
Naruto : Raijin

Ken is your average 18 year old lost and unsure what to do with his life. He watches a lot of television and one of the show he watched was Naruto. He really thought nothing of it, great show to pass the time. What happens next shocked him to the core.

MorbidCuriosity · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

Water Jutsu

Tasumi Rai stood at the edge of a tranquil lake, the surface of the water glistening under the midday sun. Jounin Yuki had recommended that he learn a new element to complement his lightning affinity, and after much consideration, Tasumi had chosen water. With determination burning in his eyes, he focused on the water before him, ready to embark on a journey of mastering Suiton jutsu.

Suiton: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Clone Technique)

Tasumi took a deep breath, channeling his chakra into his hands as he formed the necessary hand seals. As he pressed his palms against the water's surface, he willed his chakra to transform the water into a tangible form. However, his first attempts were met with failure – the water dispersed, and he found himself gasping for breath.

Undeterred, Tasumi persisted. Day after day, he returned to the lakeside, practicing the jutsu tirelessly. Gradually, he learned to control the water's chakra, shaping it into a perfect replica of himself. The water clone stood before him, rippling and responsive. With a triumphant smile, he sent the clone to perform various movements and actions.

Suiton: Ukojizai no Jutsu (Water Release: Rain Tiger at Will Technique)

Creating rain proved to be a more challenging endeavor. Tasumi had to visualize the raindrops forming in the atmosphere, and then channel his chakra to coax the moisture from the air. His first attempts yielded only a few drops, but he persisted. Standing beneath the open sky, he closed his eyes and focused his chakra on a larger scale.

Then, one day, he felt a few raindrops on his skin. Opening his eyes, he saw droplets falling around him. With a sense of accomplishment, he realized that he had succeeded in conjuring rain. The falling drops extinguished a small flame he had lit as a test, and he couldn't help but grin at the potential tactical advantage this jutsu offered.

Suiton: Teppoudama (Water Release: Water Bullet)

Shaping water into bullets was more intricate than Tasumi had anticipated. Water's malleability required precise control to form it into cohesive projectiles. He spent hours perfecting the art of shaping water bullets, gradually learning to infuse them with a burst of chakra for additional impact.

As he launched a water bullet towards a makeshift target, he watched it hit with satisfying force. Tasumi knew that mastering this basic technique was a crucial step towards understanding the potential of water manipulation in combat.

D-Rank Water Jutsus

The subsequent weeks saw Tasumi tackle more advanced jutsu. He formed water into shurikens, experimenting with their trajectory. He practiced creating great volumes of water for the Daibakufu no Jutsu, sending powerful waves crashing against the shoreline.

And then came the Kirigakure no Jutsu. Tasumi's mastery over manipulating water allowed him to conjure a thick mist that enveloped the training ground. He moved silently within the mist, realizing its potential for stealth and confusion. His excitement was palpable as he discovered how the technique could grant him the upper hand in battles.

With each passing day, Tasumi's connection to water deepened, and his understanding of its nuances expanded. The once-tranquil lake had become his training ground, witness to his progress. As he looked out over the water, he felt a surge of pride – he had overcome challenges and learned to harness the power of water, paving the way for a future as a well-rounded ninja with both lightning and water affinities at his command. He chose these because- the potential of said jutsus was insane.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, sat in his office, eyes fixed on the intricate crystal ball placed on his desk. The ball was a rare and powerful scrying tool, one that allowed him to observe events happening throughout the village and its surroundings. His gaze was focused on a specific scene, his attention divided between admiration and concern.

Within the crystal ball's shimmering surface, he saw Tasumi Rai by the tranquil lakeside, a determined spark in his eyes. The young Genin's hands moved with precision, forming seals as he channeled his chakra into the water. With each attempt, Rai's control over the element grew, evident in the water clones he conjured and the rain he summoned.

Hiruzen couldn't help but be impressed by Rai's progress. The boy's dedication and resilience were shining through, as he tackled the challenges of learning a new element. Hiruzen had always believed in fostering a well-rounded skill set among his ninja, and seeing Rai expand his abilities filled him with a sense of pride.

However, his pride was tinged with worry. As the Third Hokage, Hiruzen was privy to the delicate political dynamics within the village. His gaze shifted from Rai's training to the shadows that loomed beyond the crystal ball's view. Danzo Shimura, a shinobi with ambitions and methods that often clashed with Hiruzen's own, was a constant source of concern.

Hiruzen knew that Danzo had his own vision for the village's future, one that prioritized security and stability even if it meant sacrificing certain freedoms. Their differing philosophies had led to tension, and Danzo's covert actions were a cause for constant vigilance.

As he watched Rai train, a flicker of unease crossed Hiruzen's features. Danzo was a shrewd manipulator, and his influence extended deep into the village's affairs. Rai's growth and potential hadn't gone unnoticed, and Hiruzen worried that Danzo might seek to exploit the young Genin's talents for his own agenda.

Hiruzen's gaze returned to Rai, who was now engrossed in practicing a water-based jutsu. The young ninja's determination was evident, and it reminded Hiruzen of the village's resilience as a whole. His duty as Hokage was to guide and protect his people, ensuring their safety while upholding the values that made the Hidden Leaf Village a beacon of hope.

The crystal ball continued to show Rai's progress, a testament to the village's spirit of growth and perseverance. Hiruzen knew that challenges lay ahead, both in Rai's training and in the larger village dynamics. With a sigh, he resolved to keep a watchful eye, to support Rai's development while remaining vigilant against any potential threats, especially those that might come from the shadows of Danzo's ambitions.