
Naruto strong bone

you have never wondered what would happen if naruto had the kekei genkai of the kaguya clam bone well this is the answer. PS : it is not my story all rights to the author I just bring you this interesting story for you to enjoy

Dragon_forever · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter: 8

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Naruto Uzumaki sat down in the middle of a field in a meditative state trying to put his mind in a blank state so he could focus. The boy was done training for the day and they wouldn't be staying much longer in Wave as Tazuna and his men were nearing the end of the bridge which would connect Wave to the mainland and restore its economy.

The boy had been busy training with his cousin Kimimaro and also with helping out with the village which where happy to have his support and the use of his Kage Bushin. That had made him glad seeing they was actually glad to have him around. This treatment he was getting was preferably to the one he usually got and received as the people appreciated him helping out.

He went over the training he had done recently with his cousin learning a couple of his moves and jutsus that he called Dances. Learning the style of fighting as he had chastised his form and movements as sloppy and mediocre telling him that a warrior's stance showed his strengths and weaknesses with his position and he could be easily defeated if not in a proper stance.

So far there had been little trouble with the construction of the Bridge as they had been guarding it and the workers. But Tazuna had told them to stay cautious as Gato and his men would do anything to stop them from building the bridge and releasing his hold on the island.

Getting up he decided to head into the town to see if anything was up.

Elsewhere, Kimimaro was by himself The Kaguya thinking of past events. The Dream Vessel thinking of what had happened in his life. Growing up amongst his clan and being locked up by his father.

"I will not suffer the same death that I gave my own father!" The Harsh man said as he shoved the eight year old into the cell and slammed the door shut locking it. The Eight year old Kimimaro could only watch on tears in his eyes as his father left him in the dark room by himself. The cruel head of the clan fearing he'd suffer the same fate that the boy's grandfather had.

Kimimaro back in the present hated the man, he hated the bastard as to what he did to them all. Ruining the clan and causing them all to be wiped out except for himself. Preventing his mother from seeing him and watching as he forced him to kill against his will. Blood on his hands by the time he was already four. His worthless father using him as nothing more than a weapon, an unthinking tool to be discarded when there was no more use of it.

"I have sired not a warrior, but a monster…"

Those words brought a scowl to his face as his father hated him, hated that he would become too powerful and beyond his control as the Kekkai Genkai he had was stronger than any of the past previous users, his own father had Shikotsumyaku as well but by the time he was seven he was already capable of more than what he was able to do. Naruto as well could match his given the Kyuubi's power he had. Maybe even exceed his own ability and strength if he trained enough.

"So you're one of them." A voice said and he turned his head and saw being accompanied by a group of armed men two of them more well equipped than the rest a old man in a business suit and black glasses. The old man walked towards him a dark smile on his face.

"I have a proposition for you boy," The man said to him. "I am Gato, founder and owner of Gato Shipping Company. You came with that idiot Tazuna right?" He asked him. "How'd you like to work for me? Does that idiot really think things will change if he builds that stupid bridge? He threatens my business and I could lose millions if he completes it. My offer is that you work for me from now on. I assure you that I'll make it worth your while." He said grinning evilly. "Kill the fool and those other meddling insects and you'll be rewarded handsomely." He said and mentioned to one of his men who tossed a suitcase at him which landed at his feet. It busted open and Kimimaro saw several thousand dollars of Ryo stuffed into it.

"Do that and it's yours, and if it's not suitable then I can easily offer more. Everyone has a price right?" Gato said to him. "Kill them all and you'll be rewarded with money and riches beyond your wildest dreams and I'll hire you to do some more jobs for me against those who owe me money. Money is what makes the world work after all."

Kimimaro didn't say anything as he stared at the wretched man who thought he could buy him off. To think that this fool thought he could have him murder his kin, even if he wasn't related to Naruto he wouldn't accept his offer. The thought of working for such a disgusting and wretched man who had no power beyond that stuffed into his coffers, made him sick to his stomach.

"So what do you say? Do you accept my offer of employment?" Gato asked him again.


"What?" He shouted not used to being turned down

"I refuse to lower myself to working with worthless scum who hide behind others and have no strength of their own." Kimimaro said to him who was fuming.

"Kill him!" He ordered and some of his men stepped forward raising their weapons.

When they neared him in the blink of an eye Kimimaro raised his hands up and two bones shot out of his wrists and into the throats of them (Think of it like the Double Hidden Blade) The two fell backwards dead a large open wound in their throats.

"What devilry is this?" Gato shouted taking a step back at what he just did as Kimimaro retracted them back into his skin. His men also seemed stunned and no longer interested in fighting him with how he killed them so easily.

"Go or you die next." Kimimaro said to him tossing the briefcase back at him and the businessman was smart enough to know he was outmatched here. He backed away with his men a bit disturbed what he just saw but regained his composure.

"Hmph, you'll pay for this you stupid boy! No one turns down Gato and lives! No one!" He snarled and turned and left with his men.

Kimimaro watched them go thinking it pointless the entire thing.

"The Kaguya are brutal, ruthless, merciless, and a lot of other things. Once the backbone of Mist's army they are now reduced to one…" Zabuza Momochi said to Haku as the two had watched it from afar. "I'm not surprised he refused Gato's offer though. That fool Kimaru Kaguya the last head of that crazy Clan drove the clan to extinction with what he did. This one must've fled the battle and survived. To think that such a prize would be found here in this lousy place. If I had known I'd meet him again and he'd be in my way I would've killed him back when he was a kid." He said as he knew that the Kaguya they had seen years ago as a young child was the same one now all grown up.

"He is powerful though, but no match for you Zabuza-sama." Haku said to him his face covered by a mask.

"He's too gentle, he may have the killing instinct to be an assassin but I can tell his heart isn't in it. If he does show up when we attack I'll take care of him. He'll ill as well by the look of it, so all I gotta do is wait until he slips up and then I'll take his head." The Swordsmen said remembering how in the first battle Kimimaro had fallen ill and nearly was killed at his hands if not for the Blonde kid interfering. "Though if Gato thinks about hiring other work to steal our money he's going to find out the hard way why I'm nicknamed The Demon of Mist." He said and his eyes narrowed in anger at what he had seen him try to do.

Haku looked at him as the two assassins prepared to make their move as he was almost one hundred percent. The next day they would attack and kill Tazuna and stop the building of the bridge.

"Once Gato pays us and we bring in the Kaguya's body for the bounty I'll have enough funds to start another coup in Mist. This time I'm taking over." Zabuza said as he needed funds and money in order for his plan to take over Mist work. Planning on taking over and ruling his home village which had turned him into the butcher he was today.

"Let's go…" He ordered and the two hastily left heading back to their hiding spot.

"But sensei I want to learn Water Walking!" Sasuke said in protest to the lazy ninja who was seated on a bench reading his favorite book.

"You're not ready to learn that just yet Sasuke." Kakashi said not looking at him as he flipped the page.

"But I've already done tree walking, I should master that as well!" Sasuke said angrily at his teacher.

"You're going to exhaust yourself and make yourself bedridden if you keep this up." Kakashi responded still reading his book.

"Why are you preventing me from learning it?"

"I'm not preventing you from doing anything, right now you're not skilled enough to learn how to walk on water." He replied.

Sasuke glared angrily at him upset that Kakashi wouldn't teach him how to walk on water. He'd had gotten tree walking down but he wanted more. Learning that Naruto knew how to do it made him angry that the Dead Last fool knew something he didn't and the words he and his trainer had said to him had made him mad that they had talked to him like that. Angry that they had talked him down and called him out The Uchiha was not used to that kind of treatment they had given him.

Mad that Naruto was getting special treatment and learning things he should already know, Sasuke did not want to be one upped by him.

Also a part of him was upset that he hadn't activated his bloodline by now and obtained the Sharingan, The Sharingan was the pride of the Uchiha family and clan and Sasuke thought that his should've been obtained by now so he could harness its power and control. That was what he needed if he ever wanted to avenge his family's wrongful deaths. He should have had it by now he believed but still it eluded him.

"All of you are capable of walking on trees now, that's enough for you to know for now."

"Naruto is capable of walking on water. Why can't I as well?"

"There are more important things for you to do now than trying to learn that." He replied.

Sasuke glared at him angrily and turned and left.

Kakashi only shrugged as he watched him go and resumed reading.

Naruto was at the construction site with Tazuna and the others helping them out by mass producing dozens of clones to help with the construction and make it go faster.

"Three more days, at the rate it'll be three days and then it'll be finished." The bridge builder told his men. "Wave will finally be connected to the Mainland."

The workers cheered as they where nearing their goal.

Naruto watching on looked over and saw the man's grandson looking on as well. Inari having watched them work as the boy was starting to open up. All of Wave it seemed like was getting better as the citizens of the place were finally recovering.

He looked over and saw Sakura there as well as the two were on guard duty for their shift. The pink haired girl hadn't said anything to him lately and it didn't bother him as he could tell that she was upset over what he had said to her before but he wasn't letting it bother him. Having learned to ignore what people say about him. He had noticed a few of her looks recently towards him as if she was wanting to say something or tell him about something but she hadn't spoken to him.

"Naruto, Sakura, you can go meet up with the others now, we are done for the day today." Tazuna called out to them as the workers began to leave the bridge. "Head home and I'll see you both later along with the others."

The two left and as they went to go Naruto saw a group of men appear in front of them. He instantly recognized them as the thugs who tried to intimidate him and Kimimaro the day before.

"What are you doing blocking our path?" Sakura said not understanding. Naruto however could tell that they wanted payback for what happened earlier.

"You brats got a lot of nerve with what you're doing," One said to them. "Gato-sama is going to make you all pay for what you've done The old geezer's going to get his as well soon enough."

"Move out of our way, we don't want any trouble with you." Naruto said trying to avoid a fight with them. He could scare them off with the Kage Bushin but he didn't want to cause any ruckus.

"Too bad, you owe us after what that other punk did and he's not here to save your ass now right Kusabi?" A second one said to a man who had an spear.

"Yeah, unless you give us your money right now that you stole from us we're going to make an example outta both of you."

Sakura looked around fearfully as they where surrounded as more men appeared from behind blocking their path. Naruto mentioned for her to keep calm.

"Mommy ain't here to save you now you little brat. Then again I bet that cheap Hooker dropped you off the day you was born!" One said and the group began laughing at Naruto.

The fools continued to laugh unaware that they had just struck a nerve.

"What…did…you…SAY?" Naruto snarled suddenly and the group stopped and saw that Naruto had a look of murder on his face.

Sakura looking on felt as if something terrible was about to happen as for a moment she swore Naruto's eyes turned a blood red. The thugs had stopped laughing as they backed up a bit not understanding what was going on.

Naruto felt the bones in his arms starting to stick out as he was ready to pull them out and slaughter them over what he said and he was subconsciously aware of a dark power in him waking up as if an evil spirit was awakening inside of him.

But before he could make them pay a blur appeared and knocked them all out with precise blows to the nerves and neck area.

"K-Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura shouted as the Copy Nin had appeared in front of them having knocked out the thugs.

"Are you all alright?" He asked them has he had sensed trouble from afar. He had expected something would happen and he felt the rage that was inside Naruto growing. "Naruto? Calm down." He said as the boy glared at the bodies and it was taking everything he had from pummeling them to death.

"These are just bullies, and will no longer harm you. Ignore their words as anger is a Ninja's greatest enemy."

"Even if they call the woman who gave you life a Whore?" Naruto asked snidely angry over what they just said. If Kakashi hadn't knocked them out, he would have killed them.

Kakashi closed his eye and patted the top of his head. "It's alright kiddo, let it go. Let's head to the house." He said and took them back to the house.

It was good he had shown up, if he hadn't Naruto would've murdered them and with the rage he was sensing from the boy it was possible he may have awakened the beast that was inside of him that had been sealed into him.

The Kyuubi…

The next day…

"Is this where that bastard has run off too?" The Red Headed Kunoichi wearing a outfit with a purple bow around her waist said to herself as she saw the bridge in the distance. "What the hell is that idiot doing all the way out here?"

Tayuya The Sound Nin of the North Gate had been looking for her missing comrade wondering where he had been going.

After he had left again her curiosity had gotten the better of her after a couple of days. Just where had he been going off to for so many days at a time? If their master had returned from his meeting in Suna with The Kazekage and discovered he had been going off like this with the illness he had he would be pissed and would punish her and the other members of The Sound Five. Sakon, his brother, Kidomaru, and Jirobo had stopped caring after he left again but she knew something was up.

She had left Oto as well and managed to pick up his still warm tracks. The Kaguya she knew was not one hundred percent so she was able to figure out where he was going. Surprisingly enough, this had lead her near Konoha which was pretty much the one place Orochimaru didn't want any of them going too. She didn't sense his presence there and picked up more of his tracks and kept going heading away from the Leaf Village

"What's the asshole doing here of all places?" She questioned as it didn't make any sense for him to come so far out. Unless there was some sort of fish here he fancied but she doubted it. She looked out to the distance and saw the construction of a what looked like a bridge being built. She could easily sense him there as he was at the place.

"Guess I'm going to have to find him and figure out what's going on. Knowing my damn luck he's out cold in the street somewhere and I'll have to drag his carcass back to Otogakure!" She mumbled to herself wondering why it was always her who had to put up with it when things like this happened as she got ready to go.

"Hey sexy, wanna have a good time?" A voice called out and she turned her head and saw a group of men who served as extra hired muscle. "You look like you know how to give people fun." One said to her and his companions laughed.

Tayuya glared at them as they made suggestive comments towards her but she soon grinned and pulled out her flute and brought it up to her lips and began playing a tune on it.

To the bandits surprise three large monkey like beasts covered in bandages appeared in front of them and they all wielded giant kanabos.

"Kill them…" She ordered.

Loud screams then filled the area.

Later on Kakashi was walking with Tazuna and Sakura on the bridge when they suddenly heard screams of agony and death.

"What the? Who's attacking my men!" Tazuna shouted turning around as he heard the screams of horror.

Kakashi narrowed his eye. "Gato has made his move." He said and they quickly went to head back towards where the attack was happening.

Several slain bodies where on the bridge they saw and they made it just in time to see a man be impaled through the stomach and tossed off the blade.

Kakashi instantly recognized the attacker. "Zabuza…" He said and the Missing Nin of Mist raised his head and grinned underneath his bandages.

"Surprise to see me?" He asked mockingly no longer wearing his flak jacket and vest.

"I thought you were dead!" Tazuna shouted in disbelief at the Demon of Mist in front of him.

"He looks pretty alive to me." Kakashi said as he got into a fighting stance.

"This time you will die at my hands!" Zabuza shouted and doing hand symbols covered the entire area in Mist and faded into it disappearing from view.

"Stay near to me." Kakashi said to the others and went on guard knowing that he could appear and kill him, Tazuna, or Sakura at any given moment.

Sasuke had saw the Mist form around the bridge where the others was at and immediately did a mad dash towards it seeing that something was up. He neared the empty bridge and started to make his way forward when a figure in brown and green appeared wearing a white mask with red on it and the symbol of Kirigakure on it.

"You, you're that Hunter Nin from before." Sasuke said not understanding as he recognized him even though his face was covered by the mask he wore the first time he had seen him nearly a week ago.

"Do you really think that?" The ninja said and suddenly threw something right at him. Sasuke brought his hands up to defend himself. Something sticked into his arms and he saw several small needles sticking into it.

"Senbon?" He asked himself but soon smirked. "You'll need more than needles to stop me."

"I know that to defeat an Uchiha, I'll have to counter your bloodline with my own." The figure responded and suddenly Sasuke was surrounded on all sides by several mirrors made out of Ice in the front and the back and one on the top as well. The ninja appeared in one of them and threw several senbon at him which he narrowly dodged.

The figure reappeared in another one and threw more at Sasuke as he had trapped him in his Crystal Ice Mirrors.

Naruto was walking in the village when he heard sounds. He ran and soon came to Tsunami's house and saw her and Inari being threatened by two of Gato's men. The men threatening to harm them for her father daring to oppose Gato.

The sight angered Naruto and forming two bone swords he called out to them getting their attention.

"You like picking on those smaller than you? I'm smaller why don't you try picking on me?" He taunted them.

The two pulled out their swords and charged him planning on cutting him down.

Naruto was ready and blocked their swings and attacks and parried their blows expertly as he fought a defensive battle. The two attacked at the same time and he blocked and countered their attacks. Both went up high for a devastating chop at his chest and he blocked it and kicked at them. The two then charged and came at him from the side and he was ready for them.

They attacked meaning to run him through and he blocked both their attacks and meant to overpower him. The three struggled when Naruto managed to outmuscle them both and drove them back causing them to lose their footing. The two regrouped and charged him when Naruto leapt right over and somersaulted past them putting them behind him and delivered two precise blows to their backs knocking them out from the blow.

"Are you okay?" Naruto asked Tsunami and Inari.

"We're a bit shaken up but other than that we're fine." Tsunami replied thanking him.

"These two are Gato's men." Naruto said as he tied them up. "Tsunami, I think your pops is in danger. You two get somewhere safe, I'm going to find him and the others. Be careful both of you." He told them and went into a run knowing that if they had been threatened just now, than that means the others likely where in trouble as well.

"Gold will be paid in full to the one who kills this fool!" Gato the businessman shouted to the group as they surrounded Kimimaro on the outskirts of Wave. "Go now and claim your prize!" He ordered and many of the mercenaries charged The Kaguya.

Gato's plan was a three part process. His hired men would attack Kimimaro while his bodyguards got Tazuna's daughter and grandchild and held them hostage. Then after Zabuza had killed the old man along with all the wokers the final part of his plan would be put into place.

He didn't have to attack Kimimaro but the Businessman was furious that he had rejected his offer and meant to make him pay with his life for refusing him.

"The rest of you, come with me!" He ordered his remaining men who went with him not even bothering to stay and watch.

Kimimaro pulled out a bone sword as he was surrounded on all sides by dozens of men. But if Kimimaro showed any sign of worry or concern he did not show it.

In fact he was smiling as they rushed and attacked him.

"What the hell is going on? Is it Riot day or something?" Tayuya shouted as she had finally made it to the village and wasn't understanding what was going on. It seemed as if all the people here on gone crazy. "Of all the places to go the idiot went to the one that's filled with lunatics?" She said wondering what was going on.

"Give me your money or else!" A man shouted at her and she responded by angrily ramming a Kunai into his chest.. The people of this place she saw where gathering some of them getting any weapon they could use even gardening and construction tools: Rakes, Hammers, Shovels, anything that could be used to fight with they was getting.

"We're not taking it anymore! We're gonna stand up and fight!" A man shouted and the group cheered as they began fighting back against other men and running them out of the village

Tayuya leapt onto a rooftop and overlooked the scenery not understanding what was going on. She looked out and saw the bridge that was covered in a mist as well as what looked like a dome of Ice as well.

"What the hell's going on in this crazy place?" She said to herself as she looked on.

Naruto making it to the bridge saw the Ice like Mirrors there and could hear the sound of battle. Knowing that something was happening he than made his way towards it.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball!" Sasuke shouted doing hand symbols and performing the Jutsu fired a large fireball from his mouth at the Ice Mirrors but like before did little damage to them melting them only a little. That was his most powerful Fire Jutsu, the one The Uchihas use to prove they had come of age and despite melting some of the ice did as much damage as his other fireballs

"It is hopeless…" The masked Ninja said to him and threw more Senbon at him which he narrowly dodged. "Surrender and I shall spare you, continue and your clan shall end this-"


"What the!" The Ninja shouted as one of his Mirrors shouted and they both saw a blond haired figure crashing through one of the mirrors having shattered it with a powerful blow from his sword he had made. He flew into the area and landed in the center next to Sasuke.

"Is the party still going on?" Naruto asked having made his way through pouring all of his chakra into his attack to break through.

The Masked figure recognized the boy and winced having not wanted to fight him but knew this could happen. "I'll give you both one final chance, leave now." He said and all but one Mirror disappeared with him in it. "Go and your lives will be spared. Stay and you leave me no choice but to end your life. Zabuza will kill you both even if you somehow manage to defeat me."

"Sorry buddy but you endanger all of us by working with him and that scumbag Gato. I don't have any plan on retreating today." Naruto said to him. "You got a bloodline don't you, that's all you was able to do this?"

"…That is correct, my bloodline gives me the ability to combine water and air to from Ice. Something which I was despised for as a child growing up." He responded slowly remembering his father's outburst.

"I doubt my Clones would be able to penetrate your mirrors and you look pretty tough. My Kage Bushin won't cut it." Naruto said but then smiled. "I guess I gotta fight you on your equal power. Kekkai Genkai against Kekkai Genkai."

"You possess a bloodline as well?" The figure asked him and Sasuke couldn't believe what he just said.

(He's bluffing! There's no way Naruto could have a bloodline!) He thought to himself thinking he was making tall tales. It was impossible for him to have a Kekkai Genkai.

"Yeah, I do. The Uzumaki bloodline, that which my Cousin also possesses as well as he can use it as well."

"I see you will not run then you leave me no choice. Bloodline or not, I will defeat you here." He said and the Ice Mirrors formed around them all again.

"It's the first time I've shown this to others so here goes. The power of Shikotsumyaku that my Clan long ago possessed" Naruto said and reached into his shoulder and concentrating pulled out a two and a half foot long bone which turned into a sword. Grabbing it he combined it with his other sword and connected them at the hilt into a five foot long sword.

Spinning it overhead he then got into a stance and charged preparing to do battle with The Ninja.