
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
113 Chs

Did Ichi have a date with Kakashi?


Chapter 28: Did Ichi have a date with Kakashi?

Jutsu of the day:

<Lightning Release: Raikiri>

Courtesy of Ichi, the emo kid's older brother.


Near Shimogo, Land of Fire



'The man was dangerous.

He is clearly experienced and has lived through blood. I can feel it. The man gives off a dangerous air about him.'

At first, I was a bit afraid that the lads can't handle this opponent.

But Fuse and Itachi soon put my mind at ease. They both have grown stronger exponentially since I met them.

I still don't understand Fuse's declaration of receiving revelations. He keeps talking nonsense about being shown the true path and what not.

But the Uchiha boy trains hard every single day. He stated getting quicker and more precise. His ability to cast Genjutsu was superb, as he has found many different ways to make people fall under his techniques. They are unconventional to say the least.

He uses crows, his nails and even the rhythm of his breathing. Truly terrifying.

And the last time I fought with either of them… It was a hard fought battle.

'I have grown too old… I will soon be outshone by both of them…' I thought with a chuckle.

I then started observing the battle between Fuse and the intruder.

"Remarkable!" I muttered.

'Fuse has grown too fast. Yet, his physique and abilities don't clash. The lad was a prodigy through and through. I have no idea how Konoha, was blind enough to only think of him as an expendable Ninja…'

Then I noticed Fuse moving even faster, and he suddenly extended his Chakra blade.

It worked. And there was a deep cut on the back of the intruder. But Fuse didn't capitalize on the opportunity, he instead retreated to Itachi.

'Good, he must have noticed the irregular movement of chakra from the man.' I thought.

'Itachi is a great tactician. He has already opened his eyes and started analyzing the opponent.'


'If it is them fighting then I have nothing to fear.' I relaxed as I thought that.

But then I heard something from behind me.

"Damn dudeeee! It's really the zombie guyyy! Hehehe. Fuzzy and Ichi should be able to make this interesting! I was getting supaaa bored!"

"!!" I was surprised and alarmed.

This wasn't the first time the prince snuck up on me. But this truly was frightening....

Everyone in the Daimyo's Mansion was aware of Mitsu-Sama's strength now. But we were told not to disclose it outside.

I can't believe that in only three short years, he has learned to battle like a true master.

He has a peculiar style, he doesn't fight like a ninja nor a samurai. He calls it something else....

I still don't understand the term well but. It's fitting in a way.

[A/N: HALP FRIENDS!!! Give me ideas on what the new job class could be!! He will still be the prince ofc, but instead of Ninja, samurai or anything conventional, gimme some suggestions! Think along the lines of RPG games or MMORPGS! I do have something in my mind but I would love to hear your thoughts as well!.]

I looked at the prince and said, "Mitsu-sama, this is a battle zone. Let your guards take care of the enemy. You should sleep some more."

He simply looked at me with a pout, "Oh coooome ooooon! Look! Aki da Baki, this fight will be awesome. I mean, how many times do you see a guy with tentacles? Damn! This guy is living the dream of so many weeebos."

I sometimes don't understand the prince's speech. He always talks in that tone and uses these peculiar words when he is around people who are familiar with him.

It's troubling to observe. As at one moment, he is the perfect princely figure with impeccable etiquette and the next second he is…


I asked a bit awkwardly, "But Mitsu-Sama, that intruder is most likely after you. So it's safer for you to be inside.."

But he only looked at me with a smile.

He said slowly, "Say Aki, did you notice the robe that the intruder threw away? Doesn't it look weird? I believe it's some kind of uniform. So when Fuzzy and Ichi captures him. Make him spit out all the information.

I would love to know which idiot wanted to kidnap or kill me."

I simply nodded and started observing the fight again.

As the battle was progressing smoothly. I again heard Mitsu-Sama say something.

"Oh, boy! Where the hell did Ichi learn that Jutsu? Was he having secret dates with that masked dude?"

The prince was calmly looking at the battle, but his eyes looked at Itachi questioningly.

I didn't notice anything at first, but right then,

Fuse used his strongest containment, Jutsu,

<Earth Realse: Swamp of the Underworld>

The ground beneath the intruder turned into sticky mud. Grabbing hold of the intruder's legs.

But the intruder wasn't any average goon.

He stopped struggling and calmed down immediately. Then started using his hand tentacles to attack, while more tentacles started sprouting from his legs, trying to help him get free.

But right at that time, a murder of crows descended upon the area, as they started flying in a bizarre pattern while making rhythmic wing noises and caws That 'dance' slowed the perception of time for the onlookers.

I was entranced by the dance, for a moment. But I woke up quickly, due to my previous experience with the technique.

It was one of Itachi's Oculo-auditory Genjutsus. That slows down the perception of time for the victim.

I was impressed with the display and accuracy of the technique. But then I felt a nudge from my side.

I faced the prince who pointed at Itachi and asked, "Hey Aki da Baki, did Ichi meet with that Dog masked ANBU recently?"

I didn't know of young Itachi's personal affairs, so I shook my head and looked at Mitsu-Sama questioningly. I didn't fail to notice that, he was alright even though he was watching the crow dance.

He simply said, "Welp, that intruder will lose a heart… Sigh! I thought they were trying to contain him…"

[A/N: Sigh! Mitsu and his poor acting…]

I didn't know why Mitsu-Sama thought that, but I was soon brought to an understanding.

An enormous amount of lightning chakra was transforming on Itachi's hand as he shaped it like a wedge.

Fuse seemed to understand the implication and used another containment, Jutsu.

< Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique>

A technique that increases the gravity of one's target. A terrifying Jutsu if used correctly.

And as soon as the Jutsu was in place, the intruder felt a tug towards the ground. But he persevered with his bodily strength.

Then he started using Earth Nature Chakra to counter cast. He was trying to resist by reversing the gravity with earth chakra.

But Fuse didn't let him. As he kept flickering around keeping the intruder's eyes lodged on him. When suddenly,

A flash of Bluish White Lightning penetrated the intruder's chest.

As he heard, Itachi softly say.

"<Lightning Release: Raikiri>"

[A/N: Ugh, writing two novels with two different tones, is getting a bit mixed. But I am trying some simple fight scenes. Hope these are readable... maybe?]



Somewhere in The land of Rain,



A man with a white mask that had strange striped designs and only one eyehole, was staring at a pale skinned man.

The place was a laboratory of some sorts.

There were different medical supplies and various chemicals all around the room. It also came with an operation table.

A bit further into the room, there were cages… Filled with incapacitated men and women. It was a scene that might make most shudder, but the masked man didn't seem to care much about all this.

He kept staring at the pale man who was operating on his own hand.

The silence prevailed for some time.

But the unbearable eerie silence, was broken by the pale man first.


What do you want?

I have already told you… Danzo is dead… And there was no Sharingan harvest."

The man, who is now referred to as Madara, spoke calmly, "I know that quite well, Orochimaru. But just because Danzo failed. Doesn't mean we can't get our hands on the eyes.

Actaully, I think this is better. That man was too untrustworthy, he is better dead."

Orochimaru hissed. Then said with a frown,

"What do you want to do then? Create more inter conflict? It will take years to do something like that again.

And because of the meddling of the Daimyo's faction. The Uchihas are now heroes. They are no longer the bullies but the victims who suffered injustice!"

The masked man shook his head, "We don't need to create internal conflict. We simply need to leak some information to a few... Individuals, who might have interest on some of Konoha's progeny."

Orochi seemed interested.

He asked, "Who do you have in mind?"

Madara made a disgusting laugh as he said, "Does the information on the yellow flash's and the White fang's offspring, have enough leverage?"

Orochimaru thought for a bit, "They certainly can cause a conflict. But not anything close to a war.

Not even skirmishes.

At most the trade and relation between the nations will get worse. But the Daimyos and Nobles own the main trade and businesses. So that issue might get patched sooner or later too.

I don't see any point in this plan."

Madara shook his head and said, "The fence sitter won't act if he was alone. But what if Suna and Kumo both agree?"

Orochimaru gave a questioning look asking, "I can understand the fence sitter's hatred for Minato.

But the white fang's son doesn't have anywhere near the amount of hatred from Suna. As for Kumo? Unless it's a bloodline, they won't honestly act!"

Madara then said, "What you said is true. But what if the news about Kumo kidnapping the prodigious prince of Fire Country, who is renowned as a once in a hundred-year genius spreads?

And the problem was instigated by the Daimyo and Kumogakure? Will the land of Fire stay still?

If it was any other noble, there could have been compromises.

But this particular boy, has the support of a few Clans in Konoha. And his personal strength isn't low either…"

Orochimaru was alarmed and yet happy. He asked, "So has the deed been completed? Was the young prince captured?"

Madara replied with a Stoic voice, "I manipulated the Daimyo to contact the Raikage. Giving them information about the child having an unique bloodline, that lets him learn all Jutsus, just after seeing them once.

They wanted to send their own Ninjas, but I made sure they hire our organization for the job.

Not many know, but the Samurai, who protects the prince, is from an ancient Clan. A truly terrifying individual, who slayed Danzo.

After some 'negotiation' they hired Kakuzu and Mori. I believe they have another motive behind hiring this group. But that doesn't matter to us."

Orochimaru then flashed a creepy grin and said, "If it's Kakuzu then it should be an easy jobe.

I will start preparing on my side.

As to which information we should pass, and how we should manipulate the scene, I will leave it to you."

Madara nodded and said while disappearing from reality, "As soon as they capture the young prince. I will bring him here. Experiment all you want. There is something off about this boy…

And I want my hands on his secrets!"

Then silence descended over the room again.


[A/N: Hello, beautiful people! This is the first big change in the plot. And the canon can be said to have started resting in pieces. So please don't refer to the canon as much from now xD well only the personality of the canon characters as that's what I can't change without reason. But hope you will like this twist in the path that the old obi tobi is cooking up! So stay tuned for more.

The next chapter will have another illustration! Damn I just see the things I write in my head and want to draw it… sigh!

If you want to join the discord! The link: ht tps://discord .gg/RcZZjnKnwx ]

Boo booo booo.

The mixing of tones is real!!!!! I need to be careful!!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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