
Naruto The Darkness Reborn

This is not my fanfiction all credit goes to The Darkness Reborn by SinbadThe3rd

xxwolfxx_0 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

The Fall of an Empire

Naruto sat on a rock high up in one of the many small mountains as he looked down at the city of Iwa below. It was nighttime and the city was lit up with various light sources. He was fairly impressed that the villages of his time had been transformed into such cities like this. He chuckled as he thought this since it meant little to him since in the end their city would burn along with the rest of them…

Naruto had called the leaders, or alphas, of the species that resided in his empire earlier that day to lay out his plan. The Fire Empire were all in a state of celebration in their arrogant thinking that Minato and his group would be able to dethrone him and take his Empire for them. They had no idea of what was happening nor would they for some-time since Naruto had sent his father back in a broken comatose state to Konoha itself so they would be in the dark while they tried to break him out of it, but by that time they would be too late…

The major cities that made up the land were the main targets, there would have been one more target, but Iron Country had been destroyed in their war since they refused to surrender to the last man, and Minato hated the fact that they didn't submit. He took the time to wipe their home of the face of the earth to eliminate the memory of them from the minds of the people. Naruto told them that the attack would be simultaneous, with him taking Iwa where his former brother lived happily with his wife, Neji taking Kumo since that was where the majority of the Hyuga lived with Hanabi leading them, his Night Wolves taking Kiri since it was the area was perfect for them to hunt their prey in, Fu would lead her forces of arachnids towards Taki since it was a dense forest so their webs were perfect to entrap those who fled. Gaara was given the honor of destroying Suna, which had become a major resort since it was conquered, with it becoming famous for its saunas, so it shouldn't be much of a threat towards him and he knew this. Naruto gave his lovers the task of burning the Fire Capital to the ground. As he gave each of them their targets, he told them to kill most of the people who resided in the cities, but to allow a small percent of them to escape to Konoha and then stop on the outskirts of it, all the while slaughtering all in their path with a few survivors to spread the fear.

So here Naruto was alone, looking over the city of Iwa. The others had taken a portion of the army with them to do as ordered. Sure they took the entirety of their army to do this, but since monsters had a natural sense of leadership, there was not a single one of them who would be dumb enough to try and conquer the defenseless Empire. All that remained in it were the children of the various races as well as their mothers and pregnant women. Sure that could mean his empire could be conquered easily in his absence, but in all honesty it just meant more food for his returning army if that was the case.

But that was a thought for later, since now was his time to shine. Naruto held out his hand and summoned an evil looking jagged knife to cut deep into his hand and squeezed it. His blood was jet black, and he threw it onto the ground. A few minutes later, the ground began to morph where his blood had hit. Out of the puddle came a hand that was followed by another. They grabbed the ground and pulled him up out of it. What came out was a huge bunny looking creature that was white with various red markings on its body. It kneeled down before his maker in respect.

"My child," said Naruto as he pet the creature on the head, "I have gifted you with life, but it is only temporary since you were made of my blood. While I am in this humanoid form I am immune to the effects of light, but you have no such immunity so when the morning comes you will perish. Now I know that it is a bleak fact to know that you will only live for such a short time, but I offer up a feast to celebrate your birth. Do you see the city below us?"

The creature nodded its head in acknowledgment since he did see it below them.

"It is all for you," said Naruto as he held out his hand. In it formed a clear dark crystal that showed an image of his brother as he was now. "But do you see this man?" the creature nodded once more, "leave him alive. Scare him out of the city, but kill everyone else in it. Do you understand me?" Once more the creature nodded, and with that he jumped away from Naruto before he split into several copies of himself and hopped down into the city below…

The city was in full celebration mode since they knew that their emperor was heading towards the Dark Empire in the west to secretly begin the process of taking it for themselves. In their minds they had already won and it was a time for celebration. The partying had begun to die down as people went home to sleep off the alcohol they consumed. Even the guards themselves were lax in their duty since they hadn't been attacked in some time so they were bored and drank with the general populace. This was their biggest and final mistake in life since while others went to their apartments and houses to sleep off the partying, the guards went back to their posts. Once there the majority of them fell asleep in chairs, and as they did, the demon bunnies pounced upon them and tore them apart. Their blood was splashed all over the place as they were ripped to shreds and devoured.

The bunnies took their time to eat, and as they did they multiplied into more of them. These bunnies spread out to find their own food, and as they did Naruto used clones of himself to apply seals at the eight points that surrounded the city. Once applied the area was surrounded in a dome of energy, which in reality was in fact a sphere since he knew there would be someone who tried to dig underneath it. They spread out and sniffed out all humans who were in the area so as to consume them. It took thirty minutes of the stealthy massacre before someone who was sober saw them and raised the alarm. The city wide alarm was activated, and the shinobi came to repel the intruders, but they were not ready for what they were going to see. They saw so many people dead as these creatures devoured them. The creatures burst through people's homes to snatch up those hiding away, as well as climbed the tall buildings to get those in them.

The bunnies were chasing down citizens who were running away from them, all the while screaming as they did. They saw the people getting picked up one by one and thrown into the hand of one of them that extended into a bag made of its flesh. The shinobi attacked them, but their weapons were worthless against them, and their jutsu were no better. The shinobi tried to retreat themselves, but they were also snatched up and thrown into the bag as well.

As this went on, Menma was running through the city with his pregnant wife so as to get her to safety. When the alarm went out, his first response was to join his men and kill the intruders, but he saw them getting slaughtered and knew he had to get his wife out of the city and somewhere safe. So he went to fetch her and had been sneaking through the carnage that the streets had become as stealthily as he could. His wife was none other than Hinata Hyuga, and her belly was large since she was eight months pregnant with Menma's child. She knew to remain quiet since their lives were on the line and followed her husband as he led the way.

She silently cried as she saw the creatures kill so many people that she knew. There was a man she used to converse with at the market getting eaten in several bites as he screamed. There was a woman who was a neighbor of hers that was being held by her arms and legs and held stiff as the creature ate her down the middle like a person does corn on the cob. A friend of her husband was held in one of their hands as it twisted his head and pulled it off. It then held his body in the air and drank the blood that flowed out of him. Another one of the creatures used his razor sharp fingers to spear into several people through their screaming mouths before eating them like shishkubobs. What made her fall to her knees and puke though along with her husband was seeing so many of their citizens in a bag in the middle of a group of the creatures, and one of them held up a hand that began to swirl like a blade in a blender. It then placed it into the opening of the bag and pushed down. The bodies within were mulched into blood that flew everywhere. It was at this point that they began to run since they were near the edge of the city.

But as they arrived they saw a large group of people there all banging on some sort of invisible wall that they couldn't break through. Menma told them to stand clear so he could open a path for them to escape. He called upon the power of the six tailed beast sealed within him and formed a Rasengan to smash against the barrier. But to his and everyone else's shock, he simply passed through it like it wasn't even there to begin with. He got his footing back and tried again to break the barrier, but his attack failed to break through it, and he wasn't able to go back through it himself. He tried again and again to break it, but all his attempts failed to do so. It was after several minutes of failing to break it that the creatures finally made their way towards them and began to feast on them as well. Menma could only call out his wife's name in shear horror as he watched her get bit into from the stomach, their unborn child being eaten first before another chomp silenced her screams of pain forever…

Menma ran away with tears in his eyes as he had failed to protect anyone in his city, and he had to go and warn his father about what had happened. But he wasn't paying full attention due to the tears in his eyes and ran into someone.

"Well hello there Menma," said the figure as Menma got back to his feet, "running away to warn daddy dearest of the horrors I unleashed upon your city?"

"Who the hell are you," growled Menma, "and what do you mean you unleashed these horrors?"

"My response to your first question is understanding since we have really only ever met the once in our lifetimes, so it's no surprise that you don't know who I am. The second question though, is that not self- explanatory?"

"You killed my wife!"

"I killed far more than just one woman you simpleton."

Menma at this point grew enraged beyond his normal limit and charged forward to attack him. Naruto stood there as Menma's attacks just phased through him like he wasn't there. Menma just grew angrier as his attempts to kill this man were failing and tapped once more into the power of the six tails. He formed a Rasengan and attacked with that, but still it did nothing. Thirty minutes straight he attacked in vain, all the while Naruto simply stood there with a grin on his face to see his brother being so god damn stubborn to just give up. But eventually Menma fell to the ground in exhaustion since he used so much chakra in his attacks.

"Did you get it all out of your system," asked Naruto with a raised eyebrow, "because you are boring me now."

"Just who the hell are you," panted Menma since he was so very tired right now.

"I'm hurt that you don't know who I am," said Naruto in mock hurt, "how can you not remember your own brother?"

"My brother," said Menma to himself before his eyes opened wide in horror, "impossible! We killed you!"

"I know brother," said Naruto with an uncaring wave of his hand, "I was there too you know."

"How are you alive!?"

"I'm just too stubborn to die. Especially when my death was unjustified as it was."

"So why are you here? Going to kill me as you did to the others?"

"While that idea is very tempting to me, I am not here to kill you. I'm merely here to see you on your way." Menma would have said more about this, but was stopped by a tendril covering his mouth. He tried to pry it off of him, but several more tendrils grabbed ahold of him and began to pull him into the portal from wince they emerged from. "Don't struggle dear brother, for I am doing nothing more than sending you home since even at your peak it would take too long for you to run home."

Menma was then dragged into the portal, and as Naruto stood there he began to laugh since things were going as planned. He received word from his army via magical means that their portion of the plan was going fairly well. He stopped laughing for a bit though since he sensed a force from afar that made him smirk. It would seem like Itachi had made his way to visit someone he liked and celebrate like the rest of the foolish citizens had. He used magic to enhance his vison to see from afar, and what he saw made him grin sinisterly. Itachi was fighting off a horde of a dozen of his children while enveloped by his Susanoo. While he was incapable of killing any of them, he was still able to fend them off.

"Well we can't have that," said Naruto as he pulsed energy into his eye. The Rinnegan activated and hit Itachi with a strong mental attack that caused him to lose focus. As he did, his Susanoo grew weaker and the creatures were able to tear it apart and one of them grabbed ahold of him. It slammed Itachi against the ground hard, and before Itachi could even scream in pain, it had morphed its hand into a cleaver shape and chopped him into no less than twenty separate pieces that he as well as the others who were near grabbed and ate. Naruto smiled as he saw this and entered a portal to head towards his next destination…


Neji led his group through the portal Naruto had made for them. There were a massive number of Minotaur as well as Horsemen and Centaurs here with him. He had only one mission, to kill most of the people here, yet let some escape. So with a battle cry that horrified the masses within the city, they charged forward and began to raise hell upon the populace itself. So many died in the first ten minutes alone, with a few casualties on Neji's side, but mostly on Kumo's.

Neji walked through the city as his group began to burn it down one building at a time, and with the magically enhanced Hellfire bombs that had been made, the fires were spreading fast without the means to put them out. The flames were able to even burn metal itself so nothing was left once it was done. He saw men killed defending their families as they watch on in horror. He saw mothers being raped in front of their children who were forced to watch before they were killed. The races that came with Neji were not too keen on the consumption of human flesh so they were simply killed instead of eaten.

Neji remembered when the village had fallen years ago. He had found it humorous since the Raikage always spoke about how he wanted a Hyuga in their village for years, and only with his death and the defeat of their forces were the Hyuga finally there. Kumo was given to them to rule as they saw fit, and while Hiashi remained in Konoha, his daughter Hanabi was in charge here. Neji saw so many of his former clan struggle to fight against so many strong opponents, which made Neji chuckle since for as long as he could remember he would always hear about how his clan were superior since their eyes could see everything. Yet perfect eyesight didn't really help here when you don't have the physical strength to repel the attacks sent your way.

He made his way to Hanabi's mansion on the outskirts of the city, and as he expected she was sending out the Branch members to fight her battles while she ran away like a coward. While the old version of him would have been hesitant to fight his former family, the newer version of him didn't care one bit. So when they took their stances to fight him, he simply opened his third eye and within moments they were turned to stone and he continued to walk past them. He finally found Hanabi as well as the other Main Branch family trying to escape via secret tunnels that led to the evacuation airships that were made for situations such as this. The Hyuga clan had their own private one made for them, but they were stuck in the room that had the secret door since Neji blasted the door into splinters with a punch and quickly slammed his fist against the wall. The effect of it sent cracks to spread towards the secret door and caused it to collapse in on itself.

Hanabi and the rest of the family turned to see Neji there and demanded that he stand down as they were his superiors. One of them even formed the hand sign to activate his seal, but they were shocked to see it not activate like they wanted. Neji simply rushed forward towards the prick that did it and pierced him in the chest with both hands before he ripped him in half. Neji simply chuckled as the rest of them other than Hanabi, who was cowering behind a desk, charged him. Neji simply opened his third eye, and they suffered the same fate as the rest of their family.

Neji then kicked the desk Hanabi was hiding behind away from her. She crawled away in fear, all the while begging for mercy. Neji just smirked as he partially opened his third eye. Doing that caused the petrification process to go far slower and work its way up one limb at a time. First was her leg, which he slammed his foot on and shattered. Hanabi screamed in pain as she began to bleed heavily from the lost limb, and Neji repeated the process for the other limbs. Once they were all gone, he petrified the tips to stop the blood flow. He then ripped her heart out from her chest, turned it into stone and then shoved it down her throat; He left her to choke to death as he left the building, but before throwing a Hellfire bomb into it.

As Neji walked back towards the center of town, he saw the evacuation airships flying away. As he saw that, he smiled since things were going as planned. He then sent out the order to leave the city and begin the march towards Konoha, all the while destroying the villages that were in their way. Sure there were probably still some survivors in the city, but the massive amounts of Night Wolves would hunt them all down soon enough…


Gaara went alone towards his old home. The Nara clan had taken over and controlled the city along the Akamichi as well as the Yamanaka clans. They turned the city into a resort, and made good money from it over the years. There was a massive water park, spas, and world renown restaurants that people came to vacation for.

All in all it pissed Gaara off to see his old home turned into such a thing. So he simply used his anger and rage to swirl the sands in the area. Doing so caused it to turn into a massive sinkhole that engulfed the city. The process was slow, so plenty of people were able to get to the evacuation airships in time. But Gaara wouldn't let them go so easily. There were two dozen airships in the air, and with the sands forming into massive hands, he crushed them in midair so that there were only four left. The main three clans escaped, but as they did they saw the entirety of Suna sink into the ground…

As he smiled at their retreat, the other groups were finishing up their own portions of the plan. Many people were dead or restrained for transportation back to the empire, while some escaped as was planned. One by one the cities and villages leading to Konoha were destroyed. In one day alone the major cities were all destroyed, but the rest had fallen within the weak with the survivors being hunted down by the Night Wolves. And now they were here, with the city of Konoha completely surrounded from all angles, hidden in the forests that spanned for miles around…


The city of Konoha was in a state of sadness and depression. They were all crammed into the city since the initial citizens of the city had to share the space with the survivors of the villages that had been attacked. While the city of Iwa had been completely eradicated down to only Menma escaping the carnage, the rest of them had at least fifteen percent of their population escaping via the airships that were prepared for when and if they had to evacuate the city in mass and making it to Konoha. They had made their way to Capital City first since it was far more fortified than Konoha was but when they arrived they saw that it was in flames with the buildings falling over from the destruction. So they made their way here to find medical aid and safety from their enemies.

The Hospitals were all completely filled to the brim with wounded to the point that medical tents were erected all around the immediate area. All throughout the city were people crying from the horrors they experienced firsthand and as they did they waited for some form of plan from their Emperor for their survival. Minato had been in a comatose state for the past twenty four hours, and it took the combined skills of Tsunade along with Shizune to break him out of it. Once he was, he cried over the fact that he had watched his family be brutally murdered in front of him. Once he was capable of moving about, he was brought up to speed on what had happened in the past week. The news nearly gave him a heart attack when he heard that within the span of a single day the Empire they had spent years forming had been destroyed in such a short time.

The survivors of said attacks were all suffering from the worst case of PTSD that one could suffer since they had seen their loved ones literally torn apart by monsters and devoured or raped in front of their very eyes. Minato finally made his way to the stage in the center of the city, which was also the place that Naruto had been publicly executed years ago but now had a podium on it. He told them what had happened to him and his group when they had gone to the Dark Empire, and the news only solidified their horror since they now knew that it was Naruto who was responsible for all of this. They were pissed that he was still alive when they had thought he was dead, but to see his army do this only made the fear seep deeper. They knew that there was no chance at negotiating a peace with his empire.

It was at that time that a massive roar was heard above them, and the shinobi that were still in one piece prepared for a fight. They looked up and saw a massive creature circle around the area, roaring out in random intervals. It finally landed on the Hokage building, which was a two story building across from the stage that had become a landmark. The creature turned out to be a dragon, which many thought were just a myth, but that thought was in the back of their minds since what was on the forefront of them was the figure that jumped off of its back and walked towards them. It was Naruto, who walked calmly with a purpose towards Minato.

Shinobi charged forward and attacked with jutsu as well weapons. Naruto didn't even try to block them since it did nothing to him. Their attacks just phased through him as he continued to walk towards his former father, who lost more of the color in his body the closer he got. There a few foolish shinobi who attacked Smaug as well, but were burned to cinders for their stupidity.

"Ah this place brings back so many memories," said Naruto as the shinobi attacking him began to cease in their efforts to attack him since nothing they did worked on him. It was like his assault on heaven all over again, but without the massive numbers. "To think that ten years ago you ordered as well as personally performed my execution right on this spot. I find it strange that while the rest of this village has been changed to match the times, you kept this one place intact out of all the other places in this village."

"Naruto," said Minato through strained teeth. He was pissed to see him here yet knew firsthand that he wasn't able to kill or defeat him since he had tried once already and lost most of his power from doing so. "Why are you here?"

"I am here mainly to say a few things," said Naruto as he used a tendril to turn the camera near the stage towards him and powered it up with magic so that all devices that could show him did. The people of Konoha looked in fear as they saw his face appear on all television screens. "The first of which is that I want to explain your dire situation. You are all that is left of the free humans on this entire continent. You are all surrounded by my armies so escape is not a viable option for you."

"We will never surrender," shouted random citizen. Naruto didn't really care to retort to that since he saw the one person he had hoped to find here.

"Tenten," said Naruto as he used a tendril to pull her out of the crowd towards him, "It's been quite some time."

"Let me go!" shouted Tenten as she struggled to try and break free from his grip, but was ultimately failing to do so.

"And why should I do that when if the situation was reversed you wouldn't do it for me?"

"What do you want from me," asked Tenten with a scowl on her face.

"To offer you a chance to survive what is to come," said Naruto with a face devoid of emotion. His answer shocked Tenten for a few seconds before her anger came back full force.

"And why would you do that? To make me your sex slave? I would rather die!"

"Oh please," said Naruto with a chuckle, "never in a million years would I give you such an offer. My wife along with my many mistresses are the most beautiful females in the lands that many men have lusted for over the years and I have claimed for myself. In comparison to them on the scales of beauty from one to ten, they are a solid fifteen and you are somewhere near a negative seven, maybe seven and a half."

"Then why offer me a chance to survive at all," said Tenten in anger that she had been insulted as she had been. "I hated you all those years ago, and I hate you more now for what you have done!"

"Oh I know this," said Naruto with a smirk, "and to be honest, I planned for you all to die. But Neji came to me and asked for me to spare you. HE is a friend so I promised him I would offer the same deal I gave him to you."

"Neji is alive?" asked Tenten who had cried when she heard the news about what had happened to Minato and his group. It had been vague due to his trauma and he had said they were all dead, but to see her secret boyfriend, who she dated in secret due to his fucking clan's insane laws, was still alive made a small sliver of happiness creep up in her soul. "What have you done to him?"

"I simply helped him to evolve into a more powerful being. The Cage Bird Seal on his head is gone, and he has found the freedom and happiness he deserved but was denied all his life."

"But why would you care about his happiness? He hated you as we all did."

"True," said Naruto with a smile, "but he was like me. Forced to serve those who weren't deserving of his loyalty. Controlled by his so called betters to do as they commanded or suffer for refusing to do it. My life was exactly the same, but with the only difference being that I was killed why he still lived. I offered him the deal since in a strange way we are the same so I wanted to set him free. Through transformation or death was his choice. He chose the first option without question." Tenten took in all that he said and was speechless at this point.

"You don't have to give an answer yet," said Naruto as he moved her away from the camera, "but you must decide before I leave here once I do what I came here to do."

The citizens of Konoha were all glued to any monitor they could visibly see since this was important to them. They wanted to know what the demon wanted and silently prayed that someone would kill him so that their problems would go away.

"People of Konoha," said Naruto in a grand regal way worthy of any emperor, "I will repeat myself just this one time and state that I have come here today to explain the dire situation you are all in. As many of you are aware, my armies have eliminated all the other cities that made up this empire, so you are all that is left."

"You will pay for what you have done!" shouted the same citizen from earlier.

"Not in your lifetime I won't," said Naruto as he held up his hand and clenched it into a fist. Doing so surrounded the citizen in a dome of darkness that then crushed him inside of it. The act horrified the people surrounding him since Naruto had been able to do that without even looking at the person he did it to.

"Now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," said Naruto with a smirk, "Allow me to tell you your fates. My army is in position to invade your pathetic city, and when they do there will be no mercy given! No quarter! Nothing you promise will save you! Your men will be slaughtered and devoured! Your children will be torn apart while they still live and eaten! Not even toddlers are safe since my wolves enjoy the taste of their flesh so very much! And the women will suffer the worst fate of all! They will be dragged out of here kicking and screaming to our breeding grounds where they will be raped for the rest of their days and give birth to more monsters until they are barren and then be devoured like the rest of their family! This is what awaits you in your future."

Naruto took a minute to revel in the horror on the faces of all those surrounding him. He saw many parents comforting their children by stating that if what he said did indeed happen that they would ascend to the heavens and live in peace for all eternity. Naruto simply laughed as he heard this and decided to nip this in the bud to bring them even more despair than before.

"Ah," said Naruto as he began to laugh demonically loudly to the point that all within the city could hear him, "the lies that parents tell their children. You tell them that there is a wonderful place to go to once you die. That there is a heaven and a hell, but you are all so very wrong! There is no heaven or hell in the end."

"Liar!" shouted Menma who had finally made his way towards his former brother. He felt nothing but utter rage over the fact that Naruto's creatures had killed his wife in such a horrid fashion.

"I speak the truth," said Naruto as he channeled his memories into an orb of energy, "allow me to show you the truth!" He then threw it at the camera. The monitors showed his memories of his death and his arrival upon the planes of Purgatory. They saw him speak to Kami herself, which ended in a struggle that she threw him into another dimension. They saw his transformation into what he had become. They saw him breaking free from his prison and killing Satan himself before he made Hell itself collapse. His journey west to gather the scattered races that had been hunted to near extinction over the years by humans. His army charging towards the first kingdom which would become their new home once the humans were killed off. Kami being summoned before she was stripped of her power and raped in front of everyone by the same dragon that loomed over them on the building he was perched on. His one man attack upon heaven, which ended with the Shinigami himself dying and Heaven collapsing as Hell did before it.

"As you can plainly see," said Naruto as he retracted the power he had sent into the camera back into his hand, "I speak the truth. In the end there is only the Void. There you cease to exist as it was always meant to be since what is the point of death if you just live an eternal life elsewhere?"

"We won't surrender so easily," said Menma defiantly. Even though he was scared internally at what he saw his former brother do.

"I don't expect you to surrender," said Naruto, "I expect you to fight with everything you have and die in the end for your futile attempt at resistance."

"We are not so easily beaten," said Menma. All of this was being seen by the people and it raised their spirits to see their hero stand up against the demon as he was.

"Actually you are," said Naruto with a grin. "Humans are so very weak when it comes to natural power. The only reason you survived this long is because the gods favored you so damn much and gifted you the power to survive. But they are not around anymore to aid you, and I will eliminate that crutch here and now."

Naruto clapped his hands together and then slowly pulled them apart. Doing so formed a dark translucent sphere that began to suck in power. Everyone within the city fell to their knees in agony as they felt their power weaken. The chakra that had been theirs to wield since birth was being ripped from them and sucked into the orb that Naruto had formed. He heard their screams of pain since it was loud and he thoroughly enjoyed every second of it, as did his army that surrounded the city at a distance. It took several minutes, but in the end the people no longer had chakra in their systems, and yet they were still alive which shocked them since they thought that they would die without it. It would seem that they had been wrong to think that. The chakra swirled in the orb for a bit before it solidified into a fruit that was pink with green leave covering it. He pulsed out a bit of his power, and as he did five different colored orbs shot out of it and flew away. These were the spirits of the Biju, who he had gifted his power to so they could live once more as they wished like he had done to Kyuubi and his siblings. He had done the same for the one tail as well as the seven months ago once he found a means to do it.

"The gods gifted the mother of all chakra with this fruit, and from there it was passed down genetically over time. I have taken it from you."

"You would do this to your own kind," shouted Minato weakly as he slowly arose to his feet as did everyone else.

"My kind," asked Naruto with a raised eyebrow. "For the entirety of the hell that was my life I asked, begged even to be seen as more than just the demon sealed within me but no one did. So now that I am as I am and have taken the power of not only you but every human in this city you finally acknowledge me as one. Too late old man… I prefer to be a demon over human any day since humans are so fucking weak."

"Why did you do this," shouted Menma as he unsheathed his blade and walked slowly towards Naruto in a vain attempt to strike him down. His anger clouded his actions as well as his judgement so he was oblivious to the fact that his attacks failed to work last time.

"Why would I do this," said Naruto in a sarcastic manner, "surely it had nothing to do with all the torture I suffered when I was abandoned by my family. Or better yet, the shear amount of hatred sent my way daily. Or even the constant beatings to force me to submit. Oh I know what it was… It was because I was killed for bringing back the worthless piece of shit known as Sasuke who you all killed anyway shortly after my own execution!"

By this point Menma had gotten close enough to strike at Naruto, which he did as Naruto stood there. The blade phased through him as though he were an illusion, but he was truly there in person.

"Really," said Naruto as he looked at Menma with an amused smirk on his face. "You saw me take on gods and their armies alone and you thought that one simple thrust of a sword would be my end. You attacked me a week ago with your most powerful techniques and couldn't even hurt me. So stupid… Here." Naruto then slammed the Chakra fruit into Menma's chest as he walked away to put some distance between the two.

"Why are you giving me this," asked Menma in suspicion since he had no idea as to why Naruto would just give it to him like this.

"Because you and I are going to fight," said Naruto as he stood there. A tendril snaked around his body and stopped to the left of him which he pet on the head, "and as you are you are no threat to me in any way. Eat the fruit and gain the ultimate form of power that you could achieve with Chakra and give me a real fight."

"And what if I refuse to do as you command?"

"Well then you will simply die weak," said Naruto with an emotionless face, "since I will attack you whether or not you eat it."

Menma looked at Naruto and then the fruit for a second before he peeled back the leaves and ate it. He felt his body begin to change as the power of Chakra flowed through him once more. His eyes bled as one transformed into the Rinnegan and the other into a Sharingan. More would have happened if at that precise moment, a large shark-like creature made of darkness hadn't arose from his shadow and bit his body and swallowed it. It left only the head to roll towards Naruto with a look of shock on his face at being killed like that, and Naruto grinned as the head rolled towards him. He stopped it with his foot before he stomped it into goo, thus ending the life of Menma. Naruto then began to laugh loudly as he couldn't help himself.

"To think that you all believed that I would even offer you a chance to fight me," he laughed, "when not a single one of you offered me a chance to even live in peace when I was alive the first time around. But now I have done what I came to do so I will take my leave for now."

"What was the point of all that," shouted Minato in rage that he just saw the last of his family die in front of him, "TELL ME!"

"It was simply to kill three birds with one stone," said Naruto without looking back as he held up his hand with three fingers. "The first was to eliminate chakra as a whole. The second was to kill Menma as I did, so I decided to combine those into one action. The last was to simply take everything from you personally. I have taken your wife, your children, your power, and your kingdom is crumbling all around you. But even though I feel such satisfaction in taking all from you, I would be remise if I didn't thank you as well as the rest of the people of this place."

"And what could you possibly wish to thank us for?!"

"Your actions put in motion the events that made me what I am today. If it wasn't for your order to execute me I would have been weak like the rest of you, stuck obeying your orders like an idiot and stuck with an average human woman for a wife. As I am now, I am the strongest being alive, I obey only myself as well as order others, and the women who I warm my bed at night with are far more beautiful than any human is capable of becoming. So as a way to thank you for making this possible I am allowing you all exactly thirty days to live. Once the sun shines upon the horizon on the thirtieth day, your end will come via my army. So what will you do now that you not only know the truth of what awaits you in death but the power you have become reliant on all your life has been taken, what shall you do? I await the day to see what you could possibly think up."

Naruto made to leave, but then he remembered something and stopped in his tracks. He turned around to face Tenten once again, who was still wrapped up in his tendrils.

"Now I will ask you once more Tenten," said Naruto with a grin. "Will you forsake your humanity and become something more, or will you shun my offer and thus die with the rest of these fools. This is your final chance to accept my offer."

Tenten looked down in shame as she was offered this once more. She had thought that at first they could come up with a plan that would be able to stop his army since they were expecting them this time. She knew that they had killed so many within the span of a single day simply because they were unaware that such monsters existed and because of that they had the perfect amount of surprise. But now with their ability to use chakra quite literally ripped from them, she knew that there was no means of winning against him.

"I want to live," whispered Tenten in a barely audible voice.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't quite hear your answer. Speak up."

"I want to live," she said louder this time.

"Well then," said Naruto as he held out his hand to shake her own, "simply shake my hand."

Tenten did just that, and like it had done for Neji, her body was covered in a jet black aura. She screamed on camera and the people all watched as she did. They saw her puke up her organs and bleed out ever orifice of her body. This lasted for a few minutes before the shell cracked and Tenten shattered it with a scream of power. She had undergone a massive transformation unlike Neji who remained mostly the same with the exception of his third eye. Tenten had turned grey, her skin hardened to a stone like material. She had horns on the side of her head and claws on her hands and feet. She was naked with her ass as well as her breasts twice as big as they were when she was still human. She had a long black tail that had sharp spikes on it which could be used to attack others if she so wished. Yet the biggest change was the wings that had grown on her back that she spread as she checked out her new body.

"I dub thee Chimera, race of Gargoyle." Said Naruto as he smiled. He had to admit that she was a looker, but she was not his to claim. "Now if I was you I would find Neji and thank him for this opportunity since otherwise I wouldn't have given a damn and let you die here." Tenten looked at him for a second and nodded her head before she jumped upwards and took flight out of the village.

Naruto laughed as he leapt from his spot back onto the back of Smaug. Once there, his friend pushed off the building he was on, destroying it from the force of the push, and took to the skies as he roared out a challenge. As he left, the people of Konoha could only shake in fear since they didn't know what to do…

And in the back of their minds, they knew they were completely fucked…

And speaking of fucking, Naruto had gone to the main camp where his women were and grabbed Liia for some fun. While it was true he usually screwed the both of them at once, Miia was busy doing something else at the moment so he took Liia by the hand through a portal back to his home in the Dark Empire. Out of all the women in his harem, Liia made the best food and he was craving her cooking. She knew what he wanted to she headed towards the kitchen and began to cook a meal for the two of them. Her and her daughter worked as chefs in a cafe run by them which employed females only and they wore sluttish clothes to entice men into it. It worked well, and if they became repeat customers they were made VIP and given the chance to participate in a raffle to screw one of the waitresses of their choice, but the tickets were high in price, yet people still bought them.

When Naruto opened the door to the kitchen, she glanced over her shoulder from her post at the kitchen sink and said "It'll be ready soon. I'm just draining the pasta." At this point, Naruto didn't give a shit about the pasta. Still in his royal clothes, he confidently walked across the kitchen grabbed her around the waist and pulled her ass directly into his crotch where he was almost fully erect. He spun her around with ease, his hands still firmly on her bare scaly waist. She braced herself on his arms.

"Liia, look at you. You're an incredible cook and you're drop dead gorgeous. You're truly a Goddess and you deserve a God. You deserve everything. You deserve to be fucked like the Goddess you are."

"And you can fuck like a God?" she asked with a knowing smirk since she knew from past experiences that he was able to do just that.

"Damn right," Naruto said as his clothes disappeared from his body. She gasped and her breasts heaved as she breathed harder.

Her breasts still heaving with excitement, Naruto roughly pulled her into his body. Her tits pressed up against his abs, his hand grabbed as much of her ass as it could, and their mouths collided. Almost instantaneously, their mouths were wide open and their tongues were deep down each other's throats, exploring every crevice of each other's mouths. With one hand he ripped her shirt and bra from around her neck and it fell away to expose her glorious big tits and he started to squeeze them. His other hand unfastened her waist cloth, and it fell to the cold tile floor. She grabbed his dick and began rubbing it over the thin fabric of her thong that she still had on. Their kiss broke and she moaned as Naruto started kissing her neck and then her tits and her nipples.

"Fuck me, my lord. Fuck me." She moaned as his mouth explored every part of her delicious body. Naruto picked her up and flung her down on the kitchen table and ripped her thong off. Her pussy was tight and wet as he inserted his dick into its grip. They both let out a groan of pleasure as she slowly pushed all thirteen inches in.

Naruto began pumping, slowly at first, and then faster and faster as she lay recumbent on the table. His dick was drenched in the juices of her snatch, which while covered in scales was still smooth.

"HARDER!" she yelled, and he began to slam all thirteen inches into her with every bit of force he could muster. He saw the bulge his cock made with every thrust he made, and it made him thrust harder.

"Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!" she squealed. The last "fuck" was never fully articulated and became only an incoherent scream of ecstasy as her pussy tightened in its orgasm and drenched his cock in its fluids. She was shaking and out of breath as she wrapped him in her tail and pulled him down to kiss him hard.

"The sex we have always satisfies me so much." She said, still visibly shaken by the violence of the ecstasy she had just experienced. "You're incredible," she whispered in his ear as she began to kiss him down the length of his body, eventually taking one of his balls in her mouth and sucking it hard like a vacuum. It was his turn to groan with pleasure as she worked up and down his shaft with her mouth, covering it in warm, wet, goodness. Her forked snake tongue danced around the tip, exciting him past the point of comfort, especially when she snaked it into his urethra to massage the inside of his penis.

Unable to bear it since he always nearly loses it when she or her daughter do this, and not wanting to blow his load just yet, Naruto picked her up like a rag doll and brought her right to his face. As they were making out once again, he eased his cock back into her pussy and began to bounce her up and down as he navigated his way towards the bedroom, the food all but forgotten at this point. Liia wrapped her tail around him tightly to avoid slipping off of him and moaned with every step/thrust he made.

"Naruto, Naruto, NARUTO!" She screamed as they reached the door leading into the bedroom. Her nails dug into his shoulder blades and she shook like a leaf in his arms as her tight pussy once again clenched in an orgasm around his shaft. She kissed Naruto repeatedly as he admired her lamia traits. Lamia women were known to be able to constrict all parts of their bodies that they wished including their insides.

"Don't stop fucking me." She whispered into his ear.

Naruto smirked as she said that since he was far from done fucking her. He threw her roughly down onto the bed and jumped on her immediately. Naruto spun her around onto her back with authority and inserted the whole length of his cock into her with force.

"FUCK, NARUTO!" she cried out in pleasure as he rode her ass and pounded her still tight pussy into the bed. The force behind his thrusts were felt in her stomach they were strong enough to rattle the large bed that was able to used by about twenty people, which is fairly big.

"SLAP MY ASS!" She commanded and he did it hard, leaving the red imprint of his hand on her snake like ass cheeks, which made it redder than it naturally was. The hard slapping of his dick into her pussy was resounding and rhythmic, only getting faster. Her breaths came quicker and more labored the longer he continued.

"CHOKE ME!" she screamed. With his cock buried deep inside of her, and with both of their bodies sweaty and grunting, Naruto reached over her back and grabbed her throat, pulling her head back until he could see her eyes, staring at him hungrily.

"Harder, HARDER," this time it was more of a muffled beg then a command. His grip on her throat tightened and each of his thrusts resounded loudly throughout the room as he got as deep as he could in her pussy, fully penetrating through her cervix and fucking her womb.

"Naruto!" she screamed again. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her pussy tightened in her third orgasm of the last twenty minutes. She wrapped her tail around him again, but this time she tightened her grip as hard as she could to try and squeeze out his cum, which worked since she felt so much blast directly into her womb, the feeling of which caused her eyes to roll to the back of her head, but she wasn't done yet since the tip of her tail entered his ass to massage his prostate to make him cum even harder. Naruto watched her belly begin to inflate from all of it.

Naruto pulled out, somewhat exhausted from all he did today and rolled over on bed. She glanced at him with wild eyes and they kissed for a while, her breasts pushing into his chest and her hand gently stroking his cock to life once again. She whispered into his ear, "Now it's your turn" and mounted him.

She slowly began bouncing up and down on his long cock, quickly increasing speed. The thumping of her ass into his crotch was hard and each time she came down, his dick went deeper and deeper inside of her. Her hands were pressed against his chest, riding him until he couldn't take it anymore. Naruto lifted up her ass and brought up his crotch as well and began penetrating her with the rapidity of a machine.

"I'm about to cum" Naruto groaned. He started to pull out, but she wouldn't let him.

"Cum inside me, my lord!" she yelled. "Let me bear your child!"

Naruto thought about it, and came to the realization that since his enemies were mostly dead and those that remained would be killed way sooner than the length of a pregnancy, so he complied and unleashed an ungodly jettison of hot semen into her pussy as he held up his hand to her stomach. As he did, lines formed around it into the shape of one of his tendrils in a swirl signifying that she was now impregnated. Heaving, she rolled off of him and they both laid there in the messy sheets of their bed, out of breath. After a few moments of catching their breath, Liia rolled over, pressed her voluptuous tits back into his muscular chest, and stared at him alluringly with her serpent eyes.

"Thank you," she said before she finally passed out from exhaustion. Naruto grabbed her head and placed it on his chest as she slept with a smile on her face. Naruto smiled as she fell asleep on him.

"So you impregnated my mother?" Miia said in the doorway with her arms folded under her breasts. "And you didn't invite?"

"That I did." Naruto said proudly. "And you were busy doing something else so I just took your mother since she was available."

"While that may be true, Miia stated, stripping off her clothes. "But now I am here and I want you to do the same to me."

"Very well then," Naruto said as he stood up revealing his cock to her. "But first, I demand some foreplay."

Naruto took her to bed and laid her down on it next to her sleeping mother, dangling his dick in her face, before lowering it.

"Mmmmmphhh..." Miia groaned as she felt his dick plunge into her throat. "Mmph?!"

She squeals as Naruto lowers his head on her cunt and licks it, performing the 69 position. Her tail wraps around him to keep him in place since he was licking her in the perfect spot. Naruto loved how lamia women used their tails for sexual acts; you couldn't get this kind of satisfaction from human women. Miia gives muffled moans as her cunt is lapped up by her master, sucking and gagging on his cock all the while. Naruto sucked and licked at her pussy until her juices were all over his chin, and still he continued. His tongue pushed between the woman's sticky lips, worming into her shuddering hole, probing as deeply as it could manage, which was even further than physically possible because of his shapeshifting abilities.

A shrill, yet muffled squeal came out of Miia as she orgasmed in Naruto's mouth. A hot spray of honey poured into Naruto's mouth as worked at Miia's cunt. Not long after, a hotter deluge of sperm poured into Tsunami's mouth, bloating her cheeks from the sheer amount of it. Four more shots of cum flooded her stomach and made her orgasm again as she expertly swallowed all that was pumped into her mouth. Naruto pulled out and stood over the cum drunk lamia who licked her lips in anticipation of what was coming next.

"Lie on the bed and bend over." Naruto ordered. She obliged, spreading her pussy lips for easier access for him.

"Come here master." Miia said, lust and excitement in her voice. He rubbed himself against her wet pussy a bit before he began to push in, feeling her body give for him as it has done time and time again in the past. "Ohhhhh, yessssss… That's it! Your hard cock is pushing into me!" Miia moaned as she felt her pussy stretching to the limit around his dong. Even with her naturally constricting pussy, she was still being stretched to the limit and she loved every second of it. Her belly bulged with his thickness as he pushed all the way inside with a wet squishing noise. She could feel her pussy overflowing with every thrust, her juices dripping off his balls and hips as they slapped against her ass. Naruto reached underneath her body and grasped her large breasts, massaging them as he thrusted into her. He then summoned a tendril from his back to grab her tail and pull back hard on it. Doing so allowed him to fuck her deeper than before, and judging from the drool coming out of her mouth along with her eyes rolling into the back of her head she loved it.

His cockhead slams against her cervix multiple times as he does that, and Miia's eyes go wide as he begins to batter down the entrance to her womb itself, not once pausing, not once hesitating in his relentless onslaught. She feels it as he punches into her womb, and she feels it as he stretches out that most sacred place around his cock. She loved how he could get so deep inside of her and as he fucked her innermost place, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back. He smashed his lips to hers and sucked on her tongue as it wrapped around his own.

"I'm cumming!" Miia said with her tongue hanging out as she cried out in orgasm, the feeling of her cervix punched through was too extreme for her, Her inner walls milking him of his seed that she wanted to impregnate her like he had done to her mother. Naruto grunted and Miia cries out as one last explosive orgasm rushes through her shaking, spasming form in response to his cock expanding to twice its size inside of her, making it clearly visible from outside her pussy and his white, hot cum pumping directly into her needy, fertile womb. Miia passed out as his cum poured out of him, and the same symbol that appeared on Liia appeared on Miia as well signifying that she was pregnant as well. Naruto then got in between them and as he did the two of them wrapped their tails wrapped around him as they nestled their heads on his chest. Naruto kissed them both on the head before he fell asleep himself…