
Naruto: Starting as a Root trainee in a White Room Program.

Word Count- 22.2K(Includes the story only) Mc will be a root trainee in a special program, it's similar to the white room in Classroom of the Elite, failing will probably mean death. The timeline is the same as the Naruto gen but Mc got transmigrated in a body 5 years older than the Naruto generation on the day of the Nine-Tails incident... Romance? Maybe but later in the story, Harem? will see but probably not, so don't get your hopes up. I am not gonna dump information all at once, in fact, I will give it in a subtle manner, at least try to. Update schedule will be erratic and chapter lengths are 1.5k+ in the least. Read the auxiliary chapter or serially the first one to have an idea of what to expect from the story.

Desire96 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

3.Tournament of Survival- Round One

{Shikamaru: "Laziness is the mother of all bad habits. But ultimately, she is a mother and we should respect her."- Naruto Shippuden EpXXX}

A rat-masked individual could be seen kneeling on the ground in a chamber where his senses were going haywire. He was feeling things like the sense of Gravity changing erratically in random directions, the smell of the room as well as the texture or things like the Volume of the room spontaneously Expanding or Contracting such that even a Claustrophobic person would rather knock himself out if he was given a choice.

Only one other individual could be seen present in the room other than the masked man and this person or more like the old man was standing, he looked frail but at the same time, a sense of danger arose in one's heart if one stares at this person for too long. The bandages covering his body didn't give him a harmless aura but quite the opposite, it made him look fierce.

This was one of the Council elders of the Leaf Village and the person having the most political influence after the big man Hokage himself.

Danzo Shimura!

A person who bears the responsibility to guide the leaf from the shadows and the one whom the Third Hokage rely on, His relationship with the Third Hokage is similar to what Sasuke Uchiha is to the Seventh Hokage.

At this time he is reading a report on a certain candidate.

[Name- No.13

Age- 7 years 9 months old

Origins- Konoha

Chakra Control- Advanced(L3)

Chakra Capacity- average Genin

Bukijutsu- Advanced(L3)

Genjutsu- Interdemiate(L2)

Iryoninjutsu- Advanced(L3)

Chakra Enhancement- Intermediate(L2)

Earth Release- Intedemiate(L2)


Nin arts proficiency level-

Level 1- Novice(Beginner)

Level 2- Intermediate(Can use that skill to such level that the application of the skill is useful in Genin level battles.)

Level 3- Advanced(Same as above but for Chunin level battles)

Level 4- Expert (Same as above but for Jounin level battles)

Level 5- Master ( Same as above but for Elite Jounin level Battles

Level 6- Grandmaster (Same as above but for Kage(or S rank) level battles

Analogous example for above using Chakra Control as an example:

Level 1- learning Leaf sticking with different amounts of mass of an object, multitasking at different chakra points, having a basic understanding of internal chakra Control

Level 2- Water Walking(External Chakra Control) OR degree of Chakra Enhancement dangerous for Genins

Level 3- degree of Chakra Enhancement dangerous for Chunins OR Messing up other individuals' internal organs by sending your chakra to the opponent

Level 4- degree of .... for Jounins OR Shape Manipulation(Rasengan)(External Chakra Control)

Level 5- degree of ... Elite Jounin OR Mitotic Regeneration]

"So, this is the best student you have," the old man said with a neutral tone.

"Yes Danzo-sama!"

"Well, with his skills, he could barely be considered a Chunin, his skillset is rare but not that rare if we see some students of other classes, either way, inform your wards that a vast Tournament is gonna be held in six months, and failure in that will mean Death!, You are dismissed!"

The Rat-masked quickly made it out of the room as he didn't want to spend any more time there. Just as he left the room, he was knocked unconscious and carried by another masked individual.

Meanwhile, in the room, Danzo could be seen contemplating while looking at No.13's report, "It's all for Konoha" He calmly said and burned the report.

{Author's authority:- Timeskip 6 months}

"So, let's begin cadets, Rules are simple, you will be randomly shuffled in groups of 100 for the first round and released from random entry points in this forest, You will be given a plaque, and your goal is simple, just Get 3 Plaques before the exam ends,i.e, 24hours, to qualify, failure to do so will mean Death!, Anything is allowed in this exams, Also, the top scorers of the final round will get Rewards personally from Lord Danzo himself! so, on that note, let's begin the first match of the first round"

Previously called NO.13, now could be seen on the edge of a forest with a masked individual who in the next instant signalled him to go to which the child complied.

'So, the death match finally begins, there should be around 4 years for the Uchiha Massacre, should I intervene?'

He pondered while travelling via trees like a monkey!

After a few minutes just as he landed on a branch, he heard the sound of projectiles aimed at him from behind.

Instead of jumping, he formed a hand seal, 'Substitution: Evasive' and disappeared from view.

The shurikens passed through the air hitting nothing. The original substitution is the Jutsu which forms a thread of chakra that connects a log or similar object by chakra thread to the user and then a high-speed circular-like motion is done to do an evasive manoeuvre, which involves releasing some chakra from the body too, similar to Shunshin, but all that is done by the jutsu, thus is not full a conscious effort.

This action is done so fast that even a Jounin won't be able to keep track of the user, that is if higher chakra is provided compared to the academy counterpart, either way, it doesn't remain cost-efficient at higher levels than Jounin and some Jounins having specific skillset could counter it.

In this version, the chakra string is manually controlled by the user and is tied around a heavy object which is used as an anchor for the user to pull himself or herself towards that object, This is actually a superior version of this jutsu and requires high spatial perception along with chakra control and thus could be considered B rank in difficulty alone, however, the cost itself is less than or equal to original itself which is very cheap as it's an E rank jutsu.

Anyway, back to the battle or more like an ambush, a black-haired individual could be seen clicking their tongue at the failed attempt. To a sensor, their chakra reserves will appear at a high Chunin level.

This guy instead of trying to hide when his location got exposed, is now arrogantly standing waiting for his opponent to make a move.

He didn't have to wait for a longer time as a barrage of shuriken could be seen aimed at him from all directions!

This move was enough for the soon-to-be victim to wipe off the smug look on his face. He almost instantly weaved 3 hand signs and added in a low tone, "Great Banshee's scream!"

A wave of white-coloured wind could be seen coming from this guy's mouth, the shurikens that touched it instantly froze and could be seen in ice, this way he froze all the projectiles by rotating his body 360.

At least, that should have ended the whole attack... Right?

However, the black-haired guy didn't take one thing in his calculation, a visual genjutsu! Yes, a subtle jutsu that makes one ignore the existence of explosive tags on the back of the kunai.

In the next instant, the sound of a huge explosion could be heard throughout the forest, even hidden instructors were shocked by the loudness of the explosion.

No.13 could be seen wearing black coloured glasses and facing the explosion 'Watching an explosion is really fun, I just need some popcorn and soda... and also a sofa too, then..' His musing was cut short when he noticed a closed ice structure.

'So, He survived huh, that jutsu must have been sealess, huh, well, time for me to disappear' He thought while weaving hand signs and jumping off the branch in the backward direction such that he still had an eye on the closed ice structure.

The astounding thing was that his legs phased through the ground instead of ... not phasing.

After a few minutes, he could be seen appearing on the opposite side of the forest from where the explosion took place.

'I didn't know that Konoha had Ice-release Kekkei Genkai... Maybe Danzo abducted them as it shouldn't be that hard during the internal war, Still, that counterattack of his was very powerful, I would have probably been immobilized straight off, if not eliminated directly if I got hit.'

Meanwhile, on the other side of the forest, the ice dome could be seen getting melted and the black-haired figure came out of it, with his shirt completely burned off.

He suffered some minor Burn marks, but fortunately nothing major due to his quick reaction.

"Tch, who the hell was that guy, I didn't even see his face," He said while opening his side bag to find some first-aid, however, shockingly he found out that his plaque was missing. 

Realization dawned upon him...

"I will kill you!!!" He shouted with all his might.

Back to No.13, 2 plaques could be seen on his hand, and a smirk on his face, 'chakra strings are so convenient.'

However, something weird happened next, No.13 ducked his head and rolled sideways, 'What the hell! I didn't even sense anybody coming behind me' He quickly summoned a kunai from the storage seal on his armguards.

When he looked at his previous position, a black-haired girl could be seen with a kunai in one hand and 2 other plaques in the other.

"Thank You Oni-chan! for this!" She said and then promptly disappeared quite literally.

"What the fuck!"


No.13 could be seen making some hidden traps as he walked, however, his stoic face hid the internal tumultuous thoughts of his encounter with that weird girl.

During his first hour in the exam, he could already see the literal freaks, He was quite the humble guy however, this exam reminded him that this event itself was not cannon and this type of curriculum or exams is a testament to the fact that quality shinobis are gonna be produced by the end of this endeavour.

He might have underestimated the quality of the shinobi produced by this program. He has seen the desperation of the bottom-level students during the last 2 years.

According to his cannon knowledge, he is quite sure that each one of those will reach a chunin level of 12 at the minimum if they survive till then, but it seems that Danzo has other plans, It was quite weird to see Danzo training over ten thousand students, but it seems that time to thin that amount has arrived if this exam didn't pointed that already.

Even Haku a person who mostly travelled during the time with Zabuza was able to reach Jounin level at 12 already, people with much more drive than him and reasons with the right competitive environment like this one could reach his level around 10 or lower if they had same Bloodline advantage as him.

'I am not gonna remove the plaques that I will plunder now from my storage seal'

No.13 released the chakra from his feet and became a blur. He was also releasing chakra from his entire body to form a sheet of blue chakra to counter the air resistance.

This was a seal-less imitation of Body Flicker. 

Now, one able to use jutsu seal-lessly has two ways: either one can practice one jutsu many times to reduce the hand seals such that after a certain time, it becomes seal-less or one can have high internal chakra control which could help to imitate the use of some hand-seals, removing other hand seals will still take practice.

Non-elemental jutsus or simple jutsus take less time to learn seal-lessly than their counterparts.

Plus, the technique the guy was using is less chakra expensive than Shunshin as it involves mastery of advanced chakra control and enhancement which could be seen in Combat-Medic Nins.

Anyway, finding the first target was not that hard when there were 100 people scattered in a relatively not-so-big area.

A blonde girl could be seen looting the corpse of another human. He closed on the distance by sneaking, but just as he was gonna knock her out, she made her body arch back such that her head which was priorly looking in the front was now able to see No.13 albeit upside down, but just as she saw him, she spat a fireball.

Now, No.13 was prepared for the other party to retaliate even if they spat a fireball at point-blank range, He already had tied a chakra string to a tree and his modified substitution was even faster this time such that he only got a few minor burns, despite him not getting in contact of the fireball which signified that the other party is already learning change in fire transformation.

Now, one merit of this program was that anybody could learn anything and instructors told them to try everything to find where their talent lay to utilize it properly, so seeing somebody specializing in a certain field was not that surprising, also that if the other party looked 9 or 10 year old as they had 2-year advantage on people of the age of No.13.

The norm in the program was different than the academy, kids here were giving up their childhood and not for war, so it would have been quite weird if this scenario was not the case.

Seeing that his approach didn't work, he quickly threw a few shurikens at her as no matter how hot the fire was, it was not enough to melt the shurikens. Expectedly, the opponent body-flickered substituted, but with just one seal.

'Is my luck bad or is that my class is just below average or trashiest class' No.13 internally cursed.

No.13 tilted his head and a beam of fire could be seen passing very close to him, The interesting thing was that this was not that hot compared to the fireball previously.

He recognized the jutsu, 'C rank: FireBeam jutsu: Counterpart of Great Fireball which focuses more on the temperature of flames and is slow, this jutsu sacrifices that part for the speed, however, this could still make one suffer depending on its usage'

'This was also done seal-lessly, is it really that easy to do?... anyway, I didn't even see that jutsu until it already passed, No wonder that corpse was put with its face on the ground, it probably died the same way.

"It seems that you have some skill," She said while disappearing in another body flicker in the opposite direction.

No.13 chased after her in body flicker but he was cautious as he had only seen C rank jutsus, One can even buy a B rank jutsu if they are top of the class and saving points... however, A rank jutsus are not available for purchase.

Suddenly a Fireball came at him at a relatively faster speed but side manoeuvring it was not that hard, however, a Fire Storm could be seen heading towards him at a very fast pace, 'Fuck!, that's a combination jutsu of Wind and Fire'. He quickly went into the earth deep enough not to get heated. 

A Green Glow could be seen in his hand which he used to take care of the previous burns.

'Well, time to retreat, I already have acquired what I wanted, no need to waste chakra or time' He thought while moving in a completely different direction.

The girl at the top remained cautious as her view was blocked by the Fire-storm, so she didn't know that he was an earth user which was completely intentional on her opponent's part as he didn't actually reveal much information which is crucial in ninja world where assassination and ambushes were a common occurrence.

However, after being cautious for 10 minutes and rapidly changing her position multiple times, she relaxed a bit, the fun part was that she realized that all her plaques were stolen after she defeated another opponent which was 2 hours later. Her scream was reminiscent of a certain black-haired boy.

No.13 who had human body parts, decided on his next target.

He had already collected over 10 plaques and now was going for another bunch, a bald boy could be seen lazily sitting on a branch and eating grapes, the same guy who murdered another kid in a second, this guy had around 10 plaques as well and his combat power is estimated to be around that previous fire girl.

However, this time, he has already collected information about his opponent at least whatever his previous victims allowed him to show.

So, just as another grape that was in the air got into the older boy's mouth, a bunch of Kunai could be seen shot from all directions towards the boy, Just as they came in 25 meters from him, He said "Repel" in a low voice and all Kunai stopped and got repelled.

This was an application of B rank 'Lightning style: Electromagnetic tussle' which dealt with metallic objects like this by making oneself similar to an Electromagnet.

A series of explosions could be seen from those Kunai.

"So, you are the culprit behind that explosion at the beginning of the exam, you must have killed the poor guy who was against you, well, you tried to kill me, so it is right for me to kill you right?" He said while disappearing in sparks of electricity. It was C Rank Lightning Flicker.

He appeared close to where he saw a guy standing on a branch who smirked at him, "You already lost the moment I released those explosives"

He ignored the other guy's yapping and used 'B rank Lightning Style: Discharge' and in a flash, a beam of electricity hit the guy who was yapping.

However, He realized that he just burned a log, so he very quickly used Lightning Flicker to change his position but seeing that he was still standing in the same position, he realized that his feet were stuck in a swamp and so was he going down.

'How did I not realise that I lost my footing and went into this swamp, also why can't I remember that guy's face' Was the last thought before he blacked out.

"Lol, that was easy," He said while putting the sack of plaques in his arm guards, but just as he was going to, his body stopped completely.

"Yup, it was easy indeed," a Black haired guy said while forming a seal, a shadow could be seen stretched from his shadow to No.13's shadow.

"Your plan was really good but did you forget that other people with stealthy skills exist?"

Now, this abducted Nara might have been brainwashed with all his memories removed, but the memories of shadow possession jutsu weren't removed for obvious reasons.

"Well, anyway, I guess, that is it for you, I would have loved to leave you alive, but I fear that you might take revenge and come after me, I don't really want to know how I will fare against you, so let's end this meeting."

Just as he was going to put the Kunai, he got bashed in by somebody behind him.

Then, he looked behind, he could see the same guy waving his hand behind him, "Indeed, I know that I am not the guy in this exam with the best stealth skills" He heard which was the last thing after which everything blacked out.

The real No.13 completed the action of putting his plaques in his seal while giving a thumbs to his lookalike which merged seamlessly with the earth. Earth Clone Jutsu was cheaper than Shadow Clone Jutsu chakra-wise.

No.13 left the scene and in a random location entered the earth to stay there to recover his chakra as he was down by less than half, so after creating another earth clone, he decided to take a nap to recover his chakra as it was the second best way to recover chakra after active meditation but the latter causes mental fatigue which is only optimal during training but not on field as delay of just one second on battlefield can cause one's death.

Also, the problem of air was easily solved by storing air in the storage seals previously.

He woke up at night, and after eating something, he left the underground and reached the surface. Now, some people would rather rest at night, but for him, the night is for the hunt and seeing the sound of explosions and jutsus going out, he could see that others agreed with him, so he made a beeline towards the nearest fight he speculated was happening.

"Wind Style: Cresent Moon Slash"

"Water Style: Tidal Waves of Fury"

Clash of Jutsus could be seen by Green and Blue haired individuals, A normal might need to do a double take as these people were clearly Chunin level and looked around 10 years old.

No.13 watched as these idiots used their chakra like there was no tomorrow, he sometimes wondered if Idiocracy was hereditary or not, communicable or not.

He remembered a saying he heard in his previous life, "Fools don't have horns on their heads, they are people among us."

Well, he doesn't mind taking the plaques from them, they are gonna lose it anyway, so with that in mind, he retrieved his prize but it seems that somebody else had similar plans as they shot a kunai with explosive tags at him, however, he plays with those tags, how can he get hurt by such an immature way of catching others off guard, they didn't even have the decency to use genjutsu.

He quickly body flickered while putting his prize away. After some misdirections and whatnot just to lose the trail behind him, he finally found out who was following him, it was an earth user just like him.

Just as he was in his hiding spot, the other Earth user who was not in the ground currently said "I know you are there, Are you coming out or Do you want me to drag your sorry ass out" He said while brandishing a brand new kunai.

However, unlike what the other person demanded, No.13 didn't give away his spot and waited for the other party to make their first move.

"Well, fine, let's do it this way," He said while tensing his muscles of the hand, which made No.13 alert, He threw the Kunai which wheezed the air and went out of view very quickly due to night time.

That guy missed speculatively, even No.13 could feel the second-hand embarrassment from that incident, yet this guy didn't even blink.

This level of bluff was really dumb or genius if it worked.

This guy crouched down put one hand on the ground and closed his eyes, seemingly dropping his guard but No.13 saw through what he was trying to do.

No, he wasn't trying to make him lure him into attacking him... or maybe he was but that wasn't the primary intention.

He was using 'B rank: Earth Sensing Jutsu' to find out his location, but unlucky for him, No.13 was on a branch not on the ground.

At least that was what No.13 thought he was trying to do as he did this action without performing any hand seals, so he had no way to confirm it.

That guy, looked around a bit and then went into the earth seemingly escaping from the scene.

However, how can he leave after attacking No.13? He has to face the consequences of his actions!

On that note, No.13 jumped off the branch and just as he was landing on the ground, he used a chakra burst to reduce all that momentum, making him land softly on the ground such that vibrations were very minimal just as his bare feet touched the ground.

To use the sensing jutsu that the guy used before, one needs to have contact with the ground where they can use their chakra properly and No.13 seems to have similar equipment on his feet, that he has on his hands on which Seals are imprinted, which could be used to store away his footwear instantaneously.

When he landed, he noticed that there was no vibration in the ground within 100 meters, so he assumed that the guy was still camping, 'Talk about paranoid'

'Should I kill him? Things would be so much easier, I could just put my hand on the ground and an earth spear would kill him...' Just as he had that thought, he squished that thought away, Killing children is not something he wants to do this early, plus all of them seems to have potential, so it would feel like a waste if they died by his hands.

Now, some may argue that most of the kids here are aiming to kill him, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he had to reciprocate that feeling, In the beginning of the match, He actually was not going to set off the explosion tags aimed at the ice guy but seeing that he can do a very destructive move, he wanted to test the guy, so he did that. 

Even if that guy would have failed to put a defensive jutsu, at worst he might have suffered Major Burns which could have been cured by the No.13 himself, should he feel like that?

If things are under his control, then he won't mind stopping an unnecessary kill as he really is not a kill maniac and appreciates life. He knows that killing one person is the same as ending all their dreams and aspirations, ending their journey since day one which in itself is sad and he would rather not see such fate happen to him or anybody, but also, if killing means his survival, then he would do it as he won't let anybody snuff out his dreams or end his journey.

Plus, we are dealing with kids who have learned things from adults, these are the kids who didn't make faces during their first kill or something as this is just their norm of normalcy, so it's not like they are going out of their way to do something, obviously, things will change if his opponent is an adult.

Just as he was pondering what to do next, he jumped from the ground and did his version of substitution mid-air to land on a branch.

"So, it was not a fluke, Oni-chan," a black-haired girl said while giggling.

'My Earth Clone is even more useless than part one Sakura' No.13 internally grimaced.

'Well, she should not know about the guy present beneath the ground, well, killing children might not be what I want to do, but seeing them kill each other doesn't go against my principles.'

"Got you" A head peeked out of the ground and lances made of mud made their way towards the girl.

However, the girl easily dodged it by sidestepping, even without looking back. No, that is wrong, she sidestepped, and then Earth Lance was shot from the ground where she was standing previously.

"Annoying," She said while making hand signs with one hand.

However, that guy has already entered the ground, and changing his location. However, his efforts were futile, as above the ground, she completed her jutsu.

"Wind Release: Piercing Great Breakthrough"

A thin beam of wind came out of her mouth and penetrated the ground and in turn, so did that guy's head.

"Well, now that pest is out of the way, how about we have a chat, Oni-chan?"

It was nighttime, so her expression really freaked out No.13, I mean he hadn't really seen such a creepy child before, so he didn't really know how to deal with her.

"Why are you calling me 'Oni-chan'? I don't recall a lost sister I left to go to buy milk?"

"Well, you are the only one who actually was able to escape my fully serious assassination attempt, that also twice!" She said with a big smile on her face.

'Well, such a program will cause a few screw looses in kids I guess'

She narrowed her eyes, "Hey! you are probably thinking that I am insane or something right?"

'What? Can she read my mind too? Is this also her ability? Let's think of something pervy then'

"No," She said with obliviousness to the latter part, so it was probably a predictable thing for people to assume when they talked to her.

"Ya, I can see" He smirked and she was confused at that but promptly considered him a weirdo internally

"So, do we throw hands?" 

"Hmm, why do you want to be a cripple?"

"It's a way of asking whether you want to fight or not"

"Oh, sure, I don't mind," She said while weaving hand signs with one hand while throwing shuriken with the other. Those were coated with wind chakra.

No.13 released the chakra from his feet such that he reached the bottom prior to his position on the branch, similarly, he used a chakra explosive burst to increase his speed and close the gap between them.

But his opponent was not dilly-dallying, she released a beam of compressed wind at him, the same jutsu that she used earlier, however this time, the speed of the attack was faster than he could perceive, and his instincts yet again helped him dodge by tilting his body slightly.

However, after that successful dodge, he finally closed the gap, and she again started weaving hand signs, this time slightly different, 'another variation?'

However, he didn't dally around either and used his taijutsu to completely suppress her.

That was his intention, he was able to get the upper hand in the first exchange of blows due to his chakra enhancement, but things changed when she started using wind chakra to coat her Kunai, his Kunai was getting sliced similar to butter getting sliced.

Just as she finished waving hand signs, he dashed forward, missing the area of effect jutsu she used, "Gale Palm", however, the size of the palm was very big, if he had caught up in the jutsu, then not only his distance advantage would have been gone, but he also would have suffered injuries.

Now, the whole fight had started less than 10 seconds before and yet 2 jutsus had already been fired.

At this moment, No.13 was diagonally behind her, less than 10 meters away, he chakra dashed towards her, but she didn't give me a chance, as she threw the wind-coated kunai she was holding, this did delay him by one second but that time was what she wanted as she weaved hand-signs with both hands which somehow decreased the time to cast jutsu. That was not within his calculations.

"Piercing Great Breakthrough". Those words created a terror in his heart as the distance between them was less than 5m and this time tilting his head wouldn't work as he wouldn't be fast enough to do it.

However, even if his death was less than a second away, he didn't let it faze him as this was not the first time he was flirting with death.

At this moment his bare feet were touching the ground. Also, he can also use some earth jutsus seal-lessly just like these other upstarts. People may forget, but the whole ordeal he has passed through was him not going for the kill which makes it significantly hard to do but not impossible.

He raised the level of ground near her feet such that her position got elevated and just like that, that laser of compressed air beam went over his head, a few centimetres above his hair!

He didn't want to go bald during this ordeal as well, as that would have been embarrassing.

He could have also dodged it by changing the terrain beneath him such that he dodged by going a bit down, but this move helped him make his opponent lose their footing which he is going to capitalize on now.

However, that lady was far from done as she used a seal-less wind Flicker to create distance, but she was stalked by No.13 using a similar technique without the wind part.

She retrieved another kunai and tried to fend off No.13 with her kunai while using her other hand to cast jutsu, but this time No.13 grabbed her other hand while using his right hand to hold off the left wrist which carried wind-coated Kunai.

Now, they were in a deadlock, however, NO.13 wanted this to be the case.

He used his left hand which was holding the free hand of his opponent to mould his chakra and after forming 2 seals quickly, he crushed her right wrist which was followed by an Earth spear piercing her left and right foot, which was then followed by him crushing her right wrist, disarming her.

Now, she won't be able to seal-lessly flicker away which made this his victory.

"So, are you gonna kill me?" She asked 

"You don't seem scared by the prospect of dying"

"I was prepared to die since I participated in this exam" She remained Unfazed when No.13 put a Kunai on her neck.

"Don't worry, it will be quick" She heard that and now could see her own body which then got replaced by the scene of the moon.

Her head was detached from her body.

Her last thought was "It was fun"


Author here!

How do you like the chapter?


Okay, so I might have gotten full gung-ho while writing this chapter but yes that was the start of Tournament of Survival! Lol, I was planning to name it Tournament of Power or something but I changed my mind as We are not in DBS.

You can see how two-three years of this program has drastically increased the quality of shinobi, I mean you are fucking getting tortured for not completing the tasks and what you saw, in the beginning, was just that at the noobie level as it gets worse as time passes on.

Either way, this chapter has a lot of fights, it's not wrong to say this chapter is the Fight itself...

Whatever that means...

Now, not to degrade cannon characters or anything as you might say quality of War shinobi or something, but here kids are not fighting with their life on the line... 

They are training with their life on the line!

along with the fact that the system encourages one to find their own talent and develop them, we can see that most people here are reaching levels of Non-cheat Meta Knowledge Ordinary Protagonists achieve...

Well, their Meta Knowledge advantage is balanced out by these guys completing the tasks given to them quickly.

Lol, this fic really doesn't feel like White Room from COTE, I mean the development and signs are similar but I never focused on interacting with the characters themselves which will probably change after this Tournament of Survival arc.

Do you guys like

Long Chapters (Like this chapter 5K+)


Short Chapters? (around 2K)

Anyway, I also changed kind of writing style a bit in this chapter, it feels like 4th wall break or something as I am clearly not writing actual thoughts about the Character but what they have come to a conclusion or what a third person could perceive watching the brats fighting to death, do give some opinions and critics on that.

Speaking of that, I didn't want the Mc to kill the kids... I mean at least they have to be 12 in this world to take responsibility for their actions, plus, Mc does have a soft spot for kids, even if he hates them for how dumb they are... 

I don't think this should annoy the readers too much as I don't like unnecessary killings and you will see this a bit frequently in this fic, so, if you don't like that, then just leave, I don't care, anyway this would change probably when against an adult or on missions.

Now, let's talk about some other things, despite the fact that the growth curve of students in this program is way higher than in the academy, it just means that Geniuses would be more in number than generally seen.

Most of the opponents Mc encountered were Geniuses of their own rights, top dogs of their own classes and most of them that Mc encountered or Fought would reach Elite Jounin around the time in their late teens and some even Kage level before hitting 20, that is if they survive till then, but this is outrageous if one looks at the power dynamics of the ninja world.

Also, we will see some main characters from the OG later in the story, but for now, this story will be focused on Ocs I guess, so if you don't like Ocs getting powerful, then just leave, there is a good reason for their level and I am just gonna blame it both on their natural latent talent along with the existence of this program.

How did you like the explanation of some jutsus like Substitution and how No.13 modified it?

The string-like idea is not mine, but the modified version Mc is using is, so ya...

Also, I developed a generalized mastery level for any nin-arts coz... why not?

I want to get in the top 10 of Power Stones at least when I mass release this fic which I would after the Word Count reaches 15K, it should give the popularity to attract the readers.

Also, I heard somewhere that 10 to 15 reviews are required to be on the list or something... So should I just spam some reviews myself to get that amount? Lol, anyway do give some reviews.

Lol, let's say that even if I reach the top 10 or something, I don't really have an incentive to give extra chapters for stones...

If I want to go that route, then I would have to stack chapters or something, but An important exam of mine is going to be held in 10 days and I really don't want to distract myself from that...

Choices that I don't like to make!

Anyway, the next chapter should make the total word count of this fic above 15K, SO, by the time you are reading this, probably 4 chapters have been released...

Anyway, Do give some ideas about Earth Ninjutsu

also, on other elemental nature, not Kekkei Genkai however, 

Also, do decide on the name of NO.13 as it feels weird to write that every time... or do you want me to write No.13 only for the foreseeable future?

Also, apart from Naruto, who would win if a battle between the other two disciples of Jiraiya took place?




Word Count: 5501+(Includes the story only)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Desire96creators' thoughts