

Mc: I started to wake up all of a sudden I got a strong headache, I started to see a lot of images and memories that didn't belong to me and the first ones were about the memories of this body, and I also remembered the name of this body, his name was sabo at the beginning I didn't think about it but then I remembered that I had already heard this name, it was the same name of the chief of staff of the revolutionary army of the world of one piace, I was very astonished to have the same name of that character, then I started to look around at first I saw a stone coloured ceiling then I tried to get up, and again I got a big headache, and I started to see tall images and memories of the previous sabo I saw that he was an orphan his parents died in the war, I also remember where he was he was in an orphanage in the village of stone, I began to panic because I had to be born in the village of stone, but then I thought about it, it's not so bad after all I was born in iwa, for many reasons one of them is that there are worse villages than iwa, and one of them is Kirigakure because of its horrible laws in that village you're in constant danger because of the bloody fog, and to become a genin I would have to kill a command, and that's unforgivable, and I couldn't even consider anyone my friend for a big chunk of the history of Kirigakure so I'm glad I wasn't born in that village, then there's Sunagakure that in my opinion is one of the worst in every sense of the word for example the economy is bad because of its location, It is located in the desert, then there is Kumogakure which personally is a good village to be born in, it has a good economy and is a very strong village, then there is the village of Konhoa, even if it is the strongest and the strongest, rich and fertile, and also very dangerous because of many reasons and one of these is danzo a great pedophile, not to mention the hokage, I don't trust that person very much he made many talents die, he didn't do anything to prevent the destruction of one of the strongest clans of konhoa, and they are the uchiha. So it's not so bad to be born in iwa, then I tried to remember in what timeline I was in, it seems like I'm 2 years older than itachi uchiha, now I'm 5 years old so itachi is 3 years old, before I could finish my thought I was interrupted by the sound of a door opening, and I saw a familiar woman and I couldn't finish my thought because the woman started talking...

Matron: Sabo hurry up, breakfast is ready, if you don't hurry you'll be left with an empty stomach.

Sabo:* ah now I remember her and the matron* yes I'm coming right away the time I have to change and I'll join her at the canteen.

Matona: ok but don't be long.

Sabo: I get out of bed immediately and quickly take off my pyjamas, which consisted of a simple long-sleeved shirt in light grey with some black stripes, and grey trousers without stripes. I go to get some clothes from a small wardrobe, I take a simple white T-shirt and black trousers, as I was about to leave the room I see my reflection in a small mirror on the wall, I almost fall to the ground seeing that my appearance is very different from my previous body, Before I had a simple appearance black hair and brown eyes and an average face, now I have messy blonde hair, and black eyes and my appearance is just like Sabo from One Piece, but there are some differences for example I don't have his scar on my left eye and my face is a little paler. I didn't think about it, I opened the door and started running because I didn't want to remain on an empty stomach and I immediately found the canteen thanks to the memories acquired from the previous sabo, arriving at the canteen I saw a long table and there were also many children more or less my age, some older than a few years and some younger.

Matron: Come on Sabo, hurry up and sit down, you're the only one still standing.

Boy: Come on Sabo, come and sit down so we can start eating.

Sabo: I'm going to sit down right now and specifically I'm going to sit next to this child, his appearance is normal brown hair black eyes and a normal face, and from the memories of the previous sabo that are now mine, his name should be izumo.

The matron then started to bring some bowls with rice and the tall bowl contained some broth with vegetables and chopsticks as cutlery, it was a simple food and when I started to eat it wasn't particularly good, when we finished eating the matron ordered us to take the bowls to the kitchen and wash them, when I had finished I asked the matron if I could go back to my room.

Matron pov: suddenly I saw Sabo approaching me, I asked him what he wanted from me, he asked me if he could go back to his room and I agreed.

Sabo: As I went back to my room you see how simple it was, it was very small, it contained a single bed, a small wardrobe where there were clothes and a small kind of wall, I looked at myself again in the mirror and saw that I was one meter tall. Thinking about my memories I think that the 3rd world war is still going on then I will have to gather more information, about my advantages I should have Ace's experiences, but I don't have all his experiences yet, maybe I need some time to assimilate his experiences.

My goals right now are to become stronger and not die like the cannon fodder of this world, then find out how to get into the iwa ninja academy I will have to ask the matron.

the next goal is to train my chakra, now i will try to unlock my chakra i sit on the ground i assume the lotus position and try to feel my chakra,

After a while of meditation I feel something warm in the lower belly button and I feel a blue energy and I immediately understand that this is the chakra, then I try to pass it throughout my body and I succeed and in doing so I unlock my chakra,

I'm very happy to have succeeded, I thought it would be more difficult, feeling my chakra I should have the reserves of a ninja student, I'm very happy with this result, now I have to increase my chakra reserves and also the control of the chakras, and I have to train my body because now I'm really weak now I'm going to start training my body I'm going to start training with the sitama method which would be: 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 km of running.

I start immediately with push-ups, sit-ups and squats when I finish with these I will leave the orphanage and do the 10 km.

After a few hours I finished doing the push-ups, sit-ups and squats, I am tired but I will not stop, I have to do the 10km as well, I cannot give up, I have to become stronger if I want to survive in this world.

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