
Naruto: The ANBU God

When I suddenly found myself transported to Naruto's ninja world and became a Konoha ANBU, I thought my life would be more or less normal... well, as normal as it can be for an elite ninja. But I had no idea what was coming my way. Out of nowhere, I activated a template system. And guess which template I got? None other than Homelander's, the most badass 'superhero' you can imagine. So there I was, in the middle of Konoha, with the powers of a man who could fry half the world with a glance. Can you imagine? An ANBU with a god complex... this is going to be fun.

theusual · อื่นๆ
20 Chs


At that precise moment, Danzō and Orochimaru emerged from the cabin, only to be paralyzed by the scene before them.

Silence took over the place.

Danzō's eyes widened in disbelief. He rubbed his eyelids forcefully, hoping the image would vanish, but upon opening them again, the cruel reality persisted: his three Root Ninjas lay lifeless, their bodies separated from their heads.

A sudden death, without warning.

Time seemed to stand still. Not even the wind dared to blow.

A sepulchral silence fell over the camp, broken only by muffled exclamations of astonishment and terror.

"Impossible..." muttered a shinobi, his eyes wide open.

"That style... could it be Sakumo-sama's Kenjutsu?" whispered another in disbelief.

The commotion spread quickly among the Konoha ninjas. No one could believe what they had just witnessed: Luo Lei, newly arrived, had finished off three Root Ninjas in the blink of an eye.

Orochimaru, with his snake eyes gleaming with interest, observed the scene with fascination. A twisted smile formed on his pale lips,

"What an unexpected spectacle." His tongue slid over his lips. "Three Root Jōnin eliminated in an instant. Even for me, that would require some... effort."

Narrowing his eyes, his mind working. "Luo Lei... you've been hiding your true capabilities, haven't you? Your Kenjutsu... not only rivals Sakumo's, but it could surpass it. And yet, you chose to keep it secret. How... intriguing."

Crossing his arms, he mentally reviewed the information he had about Luo Lei: ANBU vice-captain, Sakumo's apprentice, specialist in Water Style and Lightning Style, supposedly with the strength of an average Jōnin. Now, all those "truths" seemed like an elaborate lie.

"Jujuju..." Orochimaru laughed softly, his eyes gleaming with malice. "It seems our dear Hokage is not as omniscient as he believes. A genius of Minato's caliber, hiding in plain sight. What a fascinating specimen you've turned out to be, Luo Lei."

Beside him, Danzō's mask of imperturbability cracked for an instant, his narrowed eyes betraying the storm raging within.

"Impossible," he thought, his jaw tense. "Those three... were among the best in Root. Not even I could have dispatched them with such ease. But Luo Lei... did it without even blinking."

A shiver ran down his spine, not of fear, but of anger. "Kage level. No doubt about it. We've been deceived all this time!"

His thoughts turned to Sakumo, and a wave of contempt flooded him. "Sakumo, damn you! Your 'dishonor' and suicide... all a farce? You made us believe your apprentice was mediocre, that the Hatake Kenjutsu would die with you. But this..." His eyes narrowed even more. "This changes everything."

The veteran of countless conflicts and political machinations felt a drop of cold sweat slide down his temple.

It wasn't fear he felt, but an acute awareness of the danger and opportunities this revelation presented.

"A genius who knows how to hide... is the most dangerous threat to Konoha. Or..." and here, a twisted smile appeared on his lips, "the most powerful weapon, if handled correctly."

The ninjas present alternated glances between the fallen bodies of the Root agents and the figure of Luo Lei, who was observing the sword in his hand with a smile.

"So... Luo Lei-kun," Orochimaru's silky voice broke the silence, his snake eyes gleaming with interest. "It seems you've been keeping some quite impressive secrets."

Luo Lei looked up, his expression still serene. "One never knows when one will need all their cards, Orochimaru-sama," he responded, his tone casual but loaded with meaning.

Orochimaru approached. "With such a formidable reinforcement like you, our chances against Sunagakure have improved... significantly." His smile widened. "Casualties could be minimal."

"You think so?" Luo Lei arched an eyebrow, his gaze sweeping across the camp before returning to Orochimaru. "If it weren't for this 'hidden strength', I probably wouldn't have made it here alive."

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed, catching the implication. "Oh, did you have an unexpected encounter on the way?" His tone was light, but his eyes fixed on any change in Luo Lei.

"More than an encounter," Luo Lei responded, his hand moving towards a scroll in his vest. "Let's say... I reduced Sunagakure's ranks in the process."

Quickly, he unrolls the scroll, his hands forming seals rapidly.

A cloud of smoke dissipated, revealing several things: fourteen heads, some still dripping blood, appeared on the ground.

Several ninjas stepped back in surprise. Orochimaru, however, leaned in with interest, his eyes gleaming with fascination.

"Six Jōnin and eight Chūnin," Luo Lei enumerated with chilling calm. "Including Pakura, the user of the Scorch Release."

Orochimaru whistled softly. "Impressive. And Pakura?"

"Incapacitated," Luo Lei responded, his tone making it clear he wouldn't elaborate further. "She won't return to the battlefield."

A stunned silence fell over the camp. Danzō, observing from the shadows, clenched his fist.

Looks of disbelief were exchanged among those present, as the magnitude of what Luo Lei had just revealed settled in their minds.

"Impossible..." whispered a veteran jōnin, his voice trembling slightly. "Six jōnin and eight chūnin from Suna... eliminated by a single man?"

Another ninja added: "And let's not forget Pakura. Her Kekkei Genkai made her practically untouchable in combat. But Luo Lei-sama... incapacitated her as if it were nothing."

The camp buzzed with admiration. The Konoha ninjas, who had fought against Sunagakure for so long, knew well the strength of their opponents. Luo Lei's feat seemed almost supernatural in comparison.

They instantly understood that they were witnessing a moment that would shake the entire shinobi world. Luo Lei's feat wasn't just impressive; it was potentially decisive for the course of the war.

The jōnin present exchanged looks loaded with meaning.

Many remembered Luo Lei as the "Light of the Civilians," a prodigy comparable to Namikaze Minato. Former ANBU captain, apprentice to the legendary White Fang, and promoted to ANBU vice-captain at an early age, Luo Lei had been a prominent figure in Konoha.

However, after Sakumo's suicide, many had assumed that Luo Lei's career would stagnate, a victim of the complex political machinations of the village. Some had even speculated that Konoha's advisors would abandon him.

Now, those assumptions were crumbling before their eyes.

Far from being finished, Luo Lei had returned with overwhelming force. The destruction of an elite Suna team right upon arriving at the front wasn't just a demonstration of power; it was a statement of intent.

His combat power wasn't just impressive; it was potentially the factor that would tip the balance of the war in Konoha's favor.

At a time when the conflict was at its most critical point, the presence of someone with Luo Lei's skills felt like a gift from the gods.



Time: If you're craving more (and I know you are!), I have just what you need. On my Patreon, you'll find exclusive chapters. Join our community and be the first to discover what happens next!

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