
Naruto: Reincarnated as an Inuzuka(Hiatus)

Guy reincarnates as an Inuzuka with some wishes. That's all I got for now, first time author so bare with me. I do not own naruto or any other characters other than my OC.

Bigbaby · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

New clan head, new pack alpha +R18

Spending a month to get our head on straight was a welcome reprieve. However life moves on and we had a job to do. And like this we went on mission after mission, they mainly consisted of hunting targets or assassinations. We are now on our way to Iwagakure for an assassination and to collect information from our spies.

We have become well known for our assassinations, not surprising since all sayo has to do is cut off there oxygen and well dead. This is were she shined as she was best suited for the task.

All Isako and I did was provide backup. As we make it to the outskirts of Iwagakure we use a transformation jutsu to make ourselves look ordinary. Once done we head in under the cover of night, we had to avoid patrols and guard stations but we managed.

Once inside we decided to speak to the spy and get the information first. Once there we see our guy and he hands us a scroll as we pass him by. After making it to the safe house we wait and plan.

"So how do we take care of the target" Isako asks. I reply "that's not important, We already know his routine all Sayo has to do is make her magic and it's done". "You make it sound so easy" Sayo says with a bit of mirth.

I just nod my head as I read the scroll, "girls we have a problem". The girls get serious as problems can cost us our lives. "According to this scroll our target has some issues with the war ending and wants to change that.

He sent envoys to like minded individuals in Kumogakure. They just left two days ago, if we take care of this fast we should be able to catch up and take them out and collect all information on them". Isako looks excited to go on another hunt, "well what are we waiting for let's go".

We all get ready and once nightfall we head out. After making at the targets home Sayo does her thing and we cover for her, and just like that it's done. We slip out and begin the hunt for that envoy. Isako can't seem to reign in her excitement and shifts into her werewolf form and disappears into the distance.

Sayo and I shake our heads but we follow suit and catch up to her.

Three days later we see the envoy and it's not good, they have at least four jonin level ninja and a censor. We ease back a bit and stalk. "We wait till nightfall and make our move.

Once they stop to make camp we set up a seal to lock this area down, they won't be escaping.after that's done we go in with bows first and take out the censor, after that we stay in the shadows picking off as many as we can before they notice. Once they are aware of us we go in with our ninkin and take them out, Sayo hose the area once we make our shots and continue to fire but keep an eye on any non-combatants.

Isako and I will go in and engage the ninja, any questions?" No response that's good, well the plan went off without a hitch and we got the info we wanted now it was time to head home.

After handing in the mission we had a little brake so I decided to take The girls out on a date. Like this years go by and by 12 I was promoted to anbu captain. Life was okay we completed so many missions it wasn't even funny.

Then the Uchiha massacre happened and Itachi became a missing nin. I knew the truth of course and I might have even been able to stop it but I don't care.

I never understood Itachi's decision to kill all his family and clan even the innocent, sure he was a badass but my god to exterminate the whole clan. I don't care if I had to beat them to submission I would do it, but I guess that would only work with the Inuzuka as they respect strength.

And don't get me started on the Hokage for allowing something like that to happen.

All this wait and see approach did fuck all, and that Damn council needs to be taken care of those old fucks.

After that whole incident died down we left the anbu, Hokage was disappointed and asked why. Now the real reason was because I was tired of this anbu shit and I realized I could make money other ways and live a relatively chill life. Besides at this point I was high jonin level trying to make it to Kage level.

Besides Sayo was really getting pissed at being away from the hospital for so long that I was starting to fear for my life. Now with all those reasons I told the Hokage "because of Itachi, we may not have been the best of friends but I understood him to an extent.

He would never abandon this village and it's no secret the tension with the Uchiha, I'm sure you knew of his state of mind having to spy on his clansman like that. I'm sure you knew he might do something radical and you still did nothing.

An entire clan wiped out, a part of this village gone just like that, something anything could have been done and this is were we are.

And don't give me that will of fire bullshit because the guy that invented the damn thing would have never allowed that to happen. No way in hell will I betray my clan to that extent for the village because we are the village.

Each individual clan is the village and letting one die off is the same as cutting a piece out of your own flesh". And with that we were out, Hokage didn't have much to say to that as he felt guilty as well but that's the burden you cary as a leader.

And like that time went on, we were promoted to jonin and lived life.

Sayo practically teleported back to the hospital and Isako became a foodie. She would go all around Konoha trying new food. I had nothing to do so I decided to move out and get my own place, I bought some land in the compound and built my home from the ground up.

I fully expected to have Sayo move in at some point so I built her a study with a basement that went down two floors.

I built a gourmet style kitchen for Isako since she picked up cooking and I know some dishes myself. It was a big house with plenty of rooms and space to lounge in, I even installed a pool and jacuzzi. The master bedroom was huge with a big ass bed shaped in a circle that could fit ten full grown men.

It took me a year to finish it, I would have finished sooner but the seals I placed made the thing the most secure place in all of Konoha.

The girls practically lived there but I didn't mind of course. Isako and I went on frequent dates, so did Sayo but her schedule is hectic, I didn't mind as I'm not one of those guys who need to have there girl home where I can see them. Over the years Sayo all but became the head of the hospital performing surgery after surgery.

She still made time for Isako and I though, hell sometimes the two of them would go out without me from time to time.

But I was still bored so I decided it was about time to enact my plan of unifying the clan into one pack. First step towards that goal was challenging my mom for the title of clan head.

My mom was quite proud of me and said I've grown so much but that she would not hold back and that I would have to earn it. And that I did, the show never really showed Tsume as a powerful ninja but let me tell you she was no easy opponent. If not for my bloodline I would have lost. She is easily on the same level as Kakashi and Guy just wasn't shown in the show.

Once I won I became the youngest clan head at fifteen years old. There was a small ceremony and I officially became clan head.

News spread fast about the new Inuzuka clan head being a fifteen year old child, the other clan heads sent me there congratulations for my new position. Unlike the civilians the clan heads knew about me and my capabilities.

First thing I did was call all clan members who were adults and ninja to the meet in a clearing, after making sure the area was secure and sound proofed with seals, I even made sure to erect an earth wall around us with the full moon shining in.

"My fellow clan mates, I have called you here to tell you of change".

And blah blah blah, I basically told them of my dream to take our clan to new heights. First I got rid of that stupid clan marking that some have and replace it with a Viking style wolf symbol on the right shoulder.

This was no ordinary symbol though, it was a complex seal that I have been working on for the past five years. It was unreadable by all but me and my girls, it acted as a form of compulsion that kept them unable to betray the clan.

It left a subconscious need to always put the clan first, thus eliminating betrayal by outside sources. No bribes, no extortion, I made my own will of the pack that in Time would become second nature for them and it will revert to a normal tatoo.

Much stronger than that will of fire crap. Once all bear the mark I get into the big stuff, I tell them of my bloodline and my wish to unite the clan as one whole pack. After hearing the benefits, naturally all accepted and under the full moon the pack was formed. I decided to make it like a coming of age type thing that's why I didn't involve children under the age of sixteen.

Once it was done I announced my marriage to Sayo. The girls and I talked about it and decided to have a day for each of them and today was Sayo. The wedding was simple but witnessed by the pack, I planned to make this a tradition from now on. After the event Sayo and I went to our home to consummate our love.

We didn't waste words as they weren't necessary at this moment. We undressed and stood naked in front of each other and I was mesmerized. Sayo had an amazingly curvy body and I had to fight not to just pounce on her. Her breast were nice and medium sized, they looked beautiful and her pink nipples were erect.

We embraced each other in a passionate kiss, after a minute we made our way to the bed. I placed my lips against the spot were her neck and shoulder met and lightly kissed it, she gasped in surprise as her body trembled as I slowly kissed up her neck to her earlobe.

For five minutes I focused on her shoulders and neck eliciting gasped and moans from her. Kissing, licking, and biting as she made me aware of her approval. I moved my hands down to her breasts cupping them in each hand getting another gasp at the new sensation when my fingers first made contact on her soft mound and her pink nipples. "Hmm" she murmured as my hands squeezed and caressed, arching her back forcing me to massage deeper as I nibble on her neck.

She reached up and savagely kissed me, her tongue was soft and slick, she pushed it into my mouth with a moan of longing. My tongue slid past Sayo's and explored her sweet mouth, I pulled her hair back separating us forcing her mouth up so I could have access to her neck and went to work on it again down to her left nipple.

Once I got to the pink pice of candy my mouth wrapped around it and I bit softly, I swirled my tongue all around and nibbled. I switched to the other giving the same treatment, she moaned my name as she pulled my head against her breasts. I pinched and rubbed the nipple I wasn't giving attention to, her pants were now transforming into soft cries of pleasure.

Finally I kissed my way down her smooth stomach and to her enticing hips and spent some time massaging it with my tongue. I moved my hands down lower and rubbed the sleek muscles of her thighs while my lips and tongue did their walk down to the silky hair in front of Sayo's entrance. She gasped as my tongue reached her pubic hair, she looked at me and asked "what are you going to do?", "I'm going to taste you".

I spread her legs revealing the moist sleek lips around her entrance, the tip of my tongue gently licked her wet labium.

She tasted as good as she smelled, like flowers with a hint of citrus sweetness, I made my tongue dance across her lips in a circular motion before I pushed my tongue halfway into her.

"Oh god, oh god, Muzaka that feels sooo good". I found it a bit funny as she hasn't said my full name since we were children. I slowly pulled my tongue out and focused on her clit that I ignored until now. My mouth wrapped around it and I gently sucked and licked it, her hands grabbed the back of my head, her hips bucked and she let out a long throaty moan.

After a few seconds of her body being tense she relaxed. I didn't know how she likes to be licked so I tried all kinds of movements for the next ten minutes. From her moans of approval and her body language I could tell she loved it when I licked across the surface of her lips in an upward motion with the thickest part of my tongue.

I repeated this six times in a row before I would push it deep into her again to taste her wetness. I added my fingers to the mix and after a few minutes her body couldn't take it anymore and she arched her back and squirted all over my face while I tried to drink up as much as I could.

Her legs wrapped around my neck before she screamed in ecstasy. "Ahh, Muzaka don't stop!" she gasped through clenched teeth as she clutched the blankets and her body shook for half a minute as I slowed down.

After she came down she looked like she came from a day long fight, she lay before me panting and her legs spread with her hands grasping her breasts, her eyes closed taking long deep breaths. "That felt so good Muzaka, I didn't know you could do that" she looked at me as her eyes filled with adoration.

I raised myself over her and she finally got a good look at my erection, she grabbed it with her small hands one on the head and the other just below my glands. She looked a little worried, "will it really fit?" She seemed to ask herself. I gasped as her soft and delicate hands that are capable of crushing stone touch me.

Now I'm not like these Webnovel MCs with a fifteen inch cock that would tear a normal girl in half or in some cases one that I could throw over my shoulder but I was at a modest 8.5 inches with a slight upward curve, pretty big in my book. "I will go slow, I won't go until your ready" I say as I stroke her head and lay kisses across her face.

After a couple seconds she nods "I'm ready, be gentle with me".

I put my hands on her hips and lifted her a bit so I would have better access to her waiting pussy. I reached down and guided it in and leaned forward slightly, we both gasped as my head slipped into her. I had to pull out and push back in slowly to get more of myself into her.

She gasped and moaned with each movement, I looked up and saw her eyes and mouth opened wide with the new sensation. After a minute of my in and out movements I was about half way inside, "you feel so good" I said to her but it came out as a growl.

Without even realizing what was happening I had begun to change into my werewolf form, she didn't comment on it as she knew I would never harm her. She looked me in my eyes as I pulled out all the way then pushed back into her velvety tunnel, she was so wet but it was still tight that it took a quarter of a minute before I slid another inch inside her.

I stopped and leaned down to kiss her deeply as her walls tightened around me and I couldn't help but moan into her mouth. We spent a few minutes like this as I pushed deeper inside her until I felt my tip brush against the wall that protected her womb, we both gasped.

I was all the way inside her and we took a few moments to enjoy the sensation. "Are you okay?" I asked as I leaned over her and kissed all over her face and jaw and nuzzled her neck. "It feels amazing, I thought it would be painful". "I'll go slowly again, tell me if it hurts and I'll stop" I whispered in her ear as I withdrew and pushed back into her as our bodies made a wet shlick sound as I began to pick up speed.

She gasped in pleasure and after a few minutes of this as she moans in approval I increased my speed. Her walls wrapped tightly around my shaft with each stroke and I went deeper and harder with my balls slapping against her ass. I slowed down and rose to my knees to get a different angle, she looked me in my eyes as I kneeled into her and began thrusting deeper than before.

After ten minutes of this I felt myself getting close so I leaned further and bit her shoulder with my elongated canines, at this point she had turned into her werewolf form and returned the favor amidst her grunts and growl. I kept pumping away until I raised my head up and roared a deep and powerful roar that was probably heard by the whole clan, she followed suit and howled while I unloaded burst after burst into her. She tightened around me as if trying to milk out everything I had and shuddered uncontrollably.

After we came down I rolled over and pulled her atop me and slowly rubbed her back. "We are one, now and forever, I love you Sayo" I said as I kissed the top of her head. She hummed softly and replied "I will always be by your side now and forever, I love you Mu". I smirked "so I'm back to Mu now, I rather liked hearing you say my name" she pinched me and we both laughed. I began to sing "my mother told me someday I would buy, a galley with good oars sail to distant shores, stand upon the prow, noble barque I steer,steady course to the heavens, hew many foe-men, hew many for me." My voice was deep and soothing and Sayo fell asleep in my arms, after a few minutes I joined her in the land of dreams.

'Wonder if I should make some dango in the morning'.

So longer than usual but well. So my first sex scene, please let me know what you think and how I can improve. Thank you ?

Bigbabycreators' thoughts