
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
113 Chs

The Prince Plotted All This?

Chapter 58: The Prince Plotted All This?

Jutsu of the day:

<Misunderstanding no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Pedo Snake Bastard.


Time: Break of dawn




'Damn… Fuck!' I thought as I sensed the chakra of the three tailed lunatic approaching us like a moth to a flame.

This pedo snake just had to reveal my identity at this moment... The look of surprise everyone was showing didn't escape me either.

Well I coudn't really blame them. After all, my identity is extraordinary after all.

'Booooo~ I thought I could still play the weak little young master who needs the protection of the heroes… Sigh… Well as they say... All good things come to a strip club! Hmm, I might have butchered the saying a bit. But oh well~

Anywhooo~, What should I do about these rapscallions? I can simply strip them of their skills and 'dignity' *cough*, and be done with it.

But if I do that in front of so many people, I will prollllly get found out...

But the question is,

Will I care if people learn of my abilities? Not really.

But will my life be the same peaceful one again? The answer to that would be a hard no…

After all, people are afraid of the unknown.

I remember the poor dawg, Galileo dying, coz, the other dudes couldn't understand the concept of science. Damn, it took so long for those dudes to become cool. Tsk, tsk.

I mean there are written documents of so many incidents that the scaredy cat human race has killed off the other side because of their lack of understanding. Humans hate the unknown. And it's no different in the ninja world.

I mean, I can simply kill every one that comes after me… But after a while, they will live in fear of me, sigh. And it's not the fear of a strong ruler, no, instead I will prolly be treated as a danger to the whole humanity like Kaguya. A being that could not be understood was a threat after all.

And for some idiotic rule of nature. Everything wants to stay in balance. When one side of the board becomes too heavy, it will surely tilt over.

I might be lazy and a bit perverse, but I am not stupid enough to give everyone else a reason to band together and come after me in a witch hunt. I mean playing tag is fun, but not when the end result is being burned at the stake.

That's a no, no.

And at that time, none of my titles will get me out of that sticky situation. The world isn't strong enough to accept someone who can easily tip over it's balance of power.

Now thinking thus far, I can clearly appreciate the idiotic first hokage more.

Coz, if he didn't sell the tailed beast to the other great nations at that time, surely after his death, all the nations would band together to take over the Fire Country. Not saying they could win for sure, but the damage might have been irreparable.

Phooooooo~ So let's see what I can do about all this.' I thought super fast. And quickly glanced at my enemies and my allies.

I calculated the strength on both sides, and that made me frown a bit.

'Ichi, Fuzzy and Mei, they are strong enough to face the Lunatsuki, but only Guruguru might be able to fight with Yagura at his current state. Without a host capable of wood release, he isn't strong enough to take on a Jinchuriki yet.

Grrr… Lemme check the other idiots' stats.

[A/N: Will just show part of the stats of all the Akatsuki members, coz too much will be a mess and boring to read.]




Name: Orochimaru

Level: 74

Chakra: 364, 674


Name: Sasori

Level: 71

Chakra: 287, 511


Name: Hosigaki Kisame

Level: 81

Chakra: 1, 092, 652

[A/N: I still might be selling him short? :/]


Name: Deidara

Level: 58

[A/N: Deidara is only 14ish around this time, a new addition to Akatsuki.]

Chakra: 144, 671


Name: Biwa Juzo

Level: 60

Chakra: 167, 612


'Heh, well, weren't they impressive… I looked at the levels of my minions and a smile crept on my lips.

These idiots will be easy for me to take on alone with my normal skills and shit, but I think this will be a great opportunity for these 3 to break their limits. As a good boss, I should let my minions grow as well.

And a boss should only fight last, or it woudn't be fair to the commoners. Umu, umu!

But still they have more people. Tsk. Maybe I should just kill the noobs fast to make the numbers eve-

Oh crap! Why is he here so fast…' I got a bit annoyed as I was almost done planning the whole scenario out. But this fricker just had to come at that instant…

"Kisame… Juzo… No wonder… It all makes sense now…" Yagura stood on the hill top like a majestic midget and looked down on us all.

'So freaking annoying! Can't you see that this prince was trying to make a plan here? Why you bast-' My thoughts got interrupted once again by a more annoying hissing sound…

"Ssss. Ah~ Now I understand clearly. Seems like someone has been acting naughty, huh Kaneko Mitsu-kun? Ssss." The pedo snake said with a creepy grin.

'THE FRICK DO YOU UNDERSTAND?' I think I looked frustrated enough as the snake started explaining things that nobody asked him to.

And boy did I never expect this...

"You are a really cunning boy, Mitsu-kun. Huhuhu. We all have heard of your intellect from rumors, but seeing it with my own eyes, I am finally convinced. Ssss.

You have deployed such a devious plan.

*I was getting heavily annoyed at this point.*

First, you made a fake identity and used your servants to secure one of the most neglected islands as a symbol of your claim. Where you put that old servant of yours as the face of the organization, so it's more believable.

Then you contracted the Resistence force and probably made a deal with them to join your forces, but you were never going to give them authority. Ssss. No, a person like you wants all of it for himself.

So you made the plan to give Yagura a semi fake intel. Semi fake because somehow you knew about us coming to Rokko, which is a bit surprising, but knowing it's you, then I can accept that.

You used this opportunity to make Yagura send many of his guards to attack us, while it became a good opportunity for the rebels to attack him. Killing multiple birds with the same stone. Sssss.

*Orochimaru started clapping*

I think your plan was to make all of us fight and wound each other, and the best case scenario for it to end with all of us dead.

Then there would be no Yagura, no rebels, and none of us either.

What a perfect plan I must say. Ssssss. Kukukuku.

I bow to your cunning Mitsu-kun…."

I was petrified... 'How the hell he came to all these conclusions... But the plan seems incredible now that I hear it...'

The snake continued,

"And finally, you made sure to pick a spot for all the actors to gather, so the remaining ones can be at each other's throat. How marvelous. Ssss." He ended his fricking long speech with a smile and licking his lips with his snake tongue.

'What the frickidy frick bull crap is this low budget snake shit letting out? The whole thing sounds very cunning and all. But...

Damn, this makes me sound like a third rate villain. The rebels would not take this well... I need to salvage this...

And damn... Why do everyone misunderstands me so much... And here I thought my own plan was good... Booo~' I slightly glanced at my minions.

And as expected, Ichi had a look as if he just received enlightenment.

Fuzzy had the look of a proud mother, who was supposedly saying 'As expected of me.'.

Mei seemed… Err... Emotional.

As for Yagura… Eh, he was still staring at Kisame and Juzo? Does he have a screw lose? Oh yeah... Right...

Well whateves~ Now I needed to salvage this as much as possible. No way in hell would I be treated as a third rate villain...

I sighed lightly and let off my transformed hair.

As my light brown hair came into view under the morning sun, I could hear a few gasps from behind me.

Mei started glaring at me. Seeing my appearance, she had finally started believing the story of me being the prince. But I didn't put her to mind.

As I opened my mouth to say,

"You sure have quite the fantasy you snakey bastard.

The only reason I hid my identity was so that I could move without attracting too much attention.

And as for Yagura and the rebels.

I couldn't care less." I said calmly till this point.

Then my eyes started to glow in an ominous light, as I said,

"But I care about the civilians. And for the crimes you lot and Yagura have committed. I will be JUDGING YOU TODAY!!" As I was about to unleash a Jutsu, the snake and Yagura spoke at the same time.

"Sorry, my dear little prince, but I am here for Itachi-kun over there." He grinned creepily and lunged towards Ichi.

While Yagura roared and jumped towards the Kiri deserters as he shouted, "Get out of the way, I have traitors to kill."

"....." I was speechless.

After my passionate speech…

They have interrupted me time and time again today. Do I mean nothing here…

'Frickkkkkk~ I thought I looked uber cool saying those lines....'

Fuzzy, sensing my mood, wanted to say something, but Mei beat him to it.

"Kaneko Mitsu-sama… is what he said the truth?, Did you play us all?, Did the lives of everyone mean nothing to you?" Mei asked in a cold accusing tone.

I looked at the last two Akatsuki members, and seeing that they didn't make any move, I turned to Mei and replied,

"If you know about me even a little… you wouldn't ask that question. Anyway… It's not time to bicker among ourselves…" I replied coldly.

'We are here fighting against death and this bish is worried about a snake's words...' I sighed internally and decided to ignore her.

Then ordered everyone in a commanding tone.

"Everyone, make sure all the civilians are safe and far away from this area. This place will turn into a battlefield now…

As for Mei and Fuzzy, you two take care of these two baboons. I will go towards Yagura and the fish fools.

This whole farce shall end today."

"But Kaneko Mitsu-sama, taking on those three is sui-" Mei stopped half-way to her sentence as Fuzzy stopped her while shaking his head.

I looked at her with a frigid stare and said, "Just do what I tell you, woman… and don't any of you dare die."


Saying so, I disappeared with a flicker.




'What should I believe…


But the prince is right, it's much more believable to trust the prince than a known criminal. Not to mention two of our most notorious deserters are with him… This can very possibly a plot to make us fight among ourselves.

But what does he mean by going after those 3 monsters?

Yagura is a monster beyond comparison, while Kisame is nothing less then a tailed beast himself.

I need to stop this child.' As I thought, I tried to persuade the prince from taking such idiotic action.

Even if I didn't trust him fully, I still needed to keep him alive, or there will be huge consequences.

But before I could finish my warning, the prince's bodyguard Fuse-san stopped me while shaking his head.

Then the prince commanded me coldly.

I could only shiver hearing him. The authority that young child exuded was no joke.

He soon dissapeared and I couldn't help but worry. Even if he was a potential threat. I couldn't help but worry about a child facing so many adversaries. But my only option to get answers was the guard of the prince.

So, I looked at him questioningly, and to that he answered simply, "You have no idea what kind of a monster the young prince is…

Probably we should pray for those 3 instead…"

The guard seemed to think on some past memories. He seemed way to relaxed considering his master was on a suicide mission.

He tried to reassure me again, but I couldn't believe his words, because they were beyond absurd.

'How much of a monster can a 10 year old boy be?...'

But there was no time to ponder on it. As our enemies were right in front of us and they didn't look any less of a monster themselves...




We have been going at it for a few minutes, and I have to say…. All of these people are ridiculously strong…

My opponent was a young man with blonde hair, who kept making explosive clay to attack. I was matching well against him till he sent micro bombs through my blood vessels.

To which I could only thank God for having the Boil Release and Lava Release bloodline, which melted the cores before they could even permeate. But this made me raise my guard to another degree.

As young as the opponent was... He was dangerous...

I could see a huge frown on the boy's face, but I didn't give him any chances.

Even though it was a kid, I wasn't going to let my guard down again, fully knowing how dangerous he was. A wrong move, and he will probably blow me into pieces.

What a scary bloodline he possessed...

I realized that the kid has not yet perfected his Jutsu, so I decided to end this farce quickly.

I combined 3 Jutsus to end this.

<Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique>

<Hiding in Mist Technique>

As I quickly blended into the melting hot mist, I could see the boy panicking.

And as soon as I was close to him and was about to end it for good with my <Water Release: Dragon Bullet Jutsu>, I saw him smirking. That gave me goosebumps.

"Heh, you might be a bit pretty, but true beauty is art. AND ART IS AN EXPLO-" He was releasing abnormal amounts of chakra. And I could feel the danger from that stance.

I quickly tried to end him, but.

'Shit… I won't finish casting in time…'

But before he could finish his sentence and release his Jutsu, I saw a severely burned hand running through the boy's tanketsu point, stopping all his chakra flow in an instant.

[A/N: Yey, Mei armor. We can't kill a big boobied onee-san too early (or ever)]

It took me a bit to realize what happened, and I stopped my mist technique as fast as I could.

As the mist cleared, I could see a half burned figure of an one-eyed Byakugan user.

He struggled to look at up, but he did so arrogantly, as he said. "Heh, you think some upstart brat like you can touch Mei-sama?"

To that, I could only giggle lightly.



A few more minutes passed, and with the help of Ao, we managed to capture the explosion boy alive. I never got to ask for his name, so the explosion boy would have to do for the time being.

Ao was laying beside him as well. Half of his body was severely burnt and needed immediate medical attention. To which I grimaced because all the ninjas had evacuated this area. They had no place in a battle of this level after all.

Looks like I will have to take them back myself. I will let the others handle the fighting here.

I can't afford to lose Ao here. Not after everything wrong that happened. We need every capable man to rebuild the village…

And as I was about to pick Ao and the explosion boy up, I heard a great roar from the distance.

'Isn't that where Yagura and the rest went…' I lamented on the possibility of Yagura releasing his Tailed beast's power.

Then I remembered the destruction he caused in the village. This made me tremble in fear. I didn't want something similar to happen here. If that man lost control then that might be the end of us all.

I wasn't sure if we had enough strength to rein in that monster.


Another huge roar and my fear was turning into reality.

As I was staring at the direction horrified. Something even more terrifying took place.

*Tremble... Grrr*

The ground trembled as there was an earthquake. And then hundreds of trees started growing rapidly out of the ground as they converged into one point and bloomed towards the sky.

I couldn't believe my eyes…

"Was that…

Wood Release?"


[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people! The next chapters will work on the other battles and the combatants POVs, and finish with Mitsu's battle against the 3 fish freaks and POV.

And don't worry Mitsu will fight. A bit… And to those who might complain about him not taking on all of the enemies by himself. Umm… What's the point of having minions if he has to do all the dirty work… .-.

Also, I hope I explained the reason why he doesn't want to show his skill to take away skills and Jutsus. Because if it actually becomes known, and even though Mitsu won't really be bothered by the flies. It will just disrupt everything till he is pushed to become a villain, just because of fear of the unknown.

If you want to join the discord! The link: ht tps://discord .gg/RcZZjnKnwx ]

Almost 3k words. You guys can treat it as two chapters.

The season in this country has started changing and I might have caught the seasonal flu. Sigh! Dw I am still updating as much as I can.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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