
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

chapter 23

Standing at the Gates of Kohona stood Teams 10 and 7 along with their sensei's as well as Michael, Ace, Zabuza, and Haku. The two Gate guards just stood there with their mouths open with shock. "Welcome back Teams 7 and 10. Welcome back Michael-sama, Sakumo-sama, Ummm…May we know why you have Zabuza and an unknown with you?" Asked Kotetsu as Izumo nodded his head at his partner's question.

Michael's cold crystal baby blues glare at the two guards with annoyance. "They are under the Uzumaki-Namikaze clan protection." He tells the two in a deadpan voice.

They just dumbly nodded their heads to the Archangel's words. Just then team of ANBU appear before the group. "Lord Hokage is awaiting you." Said a Bear Mask ANBU.

Sakumo smirks. "So, what does the old buzzer want from us?" He questions knowing very well that they needed to head to meet with the Hokage to give a mission report. He looks over his shoulder at the others standing behind him. "Let's go children." He said with a smirk on his lips as his eyes flash amber as he looks over towards his son. Kakashi just swallowed as he didn't want to face his father's wrath as he has changed from the one, he had once been. The man that Danzo had sentence to his own death though guilt and grief.

Naruto wraps his arm around Ace's neck as they both began skipping towards the Hokage Tower. Both just giggling and skip towards the Hokage Tower. Both just having a wonderful time as they skipped. The Villagers just watch them with worry and fear. As a beautiful young girl is in his embrace and they both seem happy.

An unnamed Chunin opens the main doors of the Hokage Tower as they skip right past him as the others followed behind. Trixie giggles at the two's antics as Maze grins at this as Sakumo shook his head at them. "Great. The Devil children are back together. This village will burn from their antics." Said Sakumo as he looks over at the frighten Chunin as he pales looking at the Jonin with a demonic grin.

The poor Chunin turns tail and runs for the hills as he didn't know what to do.

Ino let out a sigh at the antics of Naruto and Ace as well as Sakumo for putting the fear of Yami into the poor Chunin who was so kind to hold the door open for them.

"Troublesome. I can't call them both blondes but they do act like airheads." Said Shikamaru as he stands behind Naruto and Ace as they are now knocking on the Hokage's office door.

"Come in." Came the voice of the Hokage.

Both Naruto and Ace look at each other with a large grin on their faces as they both rose a leg and kicked the door open. Sarutobi looks at his kicked open office door with a blonde he sees as a grandson and a raven hair girl that had taken a vacation for the past several years. There in the office stood Ibiki and Commander Dragon looking at the two.

"What the hell brats?" Growls out Ibiki as he glares at the duo standing before him and the others in the office.

Ace smirks. "Hey Scarface. Its been a while since we last seen each other." She told him still grinning at them.

Ibiki blinked and looked at the raven hair girl wearing an orange cowboy hat with goggles and red beads on it. "Ace-chan?" He questions taking a step towards her.

"Yup. How have you been Ibiki-sensei?" Questions Ace still grinning as her and Naruto now stood before the man as the others come wondering into the office.

Zabuza and Haku stand off to the side near the office windows. This didn't go unmissed by Commander Dragon nor Ibiki who is watching the two near the windows out of the corner of his eyes.

"Why is Zabuza of the Blood Mist here as well as that unknown boy?" Questions Ibiki as he is glaring down at the siblings.

It is now Naruto's turn to grin at the scar face man standing before him and his sister. "Because he is under Clan Protection as we are the last of our clans. So, we get to bring people in." He said with a slight laugh into his tone of voice.

"Nicely played brat. You know with them under your clan protection. No one can touch them." Said Ibiki now smirking at the boy standing before him.

"We know. So, we also know that Zabuza and his student Haku will be under house arrest for about a month. That means they can choose to be shinobi of this village or just be part of the Uzumaki-Namikaze family." Said Ace looking over at the Hokage who just nods his head at the girl before him.

"I take it the mission has gone well?" Questions the Hokage with a grandfatherly smile on his face.

"It went well Jiji. Trixie, Maze, and Sakumo killed Gato within a few days as he tried to touch my sister. But she set his ass ablaze." Said Naruto who frown at the last part.

"It's fine little brother. The little bastard never laid a finger on me. But I did burn that little hand of his." Said Ace giving her little brother a soft smile. Naruto just slowly nods his head to her words.

"Also, the bridge between their island and the mainland. We just had a few stragglers of his little thugs attack us during the build. As they didn't like how we killed their payday." Said Naruto as a smile return to his face.

"Here is the scroll." Said Michael who places the mission scroll on the old Hokage's desk. "We had the children write it up. But for the parts that Maze, Fleabag, and Trixie fill out." He said smirking at Sakumo.

A feral growl escape from Sakumo's lips. "Laugh it up bastard." He growls out as his eyes flash crimson.

"Enough you two." Said Maze as she takes both men by the ears. "We are the adults here. Not the children we are training to be killers." She tells them as they both glare at her as she lets them go and turns around and walks back to her students.

"Well Sensei's are we allowed to leave?" Questions Ino as she grabs Naruto's and Ace's arms dragging them to the door where Shikamaru and Choji stood at waiting for their teams and the insane Jonin.

"Yes, you are dismissed. As well Ace I would like to see you in my office in the morning." Said the 3rd Hokage with a smile waving at Team 10.

"Zabuza and Haku? I will place you in house arrest in the Uzumaki estate. But you will be meeting with Ibiki for the next three months. But I do hope you will be joining our village by the time of the Chunin Exams." Said Sarutobi as he lights his pipe.

Zabuza and Haku step forth before the Hokage. "I wouldn't mind become a Jonin once more. But I am unsure about Haku. As he has never been apart of no village." He told the Hokage.

"I am glad to hear you want to join our ranks. This will make it much easier." Said the Hokage as he looked over to Haku as even Zabuza is looking down at the boy standing right next to him.

"I would like to join the Rankings. Zabuza has told me that I am High Chunin to Low Jonin in my skills. But I would like to learn more medical nin-jutsu." Said Haku with a smile on his face.

The elderly man closes his eyes as he lets out a hum as he bridges his hands under his chin. "That would be fine. But I have one question. Do either of you have a bloodline limit?" He questions as he can feel a cool air around the boy.

Haku gets nervous as he looks up at Zabuza with fear in his gray eyes.

Zabuza places his hand on his shoulders knowing what his son has gone though. He looks over at the Hokage. "Yes, Haku does have a bloodline limit. But he is frightening though to speak of it. Because of the Bloodline wars we had or are still having in Kiri." He said looking back down at the boy.

The 3rd nods his head to this. "Please do not fear your new home. We embrace bloodline limits. We have many in our village." He said smiling softly at Haku.

Haku swallows and slowly nods his head. "I am a ice user." He said in a soft voice.

But the 3rd, Commander Dragon, and Ibiki heard him.

"That amazing. It will aid you greatly in medical nin-jutsu." Said The 3rd as he pulled out some scrolls. "Here take these to study while you are in house arrest. I am sure Maze or Trixie will aid you in anything you need help with." He told Haku in a reassuring tone of voice.

Haku nods his head as he takes the scroll and bows to the Hokage as he turns to the Jonin's in charge of Team 10.

"Come on brats. Let's go have some fun." Said Maze as she wraps an arm around Haku's shoulder as Trixie jumps onto Sakumo's shoulder giggling.

Kakashi looks at his father as the man just nods his and walks out of the Hokage's office. "Alright my cute little Genin. You have the week off." He tells him with a smile.