
Naruto: Sakura’s Twin Brother

Shinji was walking home from track training when, on his way, he encounters a truck that begins chasing him. Being an anime nerd, Shinji instantly put a label on this truck, calling it Truck-kun. Eventually, he gives in to Truck-Kun, as he knows he cannot escape, and wakes up in the Shinobi world as Sakura's Twin Brother. Shinji's goal is to explore the Shinobi world and do as he wishes. He is a big fan of Naruto, so he is able progress faster than the geniuses within the show. The story will not be identical to the Canon. Neither will I be explaining obvious details of the Naruto world. Also the MC was just a track-runner in his past life, don't expect him to come with prebuilt intuition, on how to deal with dangerous situations; he learns this overtime. The story is set in the main Naruto timeline. Make sure to Join my discord: dis cord.gg/wkhPUDrmyU. No space between dis and cord.

DrWright · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Graduation Exam

Authors Note: Hello, thanks for the support. Make sure to leave some good reviews and powerstones. Also join my discord server if you'd like to talk with me or see sneakpeek and schedule. My discord is: dis cord.gg/wkhPUDrmyU . No space between dis and cord. Limited time to join.

-End of Note

The day of the Graduation Exam had finally arrived. Shinji was woken up by the comforting summer breeze and warm sunlight flooding through his window. The curtains danced in the air, as if alerting Shinji to get up and tackle the day ahead. Rubbing his eyes, Shinji took a deep breath and stretched his limbs. He was now significantly taller and more toned than he was when he first joined the academy, the latter being as a result of all the training he endured during the 5 years he had been in the academy.

Whilst still laying in bed, Shinji's thoughts began to drift to the severe training regiment he had put himself through. He began to recall all the countless hours he spent training his Chakra control and the time spent increasing his Chakra reserves. To increase Chakra control, Shinji performed tree walking and water walking exercises, enabling him to better focus his Chakra on different points of the body and how much he uses. He then went on to increase his Chakra reserves mainly through meditation, and it naturally grew as a result of his Taijutsu training.

For Taijutsu, he followed the training regiment Rock Lee had, that he had seen in the show. This included Pushup progressions and high reps, Situps, Squats and kicks and punches thrown at a log. Although Shinji wasn't able to do as many reps as Rock Lee, due to needing to focus on Chakra as well, he nonetheless was able to significantly improve. But perhaps most vividly, Shinji remembered the day he used a Chakra Induction Paper to determine his elemental affinity. To his surprise he had an affinity to Wind Release, this revelation allowed him to now focus on trying his best to develop Ninjutsu that would allow him to survive and even be a threat to his enemies.

Unbeknownst to Shinji, it was much harder to create Ninjutsu than he thought, even when armed with knowledge of the Shinobi world. Although not much, he managed to create two wind style ninjutsu that would serve him well in battle. The first was an ability that acted as a substitution style jutsu. If he was to be attacked by an enemy, he'd split up into multiple cherry blossom petals, that would spread all over the ground of the battlefield and slice the opponent if they were to make another move. In reality Shinji would split into multiple wind blades, however the innovative part of the jutsu is that the blades would be disguised as petals. Shinji called it, Cherry Blossom: Death Bed. The second ability he developed worked like Yamato's wood prison, except the prison was in the form of disguised Cherry Blossom petals, that would cut the enemy at will of the user or if they attempted to escape. The prison appears to look solid, but in reality it is a swarm of petals waiting to cut if an attempt of escape was made. Shinji called this, Cherry Blossom: Confine.

Shinji was proud of how he put a spin on the moves to make it match his clan, however he wished he had enough Chakra mastery to create more explosive Ninjutsu.

"Hey! You're going to make us late!" a voice interrupted Shinji's thoughts. The door swung open revealing Sakura who didn't seem to be in a good mood. "Alright, alright, sis, relax," Shinji chuckled, throwing off the covers and getting dressed in a hurry. He zipped up his signature red jacket and followed Sakura out the door.

As they walked to the academy together, Shinji couldn't help but notice that Sakura continued being in a bad mood. "Hey, are you worried about the exam?" Shinji inquired. Sakura looked over at him and said ".. Yeah I am". Shinji put his arm around his sister and reassured "We'll both do fine, you've worked hard, it'll pay off". Sakura let a small smile appear and responded "That's easy for you to say! You're the top of our class! You're even somehow above Sasuke!".

Sakura was telling the truth, Shinji was at the top of his class mainly due to his prior knowledge, but also through the effort he put in. Initially it was a shock, however over time everyone seemed to just accept it and branded him as a genius. Sasuke on the other hand viewed him as a rival and Iruka would often pester him about graduating early, however Shinji made it clear he wanted to be by Sakura's side during her time at the academy. "Well, if you put it that way…" he replied.

Sakura began to laugh and said "I'm only messing with you. Thanks for the kind words..". The two continued on their way until they arrived at the academy. Upon arrival, Shinji couldn't help but notice the tense atmosphere that seemed to hang over the classroom. Even the usually vibrant Naruto looked sombre. "Let's take our seats" Shinji said, to which Sakura nodded and followed along.

When everyone had sat down Iruka stood at the front of the class and began lecturing them on the rules of the exam and how it would go. "We will begin with the written exam, we will then move onto taijutsu and finally the clone jutsu. Does everyone understand?" Iruka announced. The class simultaneously nodded. Shinji turned back to Naruto who sat behind him and said "You're nervous energy is leaking onto me, relax a bit", before turning back.

Shinji himself wasn't a big fan of exams, so he decided to take a sports route in order to get into college. Being in a room full of children who thought their lives depended on exams, brought back unpleasant memories. However, this time, Shinji wasn't stressed as he knew everything there was to know about the Naruto world, and he also trained fairly hard. He was more excited to finally leave the academy, than anything else.

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