
Naruto: Space manipulator

With a bloodline unknown to all. He, who has the forbidden blood will sweep the ninja world and make his own clan. A clan superior to all. ~Hello guys this is the author, I wanted to inform you guys that English is not my first language so expect disappointment. And this is my first fanfiction. As a matter of fact, this is the first time I have written anything like this. So, please go easy on me. And I would like some constructive criticism as well. Thank you and enjoy the fanfic!

crackbtained · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Land of Fire

"Your name will be Sora."

Near the Land of Fire.

"I'm sorry Sora, I couldn't save your mom. I'm of no use, a disgrace, a pathetic human being that couldn't save her mistress" said an old-looking woman carrying an infant on her back with the help of some clothes. Her face was covered with tears of her own.

She was walking toward the land of fire, arguably one of the world's largest and most powerful countries.

In the Land of Fire

Konoha - Year 26

The sun was shining brightly. Some people were doing their jobs, some were hanging out with their friends and some were minding their own business. Kids could be seen running around playfully and enjoying their life.

"So, this is Konoha, truly a peaceful and warm place. I hope Sora can live here peacefully and become a great man as his mom intended him to be"

Moriko said while looking warmly at Eon. Eon was truly a beautiful child just like her mother. He had black here, a cute round face, a dainty nose, and a fair complexion. His eyes were especially mesmerizing, his eyes looked like they contained the whole universe.

'So, where is this place? And why did she leave this body's biological mother alone in that forest? Something fishy is going on. This old lady keeps staring at my face, she also has tears all over her face, and it keeps dripping down my face. EWW'

Since she had tears dripping all over her face he figured something happened to this body's biological mother.

'I hope she's okay. Although I can't accept her as my mom, I'm still grateful since she was the one who birthed me'

"Ahh, what should I do with you little one. You haven't even shed a single tear yet. What a strong child you are" said Moriko chuckling softly.

"You should be really hungry by now. My time is running out, those people may come after me soon. I will leave you at an orphanage here in Konoha. I heard this place is very peaceful, it should be suitable for your growth"

" I hope you can live a life full of joy unlike us you have a very bright future ahead of you. Goodbye, Sora"

She carefully placed Eon near the orphanage. And she put a small note near him which spelled 'Sora'. After looking at Eon for some time she quietly left the place, disappearing from the view.

'What was that old lady talking about, I can't understand anything. Although I'm not so sure, she sounded Japanese. '

'Did I reincarnate into Japan?'

'Also this place looks very traditional, seems like I reincarnated into the past. Nice'

'Why did that old lady leave me here though? I thought she was some sort of guardian of mine but I guess I was wrong.'

'Ughh, I'm feeling really hungry right now. My stomach hurts.'

*Waah Waahh Waah*

Hearing loud noises of a child crying a woman wearing a blue kimono walked out of the building.

"Tch, people these days. How can they be so heartless to leave a newborn baby who probably hasn't even drank his first milk here. I detest these kinds of people" said the woman clearly annoyed.

"Awww, this baby is so cute. His eyes are like little stars. And what is this piece of paper"

She carefully opened the piece and read the word written in it. From the paper, she learned that the baby's name was 'Sora'.

" So your name is Sora huh. How cute, you also look very hungry. Now let's go to your new home and eat something, Sora"

Time skip - 4 years

In a forest near Konoha, there could be seen a small child who looked around 4-5 y/o practicing some inhumane martial arts. Every movement of his made the space around him vibrate. The child was Sora, his black hair was dancing as he moved, and his eyes looked like they contained the universe itself.

" It has been 4 years since I reincarnated here. I didn't think I would reincarnate in an anime world, I thought it was supposed to be some fiction but I guess not."

"Almost everybody in the orphanage talked about 'Hokage', 'Princess Tsunade' and yada yada so it didn't take me long to understand that I was reincarnated into 'Naruto' universe. Not that I don't like it, in fact, it was my lifelong dream to be reincarnated or transmigrated to places such as this. I think God really listened to my pleading and gave me a new chance. Thank you, God"

A/N: Ah no problem.

"And it seems I have some special power as well. I feel like I can control the space itself, it is as if the space is my own body part. This is probably some sort of bloodline power, not sure though."

"To this day, I can do two things with this ability of mine

1 - Spatial Empowerment

This helps me to become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when I come into contact with space/spatial energies. This also can decelerate aging, therefore, achieving semi-immortality. I am partially stopping this ability of mine so that I don't look weird, although I would probably use this ability when I get a little older. This ability also gives me super regeneration.

2 - Teleportation

I can teleport within the range of a 30m radius anytime. Although the distance may increase as my power to manipulate space further develops."

Sora kept practicing until dusk and returned to his orphanage not looking slightest bit tired.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sorry for the info dump.

crackbtainedcreators' thoughts