
Rising Storm

One might ask why Kō Hyuuga, jonin of Konoha, member of the noble Hyuuga clan, and member of the Main Branch of the clan, would ally himself with an organization such as the Red Dragon. The reason was very simple. He despised the Hyuuga clan.

He despised everything the clan stood for. For many years he kept his seething rage beneath a layer of calm, cold, and compassion. He did not like the Hyuuga clan. He held burning content for the Main Branch, and the Side Branch. Yet, the one he held even more hatred for...was Hyuuga Hiashi.

Guarding Hiashi's daughters was a constant test of his will to not exact the revenge he had placed up them. Hyuuga Hinata, and Hyuuga Hanabi, were the two charges he had been forced to guard and protect. He did not appreciate them either. One was a stuttering weakling, and the other was a child steadily growing into arrogant Hyuuga pride.

It had been in his plan to have the Red Dragon sell them both off. He didn't plan to do this at the same time as this might have drawn suspicion to him, but he would make Hiashi Hyuuga feel exactly what he felt. He would feel the rage, the sorrow, the suffering, the loss of something precious! It was easy.

He had already made the necessary steps to begin with Hinata. It would happen just before the girl was ready to partake in her Chunin Exams. It was easy for tensions to arise between nations during international events. Kumogakure learned that after all.

So, when he had been informed by Santa Yamanaka that the Red Dragon had been compromised, he had felt angrier than he had ever been in his entire shinobi career. However, this anger was quickly replaced with shock when he learned who had taken it over. "Uzumaki Naruto." He thought to himself as he surveyed one of the Red Dragon's main office buildings within the Red Light District from atop a separate roof.

Kō had seen the blonde a handful of times. He was called a failure of a shinobi in the making. He was the dead last of the Academy. He was also the holder of the Kyuubi no Yoko, the demon fox which laid waste to Konoha almost ten years ago. Kō refused to believe a boy of ten years would become capable of such a thing.

He had claimed this to be a mere joke. However, Santa had claimed that the boy had massacred the heads of the organization based in Konoha and had Takamura's wife imprisoned. It sounded like a joke that had gone horribly wrong to Kō.

What surprised them was that the club was running once again. People could be seen entering with friends, significant others, and lovers. "Are you sure we shouldn't have alerted the chunin unit? We may need them," Santa replied, his eyes firm upon the establishment. Kō snorted.

"It's a ten-year old boy, Santa-san. He's late for his bedtime. He shouldn't be pranking and doing jokes in the Red Light District, and most certainly not to one of the most notorious criminal organizations within the underworld. You didn't even have to come. I could have taken care of this." Kō said. Santa frowned for a moment, but he released a breath.

"Of course you could, but I still want us to proceed with caution. For all we know, the boy could have gained access to the powers of the Kyuubi. It would be the only plausible reason that he would be able to instill such fear in the guards. We will have to try and find Takamura-san when this is over as well," Santa replied. Kō agreed with this, but for now they would have to deal with the current matter at hand.

Both jonin swiftly arrived at the back entrance of the club. The guard stared at them before ushering them inside. Kō growled and wanted to cover his ears from the blazing music, but Santa quickly took him off before he had a chance to. Honestly, he loathed this ridiculous club music.

"Thank you for swiftly coming, Kō-san, Santa-san. We hope to have this wrapped up by tomorrow morning. We have already begun a search for Takamura-sama, but we haven't held any results. You can find the brat up in the boss' office. Make it hurt for him," the guard said.

They both agreed and began to march up the flight of stairs. Every guard they passed wished them the best of luck, but when asked about how the blonde was able to take control...they were all eerily silent. This made the Yamanaka member rather nervous. However, it only made the Hyuuga member angrier.

They came up to the door and, for once, cursed the fact that Takamura Shingen had such wonderful defenses against an assault from shinobi enforcers. It was terrifying how efficient the man was in protecting himself.

Enforced doors, a long hallway of walls lined with a residue that made it impossible to latch on with chakra, and even traps if one weren't careful in looking. Plus there were the lines of guards standing in front of the door.


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