
Naruto: Shisui, Reborn!

Toklores · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Chapter 2

When everything was silent again, Kazu found himself back to thinking again.

Every time he thought of the name, Uchiha Shisui, fragments of memories would be triggered and would be integrated with his own. But Kazu did not mind, he did not reject those memories.

This process took a long time that it got to the point that Kazu could remember the life of Uchiha Shisui more than his own.

Kazu fully understood that he was really in another world, another Earth. He fully accepted that the Universe is vast and unexplored.

To be honest, if it wasn't because of those movies, manga's, and webnovels that he read and watched, Kazu would have been completely lost.

Time passed and Kazu could hear the familiar sound of Karuna dragging her body coming closer.

'Young Kazu, can you sit up?' Karuna asked. If Kazu wasn't blind, he would be able to see that several colorful fruits were floating above Karuna's head before landing beside him.

"- I can try..." Kazu flexed his arms two times before supporting his body to get up. This time, Kazu spoke. Thanks to Karuna healing him, all was healed except for his eyes. But because of his severe Chakra loss, his body was still weak and needed nutrients.

'Here!' Like magic, one of the purple fruit that looked like an apple floated before landing straight down to Kazu's crotch.

"Ah! Aw!" A pitched scream echoed.

'What's wrong, Kazu shounen?'

"Nothing! Nothing!" Kazu immediately replied as he rubbed his crotched to ease the pain.

"Karuna, I thought you were a slug, how can you throw something at me?" Kazu, taking a bite out if the purple fruit.

'Oh, this is actually one of my abilities. With the use of my Spiritual Energy, I can control objects. Of course, heavy objects are out of the question. That's why you don't really need to worry about being blind.

'In order to mold Chakra, one would need to have enough Spiritual and Physical Energy. Spiritual Energy is earned through experience, knowledge, training, and fortuitous encounter. Just like the fruit you are eating right now which contains a little healing property, there are also fruits that can increase Spiritual Energy.

'You see, Spiritual Energy is not limited to just molding Chakra. However, because of the difficulty of increasing Spiritual Energy, it is quite rare in this world to see someone capable of reaching the first level in training it.

'I, for instance, was lucky enough to have my parents give me a fruit that can increase my Spiritual Energy to the first level before I was sent to this world.'

"What?! You mean you are also not from this world, too?!" Kazu was shocked and stopped biting the fruit that tasted like an apple.

'Yeah... But why "too"?' Karuna perked up her optical tentacles.

"Yeah... I mean, how should I say this. I think that my soul or spirit may have crossed space and time to occupy this body. To make it simple, I died and before I knew it I just woke up in the body of this young man.'

Biting of the purple apple, Kazu preceded to tell Karuna his story.

'That's a surprise. Although I came from the outside as well, I have never heard of someone crossing space and time to occupy someone else's body. I have heard of some Dark Techniques that can kill someone and forcefully transfer their own soul and live longer, but this is new.' Karuna sounded surprised.

"Why were you sent here, Karuna? From what I understand, one would have to have the ability or have the technology to be able to traverse space." Kazu asked. He even wondered if space were really like what Marvel showed.

'Haha, it looks like your previous world was not that advance. Indeed, the Universe is vast. Many lifeforms exist. Countless stars, galaxies, and planets exist. Countless races exist such as Humans, Beast, Demons, Plants, Insects, Machines, Ghosts, Energy Lifeforms, name them.

'We, the Slug race belong to the Beast category. Compared to other aggressive and powerful races, we are extremely weak, but our ability and reproductive speed made us special. We may be weak in a fight, but our ability to heal and protect others made us very famous.

'Because we were weak, we were either hunted, sold, killed, or just be become slaves bound by Contracts. Our newborns tortured just to bind them using Contracts made us very desperate. So our elders made a decision.

'The elders used up all our resources to hire a powerful being from the Sealing Race to transport us to a new world hidden by a powerful array that no one would be able to find.

'Thanks to the power of Contracts, the powerful being would not disclose the location of our new world, otherwise, the powerful being would perish.

'Thousands of years passed and we lived peacefully, out from the reach of greedy and power-hungry beings. However, as millions of years passed, our population continued to reproduce endlessly. Our dark history was soon forgotten by the majority.

'In the end, chaos ensued as more and more next-generation Slugs dreamed to see the outside world. They dreamed to explore. They thought they were powerful.

'When resistance was built, it led to the death of the remaining elders who controlled the array that hid us from the outside world. Ha! Guess what happened?'

"What happened?!" At this moment, Kazu had his ears peeled.

'The moment the array was discovered, it just so happened that space pirates were passing by. Those humans, knowing that the long lost Healing Slugs were finally out... sigh... you can just imagine the results.

'And now, years passed and the Healing Slugs who managed to escape that catastrophe joined a newly established sect. The Divine Healing Sect. A sect that raised disciples with the talents of healing. Led by a powerful being that could only be matched by few.

'And now millions of years later, the sect had grown extremely powerful that it people came to fear them. And I, as a newborn child of the Slug Race just happened to be a part of the sect. And as an outer disciple of the sect, especially since I am from the Slug Race, we were sent into undeveloped Galaxies to grow up naturally.

'Since our Slug Race needs 3,000 years to reach maturity, I still have 2, 690 years before anyone from the sect will come and take me home. End of story!'

Karuna ended her story joyfully.

"Does that mean you have been here for hundreds of years? You are already over 300 years old yet you are just newborn?!" The shock and terror that Kazu felt made him cry out.

'Of course, there are powerful beings who can live for trillions of years let alone measly ten thousand years. Haha, don't be that surprised.

'Mortal humans like you may live shorts lives, but out there in the Universe, Humans are actually one of the most powerful Races. Those who cultivate Immortal Arts can become powerful and extend their life spans. Don't let the norm get through your head. The Universe is vast and fair. So don't let your blindness limit your vision.

'In fact, it has been said that those who lack optical awareness are even more sensitive and can sometimes "see" more than those who have eyes but cannot "see". In fact, when I was healing you, I sensed a special Chakra from your brain that is connected to your optical nerves. So recovering your eyes is actually not that much of an issue.'


'Yeah. I feel that with enough vitality, you might be able to regenerate your eyes. From the looks of it, you must have a special set of eyes passed by genetics, am I right?'

"Yes. It is called the Sharingan. It has many special abilities such as copying techniques, casting illusions, enhanced eyesight, seeing through objects, and also capable of seeing through the Chakra pathway system. It is awaked through any extreme emotional outburst, but traumatic experience seems to be the most common method.

"My predecessor actually managed to master the Sharingan and even managed to awaken the next stage, called the Mangekyou Sharingan. It is an evolved stage of the Sharingan which is more powerful. Awakening of the Mangekyou Sharingan granted my predecessor new abilities in each eye. I don't know about others but I seem to be able to cast a powerful illusion technique called the Kotoamatsukami.

"Also, there is also another ability called the Susanoō that can create an avatar made from my own Chakra. The problem is, it is very taxing and very painful that you might want to die under the pain."

Kazu explained. Although he did not go into the details, Karuna still exclaimed in surprise.

'Ha! In all the 253 years that I have been in this world, I have witnessed the wars that slowly developed this world to its current state. During that time, powerful figures with "unrivaled prowess" continuously appear and be born.

'130 years later, a young little boy stumbled in my humble "abode" and we became friends. Turns out, he escaped from the battlefield, afraid to die for the sake of old men's hate and greed to control the land.

'I took a liking to him so I offered him to have a Contract with me. He lived with me for a while, but after getting bored, we decided that we will travel the world. I latched into his shoulder and we began our adventure.

'We traveled the land, witnessed wars, helped people in need, healed the sick, and just basically enjoyed life. But mortal humans are just shortlived. Before I knew it, he was already old, so we set out to return back here, the Shikkotsu Forest.

'It was also during that time that I witnessed the peak of the Warring States, the war that ended that era. I can still remember watching the war with my buddy. Two powerful clans that were in rivalry with each other fought to the death. I can still remember those shimmering red eyes that would flicker in the darkness. I believe that they were called Sharingan?

'Ah, no wonder I found the name Uchiha familiar. It has been many years, and I forgot.'

"You know about the Uchiha Clan?"

'Not really. I just found my buddy being terrified of them. I can see why though. The way that they danced on the battlefield was beautiful. Filled with hatred, killing intent, and passionate love at the same time. I cannot really remember much after my slumber, but I think the name of their opponents was Senju. Equally powerful with vitality almost equal to my own when I was still 10 years old.'

"Uchiha Clan and the Senju Clan... Could it be that you are talking about the guy called the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara?"

'I don't know... Well, enough of that. We will talk about them when you recover, hopefully, you can live longer than my old buddy...'

"Don't say that. I am still young!"

I am actually just an amateur so I am not very good at writing emotions artistically. So I will just go with the 2 dimensional dialogue, lol.

Please be reminded that the scientific stuff in this novel is pure BS. Thanks for reading

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