
Naruto: Suna's Shinigami

A kid wakes up in an alleyway in Suna and upon waking up, meets two other boys who are running from a baker... Follow the story of these three kids as they become shinobi of Sunagakure and go into the Second Shinobi War. To all thinking of reading this, I have already loosely planned the whole story until Boruto already. Its going to be an OP MC story. Hope you enjoy! Please vote and review to keep me going!

Yrmynoodlescold · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

The Reinforcements Arrive in Roran

And just like that, a month had passed. The efficiency of Team S rose to a new peak as they managed to complete a series of 10 D-rank missions in the last month, catching up to all other teams despite not intending to participate. 

They are all currently standing in front of the Third Kazekage, standing tall and looking at him. The day had been a normal regular day but sometime during their training, Aoto's special anbu team appeared to all three of them in different places and told them to assemble at the Kazekage's office as there was something that Aoto needed them for.

"Thank you for coming with such haste, Team S," Aoto thanked them as he saw that the boys seemed to have rushed all the way here. Normally, he would've felt a little bad but the urgency of the situation could not be helped.

"Why did you ask to meet us in such urgency?" Ryuuya asked in a formal tone.

"I'm assigning you a mission. More specifically, a reinforcement mission," said Aoto which immediately caught the attention of the three. They had more or less spent the last month in the village, helping out in D-rank missions so hearing that they were assigned to a reinforcement mission meant that the difficulty was high which then meant that they would be heading out of the village.

"What's the objective?" Kiyoshi immediately with a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"You will be assisting Team 6," Aoto replied, "They were assigned a C-rank mission. The objective was to run a background investigation on a merchant that we have deemed suspicious. However, the background of the merchant seemed to be a little more complex so Beniharu requested reinforcements. You guys will be heading over to the kingdom of Roran where the team is waiting for you. Your objective will be to make sure Team 6 completes its mission. Any further developments beyond that will be led by Beniharu."

"Any more information?"

"I'm afraid not. But because Beniharu requested reinforcements means that the mission will be a minimum of a B-rank mission. Take this file, it should have a copy of the original mission," Aoto stated, "Burn it after you have read it."

"Understood," said Ryuuya as he collected the file before the three boys bowed lightly and then made their way out, "We will begin the journey immediately."

With that, the team set off on their five-day journey.

"So what's the mission exactly?" Kiyoshi asked as the team made their way through the expanse of sand and rocks.

"It says to investigate the background of an emerging merchant who has had an increasing amount of rumours linking him with bandits from the nearby land of Rock. We need to see if these are true and I predict the reason for us being sent as reinforcements is because he does indeed have some shady links," Ryuuya plainly stated.

"So we get there, confirm that he has links, let Team Six complete their mission and then go home?" he asked.

"Maybe. Maybe not," Ryuuya shrugged before his face slightly lit up with a mischievous expression, "Wouldn't it be interesting if the mission ended up getting upgraded to a B-rank?"

Hearing this, both Haru and Kiyoshi stopped as they stared at Ryuuya, considering the possibility of such an outcome of events. Surprisingly, both Haru and Kiyoshi let out a smile as they both agreed and Kiyoshi chimed in, "Wouldn't it be interesting to see how we faced off against actual adults?"

Five days later...

"Finally! I can see Roran in the distance!" Ryuuya suddenly exclaimed in relief, catching the attention of the other two members who were still not fully awake as it was still early in the morning.

Hearing that Roran was in the distance, the eyes of both Kiyoshi and Haru flung wide open as they say Ryuuya pointing towards a particular direction.

They both followed Ryuuya's pointer and saw... rocks... sand... and some trees...

And then it hit both of them. They both stared at Ryuuya with a deadpan expression while he was busy trying to hold in his laughter.

"I can't believe we fell for that," Kiyoshi told Haru as both their heads sunk to their chest in shame and disappointment.

"Hahahaha!" Ryuuya laughed out, unable to keep it in.

"Oh yeah? You think it's so funny? Why don't we walk straight in that direction then?" Kiyoshi shouted angrily as he pointed in the direction that Ryuuya was previously pointing in.

Fifteen minutes later...

"No fucking way..." Kiyoshi uttered as a shocked expression appeared on his face. They went in the direction that Ryuuya initially pointed and it ended up bringing them right to their destination.

Kiyoshi even felt a hand on his shoulder and saw that Haru was giving him a 'its all good bro. You've been had,' expression.

Meanwhile, Ryuuya still had a smile on his face but upon sensing the reactions on their faces could tell that they had indeed arrived at their destination, "Let's put the jokes aside now and get inside Roran as soon as possible."

As they got closer, the grandeur and beauty of the Roran kingdom left them increasingly speechless. They had great olden-style buildings made of stone with great stone paths that spanned all across the kingdom. And upon taking a first step into the kingdom after being allowed in, the boys could immediately tell the difference between Roran and Suna. Right from entering, the streets were bustling and people were loudly selling their products and services. And along the streets was the main attraction that gave Roran its name, Cherry Blossom Orchid. Roran happened to have the highest concentration of this particular type of tree in the whole of the shinobi world and thus, Roran would receive many tourists as a result of this.

Just from their initial insight and experience, it seemed as if Roran was doing better than Suna in terms of finances and livelihood which made them even more impressed as they had learned about Roran during their time in the academy. It was a beautiful kingdom whose main trait was trade and culture, making it a great tourist spot for civilians and shinobi alike. This status of Roran had been created through the Roran royal family who had been the ruler of this kingdom since its founding. Its current ruler was a single queen by the name of Seramu. During the outbreak of the First Shinobi War, the grandparents of Seramu had accidentally soured their relations with Iwagakure and this resulted in bad relations that climaxed and officially ended at the death of Seramu's parents, leaving her as the sole heir and leader to the kingdom.

Seeing that the kingdom seemed to be doing well and not deteriorating indicated how capable Queen Seramu was shaping out to be. Of course, it did help that the old advisors of her grandparents and parents were left alive so they were able to help properly guide her in running the kingdom.

"Where was the meeting point that Beniharu sensei gave?" Kiyoshi asked as a sudden glint of determination appeared in his eyes, alerting the other two boys.

"Uh..." Ryuuya replied warily, "It's called Anteiku..."

"Hm!" Kiyoshi harrumphed as he closed his eyes and then began to turn around in a different direction before finally he stopped and pointed in a certain direction.

"Heh?" Both Ryuuya and Haru did not catch on to what Kiyoshi was doing at all.

"I see the Anteiku! That way!" Kiyoshi stated as he then began walking straight in the direction that he pointed, having full faith that he was walking in the right direction.

At Anteiku, Team Six occupied a six-person table as they ordered breakfast for the morning. Ryuuya and Beniharu had been constantly communicating throughout this time by summoning messenger birds and Beniharu got news that the boys would be arriving here early in the morning so he decided to meet them at a place where they could all get breakfast as well.

"I've always wanted to come here," Haruki spoke as he felt his mouth water. This place was quite a famous restaurant in Roran that specialised in pancakes and desserts alongside coffee.

"The food smelled so good, I think I'm going to my whole day's worth of food here," Pakura commented as she was particularly attracted to the smell of fresh baked goods.

"I'm glad that you are all so excited to eat," Beniharu said with a light smile as he smiled, "I first came here about five years ago and loved the food here. So I've always wanted to have food here again."

"But why did you only bring us here today, sensei? We've been in Roran for a few days now," Haruki asked as he had wanted to come to eat here since they arrived.

"I've heard from the reinforcement team and they said they will arrive in the early morning so I told them that we would meet here," Beniharu replied.

"Tch. How lucky, to get to eat here instantly on your arrival," Haruki commented, not hiding his jealousy.

"Hi there! Welcome to Anteiku. Can I take your order?" a slender teenage girl with bob-length dark blue hair with long bangs that reached her chin came to the table.

"I'm sorry but could you ask us in a few minutes, we are expecting a few more people to show up," Beniharu replied as he embarrassedly laughed.

"Okay sure~ I'll come back in a few minutes then," the dark-blue-haired girl spoke with a smile before walking to guide some new customers who had arrived at the entrance to a table.

Ten minutes later...

"Are you guys ready to order?"

Ten more minutes later...

"We'll just start ordering..."

Ten more more minutes later...

"The food is here!!!" Haruki's cry of happiness flooded the restaurant.

Ten more more more minutes later...

*nom* *nom* *nom*

Ten more more more more minutes later...

"Finally!" a voice shouted from the entrance of the restaurant, "I told you that my intuition with navigation is unmatched."


News update. I need the help of you readers. So... I was reading the Minato template in Naruto Fanfic on webnovel when I realised that I completely forgot about Uzushiogakure... So this is where you all come in. You have three option.

How much do you want Uzushiogakure to play a part in my plot?

A lot (You'll get Suna, Uzushiogakure relations and stuff)

A little (You'll get inclusions of them in a few events)

Just leave the original Naruto plot as it is (No real inclusion of Uzushiogakure)

On a general note, I am surprised that I managed to finish this chapter so enjoy it!

incase you didn't get it, Anteiku is a Tokyo Ghoul reference. It's just a cameo, nothing much. They don't matter to the story, I just wanted to add a restaurant from an anime.

And another incase you didn't know, Roran is the place where Naruto meet Minato by being sent back through time. Since I am about 10 years early from that time, Roran would not have its high towers yet. 

I dont know about the next one but the chapters in store of the Roran section are going to be interesting.

Have a nice! Reviews and Powerstones please!

Also, you won't get a next chapter until I get a minimum 10 votes on the Uzushio poll so please vote by leaving a single comment under the one you want. Please don't leave your comment as a reply to someone's comment for the poll. Thanks! Much Appreciated!