
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
113 Chs


[A/N: This chapter has political importance to the story, keep the Hokage's personality and emotions in mind while reading!

Also the discord link: ht tps://discord .gg/XmXZNYVw.



Chapter 20: Incompetence!

Jutsu of the day:

<Turn into Politician no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Yours trully


In Daimyo's Mansion Courtyard



"Heh!… Death by his own sword, when he became senile and lost everything he wanted to get… A fitting death for someone like him. Won't you say, Fuzzy?"

I glanced at my loyal minion, who had his eyes peeled as he gawked at the fallen head of Danzo. He couldn't believe that the famous shadow of Konoha would die such a sorry death.

He had no grace as he died, he died while shivering and spouting nonsense...

When Fuzzy was about to answer. We heard someone flickering in.


"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS, MITSU-SAMA?" Shouted a clearly agitated Oldie. Well, I don't blame him, his lov- *Ahem* friend just died.

I glanced at the place he was fighting before. All the intruders have been apprehended. Well not like the ROOT, bozos actually had any ability to fight. I thought rolling my eyes.

"And what possibly do you mean Hokage-sama?" I asked with a smile.

The Hokage, who was emotional, said without thinking, "That was one of the elders of Konoha. How could you kill him?!!"

Suddenly the atmosphere changed. Well, I changed it. By releasing my pure x69 chakra in the air.

"I won't hold it against you, as you have just witnessed your friend's death. But do you know what your words indicate?"

There was no longer any childlike innocence on my voice. It turned into the frigid voice of an astute man.

[A/N: Mitsu's past life made him struggle, he was still a rational individual who could think before acting.]

Sarutobi shuddered a bit hearing me. But I didn't let him say anything.

"Only 4 minutes have passed, but because of your advanced age, let me refresh your memory." I insulted the oldie directly, but there wasn't anything he could do at the moment.

He was smart enough, to know that he needed to listen.

"Before anything else I am a Royal! And a man from Konoha just tried to commit a regicide…"

[A/N: Act of killing the king or any higher political members]

Oldie wanted to refute but I wanted everything to run on my pace.

"And now you say, it's an elder of the council? What should I make out of it? The whole council had hands on it? And judging by your behavior, I should guess it to be true?

So what are you trying to pull Sarutobi Hiruzen?

Does the Daimyo system mean nothing to you anymore? Are you trying to plan a usurpation with your oldie friends?" I said with a mocking chuckle.

"N-no, you are judging too quickly. It might have been something else for Dan-" Sarutobi realizing what all this could indicate tried to find an excuse for Danzo's attack.

And I was waiting for just that. "So… You are telling me… It's normal for an elder to attack a royal prince, just because he had a whim?




And believe me, Sarutobi Hiruzen, if I find something remotely acting against them or even you… You aren't going to hear the end of it!" I glared at the old man.

Standing behind me was Fuzzy and the Samurai dude. Both were ready to defend me if things went south.

As for me, I was relaxed. Sarutobi's "Pacifistic" nature is going to act in my favor right now. Thank SISSY for that!

If Danzo was the Hokage instead, he would have arrested me with some lame excuse, for sure.

"Sigh! I assure you, Mitsu-sama, that no such thing has happened, and as for Danzo.." I stopped him again. I can't let him think that Danzo was good for Konoha.

"As for your Danzo, he has almost committed regicide. Even if we aren't going that far. Just by breaking into my mansion, it gives me the right to retaliate as per our customs.

I hope you aren't suggesting,

I should let every offender threatening my life, go Scot free? And maybe play house with them? Sarutobi… Are you sure, you are a Kage?

Because from what I see, you are too emotionally unstable to even think properly. You are supporting a person who attacked a royal, in your presence... IN YOUR PRESENCE!!!

Are you suggesting that I should've DIED and let him do WHAT HE WANTED?"

"You could have apprehended him!" Sarutobi couldn't hold his emotions anymore.

"Are you serious? Apprehend someone who is a Kage level Ninja? Does it look like I have ramen for a brain?"

I think that answer should be enough for him. He knows better than anyone, killing a Kage is way easier than trapping them alive.

He was simply reluctant. He couldn't think of something to do as his emotions were in disarray.

I sensed someone approaching, and I smiled. Finally, someone I wanted to see.


"Hokage-sama, this is urgent, things will turn very chaotic if it's not stopped." Said a kneeling Shisui…

Sarutobi felt light-headed, but he knew I was right, if he is the Hokage he needs to be decisive.

"L-let's talk inside…" The oldie managed to say.

"I am coming as well! I need to know what else this village has made a mess off…" I said in a cold tone…


Inside the Mansion~

[Sarutobi Hiruzen]


My friend was killed just a few steps away from me… And I could do nothing about it.

Maybe I didn't want to help...

Because, I remember, my feet were not moving, when I saw the sword coming down. It was for a brief moment… But I believe it was my subconscious mind telling me… 'This needs to happen.'…

[A/N: Yah keep believing that!]

I already knew Danzo was doing some shady things.. But I didn't have the heart to confront him… The young prince might be right…

I have already sent Team Ro to investigate the ROOT headquarters. I hope they don't find anything that will make me hate my friend…

Well, not all of Team RO, it seems… Because, In front of me and the young prince now kneeled two Uchihas. Shisui of the Body flicker and Itachi of the Sharingan…

Two promising youths, who could become the future pillars of Konoha. Youths who should be keeping their heads high, as they protect the village they love.

But, now they are kneeling, because of what we adults have done…

I was a bit emotional, but I need to handle this. Danzo's death isn't as important as the whole of Konoha. But the young prince beat me to it,

"Report your findings one by one, Shisui you start. Itachi add after, if he misses any details. Now start!" Said the young Mitsu.

'Sigh! He is even more decisive than I am… Danzo's death has affected me too much. But I need to focus. I can't put the Village in any more danger!'

Then, the two Uchihas relayed everything that happened. And Shisui started crying when he said, "I am truly sorry! If only I had enough reserves and control…"

Even the ever Stoic Itachi had moisture in his eyes…

I knew what was good for the village. But if I had to give such an order, I might hate myself for the rest of my life.

And to ask the boys to do that would be cruelty beyond belief. But we need to kill the rebels of the Uchiha… There is no other way to protect the village.

But we know that, the clan wouldn't simply wait to be killed. And even the normal members might retaliate.

It will turn into another cycle of hate.

This could turn into a civil war… But we need to dispose of the dangers looming over the village...

I told the boys what I thought. And they were depressed as they heard my decision on the killing.

I looked at the prince who seemed unamused by my decision, and he asked Shisui,

"What is the limit of your eye?"

Shisui answered, "I can only use one eye a day at the moment… I don't have enough chakra to use it more than once…"

He then asked, "What are the limits of the elite Genjutsu specialists in the village? Can they put the leaders under a long Genjutsu?"

I shook my head, none of the Genjutsu can work on the Uchiha Elites… They have the eyes of Sharingan.

[A/N: I couldn't find any Genjutsu that lasted longer than Tsukuyomi, Inf. Tsu and koto are hacks so different matters. As for Genjutsu-sharingan. Its explanation is vague and can be taken as many things… sigh gaps]

Itachi answered, "We Uchiha have the <Genjutsu: Sharingan> Which can put people to sleep or under temporary unconsciousness. But it wouldn't work on the rebel leaders. But should work on Genin and civilians easily."

Mitsu started thinking about the matter. It seems he had a plan, but he couldn't fit one missing piece of the puzzle.

He said, "I had an idea of putting all the civilians and lower members of the clan, under a long Genjutsu. And then with everyone's help, kill only the rebel leaders, as there isn't enough time to wait for Shisui's recharge.

But for the weaker rebels, we can detain them in secret, then slowly make them see reason after taking care of the leaders.

But I doubt they will simply start acting good because Fugaku tells them to. And it's not like the village's views will change… The same mentality will keep revolving and now losing their leaders for some unknown reason, they will do more stupid things.."

Shisui and Itachi lowered their heads. Their bodies were shaking.

"Things can only be patched… If we find a way to absolve the Uchiha Clan while justifying the killing of the rebel leaders…

Maybe, finding a person to blame… A common villain perhaps!!...

A reason to turn the Uchiha or specific Uchihas into heroes instead of something of scorn. If only…"

I felt like the boy was doing this on purpose. It was as if he was buying time and giving hints.

And, just then~

A dog masked ANBU arrived and handed me some scrolls.

He was shaking. I was incredibly surprised to see him shake. This ANBU has faced death in the eye so many times that, it was unbelievable to see him shaking. Unless.....

'What could possibly be written in these scrolls?'

I looked at the prince who was looking at me, but I swear he seemed more relaxed than earlier. He gestured to me to open the scrolls.

And so I did.


The same time- In the room~

[Hatake Kakashi]

[A/N:In the canon Kakashi left the ANBU after the massacre happened.]


I salvaged everything I could from Danzo's headquarters and gave it to Hokage-sama. I was disgusted when I read the scrolls…

And now I am observing the pale and disturbed face of the Hokage…

"Sarutobi-sama, I hope you have no part in that man's actions…" I blurted out angrily.. I was enraged. I had so much pent-up anger that I couldn't keep calm.

'Everything… everything was his doing… My friends... my sensei... my fa-father...

How could a man… cause so many atrocities… But stay hidden.'

I was almost at a breaking point. But seeing Danzo's head earlier made it easier for me...

'I really hope the Hokage have nothing to do with this. But it's hard to believe the leader of the village had no idea... '

As my thoughts were depressing me, I saw the old man falling on a chair. The scroll fell off his hand.

"Danzoo why...." Only his weak whisper could be heard.

A young man then picked the scroll up and started reading.

It was... Mitsu-sama...

I was grateful to him and his men, for killing the fiend. But, I also regretted not being the one to kill Danzo.

I saw the prince's face staying calm. But it changed to disgust for a bit.

After he finished reading, he said,

"Heh! I thought something was fishy about one Shimura Danzo… But this is ridiculous.

I ask again Sarutobi Hiruzen,

ARE YOU REALLY THE HOKAGE?!" The prince said the last words enraged.

He had every right to be.

Those scrolls, recorded all the dealings and all the minutes of Danzo's shady meetings.

There were some letters to people, that can be pinned down as treason. Even a plan to make the next puppet Daimyo... The prince's elder brother.

Danzo has been getting away with so many atrocities that the Hokage's competence is...

There should be none…

The prince continued. "We needed a Scapegoat, but instead, we got the actual Pig… Here you go, Itachi read this part.."

He gave the scroll to Itachi, who nodded and started reading.

After a while his eyes changed in disbelief. His Sharingans were activated, they were redder than they ever were.


[A/N: Ahhh! This not a cliff hanger, as most of you know what is in the scroll! I just couldn't find a good place to end the chapter. But the next chapter will have some awesome black haired dude with a rubber band, kicking ass with his mind!! *GASP*

And also thank you for your continuous support, I got a purple gold author badge without even noticing *kekw~ And we are almost near the 50s wew. You guys are awesome!]

Next chapter will have another illustration!

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