
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Chapter 026

"Hinata," Naruto called out, "Earth to Hinata-chan."

Hinata snapped out of her daze daydreaming and looked back at Naruto.

"Were you dreaming of me," Naruto teased. Hinata's red face clearly confirmed Naruto's suspicions.

"I hope I was everything you were dreaming of in whatever fantasy you were having," Naruto remarked.

"Naruto-kun behave," Hinata giggled.

"Well," Naruto said, changing the subject, "It's time for your training session."

Nodding, Hinata prepared for her training as she walked and moved away from the water fall. Clearing her mind off all distractions, she assumed a Jyuuken stance on top of the water and started practicing the water manipulation stances that Naruto helped her learn. The moves themselves weren't typical water manipulating stances that most water-type ninjas used. These stances were more like a hybrid blend of Tai Chi and ballet dancing with a mix of Jyuuken.

For the past ten months, Hinata had been practicing hard in her water manipulation. While doing so, she experimented on creating new water battle moves, both offensive and defensive types, and combining them with her Jyuuken. That was proving to be a difficult task over the first couple of months as a backlash effect would occur whenever she failed to fuse her Jyuuken and water manipulation with Byakugan. In time though, she was seeing signs that her perseverance and consistency were starting to pay off as she was making pleasing progress in her efforts.

For half of their elemental training over the months, Naruto had focused on Hinata strengthening her stances, so that she could withstand the backlash effect of failing to fuse Jyuuken and water manipulation, while at the same time, be able to control the amount of water she used. Naruto explained that using elemental manipulation and Jyuuken would be very difficult to pull off since it was almost like trying to do two things at the same time. But he was sure that in time, Hinata would be able to pull it off.

Naruto's own training was of course was far from easy. He spent nearly every day practicing his wind manipulation, but slowly and surely he was making progress and improving his strengthening the use of his elemental affinity, along with strengthening his chakra control with the help of his Chakra Sokubaku Fūjin.

As Naruto watched Hinata gracefully maneuver her body with such fluidity with the river waters levitating and dancing around her body as she manipulated it, he couldn't help but admire her beauty, strength and self-confidence she developed over the years.

If only she would do that kind of water dancing naked under a full moon in a starlit night, Naruto wondered with a blush and perverted giggle escaping his mouth. After another twenty-five minutes, Hinata smoothly concluded her training and took a breath.

"How was I," Hinata asked as she turned to look back at Naruto.

"Mind if I get your performance on DVD," Naruto joked. Hinata giggled with her cheeks reddened.

"So I did good then," Hinata figured.

"Awesome is more like it, Dattebayo!" Naruto replied, "C'mon. Let's take a lunch break."

Hinata agreed and walked over to their picnic site. Reaching the comforter blanket, Naruto reached down and retrieved both his and Hinata's towels. The pair dried themselves up before sitting on their comforter blanket together.

"This is great," Naruto said happily, "The best hooky I ever played!"

"For what it's worth," Hinata said as she got their lunches out from her basket, "I'm happy I decided to follow along with you."

"I know," Naruto agreed, "Because you're my girl!"

Naruto smacked his mouth shut, realizing what came out of his mouth. By this time, Hinata herself was shocked and surprised by Naruto's declaration and the color on her face testified to that.

Stupid!, Naruto mentally berated, Why did you have to say something so cheesy like that?

I'm Naruto-kun's girl, Hinata thought excitedly, Naruto-kun called me his girl! Does that mean that I'm his girlfriend officially now?

Naruto was about to say something when…

"Naruto-kun," Hinata asked hesitantly with hope present in her voice, "Do…Do you…re…really think of me…as…your girl?"

Naruto sighed, seeing no point in cover it up.

"Hinata-chan," Naruto said, "I know that we're close friends and have been for a few years now. I would be lying if I said that there weren't time I wish we could be more than just friends. To be honest, I always wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend, but back then I never worked up the courage to do so in spite of that fact that I knew you always like me."

Hinata felt her heart beating hard and racing with anticipation and hope. Even if they did get caught and in trouble playing hooky later, for Hinata, it would be worth it if her expectations for what Naruto was about to ask her came true.

"Hinata-chan," Naruto asked, "Willyoubemygirlfriend?"

Hinata didn't quite hear him clearly as he asked the question too quickly with his words blurred today.

"Huh," Hinata muttered. Seeing his mistake, Naruto corrected himself and asked again, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

For Hinata, it was like Naruto proposed to her. She couldn't remember the last time she was this happy.

"I'd love to," Hinata accepted happily with a few joyful tears coming down her face.

"Yatta!" Naruto cheered excitedly before embracing an equally happy Hinata, whose face burned hotly from feeling Naruto's body against her skin. Naruto too blushed upon feeling Hinata's soft body and skin against his. He had to pull away, fearing his perverted nature would get the better of him.

"This has been the best day of my life Naruto-kun," Hinata said as she passed Naruto his sandwich.





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