
[16] ♥ The Frisky Fox! (R18+) ♥

*Mature Content*

One Day Later - Konohagakure


"Okay Aponi. He's gone for now..." Nikko sighed and looked around Naruto's apartment. It was littered to impressive heights with ramen cups, overfilled bags, and numerous clothing items strewn. The stereotypical teenage boys handiwork.

It was her first day in Konohagakure, and she'd just gotten back from meeting with the Hokage herself, Tsunade. The big bosomed woman had went over Kakashi's report and Naruto's, and had allowed the fox boy to watch over her. Well, for the time being. Konoha was still amidst repairs from the failed take over during the Chunin Exams, and as such there weren't any available places for her to stay. Of course Lady Tsunade had also upped Naruto's rent, much to the boys despair. Nikko had quickly reassured him that she would find a job and help pay.

After Naruto had seen to Sasuke he had brought her to the apartment. Which is where Nikko would be staying day and night unless someone was accompanying her.

"Hime-sama, what do you plan to do for now?" Aponi asked.

The girl sighed and glanced around. "Well for starters, I'm going to clean this place up. Then maybe take a bath. Oh! By the way Aponi, did you give me some power or something? I meant to ask before but...with everything that happened it slipped my mind."

The monarchs fluttered around. "It was Ichikashima sama's powers that we used. After Hime-sama avoided the bad ending, we had stored the good karma for you to use. It seemed like a good time to put it to the test."

"So let me get this straight...if I avoid a bad ending I get some kinda points to put toward using her special powers?" Nikko asked.


"Huh. Neat. I just wish you'd given me some kinda warning...I mean, damn! I squished that guy's heart like it was a water balloon or something." She shivered, remembering how the thing had been beating rapidly. How gross and unnatural it felt to feel such a thing from the inside. "Your precious princess seems a tad cruel..."

"Ichikashima-sama had many regrets in life. A lot of bad things happened to her caused by humans. So you see, she can be somewhat emotional."

"Yeah." Nikko looked around some more. "Well no sense in wasting this opportunity! I need Naruto to be obsessed with me. That way he'll never look at Hinata-san, and I'll be all the more safe with his plot armor! Ha! Ha ha!" She laughed villainously.

"Hime-sama...you seem to be enjoying yourself."

"There's no time like the present Aponi! Seize the day!" She pumped her fist in the air, "Now that I'm stuck here in Konoha I'll use it to my advantage. Who knows? Maybe my true love will be here!"

"How will Hime-sama do both? After all, you are Uzumaki-sans girlfriend..."

Nikko paused. "Hmmm...good question. Oh! I'll scout out guys while I work. I just need a job that involves talking to lots of people. Heh! Easy peasy!"


The girl then began her new mission: operation snag Naruto Uzumaki. She began by cleaning his entire apartment. That alone was an impressive feat; the boy had every available surface covered in used goods. The job took her two full hours of nonstop labor. Nikko was pouring sweat by the time she was finished.

Her next idea was to cook for the boy. "There's nothing like a good meal from a pretty girl to win a guy over!" She concluded. "It works in all the anime I've watched."

"Anime, Hime-sama?"

"Ahh nevermind that part. Now...let's see what we have to work with."

Nikko opened his fridge and found that everything was expired. Her inspiration sank. "Man...he doesn't grocery shop much from the looks of it." She pointed out a bag of meat that was rather gray and smelled all kinds of nasty, "Just look at this! From a month ago!"

"Hime-sama needs to get fresh food." Aponi suggested.

"Hmmm, I hate to leave the apartment but it looks like I'll have to. Unless we all want to live off of cup ramen. That would ruin my figure!"

"A good meal will keep a lady appealing. Hime-sama needs proper nutrition to bear healthy children."

Nikko blushed. "C-C-Children!? You're thinking way too far ahead there." She sniffed herself and added, "Ugh. I smell! Time to bath. I can't win over anyone smelling like a sweaty old man."

After soaking in hot water for an hour the girls skin was back to its bouncy and collagenic self. She thoroughly washed, shaved, exfoliated, and lotioned her person. Afterwards Nikko applied a generous amount of perfumed oil and neatly put her damp hair into a bun atop her head.

"I'll have to borrow some of his clothes. My kimono's are all dirty." She sighed, "I hope I'll still look hot wearing these." She motioned to his pile of T-shirts and shorts.

"Hime-sama will be endearing. Maybe Uzumaki-san will find you wearing his clothing attractive."

"Yeah maybe. Anyway, let's do this." She pulled on one of his black T-shirts and a pair of white shorts. It clung to her large cleavage no matter how much she tried to stretch it. Clearly it wasn't made for a girl with breasts.

"You look...." Aponi paused, "...like a tomboy."

"Ugh. Thanks Aponi. Way to make me feel better. Oh! I know, I'll find a laundromat and get my kimono's washed there. I just hope all the blood comes out."

Nikko gathered her clothing and undergarments as well as the matching tights and stuffed them into a bag. She slid her feet into her wooden sandals and nodded at the door. "Okay! Onward, march! I've gotta get groceries and get my clothing washed!"


Konohagakure was massive. Even with Aponi's guidance it took Nikko a solid hour before finding the Laundromat. She paid the lady working there double to make sure the blood stains came out. "It's a good thing Shizuka-san paid me before I left. Jeez! It costs so much living in the city," she complained. "That's one thing the same between realms," she added.

"Hime-sama! Look!" Aponi flitted quickly to a boy petting a pale and tiny dog.

Nikko recognized him from the show. He was...Kiba, I believe.

Aponi glittered excitedly. "Go! Bump into him! He's handsome and dashing!"

The girl sighed and quietly agreed to that assessment. She gulped down anxiety and walked over, motioning to the dog. "Aww! He's so cute!" She declared.

Kiba glanced up at her, down her, then back up. He smiled a little and she spotted fangs inside his mouth. Nikko had a mildly perverted thought about that last observation. "Thanks. His name is Akamaru."

The dog yipped and walked around her legs, sniffing and wagging his tail. Kiba smiled. "He likes you. Akamaru likes all the cute girls." The boy smirked and stuck out his hand, "I'm Kiba."

"Oh!" Nikko took his hand and shook it, "My name is Nikko."

They shared a smile before Aponi said, "Hime-sama! Invite him for food!"

The girl shot a glare to the monarch's and was about to open her mouth and ask him for a date when Kiba beat her to the punch. "Are you hungry by chance? There's a good barbeque grill not far from here."

"Y-Yes. Starving." She smiled shyly, "Is that okay with you, Akamaru?"

The dog barked. Kiba laughed, "He said yes. He also said you smell nice. I gotta agree with him."

Nikko blushed and tucked hair behind her ears. "T-Thank you."

Kiba talked the entire way to the grill. Mostly about himself, and left Nikko with glazed over eyes. He was clearly proud to be a shinobi, and was using it to impress the girl. However, she wasn't moved by his occupation and decided to go along with it just so she wouldn't have to talk about herself.

The grill was occupied with lots of ninja. It seemed shinobi of the Hidden Leaf loved to eat meat. Nikko walked in and grew a little nervous at all the stares she received. Kiba walked to a table and glanced back at her, "C'mon. I don't bite. Much."

Nikko sat down opposite Kiba and looked over the menu in front of her. She'd never really been on a date and had little experience on what to say. She ventured: "So you're not on a mission right now? I thought that with everything that happened with the Hidden Sand, this town would be empty of ninja."

Kiba hummed a little. "I just got back from a mission actually. I'm still a genin, so we don't go out as much as higher level shinobi. You seem pretty interested in what ninja do. Are you going to the Academy?"

"Eh? N-No! I mean, I--I couldn't do that, you see. That takes skill and...and other things."

"Well yeah but they teach you everything you need to know. I sure wouldn't mind going on a mission with such a beautiful girl like you, Nikko-chan."

She grew flustered and replied, "You tease me."

They ordered food, Kiba insistent on paying for her meal. Nikko allowed it and used her gentle and elegant way of eating to impress the boy. She had her doubts that he'd be her true love however. Still, a meal was a meal. Kiba and Akamaru took turns with the pieces of meat, the boy hand feeding his pooch.

As their meal finished up Nikko felt eyes on the back of her head. She discreetly turned and saw some familiar faces in the grill. Choji, Ino and Shikamaru. Kiba caught her attention. "Heh, looks like my competition is here too. Of course Choji is stuffing his fat face."

Nikko frowned. She didn't like the potentially hurtful comment and was quick to reply, "I don't blame him one bit. The food here is wonderful."

The boy realized his error and agreed. "Y-Yeah."

There was one boy who stood out in the grill. Her eyes lingered on him a tad bit more, curious if he would notice. He eventually glanced up and blinked at her. Nikko gave him a tiny shy smile and turned away. He would be more true love material. Shikamaru.

Kiba and Nikko left the grill. The boy rambled on about something that Nikko discarded before saying, "So anyway, I had a lot of fun. We should do this again sometime."

Nikko nodded. "Mhm. How about tomorrow, then?"

"T-Tomorrow? Yeah, sure!"

The girl told him Naruto's address and he wrote it down on his arm. "Okay. I'll see you at seven, then?" He asked to be sure.

"Seven is fine. Bye, Kiba-kun, Akamaru." She waved and pretended she knew exactly where to go. But as soon as Nikko rounded a corner she smacked her head. "Ugh! He's totally annoying, Aponi. Did you see how much he kept bragging about himself?"

"Aponi thought he was a pleasant young man."

"Pleasant my ass! He's cocky and didn't even ask me anything about myself! I can't believe for one instant that he would be my true love. There's no way."

The monarchs went silent.

Nikko bit her nails in contemplation and leaned against the wooden wall in thought. She didn't really care for the boy and his arrogance, but the meeting had brought with it a new potential. Shikamaru. "I need a way to meet Shikamaru-san, Aponi. He's totally my type. Smart, lazy and easy going."

"Hime-sama shouldn't put her eggs in one basket."

"What basket?"

"All Aponi is saying is that Hime-sama needs to be open minded."

Nikko sighed in agreement and went to say, "Well, I still need to grocery shop. So help me find a food market."

The two set off once more in search. People passing by looked her way, clearly noticing the new face in town. She ignored their stares and eventually found a fresh produce stall. The vendor had all sorts of produce, ranging from Napa Cabbage to Edamame. Nikko walked over and greeted the tall and graying man. "Hello! I need your freshest seaweed, green onions, pork.."

"Sounds like you're cooking miso ramen," a voice said to her left.

She turned to see Shikamaru there. He wasn't looking at her however, only at the produce. Her golden ticket had arrived. "Yes! I am." She smiled, "I saw you at the grill. My name's Nikko."

He barely glanced up. "Hm. Shikamaru."

"What are you cooking, Shikamaru-san?"

The boy shrugged. "Whatever. Doesn't really matter as long as it's filling."

Nikko inwardly groaned. He was hard to talk to and clearly didn't care for conversation much. She had to try harder. What do I know about him that could help me? Oh...! There is THAT! Nikko nodded. "Yes, that's all that really matters in the end. Still...a person could do well with a clear and focused mind."

He grabbed a sweet white onion and nodded. "Yeah I guess."

"Like when I play Shogi, I always drink matcha. It helps ensure my victory every time."

At last she had Shikamaru's full attention. He looked at her, really looked at her. She could feel his studious gaze observing every detail. He quirked a brow, "you...play Shogi?"

"What? Is that so surprising?" She giggled, "I guess I'm just an old woman before my time. Still, I haven't found my match yet."

Shikamaru grabbed a fresh stalk of leeks and said, "Interesting. I play Shogi too. Didn't think anyone else even played that."

Nikko feigned surprise. "Oh, really? You're not pulling my leg are you?"

He chuckled. "Don't think so. Well, anyway, I haven't been beaten either."

The girl stuck out her finger to his chest and said, "Well you're on! I'll take down that score!"

Shikamaru tilted his head a little. "Is that so? Fine by me. I'd like to see you try."

Nikko blushed and nodded. "V-Very well. Do you play at home?"

"Yeah. I'm a Nara." He then went on to give her his address. Nikko hoped she recalled it correctly and would double check with Aponi to be sure. She felt anxiety at the thought of facing off against him, but the girl had to win. She saw her victory against him as a means to Shikamaru's affection.

Finally, after purchasing her goods and getting lost once more, Nikko was back at Naruto's apartment. She made haste to prepare him the best miso ramen possible and was happy with the outcome. On the table sat two bowls of miso soup. Now...

All that was missing was Naruto.

Nikko sighed and rest her head down in contemplation. "I...am his girlfriend, right? He wouldn't forget about me being here would he?"

"Hime-sama shouldn't worry! Uzumaki-san will be here soon!"

"I hope you're right. If not..the food will get cold."

The girl eventually fell asleep at the table waiting.


Naruto entered his apartment with a big yawn. As his eyes looked around in shock. It was super clean! The boy walked on into the living area and spotted Nikko. She was asleep with her head pressed to the kitchen table. Two bowls of ramen soup had been made, and it's scent wafted into Naruto's nose. "Oh man, that smells amazing," he drooled.

He padded over to the sleeping beauty and touched her shoulder. "Nikko-chan, I'm back now. Sorry it took so long."

She opened amethyst eyes and looked up at him blearily. Naruto could tell she'd been sleeping for awhile; there was an imprint on her cheek from the table. Nikko gasped. "Naruto! Welcome home!"

His body tingled. The words he'd never heard before and always wondered about had just been uttered. He gazed at her in a daze before snapping out of it. "I'm sorry if the food is cold," she said, "I didn't know when you'd be back you see...and--"

Naruto pulled the flustered girl to his chest. Inside he was so happy it felt criminal. The boy breathed in her lovely perfume and sighed. "I don't care if it's cold. Nikko-chan went to a lot of trouble for me."

Nikko felt smothered in his arms and tickled by his blonde spikes. She gripped him back, noticing that his tone was softer than normal. She replied, "It was no trouble. Y-You're my boyfriend, so..."

"Hm hm." Naruto patted her head and made to sit down at the table. Nikko followed suit and the two ate quietly. The girl wondered about his day; what had went on? He wasn't his usual cheerful self. Perhaps he had many concerns about Sasuke. Hesitantly she asked, "How is Uchiha-san?"

"He's...still out. But his condition is stable now."


She watched him eat. He didn't comment on the food at all like she had hoped. Was it awful? Bland? Nikko sat and fretted so much her hands grew clammy. Her insides felt twisted with anxiety. Eventually she couldn't take it anymore and blurted, "H-How is the food?"

"Hm? Oh, it's good. Sorry Nikko-chan. Heh, got a little lost in thought." He gave her a fake smile.

"Naruto..." The girl was feeling put off. She'd went to such lengths to impress the boy and it seemed it was all for nothing.

Was she not good enough for him? What if he didn't like her, really? Hinata would come in and--


Nikko put down her chopsticks and went to Naruto, taking his bowl away and holding it aloft. "S-Since you're so lost in thought, n-no food!"

"EH!?" He hopped up and waved his hands around wildly. "That's not fair! I'm starving here!"

"Then--then Naruto has to earn it!"

"Fineee...and how do I do that?"

Nikko gulped and proclaimed: "Kiss me!"



The boy sighed and plopped down. "Nikko-chan, don't tell me you did all of that just to get a kiss!"

"W-What if I did? So what! All I want is Naruto to see only me!"


He didn't respond.

Tears began welling up in Nikko's field of vision. She was doing all that she could to earn his affection and he only rejected it. The girl sat down his bowl and ran off to his bedroom to sulk in peace.

"Aponi, what am I doing wrong? Hic..hic..any other guy would be all over me! Right?"

"Yes Hime-sama. Perhaps the boy needs more time."

Nikko shook her head, "I don't have time! Another bad ending could come...hic...I'm going to die at this rate."

A peck at the door. The girl sucked up her snot and answered, "W-What is it?"

"Can I come in Nikko-chan?"

She almost laughed. "It's your room..."

"Oh yeah." He chuckled and opened the door, seeing Nikko squatting and wiping away her tears. His heart ached. Naruto cared for the girl, truly, but didn't want her doing things just to get his attention. It left him feeling itchy inside. The boy thought that things should happen at their own pace and not be rushed. At least that's what he told himself.

But seeing Nikko teary eyed on the floor of his room, wearing his clothing and crying because she didn't get a kiss made the boy nervous. Of course, being a heterosexual male teen, Naruto thought Nikko was probably the prettiest girl he'd ever saw. He had to tread carefully. "Nikko-chan?"


Naruto kneeled down and side hugged her, sighing in frustration. "I'm...an idiot, okay? If you...if you want a kiss, then I'll give you one alright?"

Nikko shook her head. "That's okay. I know that Naruto doesn't see me like that."

"Huh? When did I say that?"

"You didn't have to! Naruto doesn't need to worry. I have a date with Kiba-kun tomorrow. A-And Shikamaru-san soon too."

That was news to Naruto. He didn't think she'd even left the apartment. "You what? Huh? Oh...I guess you had to go get food huh. But wait--you're going out with those guys?"

Nikko nodded. "Yes. Kiba-kun seems to like me."

Something annoyed the boy. Naruto grimaced and crossed his arms with a deep scowl. "You...you're dating me, remember?" He reminded her.

She nodded. "Yes. But you only did it to help me, Naruto. I..know that you don't truly want me around. Gaara-kun made you promise to take care of me...I'm sorry." Her purple eyes filled with tears, "I'm a burden to you."

Naruto growled. Nikko blinked away her tears at his furrowed brows and gleaming blue eyes. He tilted her chin up and stole her lips. "Mhm!"

He was a passionate of a kisser as he was a person. Nikko could feel his emotions through his body; she'd upset him. She'd only been speaking the truth however. He was going to be Hokage one day and didn't need her at all. The girl pushed him away and couldn't face him, "Naruto...don't force yourself."

"Be quiet will ya?" He barked. "I'm not forcin' anything! You don't know how I thought about you all day...if you were tired and hungry, if you really liked me---because to me, it seems like you're just pushing yourself to be with me! Did you ever think of it from my point of view?"

"...I...I am...pushing myself, Naruto." Nikko admitted, "Because if I don't find my true love, then the curse--"

He shoved her to the floor. "Screw the curse! Do you like me or not, Nikko-chan!"

She thought his words over. The girl had a big decision to make and only seconds to choose. Nikko nodded. "I...I do like you Naruto. I've always liked you---s-since we first met."

"Then shut up and let me kiss you."

Nikko and Naruto grabbed each other and began a forceful, passionate exchange of saliva. The boy skipped over teasing her and pressed her mouth open, exploring the entirety of her mouth. As he licked at her teeth Nikko's body grew strangely hot. She panted through her nose and squinted her eyes to try and cope but it didn't help. "Ngn--!"

Naruto's cock was swelling and aching almost instantly. The feel of her slippery tongue playing with his was enough to make him want to take her and fuck her brains out, hard. He fought with the urge...but the boy was only human. Mostly. Naruto pulled the t-shirt she wore up and felt for himself how nice and plump her juicy tits were.

"Omm--Naru--ah--ah---" Nikko made the tiniest noises.

He took a record of her condition and lowered himself, pulling the tiny right nipple into his mouth. As his tongue tasted smooth tits his other hand roughly pulled and pushed Nikko's other breast.

"Naruto--I feel so hot--" She whimpered. "It feels so good...everywhere you touch...!"

His cock began waging war with him. Naruto could stop now, or...

Fuck her.

His dick won the battle and Naruto made short work of her shorts and panties. Their pink frilliness was dampened and he smirked a little, knowing he'd made her wet. He was about to take the plunge when Nikko closed her thighs.

"Uuu...don't--don't look!" She squeaked.

Nikko's beauty drove him senseless. Her purple eyes squinted, brows lifted in a daze, and mouth still wet with his spit. "I'm embarrassed..."

"Don't be. I'll be gentle."

"Okay...since it's you..." she covered her red face with both hands, "Then it's okay!"

Naruto placed his head between her thighs and saw for himself what an actual pussy looked like. It was like he was looking at something forbidden; her wetness shone in the room invitingly. The boy leaned and gave her tiny pink clit a lick.

"Yah! Ah--it--it tickles!"

He knew from all the pornography magazines that girls loved to be eaten out. Naruto used his pervy knowledge and began doing just that. She squirmed and grabbed his hair tightly, almost pulling it out of the follicle. It hurt but he knew she was enjoying it. Her sounds echoed in the room, "Ahh--Agn, Naruto! Fuck--haah, yah...!"

The boy's mouth was beginning to cramp. He had to quit. His fingers parted her dripping pussy and slid in easily. One, two, three fingers he used, prying it's tightness apart daringly. "Naruto!" She called, "I can't--it's too much!"

But as his fingers wiggled around inside her folds he could feel it for itself. How hot she was inside. His cock throbbed until Naruto could stand it no longer. "I'm...going to fuck you Nikko-chan," he warned her.


Good. She wanted him to.

He dropped his pants and told her to turn over. Naruto had always wanted to try that position. Nikko got on hands and knees and arched her back. Two juicy ass cheeks stared at him, daring the boy to smack. He smacked her ass until she whimpered in protest. Two red hand prints showed his handiwork.

Cock out and ready to go, he lifted her cheeks and rammed into the tiny pussy. "Haa..." he groaned, already wanting to get off. It wasn't fair; he had just started. But her pussy was amazing--the best thing since ramen. Naruto groaned again and began pounding her. "Nikko-chan--"

"Ah-ah-ah-nn! So deep--"

He leaned atop her and grabbed Nikko's shoulders, wanting to fuck her so hard she screamed. It was like some animal inside had came out to play. He pulled her down onto his length over and over, trying as hard as he could to pierce her womb. "Damn," he groaned, "I'm already so close."

Nikko enjoyed being rough housed. It was a great turn on for the girl, having her pussy being split by Naruto's dick. She groaned with an almost beastly voice, "Don't stop, please, oh--oh--fuck me harder!"

"I'm trying," he growled back.

She lost the battle to his dick and trembled with an orgasm. It burned her senses until everything melted away into an afterthought.

Hot love juice shot out from Nikko's pussy. Naruto continued his rampage of Nikko's sanctuary until he creamed all inside her womb.

She could feel his dick pulsing, teeth clamping into her shoulder as he moaned with pleasure.

He held her back to him as reality returned. Naruto huffed with fatigue and saw that Nikko too was sweating profusely. "Ha...was that good enough?" He couldn't help but ask.

She turned and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed his neck. That wasn't good enough for her so Nikko jerked him by the scalp and shoved her tongue in his mouth, devouring it. Spit ran down from both of their chins and she pulled away, licking it off. "Yes. Naruto filled me so wonderfully."

"Then no more talk about me not liking you. Got it?" He teased.





"He managed to protect her," Gaara said.

The letter in his hands, addressed solely to him, was filled with the report of what took place in the Land of Tea. He re read it once more just to be sure nothing was missed.

From the table of the Hokage,

-We have recevied the package from the land of tea. Our reports concur that a battle took place in which the package was nearly taken. Uzumaki Naruto of Team 7 was crucial in it's safe retrieval. He has been instructed to look after the package and assure it's safety is top priority. Three fatalities were reported, all samurai of unknown origin. We believe them to be hired hands.

Two remaining samurai were not found but are believed to be still local. We have placed jonin at the residence of the package as a safety protocol.

Any further news and reports are to be directed to the Hokage at once.

Gaara folded the paper back and shoved it into his shawl. While he was glad that she was safe, Gaara lamented that he wasn't the one protecting her. His self loathe had faded somewhat over the past day. As such, he was deeply missing Utsuri Nikko and her sweet, kind personality.

He touched his [Ai] tattoo and shut his eyes. "One day...when I have accomplished what I have sought to do, I will come for you." His gaze lifted to where he stood perched on the outskirts of his village, a bird's eye view of things below.

"Headache, Gaara-kun?" Kankuro asked.

"No. I am merely thinking about someone dear to me."

"...Really? You found someone like that? I'm glad." Kankuro nodded. "It's about time."

Gaara looked up at the blue sky, not a cloud in sight. "She is both near and far."

"Huh? Well which is it?"

"...Near to my heart, and far away in body. I..." his hand clenched, "want to see her once more."

"Then go see her man."

"..." Gaara shook his head. "She is the reason that I am going to go forward. I wish to bring change to this land."

"Change...it's true that needs to happen. With father dead we don't have a Kazekage. Wait--you don't mean--" Kankuro touched Gaara's shoulder, "You're going to try and be the Kazekage?!"

"I know that the people still see me as a weapon of the past. But...if there is even one person who sees me for who I am, then I will fight for her. In order to see the new future where she can stand proud by my side...I need to reform Sunagakure."


Kankuro thought that Gaara must really care for whoever her face was. He sighed and looked out at the city and replied, "Then do it. With all of your heart. If you need me...I'll be here."

"Thank you, Kankuro."
