consider it" tim says and both sides part to mourn a lost friend.


"Thank you for aiding us again Naruto" suzanna says, as everyone sits at a table. It has been a month since mir's death and saving sera but also introducing rei to counter hurricane.

"It was mostly all of you" naruto says.

"It's a shame you're leaving Kingsland" tim says.

"My first Orichalcum Job.. The Guildmaster is sending me to one of the Allied-States" naruto says.

"Well.. It was an honor to work with you and Thank you for Rei" suzanna says and naruto nods, saying his goodbyes to each of them. He heads to morgana's office and she is waiting for him with asami, "Prompt Naruto.. Already said your goodbyes" morgana says and naruto nods.

"Your Job is to escort Asami to her home within the Allied-States called Republic City" morgana says.

"Do you expect resistance" naruto says.

"Yes.. Her name is Kuvira and she is someone who seeks power.. She's learned I possess the weapons of the Four War Gods from a leak in my company" asami explains.

"She is strong as well.. Adept at Earth Magic.. Able to make Golems very easily and really tall" morgana says.

"Does Kuvira know the path you're taking" naruto asks and asami nods, "Is it possible to change your route" he adds but asami shakes her head.

"I managed to plug the leak but I can't change my route" asami says. Naruto runs his fingers through his red hair, "We'll just have to deal with" he says. Morgana grabs a envelope and hands it to him, "It's a Letter of Introduction.. Guildmaster Tobias lives in Republic City.. He'll process your promotion and a Test" she says.

"A Test" naruto asks and morgana smirks.

"Reaching Orichalcum or Adamantite requires a Test or Great Feats.. Hence why I gave you Mithril.. When you seem to be stronger" morgana says and extends her hand, "It has been nice knowing you Naruto and take care" she adds.

"Same with you Guildmaster" naruto says, shaking her hand. Naruto and asami leave morgana's office and leave the guild as the former says goodbye along the way, "We'll take a Carriage South to Alfia.. From there I have one my cars waiting.. Kuvira will more than likely make contact with us on the Katan Plains" she explains, as they head for the south gate. A carriage with four horse is waiting as both climb inside, "It will take us three days to reach Alfia with intermittent stops along the way" asami says and naruto nods. The journey begins as naruto and asami begin to talk about their lives along the way, the latter a prodigy from a young age in technology and working for her mother. How she is in a throuple with her girlfriend Korra and her boyfriend Mako.

"I guess I'm in something similar but it's called CRI or Clan Restoration Initiative" naruto says. He explains growing up in a shinobi village, meeting sarada, tsunade and kaguya, saving karin, yor and wave country. The chunin exams and freeing kiri from tyranny with esdeath coming to konoha, fighting aki but also saving sarada from being kidnapped.

"Goodness.. Betraying one's home for so little" asami says, as they were letting the horses drink.

"He was Always under the notion he was some Alpha Male" naruto says, doing a few pushups.

"What happened to him" asami says, counting for him.

"He was sent to a harsh prison.. His co-conspirator in a less risk prison" naruto says. He finishes and returns to the carriage but sends some clones to run but also scout ahead. The remaining two days are mundane as they stop in a few towns to sleep or load up on supplies. The reach alfia on the afternoon of the third day and it is large town about three dozen miles from the katan plains. The plains themselves are flat lands with no cover but mountains in the distance, even large agricultural areas for alfia's major industry and the climate is warmer.

"So this is your car" naruto asks, admiring the convertible six-seater car.

"Yes.. It is Solar Powered and we can ride without needing fuel except at night.. It is all All-terrain and I can even teach you to drive if you like" asami says, having her things loaded.

"Sure.. Though we don't have many cars back home" naruto says, climbing in the passenger seat as asami climbs in the driver and the pair leave for alfia. Naruto looks out the window at the fields of wheat, "How far to Republic City" he asks.

"Several days.. Ten at the most" asami replies and naruto nods. A few hours pass and naruto is in a field off the road doing some stretches as asami is doing the same but redhead decides to summon hakurou for some sparring.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu" naruto declares, slamming his hand down and a puff of smoke erupts.

"Hohoho.. It has been awhile" hakurou says.

"Indeed.. This is Asami and I'm escorting her" naruto says and catches the elder oni up on things.

"You've been doing Well Naruto.. Also please summon the princess.. She has letters from our other Summoners" hakurou says and naruto summons shuna.

"Hello Naruto" shuna says, holding letters and bows to asami. Naruto makes a clone to read the letters and speak with shuna as the real naruto starts with hakurou, "I've learned a new skill called Sword Qi" naruto says, parrying the elder oni's strikes. He uses the various sword strikes and hakurou scrutinizes each variation, "Quite the skill you acquired" hakurou comments.

"Naruto.. We should get on the road" asami says.

"Right.. Thank you for meeting me Elder Hakurou and Princess Shuna" naruto says.

"You're welcome Naruto" shuna says and both vanish in a puff of smoke. Naruto dispels his clone and climbs in the car as he receives memories that the girls are in water country and things were going well. Sarada is working on her MS abilities, kaguya is developing a new jutsu with her juken, tsunade has been given the Byakugō no In but also working on a new skill, yor is honing her skills and the same for esdeath with ice release. The plains are beautiful sight for naruto and he takes numerous pictures as they stop in a few towns for supplies, also sleeping under the stars or asami would sleep in her car as naruto is under the stars. On day five asami remarks they would be stopping in the last town before reaching republic city and the last three days they would not see anyone for miles, making it a perfect time for kuvira to attack them. Naruto also decides to break out a new outfit of blue cargo jeans with combat boots, a dark fitted long sleeve shirt and a white high collar double-breasted suit vest having black trim.


"Seems you were right" naruto says, on the second day of leaving the last town. Asami slowly brings her car to a halt as about a mile and a half away is young woman in a dark green military uniform having white sleeves along with nearly three dozen similarly dressed men.

"Can you take her" asami asks. Naruto opens the passenger door as he uses observe on kuvira, "She's Lvl90.. Her stats are 300 each but her Chk is 2000.. More Chk must mean more Magic here in the North" he thought, as four clones appear.

"Surround Asami and yourselves with the Shishienjin" naruto says and the clones nod, creating a barrier made of purple flames.

"I can help Naruto" asami says. Naruto stretches his arms skyward to pop his joints and leaning side to side, "No need.. I need a workout" he says. Kuvira and her group close in but stop with half a mile between them, "Are you Asami Hiroshi's guardian" she says, her green eyes looking him over and her voice authoritative.

"I am and you're Kuvira.. Who is after the Four War Gods' Weapons" naruto says.

"I am.. Now hand them over.. It does not concern you.. You are simply an Adventurer" kuvira says, pointing to his mithril dog tag. Naruto thumbs his dog tags with his right hand in his pocket and a small shake of his head, "Actually it does.. I found those weapons and sold them to Asami" he says. Kuvira folds her hands behind her back with a small nod, "I see" she says and nods to two of her men. One is a tall and overly muscular man having a bald head and his sleeves ripped away to show off his 24in pythons. The another is shorter than his taller compatriot with long blue hair as they make their way towards naruto.

"So you found the boss' weapons" the taller Jace says, smirking.

"You should do the Correct thing and hand them..." the shorter Vikar begins but naruto punches him in the face. Vikar staggers back and clutches his face as jace brings his elbow down but naruto blocks with his forearm.

"Y-you uncouth Mongrel!" vikar hisses, holding his broken nose and sending a roundhouse kick but naruto blocks with his elbow. He goes on the offensive with a knee and vikar avoids into a backflip, while naruto moves to sweep out jace's legs but like vikar avoids it into a backflip. Naruto spins up from his back and crosses his arms but shoots them out, creating a heavy gust of wind to send both flying back. Kuvira forms a wall of earth to block the wind as some of her men were knocked off their feet.

"What was that.. Voiceless Incantation?!" vikar thought but his eyes bulge as naruto connects with a gut shot. Naruto lifts vikar off his feet and slams him into the ground with an indention, while jace rushes them as naruto rises but the redhead turns to drive jace into the road with a punch.

"Seems you are stronger than a normal Mithril or even Orichalcum" kuvira says. Naruto rolls up his sleeves to his elbows, "Is it enough to send you on your way and let us pass" he says.

"No" kuvira says and raises her hand. Naruto's eyes narrow as several green arrays form on the ground and about a dozen golems rise, each looking humanoid with stone bodies and square heads having a single eye. Naruto slowly inhales and kuvira's eyes as his fist is closing in on her while her golems were shattering, forcing her to retreat back and raises several earth walls but the redhead crashes through. He touches the road and the ground turns into quicksand as he slowly sinks but he bursts free. A golem of steel raises from a orange array looking like suit of armor with cannons on each arm but also standing about ten feet all.

"She doesn't use Incantation it seems" musashi says, as two more golems rise with one having a shield and the second a spinning lance. The cannon golem fires solar energy blasts as naruto dodges to close in on kuvira but shield golem charges to block his path, pushing him back and lance golem sends their weapon forward, piercing naruto but he turns into a log. Naruto brings his boots down on lance golem's helm and it buckles into an iron annihilation through shield golem adding martial qi. He avoids solar golem's blasts and brings a leg down like a sword to slice off one of its arms into one energy blast through is chest. Kuvira appears into naruto's peripheral with a spinning high roundhouse with metal around her leg as naruto gets his forearm up and doesn't budge at all.

"I ask again.. Will you let us pass" naruto says, brushing her leg away. Kuvira glares at naruto but sighs and folds her arms behind her back, "You Pass" she says.

"Pass what" naruto says.

"Your promotion Test to Orichalcum" kuvira says, looking to her men pulling jace and vikar from the road. Naruto looks to asami and she has this apologetic look on her face, "Sorry Naruto.. This was a test.. Kuvira works for me and her job was to test you" she says, as his clones bring down the barrier.

"So I was given a Test but I was the Only one not aware" naruto says.

"Yes but you passed.. Guildmaster Tobias will promote you to Orichalcum" asami says and naruto sighs.

"So no Leak" naruto says and asami nods.

"A story cooked up by Morgana and I" asami says.

"Seems Morgana managed to circumvent the rules and get you promoted" musashi says and mentally nods, following asami to her car as both he sent into the road were glaring at him. Asami drives away from the scene as naruto remain silent, "I hope you are not upset" she says.

"No.. I've taken work where things were not what they seemed" naruto says. The journey continues unimpeded and asami explains more about republic city. It has developed the architectural and technological sophistication to construct taller buildings, resulting in significant high-rise development. Stylistically, the city generally incorporates traditional ornamentation with far more advanced structural techniques. The wider urban area of republic city extends inland and along a larger coastal section, the core of the metropolis is focused on the territories around Yue Bay.

"So its an island" naruto asks.

"A Peninsula.. You can sail Azerlisia from Yue Bay" asami replies and continues. The peninsula stretches into the bay area and divided into a series of very diverse areas, each having distinct populations, traditions, structures, and problems. These districts and boroughs are the Central District, Downtown, the Yue Bay port area, Old Crane Town, Green Meadows and the Dragon Flats borough.


"Welcome to Republic City" asami says, as they were riding off a ferry. Naruto could not hide the wonder in his eyes at the city and takes a few pictures as asami heads for the guild building. He sees a few trolleys asami told him about and the stylish clothes of people, "Now the Guild Hall is different from Kingsland.. It is more office than a place to hang out" asami says.

"Really" naruto says and asami nods. They soon reach the building and is a two-story building with several windows as a few people come in and out as they park. Naruto and asami enter as the redhead uses observe, seeing decent levels but none towards his level.

"Hello" a guild worker says, having green eyes and blonde hair.

"We're here to see Guildmaster Tobias.. This is Naruto Uzumaki.. Sent from Kingsland" asami says. Naruto hands her his guild card and the girl looks over it, "Follow me" she says. She leads them to tobias' office and he's sitting at his desk when they enter, "Ms. Hiroshi" he says. Tobias is tall with a muscular frame and red hair having a full beard, wearing black slacks and a dark blue dress shirt with a vest.

"Hello Tobias.. This is Naruto Uzumaki from Kingsland.. Morgana sent him on a Orichalcum Job and passed" asami says.

"I also have a Letter from her as well" naruto says and unseals said letter, handing him it to him. Tobias uses a letter opener to open it and begins reading the contents for a few moments, "Interesting.. Well Naruto due your completion of this Job and Morgana's recommendation.. You'll be promoted to Orichalcum" he says.

"Thank you Sir" naruto says.

"Just hand her card and dog tags to have things updated" tobias says and naruto nods, handing over his card and tags.

"First Naruto.. Adventurers are not highly sought after here in Republic City as you probably saw downstairs.. We're more of a Pass by towards other countries" tobias says.

"Really" naruto asks.

"Yes.. Most simply check in and move on" tobias says.

"I'll stay for a month and take in the sights.. Though I asked Morgana if she knew a Katsumi Kaioh and she said she would ask the other Guildmasters" naruto says.

"Who's Katsumi Kaioh" asami asks.

"How do you know that name" tobias asks, this air filling the room and asami feels a chill go up her spine.

"Some months ago.. I faced a fighter named Aki and barely survived" naruto says, unbuttoning his vest and letting it hang down as he slips it off. He then lifts his long sleeve shirt and reveal a scar on his upperbody, "He left me alive and told me to seek out Katsumi Kaioh" naruto says, putting his shirt down and slipping his vest back on.

"To face Aki Nur Sabah and live is no easy feat... As for Katsumi Kaioh.. He travels.. Last I heard was Tristram.. Azerlisia or Yukikaze" tobias says, rubbing his gloved right arm.

"I plan to travel as well.. So I'll keep my ears open" naruto says, as the guild worker returns with his updated card and his dog tags are now a dark violet.

"There are some decent jobs if you wish to take" tobias says.

"Thanks Guildmaster" naruto says.

"I'll take you to my company.. Then you can meet Korra and Mako" asami says and both excuse themselves. The pair climb into asami's car and head further inland for the southern area of republic city near a mountain range, and asami's company future industries' industrial complex.

"We specialize in many High-end.. Cutting-edge luxury technologies" asami says, as naruto sees a few factories and warehouses. They soon reach a high-rise like build and park near the entrance, "This is our main base of operations" asami says.

"Amazing" naruto says and follows asami inside, seeing numerous people before riding a elevator to the top floor. They head for asami's office and naruto sees a lot beautiful art or other things that look expensive. Asami opens her office door and it is a stunning office with large windows, long table and a few chairs with several painting.

"Thank you bringing me home and again sorry for deceiving you" asami says, sitting at her desk.

"It's ok.. I'm going to find a place to say.. I'll send a clone to let you know" naruto says and bows.

"That's fine.. I can give you a proper tour" asami says and naruto nods, excusing himself. He heads back down and leaves the building to heading back the way he came from but finds a place to erase his presence to make a few dozen clones, before flying over the city hidden due to the high buildings.

"Where will you stay" musashi says.

"Don't know" naruto says, flying over the central district. He soon finds old crane town and it has a more similar feel to kingsland as the district's buildings are smaller, older, and less modern than the other city parts. He soon finds a small inn owned by an older couple and requests a room for a month.

"Republic City not to your liking Boya" musashi says. Naruto lays on his bed in just his red briefs, "Republic City is impersonal compared to Kingsland or even back home.. Technology is more advanced.. Similar to Snow but this city is in the clouds" he says. He sorts through his clones' memories and learns a little about republic city, even sending one to inform asami where he is.

"Republic City doesn't seem to deal with Monsters but Crime is high" musashi says.

"Yakuza or Triad control certain areas.. Hanayama would have a field day here" naruto says. Sleep comes soon and daybreak arrives as naruto dresses in workout clothes to begin his daily routine but also learn the layout of old crane town. Several were curious about the teen but this air about him keeps them away. He finishes his run and makes a stop at a family owned ramen shop to devour twenty bowls, shocking those who work there and a few morning patrons.

"Close to Ichiraku but not quite" naruto thought, heading back to the inn and having food from the inn owners. Naruto dresses for the day in similar clothes to when he came here but the vest in black and the shirt is white. He heads for asami's company and rides a trolley but a sudden stop gives him a sight. It is a muscular young woman with brown skin in a blue outfit fighting several triad men with a polar bear dog animal.

"So this is Korra" naruto thought and uses observe, "Mithril skills and a Berserker state as well" he thought. He watches korra bulldoze through the triad similar to tsunade and bandits until one attempts to stab her from behind but the redhead steps in.

"Who are you?!" korra says, her blue eyes full of suspicion.

"I'm Naruto.. I did some work for Asami" naruto says, holding the wrist of the triad goon.

"Oh you're the Adventurer" korra says and naruto nods, as he knocks out the triad goon. Police soon arrive and they are led by mako, who is a handsome young man with black hair and tangerine eyes.

"Mako.. It's the Adventurer Asami told us" korra says.

"Hey" mako says, simply.

"I was heading to see Asami.. She was going to show me around the city" naruto says.

"Oh I can take you.. We'll ride Naga" korra says, pointing to her polar bear dog. Naruto climbs on naga with korra and they ride through the city towards asami's place, which is a three-story home near green meadows.

"Nice place" naruto says, looking over the home.

"Yeah it's big and dozen of servants too" korra says, hopping off naga as naruto does the same and the polar bear dog heads for a small lake. They head inside and korra leads him to the living room where asami is sitting in a chair, "Hello Naruto" asami says.

"Hello" naruto says, as asami beckons for him to sit and a getting a kiss from korra.

"Are you ready for the tour" asami asks and naruto nods. The tour around republic city is both informative but also shows naruto indeed how impersonal the city is. He sees the large police station, city hall, downtown, various plaza and parks, all in a bid to show one how beautiful the city. However one could see the darkness underneath the bright city as naruto spends the month learning about azerlisia, which is a haven for adventurers and has a lot of work due to the king. However tristram is not as the emperor has his national army deal with things but one could work exclusively for nobles as workers, though some were independent for cheap prices. Kalinsha has no adventurers and are a human dominant county, while silvert is non-human dominant, lastly not much info is found on albion and yukikaze. Naruto would say his goodbyes to asami, korra and mako to head for azerlisia to learn about albion and yukikaze.


Several adventurers were sitting around the guild hall drinking as the door opens and hooded figure enters, "There he is.. Only here a month.. A Orichalcum from the North.. I heard he's demon.. I heard Amethyst Roses want him to join them.. Seriously?!" a few whisper. The hooded figure makes their way to the job wall and removes their hood to reveal spiky red hair and blue eyes, three whiskers on his cheeks and fang necklace tattoo around his neck.

"Some don't like you Boya" musashi says.

"Of course" naruto thought, looking over the various jobs. It's been a month since arriving in azerlisia and the fortress town of Dal-Bourne where the adventurer's guild is. His arrival is shock to a few adventurers and catching the eyes of few groups like amethyst roses or swords of light, one an adamantite and the other mithril.

"Uzumaki.. Our Evil Boss wants to speak with you" a voice says, as a few whisper heatedly. Naruto turns to a member of amethyst roses named Kira, "Really.. I won't join your group as I have said" he says.

"She knows.. However she wishes your help" kira says. She has a slender figure with fair skin, cobalt eyes and brown hair tied to a ponytail with a red string. She wears a kunoichi like outfit, a black half-breastplate over a sleeveless mesh bodysuit, a black and red striped headband, light orange scarf with red flower pattern, black arm gloves with metal bracers, a light orange hakama pants and black boots with metal plate around the shin and instep.

"Lead the way" naruto says, following kira out of the guild hall where her twin sister Kina is waiting. Kina is identical to kira but has blue string to tie her brown hair, also black and blue in her kunoichi outfit. All three ninja take off to the roofs and head north towards amethyst roses' base in town, "Any news on Katsumi Kaioh" naruto asks.

"None" kina says. They soon arrive and head inside where the remaining members of amethyst roses were waiting being Mizuki, Lacus Alvein Dale their leader, Alicia von Lalatina co-leader and 300-year-old vampire.

"Do we really need him" alicia comments, drinking blood red wine. She has calf-length light pink hair and red eyes, wearing a short black, frilly style dress with a layer of white ruffles over black ruffles of the skirt and a military-esque black jacket that trails to her mid-calf.

"He is one of the stronger Adventurers with trustworthy morals" mizuki says. She is a tall woman with an athletic yet curvy figure and purple eyes. Her long dark green hair is tied in a high ponytail with a scrunchie wearing heavy dark blue plate armor and a mighty war hammer at her side.

"Indeed and a Heroic demeanor to offset my Darkness" lacus says and both sigh. She is a young woman with long blonde hair, green eyes and pink lips, wearing a burnt orange leather bodysuit with several pieces of armor and a white tunic having amethyst trim in the shape of roses.

"I brought him Evil Boss" kira says, with naruto following.

"Take a seat" lacus says. Naruto slowly sits at the table with eight chairs as the twins begin to prepare tea, "How can I help Lady Lacus" he says.

"I'm sure you've heard of the issues between the Royal and Noble Factions.. Despite being here only a month" lacus begins.

"I have.. King Magnus Rowan III has ruled for close to Seventy years.. The Nobles wish for him to step down and name Prince Merick as King.. While the Royals support Prince Lucen.. However in the middle is Princess Rhea" naruto says.

"Indeed.. Now why don't we get to the Heart of the matter" alicia says, as the twins bring the tea.

"Yes... Princess Rhea will support the brother who aids the people and that is her brother Lucen.. However the Proxy wars with Tristram weaken the country" lacus continues.

"I've heard.. Azerlisia has no standing army.. The Nobles don't care as their domains are far from the border.. Yukikaze aids neither side and Albion watches along with the Holy Empire" naruto says and sips his tea but it is a little bitter for his taste.

"Indeed.. However the Nobles also rely on a group to further weaken the Royals... Have you heard of the Eight Precepts" lacus says.

"In Passing.. They control the Underworld.. Drugs.. Brothels and Slave Trading... Ahh I see" naruto says and alicia smiles showing her fangs.

"Quick on the uptake Naruto.. Princess Rhea has brought up new reforms that outlaw Slavery and has begun a silent war in the shadows on the Eight Precepts.. We've destroyed several drug plantations.. A few members and we've found locations in the Royal capital" alicia explains.

"So.. How do I figure into this" naruto says.

"We'll be dealing with the locations but there is a large Brothel as a front to sell slaves.. Princess Rhea has her personal Knight Cline and Ser Harper attacking it but we need an infiltrator.. You are an unknown and can slip in" lacus says.

"Well infiltration is specialty of mine.. So what do I need to do" naruto says but familiar translucent blue box appears.

Quest Received!

Save Mujina and defeat Royal Flush!


1) 500 Rep Princess Rhea

2) Unlock Harem Member Mujina

"You would be posing as a Buyer but you need to be careful of Royal Flush.. A group who works for the Precepts" lacus says and naruto nods.

"Rules of Engagement" naruto says.

"You can kill any Royal Flush and Precept members you find" alicia says.

"Alright.. When does this begin" naruto asks and kira hands him a card.

"Meet Cline and Harper at this location at 7pm in one week" alicia says.

"This will be considered an Adamantite job and When we are successful.. You'll be promoted" lacus adds.

"Ok.. I'll be there and under a disguise of blond hair with pupil-less blue-green eyes" naruto says and finishes his tea, "May victory be ours" he adds, excusing himself. Naruto makes his way back to his room at a inn with his thoughts on muijna being here, "So she here" he thought.

"And now your Harem is complete Boya" musashi says and naruto sighs. He leaves dal-bourne that day as it is a three day trek to the capital, renting a carriage to make a show of being some spoiled noble. He rents a room at a high-end hotel and gets his face out there. The promised day comes as he begins to prep for his job, first getting some clothes from the store. He buys some black slacks with black dress shoes, a white dress shirt with matching tie and a black suit vest. He seals some kunai into a pair of black gloves for quickness. He takes a bath and thinks how to get muijna out, would she simply follow him or see him as some slaver.

"She is meant for your Harem but her Affinity will be low.. Lower than even Yor... So simply be your charming self and pull her from the darkness that surrounds her" musashi says.

"Yeah" naruto muses, shifting down to wet his hair and wash it. He finishes his bath and smells like cream and strawberries, before getting dressed and slipping a long black coat around himself. He also begins to pin a letter for the girls and organizing some pictures he has taken.


Cline a loyal knight of princess rhea is here to bring about her vision of freedom for all no matter their race. He is a young man with short blond hair and blue eyes, wearing brown clothing and at sword at his side.

"Cline.. Be on guard.. We are to be hired guards and must act like it" ser luc harper says. He is tall and deceptively agile man with black hair having long bead. He wears dark clothes with a white tunic under a coat, also a sword at his side.

"I will Ser Harper but what is this Naruto Uzumaki like" cline says, looking around the bar they were in awaiting naruto.

"He is Orichalcum Adventurer and very skilled if Amethyst Roses would attempt to recruit him.. He also did kill a very large Goblin infestation near the Forest of Nob" harper says and sees the door opens, while blond man enters his hair like a fire. He comes their way with a lopsided smile on his face and arrogant demeanor, "You two want to make some money" he says.

"How" harper says.

"I need two bodyguards while I Shop.. Can you handle That" the teen says and both nod to follow him out, "You must be Ser Harper and Cline.. I'm Naruto" he adds, once they were away from the bar.

"Are you prepared" harper says and naruto raises his gloved hands.

"I am Never unarmed" naruto says.

"The Brothel is a few blocks ahead.. Our forces lead by Ser Bray will cut off anyone escaping" harper says.

"Well.. Let our play begin" naruto says. The three make their way to the brothel that has a outdoor party at the front for it to deceive many, "Greetings.. How may I help.. This is a Private affair" a guard says, at the entrance of the outdoor party.

"My name is Menma and I am looking to Shop" naruto says, slipping the man five gold coins.

"Ahh.. Of course.. I will introduce you to Mr. Cocco Doll" the guard says and leads them inside. Naruto scans the partygoers and they were drinking or speaking but he notices a second level with guards, while cline is disgusted by the decadence and depravity of the people.

"Members of Royal Flush" musashi says, as naruto uses observe.

"None are my level but can give Cline a hard time" naruto thought, as they enter the building and are lead to a room with two sofas having a table between.

"Wait here and I'll fetch Mr. Cocco Doll" the guard says. Naruto weaves several signs and claps his hands, "No one can hear us" he says.

"How" cline says.

"A barrier... Now I will convince this Cocco Doll I wish to buy someone.. Once he makes the transaction.. We'll strike.. I stationed some backup as well" naruto says.

"Can you make Cocco Doll speak" harper asks and naruto nods, as the door opens and three men enter. One is cocco doll a skinny man with eyes filled with lust, another is Succulent a member of royal flush and Steffan a fat man with wide shoulders dressed in decent clothes.

"Oh my you're so handsome.. Same with your guard" cocco doll says, smiling and winking at cline. Naruto pulls out a cigarette case and places a black cigarette in his mouth, "I hear you are the Best for Certain Tastes" he says, after lighting it.

"Certain Tastes" cocco doll asks, as succulent looks over naruto and his guards. Naruto brings out a sack of gold and drops it on the table, "I have an Affinity for Elves.. Mainly because one my Daddy's servant was an Elf.. He would often let me Play with her.. A Succulent Elven woman" he says, giggling lecherously.

"I may have something.. Though She is only a Half Elf" cocco doll says, his eyes on the gold and naruto's eyes light up.

"Yes.. Her name is Mujina.. She is fetching.. Pink hair.. Blue eyes.. Thick thighs.. A Virgin... If I were straight.. I would have her Virgin Elven Pussy" cocco dolls and looks to steffan, "Go get her" he adds. Steffan rises and leaves to get naruto's prize as the silent succulent watches while cocco doll undresses cline with his eyes.

"Would you sell me your Guard" cocco doll says.

"No" naruto says, curtly and blows smoke forward. About ten minutes pass as both sides size each other up but the door opens as steffan returns with mujina, her long dress rags as her hair is neck length but her eyes were near lifeless.

"Hmm.. She is Fetching" naruto says, rising from his seat and approaches her.

"Hello" naruto says and mujina simply stares, "Do wish you live" he adds.

"Do you want to try the merchandise" steffan says, holding her chain. Naruto looks into her blue eyes and slowly reaches for the chain but summons a kunai, driving it into steffan's neck and with chains bursting from his back to capture the others.

"W-what are you doing?!" cocco doll says.

"By name of Princess Rhea.. Your crimes will come to an end" climb says, drawing his sword. Succulent tries to free himself but the chains constrict while naruto looks into mujina's eyes and a flicker of life has risen.

"Who are you" mujina says.

"Naruto Uzumaki" naruto says and reaches for the collar around her neck, as she grasps his hands.

"You saved me.. My life is yours" mujina says, as naruto breaks the collar.

"Now then.. Succulent.. Cocco Doll.. Your Secrets" naruto says and weaves more signs as both spill out secrets against their will.

"Amazing" cline says, as naruto slits succulent and cocco doll's throats.

"Well shall we begin Ser Harper" naruto says and harper nods, "What about you Mujina" he adds, slipping off his coat and gives it to mujina.

"I will help.. I know where the others are" mujina says, softly.

"Well Let's go" naruto says, as they leave and head for the entrance to the underground. Naruto breaks down the door and they head further underground, dealing with a few men as naruto's clones crush the members of royal flush above ground allowing ser bray's men to capture the partygoers.

"Seems we have a Fork" naruto says, as they reach two paths.

"We'll head right" harper says and cline follows him.

"We go left then" naruto says and mujina follows, "Where will you go once this is over" he adds.

"Wherever you go.. I owe you a Life Debt" mujina says.

"Well.. I'll show you Life worth living" naruto says but halts reaching a corner as a figure rounds it.

"I saw you upstairs as you killed my people" the figure says and naruto uses observe but mujina beats him to it.

"Z-zero" mujina says, fear in her tone.

"Oh.. The Half Elf" zero says. He is a giant, bald man with half of his face and body covered in tattoos of various beasts, wearing monk like clothes but his chest bare.

"Kozo.. Kneel before me and hand over the Half Elf.. Then I'll spare your life" zero says. Naruto sighs and powers down to his natural state to their shock, "No" naruto says.

"Then Die" zero says, lowering his stance with his clenched right close and his left stretched out. Zero blitzes forward with a right but naruto brushes it aside as it collides with the stone wall. He rushes naruto again and the redhead connects with what appears to be one blow to send zero staggering back but in actuality it was uppercut into an overhand.

"Nice blow.. Two blows in one" zero says and punches forward to create a gust of wind, "But my Body is like Ten-fold Steel.. My Arms are like Spears" he sneers.

"If that is the case" naruto says and pats his chest, "Give me your best... If you Dare" he adds and zero grits his teeth in rage.

"Panther!.. Falcon!.. Rhino!.. Buffalo!.. Lion!" zero declares, as the tattoos on his legs, his back, his arms, his chest and on his head glow brightly.

"Watch out Naruto" mujina says but naruto look back with a smile.

"Trust me" naruto says and mujina's eyes widen. Zero roars as his fist glows like rainbow and shoots his right forward as it disturbs the air around it, crashing into naruto with a dust cloud as mujina looks in horror as her friend died to the same attack. However her eyes widen once more as the cloud dissipates to reveal naruto holding the fist with no damage just some dust on his vest.

"W-what?!" zero says, as naruto clenches his right and the redhead clenches his own right.

"Iron Annihilation" naruto says, punching up into zero's stomach. Mujina watches zero staggers back as blood belches from his mouth and falls to his knees then face down to never rise again as blood begins to pool.

"Are you Alright" naruto says. Mujina stares at zero's cooling body with flickering eyes, "I-is he dead" she says.

"He is.. Now let's find the other captives" naruto says.

Quest Complete!


1) 500 Rep Princess Rhea

2) Unlock Mujina

Naruto stands with mujina as rhea's forces have fully secured the brothel area and mages were checking on those brought up from below, "You were right.. Her Harem Affinity is 10%" he thought.

"You have time Boya" musashi says.

"Are you Naruto Uzumaki" a soft voice says and naruto looks to see princess rhea but also ser bray.

"Yes Princess and this is Mujina" naruto says. Rhea has long dark hair and purple eyes wearing a light color dress, while bray is enigmatic and give off his aura of heroics.

"Thank you for aiding Amethyst Roses and freeing those there.. Also killing the members of Royal Flush and Cocco Doll" rhea says and naruto bows with a hand on his chest, mujina doing the same.

"Your praise is not needed Princess" naruto says.

"Zero was compared to Adamantite Adventurers" bray says and extends his hand, "You've done a great service for Azerlisia" he adds, as naruto shakes his hand.

"Thank you for your words" naruto says, as ser bray and princess rhea go talk to others.

"Ready to go" naruto says.

"Where" mujina says.

"We'll square things for your freedom.. Then We'll head back to Dal-Bourne" naruto says and mujina slowly nods.


Naruto looks at his new adamantite dog tag that is a polished dark blue to black metal as mujina looks curiously at her mithril dog tags, "I'm Hungry" she says, her voice blank

"Where do you wish try today" naruto asks.

"Those meat skewers" mujina says, wearing adventurer clothes she picked. She wears a chainmail shirt under a white blouse and black corset, black leather pants and knee-high ranger boots with knee high coat. It has been a few days since the incident in the capital and mujina's freedom from capture. She collapsed in a bed once her adrenaline died done and slept nearly for a whole day, while naruto met with amethyst roses but princess rhea about her. Alicia told him that mujina will follow him due to enacting a life debt, so she would be in his care and registered her as his party of his newly formed party Akai Senko.

"Do you want to take a Job after" naruto asks, as they search out some stalls and she nods.

"Whatever you like" mujina says and naruto frowns, as they find a stall.

"Eight skewers" naruto says and the stall owner nods, beginning to make them and taking his money. Naruto notices mujina's face changing a little the closer the skewers were ready, "So she likes food" he thought.

"Here you go" the owner says and hands four to start, as naruto gives mujina two and grabs the remaining four. However this small pout forms on mujina's face and the owner shoots naruto a look as the redhead sighs before giving her two more.

"How about we try that after" naruto says, pointing at a stall doing what is called a folded crepes and more life comes to mujina's eyes. They finish their skewers in quick fashion to the shock of a few and head for the stall, looking over the menu for their choices.

"I will have the strawberry and banana one with strawberry sauce and whip cream" naruto says and mujina tugs his sleeve, pointing to the same but adding chocolate sauce as well.

"Coming right up" the owner says and takes naruto's money. Mujina watches as the owner fixes the thin pancake, then the strawberries, both sauces and cream as they fold it.

"Here" the owner says, handing her the crepe and begins making naruto's one. Mujina's eyes light up as she takes a bite and naruto smiles slightly as he takes his own, "Let's take a seat" he says, finding a bench to sit down. Mujina eats quietly with soft noise as naruto eats his own, "Mmm.. Tastes good" he thought and sees her enjoying it as well.

"Before we take a Job.. We should get to know each other.. Seeing as we haven't talked much" naruto says, after another bite. Mujina glances his way but back to her crepe, "I..." she says and pauses for a moment, "I was born in Albion.. My mother was a human and my father a elf noblemen.. Their Union was Forbidden" she says and takes another bite.

"My Parents died the day I was born" naruto says and mujina's breath hitches, "They died Heroically saving our home for a terrible darkness.. However most of the vilage didn't care about their sacrifice" he adds and the gulf between them lessens.

"My mother died when I was about three... That man didn't care.. I was given to a nanny who didn't care for my existence because I was half human.. I was barely taught but I was intelligent and learned by watching" mujina says.

"Same for me.. Being born the same night as the incident.. Most treated me as a plague and stayed far away.. Save a few... Want another crepe" naruto says as mujina immediately nods and he makes a clone to fetch her one, "In school.. Some teachers would send me out of class for looking out the window but things have changed" he adds.

"Where are you from.. Silvert" mujina asks, curiously.

"I'm from the Southern Continent.. A country called the Land of Fire and a Hidden Village called Konohagakure no Sato" naruto says and mujina's eyes widen.

"I see but those whiskers on your cheeks" mujina says.

"Birthmarks.. When I was born.. A giant amount of chakra was sealed in me in the form of a Nine-tail Fox named Musashi" naruto says, as his clone returns with her crepe.

"A Kyubi.. Most strange" mujina thought and then takes a bite, "Was Musashi the reason you were hated" she asks and naruto nods.

"And you being a Half Elf is the reason you were too" naruto says and mujina nods.

"Yes.. Finally he had enough of me and Sold me away for next to Nothing" mujina whispers and remembers the people who were nice but then zero.

"Well.. His foolishness is your gain.. You are free of him and he can't harm you" naruto says.

"Perhaps" mujina says.


"What sort of skills do you possess" naruto asks, as they were making their way to a forest south of dal-bourne.

"I am self-taught with Daggers.. Swords and Bows.. However a skill I inherited from my mother is Beast Tamer" mujina says and naruto arches an eyebrow.

"Then we took a Fortunate Job" naruto says and his time mujina arches an eyebrow, "We're dealing with Strange Beast that roams the forests south near Carnes village" he adds and mujina nods. The trek to carnes village is about one hour by foot, though it is of little importance with other town as the occasional doctor searching herbs or their cache of crops. However recently a strange beast is stalking the woods and a passing herbalist placed the job.

"The Village Chief description is odd" mujina says, as they move through the forest.

"A Tiger maybe" naruto says.

"But has a Mane" mujina says.

"Having White Fur and Black Stripes" both say.

"Do we need to kill it" mujina says.

"It hasn't killed anyone.. So maybe can bring it somewhere else" naruto says. They continue further into the forest but mujina's ears pick up something and her eyes narrow, "Ahead.. Not far" she says. Naruto looks and sees a large shadow about six feet in height as it comes into view with loud growling, "A tiger having a Mane with White Fur and Black Stripes" he says. The tiger with a mane roars and bares its teeth as naruto lets several chains snake from his body but mujina gets in his way, "Let me" she says and holds the back of her hand over her right eye, opening her hand like a V.

"Instant Domination" mujina declares and her eyes glow red. The tiger freezes and slowly calms down as mujina approaches it to place her hand on it head, "It seems She was under the control of someone.. My Instant Domination broke her free and tamed her" she says.

"Why send her Here" naruto says, as the tiger glows and shrinks to the size of a kitten allowing muijna to pick her up.

"Fufufu.. A Beast Tamer.. Here" a voice says. Naruto gets in front of mujina and their new friend as several men and women dressed in white military uniforms having light-blue trim appear, "That Insignia.. The Holy Empire of Kalinsha" she says.

"Ahh.. Someone cultured among you" one says, a woman with her golden eyes behind glasses and gray hair in high ponytail. However her eyes narrow as she looks over mujina's feature, "But you are a Long Ear Savage.. No.. A Half breed" she hisses and looks to naruto, "And you are Demihuman trash" she says.

"Why are the Holy Empire's military here" naruto says and uses observe to see her name is Celes.

"It matters not to you Mongrel" celes snaps, as her men go for their swords. Naruto vanishes with the blink of an eye and celes' eyes widen as her men crash into trees. Celes clenches her jaw and pulls out the whip from her side, "You Ungrateful animals" she hisses, sending it towards mujina but she dodges. Mujina lets down the tiger and draw two kunai that naruto gave her in a reverse grip as she dodges a whip strike, before she sends it with enough force to pierce celes' shoulder and forcing her to drop whip.

"You Disgusting Half-breed" celes screeches but both see that despite being in pain has a look of ecstasy.

"Surrender" naruto says, his boot on the back of one of her men.

"You and that Village will Suffer!" celes screeches and vanishes with magic, same with her men.

"Does she mean Carnes?!" mujina says, catching the tiger as she leaps in her arm.

"Then we need to beat them there" naruto says, before suddenly lifting her bridal style and rushing towards carnes with shinobi speed.


"You want to use My Gold and Silver against some Mongrels" a large man says, wearing the same uniform as celes.

"Yes Gordin.. They had the Nerve wound me" celes says. Their mission was simple one to wipe out villages to lure ser bray from the capital and kill him.

"I could care less about your wound.. These Animals are in our way" gordin says, fixing his single golden bang on his forehead. They soon see the village of carnes coming into view but it is surrounded by a barrier made of purple flames, "What is that?!" gordin says, their group coming to halt.

"It's them" celes says, as gordin sees naruto and mujina. On naruto's side he removes his faded black coat as mujina moves the sword around he has given her, "Will it be ok" he says and she nods.

[Music: The Beast at Our Door - Groove Addicts]

"Who are you Mongrels" gordin declares, using a loudspeaker.

"I'm sure she has told you" naruto says, adding chakra to his voice and pointing to celes.

"If you Beg and Lick my sweaty Feet.. We'll spare you" celes says, snatching the loudspeaker from gordin.

"I'll pass.. You're trespassing in the Azerlisia Kingdom and as a person from said country.. It would be prudent to defend these people" naruto declares.

"Big Words from some boy" gordin says and raises his left hand, "Kill them" he roars. The three dozen soldiers draws their swords and rush forward as gordin links his hands while beginning to incite an incantation.

"Here we go" naruto says and looks to the little tiger, "Can you keep up" he adds and the tiger returns to her large size. Mujina hops on her back as they rush forward as well, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" naruto says, as a dozen clones come to life. Both sides reach he self created divide of their sides and kalinsha's supposedly powerful soldiers are fodder in the face of naruto, his punches breaking his faces, his legs snapping bones and mujina in no slouch as her sword slices off heads with the tiger's teeth stained in blood as are her claws.

"Hurry Gordin" celes screeches.

"Do not rush me" gordin says and seeing naruto closing in, "Come forth Gold and Silver" he declares. Naruto skids as two large array form in front of gordin and celes's open carriage, slowly two what appears to be humanoid figures akin to something seen in republic city rise out them. One is a looming silver robot having a wide chest with spiked shoulders, stubby legs and a long spike filled tail with a single curved up horn like a rhino's head. The other is identical with a gold scheme but wider and bulker with two curved down horns.

"Kill him Gold and Silver" gordin says, as both unleash steam from their mouths and silver's tail. Naruto narrows his eyes but jerks as silver's chest explodes, revealing a dozen gun barrels that open fire with condensed laser fire. Naruto avoids them as each explode to make a beeline for silver, taking out part of its left leg and dropping the behemoth to one side. The cannons continue to fire and kick up dust as gold makes its move, firing from several panels on its back and tail. The area lights up with pinkish-red explosion with enough concussive force to throw naruto forward and off his feet but recovers, rushing towards gold and attempting to lift it off its feet. However gold's chest explodes open like silver and naruto takes the brunt of its cannons, dropping him to the ground.

"Hahaha" gordin crows but he and celes gasp, as naruto turns into a log.

"Rapid-Kill Final Bullet" naruto crows, from above spinning violently and generating a whirlwind of blue energy around his body. He crashes down and obliterates silver and comes through the smoke towards gold, "Shocking First Bullet" naruto shouts, crashing through gold to gordin's horror. Celes jumps off the carriage but her head leaves her shoulders from mujina as gordin falls from it.

"S-s-spare me!" gordin says, as naruto closes in and the redhead grabs to lift him off the ground. Mujina comes with her stained sword and her new tiger companion, "Would you spare these people if the roles reversed" she says.

"He wouldn't" naruto says but the sounds of horses catch their ears and both see ser bray coming with a contingent of men. Naruto drops gordin as bray reaches them, 'We meet again Naruto" bray says, dismounting his horse.

"Yes but in this Unfortunate circumstance.. Mujina and I caught Kalinsha soldiers about to slaughter this village and perhaps others" naruto explains.

"They have.. My men and I have other smaller villages slaughtered.. I believed to be Tristram" bray says and looks to gordin, "The King will need to hear All what you know" bray says.


Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Title: Heir of Uzumaki Clan

Level 116: 242,000/930,000

Rank: Tokubetsu Jonin/Adamantite Adventurer


HP: 211100

CP: 190200

CC: 90%

Str: 955

Spd: 890

Sta: 1800

Dex: 880

Vit: 2000

Chk: 3410

Wis: 470

Stat Points: 0