
Naruto: The Chain Demon

Jack, a seemingly average person, becomes bored with his repetitive and monotonous life. However, everything changes when he unexpectedly dies and is reincarnated in the Naruto verse as an Uzumaki. =================== I don't own Naruto. ===================

Fleeting_dreams · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Chapter 13- Academy and Clone jutsu

Katsuo, along with his fellow students, stepped into their assigned classroom. The room was spacious enough to comfortably seat 40 students. Rows of plain wooden desks were carefully placed to provide seats for each student. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, offering plenty of natural light.

'So, this is our classroom,' Katsuo thought to himself as he gazed around. The desks had signs of previous use. There were carvings and ink stain markings on the surfaces, indicating that past students had left their mark over time.

At the front of the room stood a sturdy wooden desk, presumably for the instructor. A chalkboard dominated the wall behind it, offering space for lessons and explanations. The walls were adorned with framed portraits of renowned shinobi, their stern gazes serving as a reminder of the path the students aspired to walk.

There was also a training dummy at the corner.

'Hmm, let's take a seat in the farthest corner of the upper row; from there, I'll be able to keep an eye on everyone.' Katsuo pondered after seeing the classroom.

After some time, a teacher entered the classroom, catching the kids' attention. The teacher greeted himself officially and then turned his attention to the kids with a calm demeanor.

"Good morning, everyone. "My name is 'Takashi Minoru', and I'll be your instructor during your time at the academy," the teacher's voice rang out in the room.

Thereafter, he asked us to formally introduce ourselves as well.

Following their teacher's lead, all of the kids began to introduce themselves.

"Good work everyone," the teacher said, acknowledging the kids' introductions. "How about some questions and answers before we begin the class?" Since this is the first day, I'm sure some of you are curious about something. So, raise your hand if you have any questions."

A flurry of movement erupted across the classroom as soon as the words left the teacher's mouth. Hands shot into the air quite instantaneously, ready to embrace this opportunity.

The students began to ask questions with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. The room was alive with questions regarding various areas of their future education. Some students, unable to contain their excitement, asked the teacher directly when they would begin learning jutsu and other advanced techniques.

"Um, sensei, what about these badges?" A student's voice sliced through the air, posing a subject that had been on many people's minds.

Takahashi Minoru's gaze was drawn to the student who had spoken, with a spark of appreciation in his eyes. "Ohh... About those badges," the teacher continued, his tone satisfied, "since you kids finally asked this question, I can brief you on it."

Katsuo breathed a sigh of relief, relieved that someone had brought up the subject that had been on his mind as well.

"All right, everyone," the Teacher said, "bring out your badges and place them on your desk."

With anticipation, the kids complied, displaying their badges prominently.

"The badges you were given are not just for show," emphasized the Teacher. "They serve as an ID, representing your status as a Shinobi academy student." You can use these badges to gain access to the academy library and other benefits."

The teacher's explanation sparked the children's interest, and Katsuo leaned forward, listening carefully.

"However, before you can enjoy those benefits, you must first register the badge," the teacher explained.

"To do that, follow my instructions," he said, " drop a bit of your blood on top of the badge."

The classroom fell into a moment of focused silence as the students followed the teacher's instructions, each adding a drop of their blood to the badge they wore.

When the blood made contact with the badge, it emitted a faint glow, providing a gentle light that captured the children's attention.

"Woah!" A collective exclamation of amazement echoed through the room as the badge emitted its faint glow.

"Good, can you see that glow?"."That means the badge was marked by your blood, and you can now use it.""Remember, only you can use your own badge, as everyone's chakra signature is unique."

"See, this is how the badges work," the teacher explained. "Not only that, but by giving you these badges and telling you not to lose them, it also serves as a small test to gauge your responsibility."

"Say, when you become a Shinobi, "The teacher said thoughtfully, "you will no longer be a kid. You will become a proud protector of the village, entrusted with missions and village secrets. For that, you need to have a strong sense of responsibility."

The room remained attentive, the weight of the teacher's words settling among the students.

"For instance, these badges were given to you by your superiors with a clear instruction: don't lose them. If, despite that, someone ends up losing their badge, it's a sign of irresponsibility and a lack of respect for your superiors' words."

The weight of the statement hung in the air, sinking in.

"If any of you were to lose your badges, it would lead to your expulsion from the academy." "The Village doesn't need a irresponsible ninja."

The students held their collective breath, the understanding of the consequences resonating in their heads. Hands gripped instinctively on the badges, a physical representation of the commitment they felt at the time.

OK! that escalated quickly'. Katsuo chuckled to himself.

"Do you have any more questions?"

Nobody said anything, either because they didn't have a question or because they were too stunned to say anything.

"OKAY, THEN I'll begin the class."

And just like that, Katsuo's first class at the academy started.


"I'm Home".

Katsuo entered his house, the familiar surroundings wrapping around him like a warm embrace. As he entered the drawing room, he observed his mother working on something, her gaze elevating as she detected his presence.

His mother looked up from her task and smiled warmly. "Welcome back, Katsuo. How was your first day at the academy?"

Katsuo returned her smile and offered a nod. "It was good, Mom," he replied.

"So, did you make any friends?" she asked, her eyes bright with curiosity.

Katsuo suppressed a resigned sigh, 'Ah! why are you so focused on that' he internally questioned in resignation. But, nonetheless he smile and answered "Yes, Mom, I made new friends" he said, his smile widening a fraction. He knew how much she valued the idea of friendships, even if he didn't quite share the sentiment.

"That's my boy, now quickly go and fresh up. I will bring something to eat.


"Katsuo, as I promised you before, once you join the academy, I will personally teach you clone jutsu."

"The clone jutsu I'm going to teach you is known as the elemental clone."

As you know, that chakra comes in the form of five basic nature elements - Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Lightning and Most people have chakra that has an affinity to one of these Five Elements.

"Before learning the clone jutsu let us check your chakra affinity first. It will be easier to master the clone jutsu of the element you have an affinity towards." I nodded to my father, I was a bit excited to know what Chakra affinity I have.

Then father brought two pieces of brown papers. Looking at it I immediately knew what it was, it was a 'Chakra paper'.

"Here, these papers are called 'Chakra paper'. "To find out what affinity someone has, we use this chakra papers. These pieces of papers are made from a special type of tree and are used to react to the slightest hint of chakra in any number of ways, depending on the nature latent in the chakra.

"To simplify," he continued, "If you possess a Fire affinity, the paper will ignite and turn to ash. For Wind, the paper will split in two. A Lightning affinity will cause the paper to wrinkle. Earth will transform the paper into dirt, crumbling it away. And Water affinity will leave the paper damp."

With practiced ease, he demonstrated. Channeling his chakra into the paper, it reacted promptly – wrinkling initially and then becoming damp.

"As you can see, I have a dual affinity of both water and lightning."

"Now, you try it."

As I channeled a little bit of my chakra into the paper, it quickly wrinkled and then caught fire, turning to ash.

'Fire and lightning, Nice'. Katsuo nodded to himself, pleased with the outcome.

"Fire and lightning, huh? That's good for offensive techniques," Kenji commented, his tone indicating approval for Katsuo's dual affinity.

"It's looks like you got the mix of mine and your mother's chakra affinity."

"Your mother has fire and wind affinity."

"Fire and Wind. What an explosive combo!. Is that the reason behind her fiery temper?. Katsuo Shivered.

"Ok, first to do the clone technique....

Katsuo snapped out of his thoughts and started to listen attentively...


A/N: Hit me with some power stones.

Thanks for reading.
