
Naruto : Raijin

Ken is your average 18 year old lost and unsure what to do with his life. He watches a lot of television and one of the show he watched was Naruto. He really thought nothing of it, great show to pass the time. What happens next shocked him to the core.

MorbidCuriosity · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

Mission (2/2)

The journey continued, the genin and the merchant caravan moving as one through the picturesque landscape. Laughter and camaraderie filled the air, weaving a tapestry of unity against the backdrop of nature's beauty. Yet, unbeknownst to them, the tranquility would soon be shattered, the illusion of safety stripped away.

As they approached a serene lake, Rai couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. The atmosphere shifted abruptly, transforming their carefree trek into an ominous scene. The air crackled with tension, and even the rustling leaves seemed to whisper of impending danger. Aya and Takeshi were equally attuned to the sudden change, their instincts on high alert.

Before they could react, figures emerged from the shadows – Cloud Village shinobi, adorned with their distinctive headbands. Kenta and Miko, names that would soon become etched in their memories. Rai immediately recognized the potential danger they posed. The enemies' confident smirks and calculated movements sent a chill down his spine.

Takeshi's brow furrowed, Kiba's growl echoing the rising tension. Aya's eyes narrowed, flames flickering to life at her fingertips. The genin's teamwork kicked in as they assessed their adversaries, their instincts guiding them in this unexpected confrontation. But even as they readied themselves, the Cloud Village shinobi's smirks only grew wider – they had underestimated the youthful appearance of Rai and his team.

Conveniently our sensei is nowhere to be found I'm guessing he assessed their prowess and wants to see how we fight against these nin.

Without wasting a moment, Aya's used fireball jutsu , casting an eerie glow over the battlefield. Takeshi and Kiba, attuned to Rai's cues, assumed a defensive stance, they were son in sync and began attacking. Rai's gaze remained locked on the Cloud shinobi, analyzing their every move, searching for the chakra patterns that accompanied their jutsu.

"Static Step," Rai thought, channeling static electricity into his steps. His foot landed on the slippery ground with unwavering traction. He darted aside, narrowly evading a lightning-fast strike from Kenta. The misty residue of his static step lingered on the ground, proof of his fleeting presence.

The battle erupted, a whirlwind of strikes, jutsu, and evasion. Rai's instincts guided him, analyzing his enemies' attacks and calculating his counterstrategies. He maneuvered with precision, registering every swiftness in Kenta's strikes and the precision of Miko's water manipulation.

As they clashed, Rai identified strengths and weaknesses, seeking openings to exploit. When Kenta lunged, Rai predicted his trajectory, sidestepping and countering with a swift roundhouse kick. Kenta's guard met Rai's fist, a surge of chakra imbued in his strike. The impact sent Kenta staggering back, a flicker of surprise in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Miko's water jutsu surged toward Rai. Rai molded water into a defensive barrier, the water colliding harmlessly with his shield. His analytical skills met Miko's gaze, sensing her frustration as Aya's flames cast an eerie illumination on the battlefield.

"Water Release: Water Bullet," "Rai thought, infusing his chakra into the water around him", forming his own condensed water bullets. With a deft flick of his hand, his water bullets intercepted Miko's, the two attacks canceling each other out in a burst of mist.

In the midst of the chaos, Rai's instincts guided his next move. Swift hand seals triggered a genjutsu, an illusion that twisted his enemies' perceptions. Miko stumbled, her movements disjointed. Rai seized the opportunity, launching a swift kick that sent her reeling. Though the genjutsu's effects waned, the damage had been done – Miko's rhythm was disrupted.

Regrouping, Kenta and Miko recalibrated their strategy, their arrogance replaced by determination. Rai's instincts honed in on the shift, analyzing their intentions. Kenta's fiery jutsu merged with Miko's water manipulation, a potentially deadly fusion. Rai's mind raced, evaluating his options. Swift hand seals followed, infusing his chakra with lightning nature.

"Lightning Ball!" Rai thought, focusing his chakra through his fingertips. As Kenta's fire and Miko's water converged, Rai's lightning jutsu was unleashed, a dazzling bolt dispersing the opposing elements in a burst of steam.

The battlefield simmered with tension as genin and Cloud shinobi engaged in an intense clash. Rai carefully managed his chakra reserves, balancing power and control. Aya and Takeshi fought valiantly, determination etched on their faces even as their bodies bore the strain. Rai observed their efforts, his instincts a shield of protection for his teammates.

The battle's intensity brought Rai face-to-face with Kenta, a confrontation he had anticipated. Kenta's skill was formidable, each strike precise and measured. Rai scrutinized Kenta's stance, movements, and rhythm, enabling him to react with calculated precision. The flurry of blows exchanged between them echoed a deadly dance, each move executed with intent.

In his arrogance, Kenta had underestimated Rai, assuming youth equated to weakness. But Rai saw through the facade, detecting the falter in Kenta's confidence. The battle wore on, Rai's skills adapting seamlessly to the shifting dynamics, his instincts a guiding compass.

Amidst the chaos, Rai wove intricate hand seals, harnessing his lightning jutsu to surge through his chakra-infused fists. A calculated strike followed, a surge of power behind his punch. Kenta's defenses cracked, his overconfidence proving to be his downfall. Rai noted the shock that flickered in Kenta's eyes as he was incapacitated, the battle's outcome tilting in Rai's favor.

As Rai's grip tightened on victory, a surprise attack from behind disrupted his focus. The world twisted as his senses clouded by the unexpected assault.

"They attacked while I was celebrating, knowing my defenses were down," Rai thought, the shock of the ambush still reverberating. "I was injured – a gash on my back. If my attacker were any stronger, my life would have ended here."

Unbeknownst to Rai, as the ambusher swooped in intending on ending Rai's life with their kunai, his latent abilities responded. Yang energy surged within him, instinctively harnessed. This energy flowed through Rai's fist as he turned to face his unseen assailant. The sudden surge of yang energy lashed out, its nature clashing with the kunai that had enveloped him.

The assailant recoiled, a surprised yelp escaping their lips. The clash between yang energy and the ambush's malevolence created a momentary rift, allowing Rai's mind a glimpse of clarity. It was a brief respite, but in that fleeting moment, Rai's tactical mind devised a plan.

Before he could implement that plan, the assailant escaped, to the east towards Tanzaku village and Rai was definitely not chasing after whoever that was. H was severely inured He looked to see what had happened to Miko. Aya and Takeshi had taken care of her; the man Kenta was definitely a Chunin, and Miko just under him.

Why did they attack us so openly what was their plan. Rai fatigued thought.

Gasping for breath, Rai stood victorious. He relished in it before he collapsed.

[A/N: Rai subconsciously used yang release. How do you guys like it? Also, the reason why Aya and Takeshi's abilities are vague is because this team won't last much longer. I can't be bothered to write them. I have much in store for this story.]

Rai and his team didnt know miko and kenta names yet its just easier to write them. tho they will find out when yuki reads their minds.

MorbidCuriositycreators' thoughts