
Naruto: Reincarnation with all existence system

In his previous life on Earth, He reached the top. He had it all and more, but he was not satisfied at all. Sadly, no matter how much influence and money he had, he couldn't fight the cycle of life. He never stopped trying to fight fate, if there was a chance to live longer he wouldn't mind sacrificing all life in the world, but alas, his time ran out. [Greatly inspired by "All Existence" please check it out] [I DO NOT own picture if the creator wants me to change picture I will.] [First time writer.] [Writing for fun.] [English is not my first language.] [Constructive criticisms, suggestions and feedbacks are appreciated.] [This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material 'Naruto', created by Masashi Kishimoto and its anime adaptations. Please support the official release and know that I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content related to the series. The only things I own are the original characters and the altered storyline.]

SilverSerpent · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
50 Chs

Star chakra

It had been two days since Ren took off to the land of bears, and now Ren was nearing the Devil's Ravine. The Devil's Ravine was a canyon filled with poisonous gas and the ravine fully surrounded the hidden in the stars village. During these two days, Ren was able to get the soul and ghoul path to rank two, and now Ren had rank two of each path. Then as Ren was thinking of a method to get past the gas ravine without being noticed he saw a 13-year-old boy looking around.

'That must be Sumaru, if I remember correctly he was the most talented genin and could use star chakra to make wings and could make a chakra rope.' - Ren

Even though Ren had spotted Sumaru he hadn't seen Ren yet, so Ren decided he would sneak up to Sumaru and make him into a vampire. Since Ren's speed was in high special jounin level he easily got behind Sumaru without him reacting and then turned him into a vampire. Now that Sumaru was a vampire Ren decided that instead of just having him make a chakra rope to get him past the ravine, he would get Sumaru to teach him the Mysterious peacock method and then he would test if he could use it with regular chakra.

Since Ren didn't want to waste time learning the Mysterious peacock method he just made ten blood clones and had them learn it. Even though the Mysterious peacock method was the trademark jutsu of Hoshigakure it was really basic and with all of Ren's clones he learned the technique in only an hour. Now that Ren knew Mysterious peacock method he tried to see if he could use it without star chakra and when Ren used the technique he could make the blue peacock feathers appear on his back but he couldn't manipulate the chakra after that.

Then Ren had the thought to try it with dark chakra and when Ren used it with dark chakra the peacock feathers were black and Ren felt that he could control these feathers and form them into different shapes. So Ren decided to try to form the dark chakra into a senbon and he succeeded in doing it with only a minor amount of difficulty. Now that Ren could use the Mysterious peacock method with his dark chakra he made it into wings and flew over the ravine, but before he did this he told Sanmaru to hide away for the next hour and then to just continue to act normal and not tell others about him or being a vampire. When Ren was flying over the ravine he tried to keep out of the view of others because he didn't want to get questioned over the color of his chakra and wanted to just steal the meteorite then leave.

After flying for almost a minute Ren saw what seemed like a village very far away and so he got to the ground and then stopped using his dark chakra. Now that Ren was on the ground he transformed into Sanmaru and began to walk to the village. After only thirty minutes Ren was now at the village and after a short interaction with others at the village, Ren walked to Sanmaru's house. Once Ren was there he made sure no one was watching and then once he knew no one was watching he untransformed and slowly began to sneak to where the dojo of the village was.

The reason Ren went to where the dojo was because the meteorite was kept here on an eagle claw pedestal. When Ren snuck into the dojo he saw that there were around seven ninjas around the meteorite trying to use its chakra. Since there were people there Ren knew that he couldn't steal the meteorite without them noticing, so he waited there until night time. When Ren was waiting he also tried to absorb some of the meteorite's chakra, but he only absorbed a very small amount because he didn't think his body was strong enough to withstand the radiation. Now that it was night time Ren saw that there was still some people guarding the meteorite but no one was absorbing its chakra, so what Ren decided to do was get All Existence to teleport the meteorite into the crimson world and then make a replica of the meteorite with a very small amount of star chakra.

This cost Ren only 1,000 points and now that he had the meteorite he snuck his way out of the village. After a few minutes, Ren was now out of the village without being noticed, so he used his dark chakra to make wings to fly back to the land of fire. Ren only flew for around half an hour and now his dark chakra was starting to run low, so Ren decided he would go into the crimson world to use the meteorite. When Ren went into the crimson world he sensed the chakra levels in the air and noticed that it was half the chakra in the real world. Ren decided that he would first ask All Existence how much star chakra would be safe without making his body weaker.

It only cost Ren 500 points to get the information and he learned that only star chakra at the level of an average chunin would be safe without weakening his body. So Ren slowly absorbed some of the star chakra while checking his stats to make sure he didn't have too much star chakra. After almost a day Ren now had star chakra at the level of an average chunin, so he left the crimson world. This time around instead of just using his dark chakra to make wings he made them out of a combination of both star and dark chakra. After using the wings for the next hour Ren was now almost out of the land of bears.

Since Ren didn't think it would be useful to go back to the cave instead he used his connection to tell everyone at the cave that he was going to go to the land of demons and that they should stay low without bringing any unnecessary attention to themselves.

I may have Mc come back to later to get Sumaru, but right now I am not going to have Sanmaru interact with everyone. Also sorry if anyone wanted him to be in the land of bears longer, I just don't think it is very interseting and the land of demons is a lot better.

SilverSerpentcreators' thoughts