
Naruto The Darkness Reborn

This is not my fanfiction all credit goes to The Darkness Reborn by SinbadThe3rd

xxwolfxx_0 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

The Gauntlet is thrown down Hard!

Naruto stood in front of the group from Konoha with the largest smirk on his face while his eyes were lite aflame with a godlike amount of fury.

"It was so very satisfying to kill that parasite," said Naruto as he reveled in the death of Danzo. The man had been trying to kidnap and turn him into a mindless weapon for years. He had done so much pure evil in the world that he was almost worthy of being made a Chimera himself, but the simple fact that he only cared for his own power and tried to usurp those in a higher position made him worthless to him. He had kept his Root program active despite it not being authorized to be active by the Fire Daimyo himself. Sure Minato was using them for his own agenda as well, but that didn't make it any less wrong. He used all of the various Orphanages in the village via their matrons as a main source of such early recruitment, followed by going to nearby towns, even going to other countries, and taking children from their homes while killing the parents if necessary. Next was all the research matters regarding the splicing of bloodlines to bring about additional powers neither side could produce alone, which Danzo recruited Orochimaru for if the Sannin's own testimony, who Naruto had talked to for hours about his projects both past and present since they interested him, were any indication. Added the fact the man conspired in the past with the Warlord Hanzo to help him with Ame in exchange for giving Danzo forces to help take over Konoha as its new Hokage.

And that was just scratching the surface since these had taken place in the last twenty years, and there was so much more he had done…

Unauthorized missions, diverting finances from Konoha's treasury while sending Root ANBU to secretly raid rich caravans from other countries, and killing wealthy families after capturing some of them to make the liquidation of their assets legit, yet untraceable before they were killed. Different roaming clans who lived away from the hidden villages were also targeted, some mostly wiped out save for a few (mostly young children), and those few were conditioned to be made Root ANBU. There was even proof that Danzo had allied with Kazehana Doto to overthrow his brother in exchange for some of the lost technology Snow Country had, like the chakra armor and the blueprints for the airships as well as the trains buried in the snow there. The only reason the plan with Doto failed was because of the greedy man reneging on his side of the deal and had created a strong powerbase too tough for Danzo to break unless he risked information of his involvement coming to light. Naruto had mentally chuckled at that since in the end they had gotten what they sought with the technology of Spring after killing Koyuki and annexing her country, but it wouldn't help them in the slightest since Naruto's forces used magic and brute strength so Chakra armor was essentially pointless against them. Plus he also had a huge fucking (both metaphorically as well as literally in Kami's sake) dragon that trumps any form of airship they could come up with.

"Danzo was no such thing," said Minato as he glared at his son while still on his knees with his arms restrained behind his back.

"You can honestly say that to my face," said Naruto as he walked towards Minato and leaned down to look him directly in the eyes, "when I know exactly what he has done in his lifetime. I consumed him down to his very soul just now and doing so allowed me to see what he had done. And not only that, but what has yet to happen." Naruto then summoned up several needles in his hand and threw them into the darkness near the door to the throne room. Several thuds could be heard, and shortly after the ROOT Nin he had just stunned were dragged into the light by his Night Wolves. Moka saw them and licked her lips since she was craving blood, and Naruto saw this.

"Where did they come from," asked Minato in genuine surprise since he didn't authorize this.

"Danzo was not loyal to you," said Naruto as he beckoned Moka towards him and kissed her, "for he planned to kill you as well as me to take over our empires. But what the both of you are fully unaware is that my empire would never follow a pathetic man as you or him."

"And why do you say that," spat out Minato in anger since he hated to be looked down upon, and even more so when it was by his son who he had killed years ago.

"Simply because you are human," said Naruto with a smirk, "and there is not a single human in my empire since we killed them all. Well that is not entirely true since the women are still alive."

"And where are they?"

"Deep in the depths of our breeding grounds being raped constantly to the point that their minds break. They are used to birth more of our kind until they are barren. Then they are chopped up and eaten by those who crave human flesh."

"What kind of sick monster are you!" shouted Kiba as he was still trying to break free from the tendrils that were holding him down.

"The strongest kind," said Naruto as he walked towards Kiba, "a true Alpha male, not the fake one you are trying to make yourself seem like when you are nothing more than a pathetic weak virgin who likes to talk big."

"And what makes you think that you are an Alpha like me," growled Kiba as he bared his fangs, "because you are pathetic if you have to fuck freaks like those!" Kiba immediately regretted saying that since the amount of killing intent sent his way was so thick.

"You say that," said Naruto as he held his hand up to stop his women from tearing him apart, "but what you don't know is that a pathetic human like you can't satisfy these type of women since your sexual organ isn't up to snuff. Like Centorea over there is a Centaur, and their race's males have large equine cocks so a human male wouldn't be able to even felt inside them."

"You are human you fucking idiot!" said Kiba, "So you have admitted that you can't satisfy them."

"I am not human," laughed Naruto, "I may have a humanoid form; I am the farthest thing from it with the ability of shifting my body in any way I wish. And besides…" Naruto then used a tendril to rip off Kiba's pants and underwear. What lay underneath was a penis that would be normal looking on a small child, but to see someone in their adulthood with that size made it all the more humiliating. His lovers saw how small Kiba's penis was, since with how pathetic it was in size it could only be called that, they pointed and laughed as Kiba's face flared up in embarrassment. After they were all done laughing at his penis size, Naruto rearranged him in a kneeled position so that his penis was flat on the ground.

"What are you doing," asked Kiba in fear since the position he was in was not only demeaning but worrisome as well.

"Simple," said Naruto as he beckoned Centorea over to him. "You insulted my women, which is punishable by death. But I have a much crueler idea for you." He then kissed Centorea as he also whispered something to her. She smiled at what he said and walked towards Kiba. "You claim that you are an Alpha male even though you don't have the tools to even consider yourself as one. You think that you can have any woman you want, but I am going to put an end to that train of thought right here and now."

Centorea walked over to Kiba's shaking form since he was terrified by what Naruto had said. All the while Tsume was begging for him to spare Kiba, but Naruto didn't listen to her and used a tendril to shut her up by gagging her with it. She moved into position and lifted up her front left leg. She then slammed it down hard on Kiba's dick and balls, effectively castrating him as well as making him a eunuch since he had neither a dick nor balls anymore. Kiba screamed in a high pitched tone as he suffered the worst amount of pain that he had ever felt in his entire life. As he screamed, Naruto and his lovers just laughed at his suffering.

"You are now no longer a man," said Naruto as Moka moved towards Kiba with her power beginning to flux as she prepared to unseal into her true form, "and now you get to die as a boy." Moka walked forward as he said that and her body began to change. Her eyes glowed gold and her fangs grew larger. Her body grew twice the size it was when it was in her sealed form, as her sealed form ripped apart like a skin. Moka's natural skin was a light grayish color with large wings that were spread out as she screeched in pain since the act of unsealing was a painful endeavor. Her fingers became knife-like and she lost her nose, with there being two small slits there so she could still smell her prey. Her mouth then opened up in four pieces that seemed like an x shape and before Kiba could shout anymore, a wormlike tendril shot out of her mouth and latched on to his neck. He felt as his blood began to drain from his body and looked at his hands as they shriveled from the lack of blood. Soon, Kiba died a bloodless husk of a boy. Moka burped as she finished feeding, but then went to eat the ROOT Nin that had tried to sneak attack them. As she sucked them dry of their vital fluids, Naruto walked towards Neji and Hiashi, but was stopped by a sudden influx of power sent his way.

Naruto looked to see what had caused that amount of power, and to his surprise it was his father who had used the Shinra Tensei ability on him in hopes to hurt him. But it hadn't done anything other than make him sense the power used against him. Naruto saw Minato with the Rinnegan and smirked as he did.

"So you have stolen eyes that are not your own," said Naruto with a smile, "and yet you call me a monster. So how exactly are you human if you are harvesting eyes like that?"

"Behold," said Minato as he used the Rinnegan to pulse enough energy to break free from the tendrils that had bound him, "the power of a god!" Minato then threw one of his signature kunai not at Naruto, but his lover Ursa since he wanted to kill her and disorientate Naruto long enough to slit his throat. Yet the very second that he teleported to the kunai, Ursa grabbed him by the throat and threw him backwards towards Naruto, who then grabbed him by the head and slammed him hard into the ground.

"Just FYI," said Naruto as he laughed at his father's stupidity, "my lovers are the strongest of their races from all the years of training I put them through since I only mate with strong women. They are warriors down to the core and not just eye candy as you think. But since you think so highly of yourself with this so called 'power of the gods' I am going to give you a chance to prove your self-proclaimed superiority."

Naruto then clicked his fingers, doing so pulled his prisoners further away from the two of them while his lovers did so of their own accord since they knew what was happening. Many leaders in the past that had been dragged to this room had demanded a duel for their freedom as well as their families. Naruto could have simply killed them where they stood since he didn't really care for their demands. But he always accepted after telling them that once they lost they would be forced to watch their family be violated or killed in front of them. This way not only did they fight at their peak since not only was it their own life on the line but the lives of their family as well, but when they lost they were in the state of sadness that Naruto wanted them to be in before he had them sealed away in their new prison cell to suffer in their misery for as long as he wanted them to. Four tendrils made a hollow cube arena that power was sent through and formed a clear field of energy so that outsiders could watch but no one could escape until the fight was over.

"Now is the time for you to prove you theory of having godlike power," said Naruto as he stood there with his hands behind his back. "But be warned that when you lose I will drag your family before you and violate them as I have done to so many others."

Minato got back onto his feet and glared at Naruto with all the hate he could muster.

"You would do something like that to your own mother?! You are sick!"

"And this is coming from a man who literally stole the eyes of someone else for their power. Such a hypocrite," sighed Naruto as he waited for Minato to come at him. Minato didn't disappoint him since he unleashed all the power he had in himself, including the power of the eight tailed Biju that he had sealed within him. Minato's body glowed yellowish white as his power surround him like a second skin and eight tails emerged from his back.

"Now behold my power!" shouted Minato as he launched thousands of energy spikes all over, which Naruto just caught the ones sent his way with his hand before he crushed them.

"You already said that," said Naruto with a bored expression on his face, "so are you actually going to attack me or just stand there shouting at me to look at you?"

Minato then roared in anger as he began his attack. He teleported multiple times to every single one of the energy spikes, and as he did he attempted to stab Naruto with his blades he used. But Naruto easily dodged everything that he threw at him, and it only made Minato so furious to see him do so.

"So is this everything you have in the form of power," said Naruto as he caught the blade with his hand on the last strike that Minato swung at him. As he had teleported the spike disappeared when used so it was easy to judge where he was going off of that fact alone, "because if this is it then you are more pathetic than I thought possible."

Minato grew even more enraged as he heard this and used his eight tails to channel power into his hand to from a Rasengan. Once properly formed, he charged forward to strike Naruto down, and Naruto didn't move from his spot as he did. If Minato wasn't so pissed about this whole thing he would have noticed Naruto smirking as he was struck in the chest with the attack. The Rasengan didn't hurt him in the slightest; in fact his body absorbed it. Naruto then laughed as he punched Minato in the gut hard enough to launch him straight into the field behind him. It was meant to be a wall so he didn't die from it. Minato then got back unto his feet once more and used all the power he could muster to form a Biju bomb infused Rasengan and launched it towards Naruto. This time Naruto held up his hand, doing so caused a miniature black hole to form in front of it, which sucked in the Rasengan thrown at him without any sort of damage whatsoever.

"That is impossible," said Minato in shock as he saw Naruto easily cancel out his most powerful technique.

"Not for me it isn't," said Naruto as he just stood there, "but now I grow tired of this charade, and wish to end it. I believe this belongs to you," said Naruto as he summoned up the Rasengan his body had absorbed and, moving faster than Minato could track, struck Minato in the same fashion he had struck Naruto. The attack was blocked by the cloak of energy that he wore as armor, but it also was blasted off of him violently since the dark energy put into the attack did so. Minato fell to his knees weak, since he felt a vast amount of energy leave him since the Eight Tailed Biju had been literally blasted out of his body. Naruto caught to orb of energy that it had become with a tendril and brought it towards him.

"You helped my fellow jinchuriki in his time of need," said Naruto as he held the orb, "and for that I grant you your much deserved freedom." Naruto channeled power into the orb, which then vanished from his hand, but Naruto knew that it was just going to teleport elsewhere where the eight tails could regenerate his body fully.

"What did you do to me," said Minato weakly as he tried to stand and fight, but his body was too weak to do so.

"I beat you," said Naruto as he walked towards him, "plain and simple."

Minato channeled the last bit of his power into his eyes to attack Naruto one last time. He used a Shinra Tensei one last time, but like before it did nothing. But this time the ending was different since Naruto quickly moved forward and stabbed him in the eyes with needle-like tendrils coming out of his fingers. While the Rinnegan was being extracted out of Minato, painfully might I add judging from the screams of pain, his eyes were still intact and he was still able to see out of them. Once the process was done, he summoned a mirror to see how his own eyes had changed. He still had the golden eyes, but now they had three rings within them as well that were black.

"For one to claim to have godlike power, you were defeated so very easily," said Naruto as he sent the mirror away for use at a later time.

"What the hell are you," asked Minato in fear since he had been beaten so easily as well as lost most of his power too.

"I could tell you," said Naruto with a grin as a tendril rose up behind Minato's head, "but I think I would rather show you." The tendril then sprouted a needle and punctured the back of Minato's head. Minato was forced to live every moment of Naruto's life, from the very first memory he had which was of him being stabbed for asking for food in the orphanage to the end of his life. He skipped not a single detail of the horrors of his life, and when he got to the part that happened after his death, he summarized it instead of telling him everything. Minato saw the fall of Heaven and Hell, but not the reason why. He saw Death as well as Satan die by Naruto's hands, but not Kami's fate. He saw what Naruto's army had been up to on this side of the world and it horrified him to see the carnage they wrought to all who were human. He even heard about Naruto's plan to eradicate humanity into extinction, and that was what frightened him the most. Once all the memories were implanted into his head the tendril retracted from the back of his head, and Minato now looked at Naruto as he tried to crawl away from the monster he had become.

"So you now know of what I have done since my death," said Naruto as he released the barrier around them. He bound Minato once more so that he didn't try to run. To be honest he wouldn't have gotten very far in his weakened state, or any state for that matter since his men would have been able to handle him, or at least he would like to think they would be able to. "Yet I'll get to you in a bit since I want to deal with the others first. But where to start? Choose Minato… Hana or Kurenai?"

"I won't choose," said Minato before he screamed in pain as the tendrils squeezed him harder.

"You really don't have a choice," said Naruto as he walked up towards him and got into his face. "Now I will ask you again. Choose either Hana or Kurenai…"

"Kurenai," said Minato finally, and as he did as ordered the squeezing stopped.

"Excellent choice," said Naruto as he whistled. Out of the shadows behind his throne, two tails emerged and grabbed ahold of Kurenai by the legs. She kicked and screamed as she was dragged closer to the creature that had her in its grasp, but in the end all she was able to do was get one foot free while the other kept her airborne and upside down. She screamed as the other tail grabbed ahold of her leg once more, and then pulled her legs apart in a forced split.

"Please stop this," screamed Kurenai in pain as the tails were pulling hard, "it hurts! IT HURTS!"

Yet, neither Naruto nor any of his lovers did a single thing as the tails finally pulled her with enough force to rip her in half. Kurenai died with a painful look on her face, and the creature then threw her corpse into its mouth before appearing in the light so that the others could see who it was. And too their utmost shock, there stood the Kyuubi in all of his demonic glory.

"I see you are surprised to see the Kyuubi alive and well considering you tried to kill him through sacrificing me," said Naruto as he sat on his throne. The Kyuubi curled up around it in a way that Naruto was still visible. "For when I became what I am, I felt pity for the demon who had saved my life more times than I can count, so I took it upon myself to find a way to revive him like he had done for me for years. So with the help of several mages I extracted his soul from my own, but doing so left him weak since it was just the soul that was extracted and none of his former power. I granted him some of my own which in time will grow until he is back to what he once was."

"Do you understand what you have done you brat!" shouted Minato as he glared at Naruto.

"In the manner of an hour I have basically screwed every single one of your plans to try and take over my empire," said Naruto with a smile. "Plus I have revived the creature you wanted dead for selfish reasons."

"What are you talking about?"

"It took me a while to figure it out, but I finally understand why you had me killed. You wanted to be the strongest Shinobi ever, yet the strongest of them were the Jinchuriki. The strongest of those being the container of the Kyuubi which only an Uzumaki could contain. You are no Uzumaki, and it upset you that the strongest of the Biju could not be used by you so you had it killed so there would never be anyone to challenge your power and then took the eight tails as your own to enhance your infamous power."

"How did you know that," asked Minato in shock that his secret had been found out.

"To be honest it was more of a guess," said Naruto with a smirk, "but with you admitting to it, well…"

"Damn you!" said Minato as he hated being deceived like he had just been. Naruto just laughed as he used a tendril to pull Neji out of the webbing he was still stuck in and bring him before him. Neji was genuinely frightened of him seeing him kill off who he did and weakening Minato as he had.

"Why do you look so afraid Neji," said Naruto with an unreadable look on his face as he leaned his head on his fist.

"Because I am afraid," said Neji who was being honest since he didn't want to piss Naruto off any more than he already was.

"As you should be, but I am not mad at you old friend."

"You're not," asked Neji in confusion.

"Not at all," said Naruto with a smirk, "I actually wish to apologize to you over something I said years ago."

"What did you say that deserves an apology?"

"Years ago when I avenged Hinata's honor by fighting you, you claimed that Fate was on your side and I was destined to lose. I told you that Fate was a crutch and to not just accept it as it is. Well Neji, I was wrong. Fate did exist and one could not simply fight it as I thought since the gods themselves enforced it. But the old gods are now gone, so Fate no longer exists as well. So I apologize and I offer you the chance to survive what is to come, but for a price."

"What exactly do you want," asked Neji in fear.

"Your humanity," said Naruto with a slight glare, "for my wish is to make the human race extinct. So if you wish to live in this new world you must be rid of your humanity."

"I," started Neji before he was interrupted.

"Neji," shouted Hiashi while he tried to free his hands enough so he could activate the seal on Neji's forehead, "don't you dare listen to him. You are a proud Hyuga and shall remain one!"

"A proud Hyuga you say," said Naruto as he used two tendrils to hold Hiashi's hands apart so he couldn't use the hand seal to activate the seal on Neji's head, "is that why you were trying to use the seal on his head to force him to say what you wanted him to say?"

"Stay out of this brat!"

"This is my empire so I will do as I please. Do you see that Neji? While I try to talk to you in a civil manner, your own flesh and blood only wishes to hurt you for their own sick reasons. We are more alike than you know."

"Say I accepted your offer," said Neji to Hiashi's anger, which he would have shouted if not for Naruto gagging him, "what exactly would I need to do?"

"As I said, sacrifice your humanity."

"And how would I do that," asked Neji who was not really liking the sound of it.

"I will inject you with energy that will painfully, as well as violently rid you of it, but in the end you will be reborn anew as a race known as the Chimera."

"I'm not so sure about that."

"Well allow me to sweeten the deal a bit," said Naruto with a smile, "since not only will you be free from the seal on your head, but I'll even allow you to kill the man who has used it against you for the majority of your life."

Neji looked at Naruto with eyes full of shock since he had been offered the two things that he had wanted for his whole life. Neji had attacked Hinata years ago out of anger towards Hiashi since he couldn't attack the clan head of the family, and if he had to lose his father that asshole would lose his daughter to feel his pain.

"If you throw in Hinata for me to kill than I'll accept," said Neji seriously.

"Oh," said Naruto in thought, "well I would like to gift you with that. Yet I have plans for her death already in my mind. So I'll meet you halfway and give you Hanabi to deal with as you will. Deal?" asked Naruto as he held out his hand to seal the deal.

"Deal," said Neji as he grabbed his hand in agreement. As he shook it, he felt a strange power flow into his hand. His hand became jet black as the power coursed through his arm towards his body. Neji fell over in sheer pain since it was unlike anything that he had ever felt in his life. He puked out his blood as well as felt it come out of his eyes and ears. But that wasn't the worst part since soon he hacked up his vital organs as well since his body rejected his human organs to grow more in their place. Neji had choked when his intestines came out and had to pull it out by hand. His eyes fell out, and what replaced them were bright gray ones that gave him perfect nocturnal vision along with the effects of the Byakugan that he had while he was human. In the end his body had turned fully dark as the pain finally stopped. With a surge of power his body, the darkness of his body vanished and his skin became pale. His body became clothed once more as Neji flexed his new body to adapt to the surge of power that he had been gifted with.

Neji wore a hooded grey cape with black markings and large rolled-up cuffs along with long black ribbons and bandages across his arms. He also wore an open shirt beneath his vest that shows his chest, a loose black tie, two belts, and black pants. As he saw his new form with the help of a mirror that Naruto had on hand to allow those he changed as well as would change in the future to see themselves, he activated what he would call his Overdrive mode, where his hood comes off for a brief moment, revealing his jet black hair. Instead of the seal that once was on his forehead, there was now a third eye that was closed. Neji was unsure as to what it did, but he would find out later.

"How do you feel," asked Naruto as the mirror he summoned up for Neji to use sank back into the ground.

"Better than I have ever felt in my life," said Neji with a smile.

"Glad to hear it," said Naruto as he summoned Hiashi forth with his tendrils, "and I am a man of my word so here is the first part of my promise."

Neji grinned maliciously as he cracked his knuckles and walked towards Hiashi. The color in Hiashi's face fully drained as he saw Neji walk towards him.

"I am unaware of what my third eye does," said Neji as he opened it up to look at Hiashi. It was the same color as his other eyes, but with far more power in it. His third eye began to glow with unholy power, as he did Hiashi was unable to look away. Hiashi screamed in pain as his body slowly turned to stone, which once it had turned fully Neji kicked it to pieces.

"Well that answered that question," said Naruto as he was reminded of a creature of legend from long ago that he saw from the memories of the Darkness, "and as so I dub you a Chimera of the race know as Gorgon."

"I like it," said Neji as he reveled in his new power. He would test his power out more later on, but he was curious as to what Naruto would still do to the rest in his former group. He did see that the Night Wolves were eating his discarded organs off the ground. While he may have been grossed out by it a few minutes ago, now he didn't care what happened to his discarded parts.

"You monster!" shouted Tsume as she had seen Neji transformed as well as her friend Hiashi murdered in front of her very eyes. "Kami will smite you for all that you have done!"

As he and his lovers heard this, they all began to laugh hard. The Kyuubi as well as Neji joined in even though Neji wasn't sure why he was laughing. It took several minutes, but they finally calmed down from their laughter to the point that they could talk once again.

"Kami will smite me you say," said Naruto with a smile, he got up out of his throne and beckoned Uriel forward. He opened a portal beside him and threw a few tendrils through it to drag something out. Out of the portal came the worn out overused body of Kami, who had a permanent fuck stupid look on her face and a gaping pussy that was so lose you could see all the way to her cervix, which itself was so swollen from having to reseal itself over the years. Naruto dropped her onto the floor since he didn't really care for her. Hell not even her own daughter Ursa gave two shits about her and was smiling seeing her cum dumpster of a mother being manhandled like she was. "Because this is her."

"What…" was all Tsume could say as words failed to describe what she was feeling at this point.

"I captured her early on in my campaign of domination and gave her to the last dragon in existence to breed with. This is what she has become after seven years of non-stop rape from a dragon, but he has grown tired of her overused pussy and wants a new tighter hole. And I promised him one." Naruto then placed his head on Kami's body as she slowly tried to crawl towards him since cock was all that was on her mind anymore since she had been thoroughly mind broken. He extracted her immortality from her and walked towards Hana with it in his hands. He slammed the orb that was immortality into her gut, to which she screamed as the power coursed through her painfully.

"What did you do to my daughter," growled Tsume as she saw her daughter's body spasm in pain.

"I simply prepared her for her new husband," said Naruto as he picked her up by the neck. He then threw her into the portal across the room, but then again she was immortal now so she would live. Sure she was in pain from the process as well as him chucking her across the room like a football, but it would all pale in comparison to what Smaug would do to her over the years. He wondered how long until her mind broke, but that was information to ponder on later. But as he was done with Hana, he went over to Kami herself and channeled healing energy into her mind. He had promised to do so for Uriel and he was a man of his word. He saw it in her eyes that she was beginning to understand once more as her mind was healed. And after a few minutes she began to sob as the horrible atrocities she had been forced to suffer all came back to her. She saw Uriel standing there though and directed her attention towards her.

"Uriel help me," said Kami with tears in her eyes, and was shocked to see Uriel just stand there with a wicked smirk on her face.

"And why would I help the bitch who saw all angels as pawns in a game to solidify her own power," said Uriel as she walked over and kissed Naruto, "to be thrown away like we were nothing when it was all over."

"What are you talking about," said Kami who was shocked that she knew the truth.

"Don't play dumb bitch," said Uriel with a frown, "your brother, the Shinigami tried that and he was killed by my lover in the end."

"Lover," said Kami in shock that she would be betrayed by the dead of her Angelic forces, and she would join up with the Darkness itself.

"Yes," said Uriel, "he is my lover since he showed me the truth that you and the other false gods hid away and spared me when the Heavens were destroyed."

"You let him destroy Heaven!" shouted Kami with all the fury her weakened body was able to muster.

"I did," said Uriel as Naruto formed the hammer that he used to smash the Heavenly Forge and handed it to her, "and now all that remains is you. But luckily for me I am able to rectify that." She lifted up the hammer with both her hands since it was fairly heavy. Kami screamed for mercy as she did, but Uriel didn't listen to her pleas and slammed the hammer down onto her head hard. Her head splattered, and thus ended the life of the goddess Kami…

"That felt great," said Uriel as Naruto took the hammer away from her.

"I'm glad I could supply you with the closure you needed," said Naruto as Uriel smashed her lips onto his and kissed him deep with tongue. A few minutes later they parted with Naruto telling her they would continue later. He diverted his attention to the last two people in the group and smiled since he had plans for the both of them. He opened up a small portal and grabbed a syringe that was on the other side. He had asked Orochimaru to make a special drug with Tsume in mind, which he did so gladly and finished it within twenty minutes of the request since there was no one trying to stop him or find him to kill him so he was able to pay full attention to his work without the worry of someone trying to kill him over his past actions. He walked with the syringe in hand towards Tsume, who was afraid of what was in it.

"What are you going to do to me," she asked, all the while afraid of the answer.

"Preparing you for a fun game my Night Wolves as well as those of the Werewolf race like to play." Said Naruto as he stabbed her in the neck and injected the drug into her body.

"What was that?"

"It is the dog version of catnip," said Naruto as he snapped his fingers. His Night Wolves came forward, each with a full erection as they smelled the female pheromones coming off of Tsume. "As you can see, my pets wish to mate with you, but I like to give their potential mates a chance to run. I will send you into the middle of a forest. Pick any direction you wish to go since it is a hundred miles in any direction. Make it out and escape your fate, but I highly doubt you will." Naruto then snapped his finger as he laughed; once he did Tsume fell into the whole that appeared under her.

"Sic her boys," said Naruto as his Night Wolves ran towards the door to capture their pray. They had done this multiple times, and they enjoyed the thrill of the hunt. Plus the drugs that she was injected with made all who were of a canine race within a hundred miles aware of her presence and that the hunt was on so they entered the forest as well to hunt her down…

(The Dark Forest)

There she was, sauntering through the woods unsure as to where she was exactly. When she transported via wormhole to the forest, she had ended up on a platform that had been placed in the direct center of the forest. No one was there and there was simply a sign there that said 'Abandon all hope ye who enter here'. She got up and hiked along the path she saw when she felt the feeling of being watched, the fine hairs on the back of her neck standing up. She turned and looked and for just the flash of a moment she thought she saw a set of eyes in the brush. She paid it no mind and thought her mind was playing tricks with her since she didn't smell nor sense anything there. She continued onwards and the feeling persisted. Each time she looked she saw nothing and it made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

She was about a mile away from the starting platform when she turned a corner on the path and there was a large wolf in front of her. She stopped as did her heart. In all the times she had traveled through woods in her lifetime she never saw anything more ferocious in her lifetime. She looked around and saw a couple more wolves to her sides. She cautiously started off the path through the opening that was most readily available. She didn't know whether to run or stand her ground, yet she knew she couldn't have out ran them if she tried. As the other two followed she lost track of the large one that was in front of her. She started looking for a tree to could climb to escape them since she was a shinobi, and doing so would allow her to travel through the woods far more efficiently as well as safely. She was staring to sweat, her heart raced and then out of nowhere the large one was back in front of her. She took notice to the other two on the sides of her and then noticed there wasn't two but six of them that had her surrounded. That was seven in total. She had no idea how a pack of wolves had surrounded her so easily and early on in her banishment into these woods, but she was mortified about it since she knew this was going to be attacked by wolves and violated against her will.

Lost in her thoughts of despair, she felt something pressed against her ass. She looked back and saw the nose of one of the larger wolves buried in her ass. Another was in her crotch as the pack had moved much closer, surrounding her completely. In a panic she finally overcame her initial fear and started to run. She didn't even get one step as one of them grabbed her by the jeans and unbalanced her, dragging her to the ground. They were on her instantly as she fell. All she could hear was the growling of them all and the feel of teeth against her flesh. Her shoes were ripped off one by one and then her top. She felt them pulling at her jeans as they came off, her legs were kicking as she struggled against them. She started screaming when she felt a paw being pushed into her mouth. Her screams now muffled, her panties and bra were torn from her. There she laid, naked except for her socks, a paw in her mouth and two wolves standing on her outstretched arms, holding her there helpless.

The large one she had first seen stepped between her legs, obviously the leader of this pack. He licked at her crotch. Instinctively and stupidly she kicked at him and pushed him away. Immediately she felt the grip of a large set of jaws on her throat. Feeling them tighten on her made her lay still as the leader pushed his snout into her crotch again. He started licking her once more, pushing his tongue just inside her, the feeling of his rough tongue on her clit. She was getting wet, which she was ashamed of but was completely unaware that it was a side-effect of the drugs injected into her to break her mind once the rape started. It was partially from the fear but also from excitement of all of this and also because of the tongue lashing she was getting. As the leader continued she started to grind her hips towards him. The jaws on her neck released at that time and the paw was removed from her mouth. She wanted his tongue deeper inside me since it had been so long since she had been with a man since her husband had left shortly after Kiba was born and others were just too weak in her mind. If this had been a man she would have grabbed his head and shoved him into her. As if the wolf knew what she wanted his tongue went deeper inside of her. She could feel his teeth against her soft but wet pussy as his tongue was inside her.

The two wolves holding her arms down started licking her tits. Her nipples were hard and erect and loving being licked. She felt another tongue on her ear and yet another licking at her neck. The feeling was almost euphoric. As the fear left her a wave washed over as she came hard on the tongue in her cunt. When he had finished she noticed the two holding her arms down were female wolves. For some reason she had just assumed they were all males. One of them took hold of her wrist with her mouth and pulled her arm back over her body, rolling Tsume onto her stomach. She felt several snouts at her sides nudging her up. There was no way this was going to happen. She knew what they wanted and figured if she just laid on her stomach then nothing would happen. Just as she was about to finish that thought she felt the gnashing of teeth on the back of her neck again. Harder this time than the first, he was almost to the point of breaking her skin as he pulled her up. Tsume obeyed as she knew what they wanted and was there on all fours since she knew resistance was futile at this point. The two females each took her wrists in their mouths and the large leader immediately leaped on her back. She felt his weight come down on her and felt his cock against her sopping wet pussy. He was in her instantly. Tsume had seen the dogs from her clan mate over the course of her life and seen them take several tries to find the right spot; she was amazed that he was able to get in her so quickly. He growled loudly and the two females pulled her wrists lowering Tsume to her elbows and forcing her ass up. When they did he drove completely into her. It felt like twelve inches of wolf cock pierced her insides. She moaned out loudly as he started to fuck her with the reckless abandon of a dog fucking his bitch. 'His bitch' Tsume thought to herself, there she was bent over with this wolf giving her the best fuck of her life like she was a bitch in heat, which given her clan's bloodline was more or less the truth.

One of the females loosened on her wrist. As Tsume started to place her hand down to raise herself one the males stood on her hand and arm holding her there. The other female took the same position on Tsume's other arm as the leader continued pounding away at her. She could feel herself getting ready to cum again when she noticed the one female laying in front of her, on her back with her legs spread. Tsume was in disbelief until she felt the other female on her arm bite the back of her neck and pushed her towards the other wolf. Tsume started to lick at the females' pussy and as she did she heard a slight whimper. The leader was pushing against her; Tsume could feel him starting to swell and on his next thrust Tsume pushed back and felt his knot slip into her aching cunt. She ground herself against his knot and came, moaning into the wolf's pussy that was becoming increasingly wetter.

The leader brought his leg over her ass and they were tied ass to ass. Tsume could feel him filling her with his seed. She started to lick the female in front of her harder, feeling her hair against her face as she got wetter. Tsume couldn't believe when she came, gushing against her and in her mouth. Her face was wet from the female wolf and the leader was pulling his knot out of her. Tsume felt his cum run down her legs. The one male holding her arm down moved and was replaced by one of the others. The female moved as well and was also replaced by one of the others males. The male that was holding her wrist down mounted Tsume and as the first, immediately pushed himself into her. The other female lay in front of Tsume and this time she didn't resist or think and started lapping away at her open cunt. Tsume was completely lost, the sun was setting above them and there she was a sex slave to a pack of wolves.

The second male knotted her and filled Tsume with canine sperm as she brought the other female to orgasm, as well as herself. She squirted her juices into Tsume's mouth and she greedily lapped them all up. When the second pulled out of Tsume he was immediately replaced by the third. She was steadily becoming exhausted and could feel her knees starting to ache and yet she knew she had two other wolves to endure when this one finished. As he entered the wolves on her wrists let go and stood back. Tsume didn't move and stayed in the position they obviously wanted her in. Tsume was being such a good little slut and although she had never really given animal sex much thought she had succumbed to this and enjoyed it. It seemed like the drug was working perfectly…

The third one finished with Tsume and the fourth was right there. She wanted to give her elbows some relief and hesitantly lifted herself to all fours. The fourth one was different. He stabbed his cock into her and then pulled back out. He kept fucking her with this stabbing motion, completely filling her then back out. It was driving Tsume mad! It was as if a man were fucking her instead of a wolf. The two females started licking at her hard nipples, feeling their tongues on them and the occasional nip and the male stabbing his cock in and out of her had Tsume cumming yet again. He knotted her just as the others and filled her with his seed. She wasn't sure how much more she could hold at this point. Her pussy was already sloppy wet and dripping with the others' sperm. When he finished with Tsume he pulled and left a long trail of cum running from her aching pussy and puddling between her knees.

Tsume looked over at the last wolf with her oversexed eyes. He was obviously the youngest of the pack. He got behind her and Tsume wasn't sure if her sore, well used hole could take much more. Almost sensing that, she felt the tip of his cock against her ass. As she was trying to get the word no out of her mouth when he shoved his wolf cock into her ass and the no turned into more of a howl. Thank Kami he was smaller than the rest. He fucked her ass with the youth and vigor of a young man. The leader had moved in front of her and she could see his fully erect cock from its sheath. He put his front paws on Tsume's shoulders and was in front of her face. One of the females nipped at the side of her neck and she took one hand and placed his cock into her mouth. As she did he started to fuck her face the same way he did her cunt.

Tsume felt him pushing against the back of her throat and gagged against him. Her saliva ran from her mouth and his cock as she coughed. He was relentless just as before and continued fucking her mouth. It was difficult to breathe and she had to time her breaths between thrusts. The smaller male in her ass pushed himself into her and she felt his knot swell in her ass. They were soon ass to ass and he shot his cum deep into her ass. The leader started to knot as well, it was physically impossible for him to get anything that big into her mouth. He pressed it against her lips and started to unload. Tsume could feel it running down her throat. It was quickly filling her mouth and running out and down her chin. She coughed and gagged again, sperm and spit all over the males' large cock. He pulled his cock out and continued to cum. His hot seed covered her face and hair; she was being given a wolf facial. When he finished he got off of her shoulders. The young male in her ass finished shortly after that. It was at this point that Tsume fainted from all that happened to her, and as she did the wolves dragged her back to their den to be used as a breeder along with the others they had captured over the years…


"Now that she is out of the way we can finish this up," said Naruto as all that was left of the part from the East was Minato.

"Kill me and get it over with brat," said Minato in rage that all of his plans had gone to hell so quickly. "My family will avenge me when I am gone and my empire will see my death as a driving point to invade your lands."

"First," said Naruto as he held up a single finger, "your people could come at us with all the strength they could muster and it would not be enough since we are stronger than you, and that is the basic soldier. We haven't even gotten to the point of our mages and various other creatures we have that exist only to kill humans when ordered. And second, you think I'm going to kill you here? That ending your life in this place will satisfy my desire to crush you and everyone like you? Don't make me laugh!" declared Naruto with Minato looking confused as he said that.

"So...you're not going to kill me here?" asked Minato with Naruto smirking at him.

"No. I want you to return to your pathetic Fire Empire. Let them know that Uzumaki Naruto is alive, well, and getting stronger by the second. I want them and you to come at me with everything you've got!" said Naruto while flexing his right hand before forming a fist.

"You would be foolish to not kill me here. When I get free from these chains, I'm going to show you why I had become the Emperor of my own Empire," said Minato while tensing his body.

"You already lost to me once Minato," said Naruto with a chuckle, "and time is not on your side either. But before I send you on your way I have a gift for you."

Naruto then whistled, and to Minato's shock as well as horror, Kushina came out of the shadows wearing lingerie that had holes over her pussy as well as her nipples.

"I told you I would violate your family when you lost our fight," said Naruto as he summoned a table that Kushina lay down on her back with and spread her legs for him. "But what I didn't tell you was that I have been fucking Kushina for days now to break her mind. And as you can see she belongs to me now. Isn't that right Kushina?"

"Yes master," said Kushina as she played with her nipple and clit at the same time. "I belong only to you. Minato's dick can't satisfy me anymore. Please fuck me with your cock n a way Minato never could."

"You hear that Minato," said Naruto as he unzipped his pants, "I have her begging for it while you have been neglecting her. What kind of a man would just ignore a hot piece of ass that was literally thrown in your face? She told me all about how she tried to be intimate with you and you snubbed her, you really are pathetic." Naruto said as he freed one of his hands long enough to unzip his pants, releasing his erection, which had swelled to an impressive 12¾" in length and 3" in thickness. Minato looked away from the scene in shame since really what else could he do?

"Yes master, fuck my face," She shouted, as Naruto lowered her face towards his tool. Slowly Naruto applied more and more pressure, pressing into her mouth, insistently gaining ground since it took a bit to fit it all in there.

"Mmmmmph! Mmmmmph!" Kushina grunted and gagged, as her cheeks bulged and her mouth slid onto his dick. Grasping her panties in his hand he tore them away suddenly. Her pussy was now fully exposed right in front of him. Renewing his downward pressure on her body, he dove into her sex with his tongue, causing her to moan around his shaft.

Naruto's face was as close to the center of her legs as he could get, trying to get his tongue as deep as possible. His mouth was all over her, lapping at the insides of her cunt, as he nibbled on her clit and lapped her juices. Her legs shook in his hands, but he held her tightly. He sensed the anger from his lovers for mating with a human female like he was in front of them, but in the end he would make it up to them. Kushina could feel the turgid girth of her Darkness empowered son penetrate deeper and deeper into her mouth and throat, while his lips and tongue continued their assault on her body. Slowly an orgasm began to creep up on the mother of three.

Naruto jammed his tongue deep into his mother's sex, cradling her tightly, as her body went rigid in the throes of a mighty orgasm. Slowly the dark headed sex fiend withdrew his tongue from Kushina's spasming gash and slid her mouth and throat off of his mighty wand. Kushina sagged in his grip and drew in deep breathes of air.

"Alright dear mother of mine, I think there's enough fluid to fit this fucker inside you. Now grit your teeth because this will hurt a bit," He said, as he flipped her over and began to push her down onto his engorged shaft. Kushina's nether lips slowly parted, as Naruto's cock pressed into them harder and harder, until with a pop, the head of Naruto's cock slipped into her. Smiling to himself, Naruto began to push more of himself into his mother. Sure he had fucked her for days, but that was with a normal sized cock since he wasn't so territorial over her, but now he had made it bigger to prove the point home to Minato that he was the true Alpha male here.

"Whoa! I'm surprised that I can still enter you," Naruto said, as 4" of his rod sank, unimpeded, into the tightness of Kushina's cunt. "I guess this means I don't have to hold back then." Naruto proclaimed before suddenly ramming his mother down onto his mighty erection, she screamed for a second but then relaxed, as he started to slow-fuck her tight hole with the 8" he had inside her.

"Ohhh... Master this... Oh god, so big... feels so good..." Kushina tried to say fully as she was plundered to the point that her tongue was hanging out and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

"Oh come on, I know you like it, you're squeezing me like crazy down there. But you have a point. There's still a good 4" outside of you, and I know you can take it all!" Naruto began to push harder on Kushina's hips and slowly 2 more inches sank into the vice-like orifice, before the tip of his cock bumped up against her cervix. Kushina began to moan, as Naruto continued pressing down with even more force. Somehow, another whole inch managed to slide inside the redhead. The head of his cock was now pushing HARD, into the neck of Kushina's uterus, and she actually felt the tip spreading the tiny entrance to her womb, as it leaked warm sticky pre-cum inside. There was a moment's hesitation, and for a second Kushina thought that she would tear inside. Then, Naruto felt a tight ring slip over the head of his penis, as the last few inches of cock vanished into her warm body, and her lightly furred cunny lips butted up against the hairless base of his cock. Kushina knew that the head of Naruto's cock was now inside her womb. Smiling to himself, Naruto began to move his mother in time with his thrusting hips, fucking into her with wild abandon. "Wow mother, you feel so good; hot tight and wet. It's a shame that this is our last time together," He said as he increased his speed. Kushina could only sigh, moan, and whimper in mingled pleasure and discomfort, as she was stretched inside by her son's furious invasion of her innermost depths. She was too lost in the pleasure to understand what she had said, and several minutes later he came inside her to the point that her belly bloated up so she looked at least four months pregnant and fell forward on her stomach in front of Minato, who could only look at her with disgust for turning into such a whore. But that thought was quickly dismissed when a giant ten ton weight made of darkness fell from above and crushed her body into paste in front of him.

"What… why?" where the only things Minato was able to say about this whole thing since he was unsure why Naruto would kill her if he was keeping her as a sex toy.

"It was never about the sex," said Naruto as he zipped his pants back up, "it was about pissing you off. I am going to take everything from you old man. And I emphasize everything! Only when you are alone, broken, and have absolutely nothing else to lose, will I kill you." Naruto then opened up one more portal and this time he had grabbed his sister from where he had her locked away for the past few days. She had been locked away and unsoiled since he didn't care to do anything to her. She had done nothing to him personally so he had no anger towards her other than the fact that she was human. Before she could say anything, she was gagged and turned upside down. Naruto ripped her pants and panties off and smiled as he saw that she was a virgin, since that would make this all the more painful for her.

"You leave her alone," said Minato with all the rage he could muster. He had just seen all who came with him suffer various horrible fates, his wife literally fucked in front of him making him a cuckhold and now it seemed like his daughter would suffer the same fate. He couldn't handle it at this point and was going to try and protect his daughter if it was the last thing he did.

"Or else you will what," laughed Naruto as he rolled up his sleeve, "I have already beaten you and taken your power from you. You can do nothing but lie to your daughter and tell her that daddy is here and it will be alright. But guess what Minato?" Naruto then plunged his hand into Naruko's pussy hard enough to puncture past her cervix along with her womb and multiple organs. Naruko screamed in pain as she was violated in the most lethal way imaginable and felt as the blood flowed out of her pussy and began to flow down her body. Naruto dug deep enough to grab ahold of her heart and ripped it out the same way he had entered her. Naruko felt her life fade away from her, and she then died from the blood loss, to which Moka began to drink since virgin blood was hard to come by these days and she wasn't going to allow it to go to waste.

"Her heart still beats for you," said Naruto as he held Naruko's still beating heart in his hand in front of Minato's face. At this point Minato's mind had fully shut down from all the shock and Naruto placed her heart in Minato's hand and turned away. He walked several steps away before he snapped his fingers and sent Minato back home via wormhole. "That was so therapeutic."

"So what do we do now," asked Neji, who had thoroughly enjoyed all that had happened after he had been made a Gorgon.

"Well that is obvious my friend," said Naruto as he pat Neji on the back, "We have just declared war with the East. So now we begin the second part of our continental conquest…"