
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 14 Small TimeSkip Edited

- Time Skip 2 Years -

Over the last 2 years, the village has seen growth like no other and is practically unrecognizable from what it was in the past. Most of this development is due to the new trade deals we have with other nations. Some of these changes come from the village itself, almost all the buildings have been renovated making everything look new.

Though the growth of the village is not without cons. Apparently, we have become the number one place to send spies but most if not all attempts have been stopped thanks to the unique ability of Kagura eye. This is also a problem we don't expect to leave anytime soon thanks to many new families migrating to our village.

The Chinoike have also proven to not only be good allies, but also good friends. Thankfully the Chinoike we're able to smoothly integrate with the village and even make many friends with the common folk. This is mostly due to their naturally calm temperament, which is similar to that of the Hyuga clan.

With their smooth establishment, they have also gained the opportunity to recuperate peacefully. Which has resulted in many babies being born these last two years. Some villagers even joke saying, if you pass by the Chinoike compound all you can hear is the cries of newborns.

The Village isn't the only thing that has changed but I have as well. After two years of training, I am now capable of tree/water walking without struggle. During this time I also had my chakra nature checked which came out being Wind/Lightning. Both are pretty versatile and are good for attacking and movement which is something I can appreciate. So far I've learned three jutsu as it really hasn't been my focus. C rank twitching limb technique which paralyzes your opponents limbs and the D rank jutsu spinning shield of winds which is good for blocking kunai. Now the final technique I learned is one I didn't expect to find here in Uzushiogakure. The shadow clone jutsu but the B rank version so not the naruto spamming one. Still this jutsu will propel all my training forward!

{Not actually sure if Uzumaki have wind nature or if Naruto got that from his dad but its whatever. Let's just say Uzumaki have the affinity}

The wind jutsu was easy to get since most Uzumaki have the Wind and Water nature. Though I didn't receive water nature I'm still pretty nappy with lightning but the problem was how to get lightning jutsus. Luckily when we were invaded the enemy shinobi weren't able to bring their dead with them. Many dead Cloud shinobi carried Storage scrolls on hand that had lightning Jutsu but nothing above B rank was found.

The only things I've been lagging on when it comes to training is Taijutsu and Fuinjutsu. No one's taught me Fuinjutsu yet but that's mostly my fault as I've been busy practicing other things but it is definitely something I'll get started on this year. Now when it comes to Taijutsu I can only blame Kuroko Sensei. He refuses to teach me his Taijutsu saying that I'm weak and lack the required level of strenght

"Akashi stop daydreaming in the middle of training, or else I'll start doubling it" Kuroko shouted with an annoyed expression

"My bad sensei just got lost in thought there." focusing my attention back on training. I spent the rest of the afternoon doing endurance workouts before I could no longer move.

"Huff… haaa senseiiii I can't feel my body" I really couldn't it was like being paralyzed

"Hmph and you say you're ready to learn the Taijutsu I use."

Tch this guy acts like he knows the eight gates or something. How hard can his martial art possibly be

"Well, that's enough training today id say. By the way before I forget, Lord Ashina asked me to let you know to come to his office after our practice.

Gramps wants to see me?

"Alright, I'll head to his office. See you later sensei"

While laying on the ground I channeled chakra into my sore muscles to increase my recovery. A neat little trick I learned one day while I was in a similar position.

"Huu that much better still some pain but at least I can move" Getting up I began stretching a couple more times before making my way to Gramps office

- UzushioKage Office -

{Ashina POV}


Things are good and peaceful in the village but the same can not be said about everywhere else. Lately, small skirmishes have been happening between the nations.

There are just not enough recourses to help the great villages recover from the second war. At first, I thought this was only temporary but now… war may not be too far.

Yugakure Shinobi have also been crossing into our territory on the pretense that we owe them compensation for taking the Chinoike clan. Their pettiness knows no bounds what are they, gangsters getting compensation?

To make things worse Kumogakure has been hovering around our territory lately as well. This may not bode well if we're attacked on both sides.

*Knock Knock*

- POV Akashi -

Arriving outside my grandfather's Office I was caught off guard by the unusual feeling his chakra was giving me from inside the room. "Stress?"

*Knock Knock*

"Come in"

Walking inside I was surprised to see some more wrinkles on my grandfather's face. I know he's already well over 100 but at the same time, I haven't seen him stressed like this in a long while.

"Gramps, what's the problem?"

"Let's just say things aren't good outside the village"

looks like it's almost time for the 3rd great shinobi war to begin. I need to find a way for our village to benefit from it.

I know it is wrong to want to benefit from war but if it's going to happen anyways without any way to stop it we might as well get as much as we can from it.

"Is there a war coming Gramps?"

"You are too perceptive for your own good Akashi and yes I'm afrai. All the nations are currently gathering resources and training new shinobi so we do have some time but you never know"

"How prepared are we Gramps?" I couldn't help but be nervous especially when we still don't have the numbers we used to have. Even if we are making up for it in quality with the Chinoike.

"Not as much as I'd like we've been placing barriers all over the island while also increasing team training to get our two clans used to fighting together. We just lack numbers once this war starts we're going to need Shinobi to replace the dead. So now the academy has become crucial forcing me to begin the academy earlier than planned. The school will instead be starting in 2 weeks"

I'm so happy right now for suggesting the building of an academy. Things would've been much worse if we didn't do this. I don't even want to imagine the position it would've put us all in. Now all we need is for the school to actually start. Luckily Gramps said 2 weeks so it's not that far away.

"Well let's forget such depressing things for now. I called you here for a different matter."

"What is it you need gramps if it's something I can help with I definitely will." I truly meant this as well. I haven't seen Gramps this stressed in a while so if I can help even a little I will.

"Thank you Akashi I can tell you were quite sincere just now." Taking a pause Gramps Gave me a serious look one he only gives when he's talking as a leader instead of as a family member.

"First it's time for you to become a Jinchuriki the matter has been put on hold long enough. We will place the seal on you tonight in a secret location. I'll send an anbu to pick you up"


I won't say I'm not scared because I am. The moment I become a Jinchuriki I will be destined to cross against the likes of Nagato and Obito whether I like it or not. Though instead of just feeling fear I also had a sense of excitement that coursed through me.

What kind of reincarnator would I be if I run from all my problems, Forget being a Jinchuriki and having to fight the Akatsuki. The moment I was reborn in this world I was destined to cross paths with them, it was only a matter of time!

The only thing that truly matters is my strength. Becoming a Jinchuriki is only one small step to power. I need to find a way to gain that level of strength without relying on a foreign source like the 7 tails but for now it will have to do.

"I'm ready Grandfather!"

"Hm! That's the spirit Akashi"


Hey guys I checked the poll just now after waking up and was pretty surprised by the massive support for the Jinchuriki option. Many of you gave opinions on that matter and I really do agree with most of them. Chomei is also quite cool with him looking like a knight and all as well so I also want to develop his personality since he hardly spoke in the anime.

PS He is a he even if they can't reproduce I had to search Shippuden for that small moment when he talks to hear he gots a duds voice.

Also I'm thinking of having an upload schedule from now with me posting once a day throughout the week and no uploads on weekends so I can gather ideas and watch naruto vids