
Naruto: Rise Of Kai Uchiha

I'll put one in later...

Kris_Tylers_1273 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Lunch With Hinata and Naruko

- 3rd Person Pov -

The Hyuga Princess froze up as she eyed Kai, taking a particular attraction in the gray eyes of the Half-blood Uchiha.

"Umm- Greetings to you- Kai Uchiha," Hinata said, she thought to keep the formalities. After all, It was the first time they were meeting each other and talking actually... 

"Same to you, Hinata Hyuga," Kai said, "Would you like to accompany me for lunch?"

Hinata's shy demeanor kicked in, She thought of refusing Kai's offer blatantly and just walking away to find Naruko but Kai was a good friend of Naruko and maybe he would introduce him to her when they met.

"S- S- u- r - e," Hinata stuttered, Kai wasn't used to this level of nervousness... He wondered how this girl even became such a powerful Ninja.

Kai offered his palm while inwardly giving a sly grin, He would tease her further.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Kai asked, "Take my hand and we shall go to get lunch together,"

Murmurs went through the Lunch hall as Kai walked in curtly, holding the gentle palm of the Hyuga Princess.

"Doesn't the guy ever take a rest?"

"How many girls does this guy have?"

Kai sighted a free table, With four chairs. And as for free, He meant a table with Naruko sitting on it.

Hinata's expression faltered, Kai wasn't stopping. He was taking her straight to Naruko, It wasn't like it was something she didn't want but she was used to observing Naruko from a distance... Watching her train, She hadn't particularly gone ahead and talked to Naruko rather she had been observant but Kai... He was violating everything she had done so far.

Kai walked to the table and affectionately stroked her hair, Naruko turned around knowing one person with the guts to do it... Kai.

"Hey Kai, been waiting for ya," Naruko said and held her drink close to her face, "Who's the girl you have next to you? Another girlfriend,"

Naruko rolled her eyes and Kai sighed, she really didn't like what happened between him and Sayuri before the squads were announced...

"Oh come on Naruko, You know it isn't my fault," Kai said with a pleading expression, "Forgive me, just this once,"

Naruko looked into his eyes and gave in... She had to admit, his pleading face was cute.

"Alright Alright, Now who's she?" Naruko asked.

"Your... um-What's the word? Yeah, Stalker," Kai replied with a smile.

Both girls looked at him like he was crazy.


The both of them said at the same time.

"Yeah, Like she's the first ever friend you made," Kai said, "She's been watching you while training, while eating, while going home..."

Kai felt insistent to list more but he could see Hinata's hands were shaking and her face was red, She was a blushing mess right now.

"Ohh, I see," Naruko said but she really didn't see anything, "Well it's not nice to keep friends standing so please, Take a seat," 

Hinata was a little hesitant but she did as Naruko requested, taking a seat alongside Kai and Naruko herself and now her fingers were a bit jittery. She didn't know what to say or how to say it but she didn't want to embarrass herself too.

"How was... your day?" Hinata managed to say.

"It was, well boring," Naruko replied.

Kai observed Hinata, the girl differed from her anime self a bit. The Hyuga Princess was a title that was feared amongst the Hyuga clan for starters, simply because she was a powerhouse having awakened the Byakugan at a young age and training it to perfection. 

Kai didn't know why but everyone seemed stronger and albeit a little more different, Although Hinata had a few problems talking with people... When she entered combat, She seemed to have an entirely different personality emmiting some war kind of aura that was found in only rare exceptions in the Hyuga clan.

Even at that, Some things could not be changed like the fact that Neji Hyuga is a more talented Hyuga... even more so than Hinata herself, but Hinata wasn't so bad herself. If they went all-out against each other, Kai wasn't sure who would win though. 

He hoped to find that out during the Chunin Exams but he was a little bit jealous, He already had his Sharingan awakened... BUT it was a single Tomoe Sharingan hardly capable of performing any combat debuts and it had been here, even before he entered the body.

Kai stood up, his hands stretching into the air and a thin line of desperation forming on his face as he walked to the counter and reached into his pocket, producing 50 Ryo notes.

"I want Ramen, Three bowls," Kai said, "Give me some tea too,"

Kai's orders were instantly fulfilled as three bowls of hot ramen were put in a tray and handed to me as well as a cup of tea.

"20 Ryo," The receptionist said.

Kai handed the 50 Ryo bill and got his change back, After that, He went to his table and handed the three bowls of ramen. One to Naruko, One to Hinata and one for himself while the cup of tea was positioned near his bowl.

"Thanks a lot, Kai," Naruko said and patted Kai's back, "But did you get that tea for me?"

"You were drinking a cup before," Kai said, "Weren't you? You planning to make me broke,"

"Oh come on Kai, You got a lot of money, You can buy me a cup or ten," Naruko said and pursed her lips, "Come on, I'll pay you with a kiss,"

Kai sighed in defeat and then handed the cup of tea to Naruko who let out a victory cry. 

"Umm, Hyuga Princess, do you want a cup of tea too?" Kai asked.

"Call me... Hinata," Hinata replied and looked shyly at Naruko who was chugging down her cup of tea, "Umm... I don't know,"

Kai grabbed the cup from Naruko and handed it to Hinata.

"Here, A cup that Naruko used... with tea inside," Kai said and smiled causing Hinata to blush.


Author's Note:

Alright guys, I want to know how many readers I have reading this book? Please leave a Paragraph comment and say 'Me' if you're still reading.