

goood novel read it if you want and by i do not own naruto it is own by its author

thunderlord · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs




where i am i ????????..

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i can not see. its black everywere....

(time skip)

its been sometime and i am still in the dark void. and there is no god or rob to found to me get out this place or i will just loss my mind if i stayed in the void. hope someone pull me out from black dark mind fucking void.


what is happening the void is pulling me its is because i cursed the void haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

wait i can see the light. yesssssssssssssssssssssss i am getting out from the fucking place. thankyyyyou god for hearing my prayer.

has i keep moving towards the light and feel like i getting out of something. but feel like something is grabbing me. but i cannot open my eyes after that i feel THE PAIN HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.


its been nine months since i got pregnant. today was the delivery day and i feel little pain in my belly and i told my husband we quickly went to hospital. and after the examination the doctor said the baby will come out with in five or seven hours. so my husband admitted me in delivery room. well its our second child and our first child was a boy and we named him fukaku uchiha. well he is seven years old and he will be next clan head so he trains hard to fulfill his father's expectation. well my husband is very hard on the child and i also stop him sometimes but he start's his next clan head bullshit to stop me from inner fearing. but i still worry about him because war is near. i do not want my child go on the war and die hoooooooooooooooo what i am thinking. well its lonely hear. well i want my child to be happiness in his or her life. and after that i stop thinking and close my eyes.

(time skip)

after some time i feel pain in my belly i told the nurse near me about the pain she called the doctor. and i know it's time for the baby to come to the world . well i adapted to the pain because it's my second delivery. after some time the baby came out but i feel dizziness and closed my eyes. well it feels that my life has come to the end. i hope baby live a happy good life. has i feels that i was going sleep but in realty it was dyeing. the memory of my family, husband, child came my mind. it last i feels nothing . my last regret of life is not see my baby's face.

---------------------------------(THE END OF MOTHER POV)--------------------------------

---------------------------------(mountain of sage forge)--------------------------------------

(old future seeing forge/pov)

so the time has come. it is time for the 'RED VORTEX' to fall up on the world. it will change or destroy it's up on the person who inherent it's will.

i hope it will change the world. and make some time for the choose one to prepare. after that it's the time for the 'TWO BLUE VORTEX'. but it will take some time.

ha, the world is changing one after the events is happening. i hope everything go has the fate planed.

-----------------------------(THE END OF THE POV)--------------------------------------------------

this is part-1 of chapter the inherited will

well i am not writing full story on one chapter because i am lazy.

and second is if i want add some thing new to the story. so i can add on the second part.

thankyou for reading my novel.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

thunderlordcreators' thoughts