
Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection

Isaac is someone who possesses an unwavering pursuit of perfection. His obsession extends beyond mastering jutsu; he seeks to perfect not only himself but also the world around him. However, Isaac's perfectionism becomes a double-edged sword, threatening to consume him. Isolation and inner turmoil ensue, prompting Isaac to confront the shadows of his own obsession. Will Isaac follow through with his Eternal Quest for perfection? Or will he fall short, embracing what he hates most, imperfection?

VQuintessence · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
59 Chs

Eternal Refinement II

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Chapter 12: Eternal Refinement II


"To pursue perfection is to pursue Eternal Refinement."

~ Uchiha Isaac

It was an overwhelmingly new feeling for Isaac to the point that his eyes glowed red, then revolved and revolved until... Until it formed into a new unknown shape.

Isaac's eyes took on the appearance of a cosmic vortex, with swirling galaxies and nebulae spiraling inward towards a central singularity.

Stars shimmer and flicker within its depths, casting a soft, ethereal glow that illuminates the darkness of space.

The colors shift and blend seamlessly, from blood red to utter darkness and all the spectrum of red in between, as if reflecting the infinite expanse of the universe itself.

Indeed, Isaac had just awakened The Mangekyō Sharingan, an advanced form of the Sharingan that has only been activated by a handful of Uchiha when enduring a traumatic enough experience.

Isaac's method of activation was a bit different as it involved years of hate, self-hate, and then finally a bit of joy.

It's not necessarily the joy that was the vital factor in the awakening, it's just a simple accumulation of extreme emotions.

The awakening is supposed to be a joyful event, yet why did Isaac's face speak of anything but joy as it turned cold and then gloomy very quickly?

Isaac's eyes glowed brighter. Their appearance seemed chaotic as they swirled around themselves. However, slowly but surely, they were perfecting themselves in an act of Eternal Refinement.

"Eternal Refinement," Isaac murmured. The Mangekyō Sharingan retains all of the Sharingan's generic abilities, enhancing them all.

More importantly, the Mangekyō grants powerful abilities that differ between each eye, reflecting the individual's personality.

Isaac's personality gave birth to only one ability named Eternal Refinement, although divided into passive and active.

Eternal Refinement... It's a curse and a gift at the same time as the ability allows the user to perceive and analyze flaws, imperfections, or weaknesses in any object, technique, or situation.

That includes their opponents' attacks or defenses. Not only that, Isaac gains heightened awareness and insight, enabling him to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities that others may overlook.

Just that alone gives Isaac the potential to refine his own techniques or abilities infinitely, striving for perfection in all his skills.

That's, however, only the passive Eternal Refinement. The active is akin to the forceful refinement of anything. Anything that exists can be forcefully refined into a more perfect version, even his body and soul.

However, that naturally comes at a cost as continuous usage of the Mangekyō Sharingan's abilities can cause a great strain on the user.

It drains a considerable amount of chakra when simply activating and maintaining the advanced dōjutsu, and even more through each technique used.

Even more, it can cause considerable damage to their being, leaving the body in agonizing pain and causing deterioration to their vision until eventually over-usage leaves them blind.

In Isaac's case, the passive Eternal Refinement didn't cause much drain at all. In fact, it seemed strangely docile... It's, however, more evil than the majority of abilities.

Isaac could see it all, the flaws of everything around him... And especially his own flaws and weaknesses. They were too many to count.

The perfectionist in him was in agonizing mental pain as he observed himself, unable to contain his obsession despite its negative effects on him.

"Hah," It took a long long time for Isaac to let out even a hint of a voice, a voice that soon turned into wild laughter, "Hahahahahah hahahahahah, God, I am such a garbage animal! Hahahaha!!"

"Active," Isaac then murmured as his eyes stirred wilder than ever... Even blood dripped from them, forcing Isaac to stop the Active Eternal Refinement as a smile returned to his face.

'The passive has little to no consumption... The active, however, can be used for no more than ten minutes before I lose my eyes... Such a hefty price, befitting of being able to even refine personalities.'

Indeed, what Isaac just tried to refine was his personality, although it was only for a few seconds, 'The perfect ability for someone like me if I can solve the consumption issue.'

Isaac quickly stood up, grabbed a towel, and cleaned the blood off his eyes before heading out, soon reaching a very grand chamber, filled with computers and clones.

Computers are a rarity, just not for nobles. They can easily be acquired with enough money from countries that focus on stuff like this.

Strangely enough, the countries that manufacture computers are actually the weaker ones where shinobis are rare, thus they often focus on other forms of advancement.

And Isaac, being somewhat of a noble himself, naturally acquired the technology. In fact, Isaac is so many nobles in one that if the world knew about it, they'd be horrified.

Isaac made his way to the central computer and started. What appeared before him was a system very similar to Linux systems, specifically, Arch Linux.

Arch Linux is the system he's most familiar with, especially since it's open source, thus Isaac replicated it here and improved upon it.

It's the basis for the creation of the Overseer, the Artificial Intelligence that will guide humanity towards eternal progress.

However, the subject of AI is so sensitive and requires so much perfection that he has yet to deploy it. Isaac is still in the process of designing its underline algorithms and logic.

If Artificial Intelligence is to oversee humanity in the future, it can not have any faults lest it lead to self-destruction.

Isaac's standards of perfection for the AI are infinitely higher than anything else, and as he eyed its algorithm, he came to realize just how right he was.

"This is utter rubbish," Isaac muttered, seeing everything in a different light with his Mankekyo. All of the AI's flaws were written before his eyes, as clear as the sun in the morning sky.

Not only could Isaac see all of his flaws and imperfections, but he could also gain insights into its workings and how to fix them, his mind clearer than ever.

All of his insights and thoughts were then uploaded to the clones in the facility as their focus changed to working on the AI.

The prototype of the Overseer was built after considering the need for performance, scalability, and flexibility, along with the complexity of the tasks involved.

Therefore, Isaac saw a combination of Python for high-level algorithm development and C++ for performance-critical components to be a strong choice.

Python offers simplicity, readability, and a vast ecosystem of libraries for artificial intelligence and machine learning, making it suitable for rapid prototyping and development of AI algorithms.

Meanwhile, C++ provides the performance, efficiency, and low-level control needed for handling complex computations and interacting with hardware in high-performance computing systems.

By leveraging Python for higher-level tasks and C++ for performance-critical components, developers can benefit from the best of both worlds: rapid development and prototyping with Python, coupled with high performance and efficiency with C++.

Isaac even considered building other languages like Java, Scala, Rust, or Go for specific components or subsystems based on their strengths.

Although he wasn't familiar with those specific languages, he knew their general direction and strengths, so building languages that focus on such strengths was feasible.

That would've certainly been a great choice. However, Isaac's eyes changed his mind.

Now, he wants to create an all-encompassing language that excels at everything, something that he hadn't considered before simply because it's nigh impossible... Not anymore.

Isaac continued to upload his thoughts to the clones, and not only the clones in the facility but also to the clones testing the Harmony of Elements Fusion technique.

Isaac's mind was filled with insights about everything he had researched for the past years, looking back at his previous self as if looking at a monkey.

It was all coming together, all the pieces of the puzzle needed to complete the Overseer project for it isn't just a simple artificial intelligence.

It includes everything from the Quantum Computer Project, Eternal Web, Eternal Dimension, Virtual World, and Harmony Of Elements which should eventually lead to the Terraform Project.

Isaac... Isaac was writing the destiny of an Eternal space civilization before its conception, and it filled him with endless happiness to do so.

It almost felt like his calling to create and design perfection, 'The perfect ability actually exists.' Isaac couldn't help but beam like a child, for that's what he considers Eternal Refinement to be... Perfection.


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