
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

chapter 10

That night Michael had left Heaven with only one mission in mind. It was rare for the Archangel to even leave Heaven these days as he didn't want anything to do with anything going on around him. He had lost his passion and light for fighting. Leaving everything to his siblings to handle. But oddly enough he had gone to his father.

Flash back

"Father I wish to be the one to go and fetch Uriel." Said Michael as he looked up at his father.

God looked down at his depressed son. "If that is what you wish to do. Then so be it my son." Said God as he smiled at him.

Michael nodded his head and took the scrolls form the angel that was to head to Earth to pick up Uriel.

End of Flash back

Michael stood before the front door of the door as Maze could feel a strong Angelic power coming from the front door. "Who the hell is here now?" She grumbled as the others looked over at her a little puzzled.

"What's wrong Auntie Maze?" Asked Naruto as he was confused.

She looks over at him. "Why don't you go answer the door and you will find out." She told him as Naruto stood up and walked over to the front door. As he open the door there before him was a man with golden blonde hair and violet eyes. Michael looked a little shocked when he saw his nephew for a the very first time. If he didn't know any better, he could be looking a younger version of himself. But Lucifer was his twin brother and it wouldn't be shocking for Naruto to look like him.

"Hey who are you?" Asked Naruto as he just looked at the man before him. Trixie getting a little worried she walks over to the front door to see who Naruto is talking to.

Michael clears his throat. "I am Archangel Michael and I'll here to bring back Uriel on Father's request." Said the now named Michael as Trixie looked surprised at the man at the door.

"Alright. Come in Uncle Michael." Said Naruto as he stepped aside.

Hearing the name the boy said all the angel's and demon's in the house had gathered in the living room as Uriel was glaring at the Angel that walked into the house.

"What are you doing here Michael?" Asked Uriel as he didn't have time for silly games.

Michael narrowed his eyes at his brothers blatant disrespect for him. "I am here to drag your lazy butt back to Heaven before Lucifer breaks out of Hell and tries killing you once more." He told his younger brother as he wasn't in the mood for his bs.

Uriel narrowed his eyes at him. "On whose orders?" He question as he wanted to know who ordered this.

"Father. He has been watching you and how you been negating your duties here. It is best you return and someone or no one replace you here in the house. Father has already made up a scroll for the others to give to the Hokage. Stating you had passed away in your sleep from a heart attack and they had already taken care of your body." Said Michael as he had a little joy watching the anger in his younger brother's eyes.

Uriel smirked. "I am glad I'm leaving this hellhole. I am not even allowed to carry out my mission with that damn Hokage always sending us out of the village for bullshit missions." He growled out as he didn't want to play ninja anymore and just wanted to go back to Silver City and sleep and be a lazy bastard.

"Wow I didn't know you felt this way." Said Naruto as he looked sad and began to walk out of the living room as he had been made to feel like he was nothing but a burden to his Uncle.

All in the room looked at Uriel with narrow eyes as they glared at the man for how he left his nephew feeling.

He just rolled his eyes at this. "It is best he toughens up and learns now not everyone will do everything for him." He growled out.

But before Kurama could move across the living room and kill the man before him. Michael punched Uriel braking his nose and began to stomp him into the ground leaving the angel a broken bloody mess on the ground. "You will learn to bite your tongue. This will be the very last time in a long time you will ever see Naruto and how you leave here tonight. He will know that you had never loved or cared for him but saw him a waste of your time and a bartend that was forced upon you." Growled out Michael as Uriel vanished in a silver light. He had been dragged back to Silver City to now answer to his father for his actions and behavior. For if Lucifer had seen this. There was nothing their father could do to stop the man from coming and killing Uriel.

Always a watchful and caring father Lucifer had seen it all along with Kushina. They both will be heading to Silver City to deal with Uriel.

Michael sighed. "He should have never come here. I knew he would be doing this sooner or later. He did last longer than anyone would have though he would have." He said as he shook his head in disappointment.

"You should have allowed me to kill him." Growled out Kurama as he could feel how sad and heartbroken his kit was about this all.

Michael looked over at the redhead. "No. For I would have killed you." He said with a cold tone.

Kurama smirked. "You can't kill me. For you would have killed Lucifer's son and Lucifer would have broken out of Hell and appeared here and killed you before you could have done anything." He told the Archangel before him.

Michael frowned as it was true Lucifer had changed since he had become a father and with his crimson hair lover by his side. The ex-archangel was much more powerful then he was at this time. "Hn." Was all he said as Kurama smirked.

"I see where the Uchiha's get that from." Said Maze with a dark smirk.

Michael glared at the woman as he had met the very few lucky Uchiha's that made it to Heaven, and he would had rather sent them to Hell for their egos annoyed him to no end. "Do not compare me to those monkey's." He growled out.

"Someone is sounding like the old Morning Star." Said Azrael as she looked away quickly and hid behind Maze.

"Anyways Uriel is now gone. Why are you still here Michael?" Asked Maze as she wanted to know.

Amenadiel nodded his head to this question. "Yes, bother. It is rare for you to even Silver City in this day and age. Why are you still lingering here on Earth with us?" He wanted to know.

Michael looked at them. "For you are not training the boy in his Angelic power and it is not sitting well with me." He told them.

This shocked them all as Michael was one that hasn't wanted nothing to do with Lucifer since his fall from grace.

"So what are you going to stay here for the time being and take over his training?" Asked Azrael as she wanted to know what was going through her brother's mind.

"Yes. For now I will stay. But I will not become a Shinobi of this village for I will not answer to anyone but our father." Said Michael as they just nodded their heads at him.

Kurama just sighed. He was stuck with the stick in the mud for the time being and he didn't want to deal with him whatsoever. He would give anything to just have Lucifer return and take over and deal with all these fools. The demons had shown more heart to his kit then the fool Uriel and the other two angel's have done their best. So he doesn't hold nothing against them as he knew they been taking mission so the Hokage would leave him alone. For they feared to tell the old monkey that the redhead they all had been talking to be the Kyubi. They would have a heart attack. But they would have to tell him soon for Naruto was now going to go on missions and the old man was going to state with him once more. Damn it all to hell.

"For now just leave the kit alone. He needs to rest. He has to meet his mate and his other teammate to teach them how to use their summons. After he returns from training and missions you may begin your training with him." Said Kurama as he was being the protective brother/father to his kit.

"Very well." Said Michael as he looked at Amenadiel. "So me to Uriel's old room." He ordered as the other quickly rose and showed him to his new room.

Next day

Naruto quickly ran to the training ground 10. He wanted to be there early for they would be working with Trixie today as Maze was needed in T&I for Anko and Ibiki had a tough cookie to brake and they needed her skills for this one.

Sitting under a tree was Ino and Shikamaru as they both just chat. Well more Ino chatting as Shikamaru was trying to take a nap as she was bored and tried.

"Hey." Said Naruto as he appeared before the two of them.

They both looked up at him.

"Hey Naruto/Naru-kun." Said both Ino and Shikamaru.

He grinned at both girls. "I go a gift for the two of you." He told them as he unsealed both summoning scrolls from his left forearm. One scroll had a black strap on it and with a picture of a large black cat of some kind as the other had an orange and black strap with a what look like a tiger on it.

Ino perked up at this. "You got us something?" She asked him as she was excited at getting a gift of some kind.

Shika she just raised an eyebrow to this. "What did you get us?" She asked him as she was wondering what he got them.

He grinned at them. "Well. My Auntie Azrael and Uncle Amenadiel found some summoning scrolls and I wanted you two to have personal summons." He told them.

They looked at him wide eyed.

"Are you sure about that?" Asked Ino as she was shocked at this.

"Yeah. Summons are very rare and hard to find and why are you so willing to give them away?" Asked Shika as she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I want you to be stronger. As it is, I already have three summoning contracts and my family didn't want them and if I just stored them in my family library, they are just going to get dusty. So why not give them to my friend and my girlfriend." Said Naruto as he was grinning again.

"You have three summons?" Asked Shika as she was now wondering what contracts he held.

"Yeah. One of them I can't use in the village for the villagers will have a heart attack. Well I think they would have a heart attack from all three of my summons. If you really do think about it." Mused Naruto as he was now thinking as he held the two scrolls for the girls in his hands.

"Okay." Said Ino as she was even wondering the same thing as her best friend.

"But that is besides the fact. You will meet two of my summons as we train with your summons." Said Naruto as he looked down at each scroll. "Shika I want you to have the Panther summons as they are silent stalkers and hunt from the shadows." He said as he looked over at Ino. "Ino I want you to have the Tiger summons as they are strong and beautiful like you." He said will a cheesy grin on his face as he watched her blush and Shika glare at him.

Each girl took a scroll and looked at it and back at him waiting for him to explain what to do next.

"Alright open the scroll and write your name in blood and them put your handprint in blood. But make sure you use your hand that will be mainly for summoning. When your done with that I'll show you the hand signs and then once you have them down you will push as much chakra as you can into summing them and then talk to whoever comes and let them know you are their new summoner. But sometimes come summons will have you do a test. So be ready for anything." Said Naruto as both girls nodded their heads to him.

After doing as he told them he had shown them the hand signs and after thirty minutes they had pushed as much chakra they could into summoning and with two large poofs of smoke appeared the boss summons.

"Who summons me?" Question a large Panther with a scare of its left eye.

"Who has found my scroll?" Question a large white tiger.

"We do." Said Shikamaru and Ino as one.

Both boss summons look at the girls before them.

"Who summons Shiba of the Panthers?" Asked the now named Shiba.

"I do Shikamaru Nara." Said Shikamaru as she stood tall and looked the summons in the eyes as she was going to back down.

"A little fawn believes she is strong enough to call upon one like myself." Laughed Shiba.

Narrowing her eyes Shikamaru glares at the large cat before her. "I maybe a fawn right now. But soon I will be a strong Doe that will be the head of my clan." She said in a strong voice. She had lost all laziness that normally laced her voice as she walked up to the Panther boss and stared her down.

Shiba smirked at the girl. "Very good cub. I will allow you to summon us. But be warn, if you cross us or betray us. There will be hell to pay and your mate their and his summons will not be able to save you. Kurama will be damned." She said as she hissed Kurama's name at Naruto as she glared at him.

"Hey, I never said I was going to call him for anything." Whined Naruto as he glared back at the large panther before him.

She smirks at him. "I know cub, but that bastard lurks in the shadows and knowing him he will do all in his power to have his way." She told him as Kurama jumped down and glared at her.

The girls look at Naruto's uncle a little puzzled as he glares at the Panther boss. "Damn you Shiba. The kit's mate and friend where not to know of me just yet." He growled out as his eyes flashed crimson and an aura of a nine-tail fox appeared around him.

"It appears you never change Kurama." Said the tiger boss as he narrows his yellow eyes at the man.

Kurama looks at him and smirks. "Still sore about losing to me. Well I should be asking are you still sore about losing to my baby brother the one-tail." He told the tiger.

The tiger narrowed his eyes even more. "Shukaku just got luck." He growled out.

Ino and Shika just watched this man piss off two summons as larger as a mountain without any fear whatsoever.

The tiger turns away from Kurama and looks at Ino and looks the girl over. "So little flower. Do you believe you are strong enough to summon us tigers?" HE asked her.

Ino glared at him balling her hands into fist. "Don't call me that. My name is Ino Yamanaka. Yes I do believe I am strong enough to be your summoner." She told him as she stood strong against the tiger that could just eat her in just one bite.

"A child of the mind walking clan. Interesting. Not many of your clan are able to handle summons for they are too weak." Said the tiger as he grinned as he was pushing any button on her he could.

"My clan might not be the strongest. But we make it up in heart and strong will to never give up and leave our friends and commands behind. I will do all I can to stand on equal grounds as my teammates and be the future clan head of my clan one day." Said Ino with fire in her eyes.

The tiger smirked. He had lite the fire he was hoping to see in her. "Very well. I Yurei will allow you to summon my clan." Said the now named Yurei.

Ino bowed to him. Which shocked the large tiger summons. "Thank you. I will do all I am able to. TO make you and my clan proud of me." She told him.

Both summons looked at Kumara. "You old bastard. We will have a rematch once again someday." Said Yurei as he vanished in a cloud of smoke.

"You still owe me dinner Kurama." Said Shiba as she winked at him and vanished as well.

Kurama just grumbled to himself as he was getting ready to leave the kids.

"Wait. What did those two mean about you Kurama-sensei?" Asked Shika as she looked at her part-time sensei.

He looked over at her as he let out a sigh. "Come over tonight and I will tell you. But you will not be able to repeat what I tell you. For it is classified information and it has a death sentence attached to it." He told both girls as they paled looking at him with shock written across their face. With that he vanished in a swirl of flames.

Naruto smiled at the both of them. "I can't wait until we begin training with our summons. For Uncle Kurama said if the summons allows it, we can become Sages. Like how Jiraiya of the Sennin is the Toad Sage." He said with excitement in his voice.

Both girls just nodded their heads as they didn't even think that far ahead as their friend/boyfriend has already for them.