
Naruto: Overlord of Gamers: Book 2 (Dark Alliance Arc) By: YinShadow

Book 2 of the Overlord of Gamers Saga PS->Copy from By: YinShadow on Fanficti*n.net fanficti*n.net/s/12711289/1/Naruto-Overlord-of-Gamers-Book-2-Dark-Alliance-Arc If you like, follow his work on the site above

NibaS · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Chapter 6: The Trial of Abe of Oddworld

44-56 minutos

Overlord of Konoha: Naruto's evil game

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Overlord or the following tales that are shown in this tale.

A/N: Rest assured this is NOT a rewrite of the Maelstrom Overlord, this crossover has a totally different plot.

Second A/N: Co-written by Chaossonic1

Chapter 6

Gates of Hell

Naruto and his party (excluding Noire) returned to the Gates of Hell after a successful guest at the Gulag in the Halflings domain of the Land of Hills. Naruto has gotten himself an addition of his army: the Sligs, who are also joining in the celebrations, but they are celebrating their new freedom and their new employment with the Overlord. Those green tendril mouthed thugs are drowning their sorrows in the finest booze Rodin has to offer, even the Uruk grog is satisfying to those strange creatures, must've been the fact they adapted in polluted industrial areas that helped them gain an immunity to the Grog's caustic volatile substance.

Seeing his own establishment booming in business is satisfying to see, especially when they brought in money to spend for products to consume. Rodin chuckles while he continues watching his patrons enjoy themselves, even Naruto is slightly enjoying his small victory of his quest. But the young Darkborne is leaning on the counter and staring blackly at it.

"I must say it's great to have customers again in this establishment, the Gamers around here are too scared ever since the CJ grew in power," said Rodin to Naruto "And as promised, the other Share Crystal is yours."

Share Crystal Obtained

Quest Complete

Sega Goddess Crusade

Add Neptune in Party

Find 2 Share crystals (2/2)

Get Pudding (1/1)

Winning Conditions: Shopping at Gates of Hell and White Bell unlocked

"Also, I am happy to allow you to purchase my wares in the Gates of Hell, and I'm obliged to give you this too. It's one of a kind, so don't lose it." Said Rodin.

White Bell Obtained

"Yeah" mumbled Naruto causally taking the crystal and the White Bell. "Thanks, man"

"Hey, normally people would be thrilled to shop here, something the matter?" said Rodin

"Do you ever ask yourself "Am I truly evil?", Rodin?" said Naruto

"Not really, I know I am" said Rodin "Look at me, I'm a badass, demon capitalist who owns an underground establishment who sells items are illegal to the CJ. Why, are you having doubts now?"

"No, it's not that" said Naruto

"Then what?" said Rodin

"It's the fact that the Hearts have…Heroes as their Champions" said Naruto snarling at the name.

"Ah, you met Spyro and Crash, huh" said Rodin

"And that Blue Hedgehog, Sonic if I remember" said Naruto "Not to mention that the member of the CJ was Noire's former champion that troubles me."

"So, you're disturbed that they have Gamer heroes as Champions, huh?" said Rodin "Meh, I wouldn't worry, despite the title they hold, they won't betray you and neither will the Hearts."

"You sure about that?" said Naruto

"As Champion of Yami, you have full authority on them and full protection by the Goddess herself." Said Rodin "Even your Title as Overlord has pure meaning in this hierarchy."

"But it still bothers me, why would they have heroes as their Champions?" said Naruto

"Why not ask one of them, surely they have their reasons." Said Rodin as he gestured Neptune conversing with Anko. "I'll prepare a room for you two to speak in private."

"Thanks" said Naruto before he leaves the counter and approaches Neptune.

Neptune as reverted from her Purple Heart form, since she doesn't need to use it for a while are completing the Quest. She is enjoying a nice cup of pudding while conversing with Anko, who is enjoying a plate of sweet Dango. They joked and laughed, enjoying their company in the end. Anko is happy to he treated like a normal person for a change, without people sneering and silently jeering at her, and even talk to a person with any hostility whatsoever.

"I must admit, it's been delightful to talk like this, Neptune-san" said Anko, showing respect to the Purple Heart.

"And I'm glad to see your other side, I was worried that you would be weird and creep me out." Said Neptune

"What, me?" said Anko "Nah, just because I was artificially made into a Player by that creep Orochimaru, doesn't change who I really am. But I do love scaring the living shit out of people, though."

Neptune and Anko laughs at this until Naruto approaches them. Anko noticed and welcomed him.

"Hey kid, like to join us?" said Anko "There is room for one more."

"Actually, I want to talk to Neptune in private" said Naruto "There's something I need to ask her."

"Oh?" said Anko curiously at Naruto's purpose for the purple heart. But she shrugs at it and resumes with her Dango. "Sure, go on."

"Thanks" said Naruto as Neptune stands up and the leave together.

Private room

The Private rooms are one of the sections of the Gates of Hell for Rental for certain groups too use for their own events and parties, but the rental must be booked before used because the décor of the private room is breathtaking. Rodin is happy to allow Naruto use one of the private rooms to talk to Neptune in private.

Neptune is confused at this, but the thought of being alone with Naruto made her blush.

"So, what's wrong, Naruto-kun?" said Neptune

Naruto sighed at this when his back is turned, he is mentally debating if this is a good idea. What if asking this question will become more awkward and affect his relationship with not just the Neptune but with the other Hearts, including the ones yet to meet. Jūbi reassured him, he can mentally feel her cuddling him within the mindscape.

"It's ok, you deserve to know" said Jūbi

Naruto took a deep breath and turns to Neptune.

"Neptune, I want to ask you something that's disturbing me for quite some time." Said Naruto averting his eyes. "It's the matter of the champions representing you and Noire. I noticed that they are…Heroes."

Neptune noticed and sighed, so this is what's all about.

"I see, you want to know why the Hearts of the Dark Goddess, who are technically evil also, chose the likes of Heroes to be our Champions?" said Neptune while she turns into Purple Heart. "It maybe a bit of a shock to you, but Heroes aren't as different that us as you expect"

Naruto raise his brow at this, he is not sure what Purple Heart meant by that.

"I don't understand" said Naruto

"Tell me something, before you became a Gamer and Overlord, you wanted to become Hokage, correct?" said Purple

"H-Hai" said Naruto hesitantly at the question.

"And we all know that Hokages were considered Heroes in Konoha, but why did you want to become Hokage?" asked Purple Heart

"What's that question got to do with anything"

"Please answer it, and I'll explain" said Purple Heart "Why did you want to become Hokage?"

Why? Why did Naruto want to become Hokage? If he was following the path of a hero, he would say to protect Konoha, but he would be lying to himself. So why did he want to become Hokage, what did the Hokage have that he hasn't…then it hit him.

"Wanted to be loved, respected, but most of all I wanted to show I am NOT a demon" said Naruto simply.

"There you go, now do you see?" said Purple Heart "The Heroes only become heroes to benefit their personal goals. Be it Fame, Glory, Winning a Princess's Heart, or even revenge. These are goals of ambitious, selfish men who believe they're in a fairy tale and live happily ever after, not caring what happens to those in the back ground."

Naruto still confused at this while Purple Heart continues.

"If Heroes are what you said to believe, then how come one side only sees them as a Hero while one as a villain? Heroism is one-sided, not everyone sees him as Heroes but selfish beings only seeking for Fame, Wealth and Glory."

"I'm still…finding this hard to believe." Said Naruto

"I know" said Purple until she decides to pull him into a comforting embrace. "It maybe a cruel truth about Heroes, but you're not a hero so it wouldn't affect you."

"No…it doesn't" said Naruto feeling a little bit better. "Still bugs me though"

"I know, but just because they are branded as Heroes in their realm, doesn't mean they are automatically your enemy." Said Purple Heart "Most heroes are easily corruptible, after all the good have no idea how close to evil they really are."

Naruto chuckles at this.

"So, in a way, evil is like Gravity" said Naruto "all it takes is a little push"

"Precisely and note in the back of every champion's head they know that they are just as bad as the villains that they fight against that is why they fight for us." said Purple before reverting as Neptune but still hugging Naruto. "Is there something else to talk about?"

"Yes, when is Noire coming back?" said Naruto

"Not for a while, if she's out this long then it means that Yami-sama needs her" said Neptune "Probably for some trial against that idiot Abe or something"

"huh?" said Naruto

"Nothing, don't worry about it. Just boring Goddess stuff" said Neptune while she releases the Overlord. "Come, let's resume the celebrations"

"Sure" said Naruto as he and Neptune leave the private room and joins in with the celebrations.

Yami's Realm

The Trial of Abe of Oddworld has begin, the defendant in question stands between the Dark Goddess Yami as the court's Judge, Noire as Yami interpreter. Acting as Abe's defense are the Steef Bounty Hunter known as Stranger and Oddworld's creator known as Legendary Limitless Luscious Lorne Lanning.

The blue Mudokon Gamer is getting nervous…no, terrified as he is in the presence of the Dark Goddess herself, even the form she is currently in would bring chills to your spine, an ominous orb of dark stone with glowing tribal style veins all around, glowing in blood red as if it represents its emotions. Noire the Black Heart is mentally linked to Yami, feeling the emotions of her mistress, if terrifies who what she thought of the defendant and prays that the Dark Goddess is willing to be merciful to him for his treachery.

"So be it, Stanger and Lorne Lanning will represent the defense in court" said Noire as the realm shifted and took form of a courtroom but comprised with 8 booths. One for the judge, 4 for the Jury, 1 for the witness, 1 for the defense and 1 for the prosecution. presenting the Jury."

The Jury spectators suddenly arrive, comprised with a few of well-known Gamers from various realms outside the shinobi nation and even Oddworld.

"Champions of the Black Heart: Crash Bandicoot of Wumpa Islands, and Spyro the Dragon of Artisan World"

Crash Bandicoot arrived through a golden glow and Spyro the Dragon exited a portal that suddenly appeared and flew out from. The Champions of the Black Heart nod at each other and took their seats at the booth with a Black Heart engraved on it.

"Champions of the White Heart: The Mario Bros. of the Mushroom Kingdom"

The Mario Bros emerge from the Realm through a huge green pipe. They jump out and landed…fell Mario did as Luigi lost his footing and tripped clumsily. Mario helped his brother up on his feet and they head to the booth with the White Heart engraved on it.

"Champion of the Purple Heart: Sonic the Hedgehog of Mobius"

The giant gold ring appears, and Sonic the Hedgehog exits it with a half-eaten Chili Dog in his gloved hand. He is rather ticked off but finished his interrupted snack and heads to the Booth with the Purple Heart engraved, crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently.

"Champion of the Green Heart: Commander John 117 of the UNSC Navy, A.K.A Master Chief"

A tall man in forest green space armor along with helmet with a yellow one-way visor arrives through teleportation. He said nothing and walks to the last Jury booth, which has the Green Heart engraved on.

"Presenting as Prosecution and representing the Magog Cartel…can't believe this is happening…Lulu of Lulu Funds."

Suddenly a Glukkon Pud named Lulu appeared on the Prosecutor's booth, confused and disoriented at where he is, then he saw Abe and starts freaking out.


Suddenly Yami tremored violently, causing Noire to slam her fist and shouts.

"BE SILENT, MAGOG FOOL! You are here to act as prosecution for the Defendant, also you are punished as a Player and you must do your duty as one." Said Noire angrily, not only reflecting Yami's rage but her own, too. She hates the Magog Cartel and holds them responsible for Abe's treachery and being on Trial, but she knows that her personal opinions mean nothing as there are rules in the Gamer community. "You must persuade the Jury that the defendant is guilty, but also make the Judge have the final say. If you succeed, you will be compensated with a generous offer of 3 million Moolah, reinstating your GlockStar status in the Magog Hierarchy. If you fail, you will be erased from existence. But personally, I wish you would get the latter. Do you understand."

"*Gulp* Yes" said Lulu nervously as he is in a life and death situation, there is going to be an execution after the trial, be it Abe's or his own. Such as the fate of Players.

Unlike Gamers, Players are forced to play the cruel games orchestrated by the Goddess Yami, the Hearts or the Champions. But there are methods of creating Players but was lost when the Censored Justice raided the 5 great cities of Planeptune, Lastation, Lowee, Leanbox and Tari.

"Good, now Presenting the Judge of the Trial." Said Noire before she widens her eyes when Yami decided who will be this Judge of the Trial. "A-Acting as Judge, and representing Yami-sama herself. Her Champion, the Overlord himself, Naruto Uzumaki."

Suddenly Naruto appeared, he was currently enjoying a pint of Nuka cola when he noticed that he wasn't at the Gates of Hell anymore. He was about to react by drawing out his Saw Cleaver when he felt a flow of energy calming him down and released his hold on his weapon. Even the Jūbi is acting docile by the flow of energy.

What is the feeling? Thought Naruto until he turns around to see Yami hovering above him, she pulses calmly at Naruto. Naruto couldn't help but stare with awe at the giant stone orb of evil. Could this be Yami, the Goddess?

Suddenly Naruto starts hearing a voice, a whisper yet nearly inaudible, but he can still hear it speak to him. Instantly he knows that Yami is speaking to him, he nods at Yami and turns to face the court.

"Court is now in session, Judge Naruto presenting"

"The Defense is ready, your honor" said Lorne Lanning

"Duh, the Prosecution is ready, your honor" said Lulu

"Hai" said Naruto before he turns to the defendant. "Abe of Oddworld, you are charged for the crimes of treason, collaborating with the enemy known as the Censored Justice. How do you plead?"

Abe is hesitant to say, he turns to Noire who is worried for him, then at Lorne Lanning who nods at him.

"Not-Guilty, your honor" said Abe "I have my reasons for collaborating with the CJ."


Everyone turns to Lulu, who reacted out of instant and desperation for getting the defendant the verdict he must get.

"Now, I may not be a Gamer, but I know that treason is an inexcusable offense" said Lulu

"True, but I will overrule that objection" said Naruto frowning at Lulu "And let me give you some friendly advice, choose your objections wisely, because you'll get a certain limit and you'll be penalized for time wasting, understand?"

"Y-Yeah" said Lulu

Naruto turns to Abe.

"If you have a reason for your crimes, then explain it to us through a testimony" said Naruto

"Of course," said Abe as he stands up from his booth and starts confessing in his testimony.

"After the years of liberating my brothers from the Magog Cartel, the result remains unchanged as more of my brothers, including the unborn eggs are enslaved as our mother is still in captive in their main facilities.

I needed a game changer, I tried to convince the tribal chiefs to band together and form an army against the Cartel. I have the power to obliterate them but only under certain conditions and that's not good enough. All I have is my ability to possessing, but it's not enough, I can use my communicating skills to lead my warriors, but that too isn't enough. I needed an army, allies and stronger weapons to destroy the Cartel for good, but they refused, saying that a war isn't the answer.

I was angry at them, foolishly thinking they can live in peace while the Magog Cartel continues to enslave us, destroy the environment and eco-system, and use their foul products to exploit and manipulate us."

"Thank you, Abe" said Naruto before turning to the Defense Booth. "Lanning-san, you may start the cross examination."

"Of course," said Lorne as he leaves the booth and begins his Cross-examination of the Defendant's testimony. He goes through it and check for any contradictions before questioning it. "Ok, I'm ready."

Proceed" said Naruto

Lorne Lanning nods and turns to Abe.

"Abe, you said that the years of liberating your brothers didn't change a thing, care to explain it?" said Lorne

"Exactly what I meant, Rupture Farms, Necrum Mines, FeeCo Depot, even SoulStorm, but that hardly left a dent on the Magog, even when they are allied with the Vykkers." Said Abe "And when I was on another quest to save my unborn brothers from being a new product called "Labor Eggs", I had to team up with the last Gabbit named Munch."

"Yet your saved them, correct?" said Lorne

"But the more I save them, the more I turn to realize that I was only belaying the inevitable. Being a Hero is futile, so I have to take drastic measures."

"Such as collaborating with the Censored Justice" said Lorne, feeling a bit disappointed.

"Yes" said Abe

The Jury murmurs at this, Lulu is starting to feel relieved that Abe might be irredeemable, and victory is getting close to this pathetic Glukkon.

"Heroism, it can be glorious at first, but the burden of responsibility can be trifling for one person to handle." Said Lorne Lanning as he starts speaking to the jury. "And everyone is grateful for it, not everyone would understand the sacrifices a Hero must make. I will like put Stranger on the stand, if you permit me, your honor.


"You're Honor, this is a waste of time. The Steef is was not a witness of the crimes the traitor committed, he was only there to take him back to Oddworld, undoubtedly collecting a bounty." Said Lulu

"I only took the bounty as an opportunity to bring Abe home" sad Stranger

"I will allow this, please continue" said Naruto

"Thank you, may Stranger please present yourself." Said Lorne Lanning while the Steef Bounty Hunter heads to the witness stand. "Tell me, Stranger, what is your profession?"

"Bounty Hunter" said Stranger

"And were you praised for your profession?" said Lorne Lanning

"Most of the time, but you know them Clakkers, they only cares about themselves" said Strangers "Like any other industrial-class race in Oddworld."

"Most of the time, as you see my point." Said Lorne Lanning "Only a certain number praise Stranger as a hero when he brought those outlaws in the Western Mudos to justice. But the burden got tough, right?"

"Damn straight, when I was exposed as a Steef, them Clakkers got all hostile like and started chasin' me out of town. Callin' me a beast because I'm all different like, and my responsibility as a…hero changed, when I was tasked to take down Sekto's Mongo Spring Dam, but it cost me a fellow Steef which Sekto used as a vessel and leaving me as the only one of my kind. So, I resumed as a bounty hunter, just to make a living, while my first intention is to make enough to hide my true self for survival."

"Thank you, Stranger, you may sit down" said Lorne Lanning "Now tell me this, has any of you suffered the burden of heroism that you wanted to end it for good?"

The jury started to murmur at this of mixed thoughts. Mario stood up and called out.

"Do you have any idea how many times I have to save a damsel in distress from a rampaging beast, be it a gorilla or a Koopa King?" said Mario

"Sure, the adventures were fun, but chasing after an egg bellied scientist who kidnaps small animal and turning into robots sure does get tiring" said Sonic "especially when you have constant rivals challenging me all the time, such as Knuckles, Metal Sonic, Shadow, Jet the Hawk, the list goes on."

"Uh huh, uh huh!" exclaims Crash resting his head on his fist as he was remembering the troublesome quests to stop Neo Cortex, resulting in braving through dangerous wilds, running away from vicious Polar bears, boulders and triceratops. It even cost him his relationship of his ex-girlfriend Tawna bandicoot and must hang out with his brainy little sister Coco who asked him to get her a new laptop battery and disrupting his nap. Poor Crash sighs at this and starts playing with his Yo-Yo.

"As you can see, the responsibility caused poor Abe to become desperate and result in the unthinkable, so he can end his too long crusade of playing the hero." Said Lorne Lanning "I was only kind enough to give him 3 tales of his heroism and let someone else pass on the torch, but fate was cruel and it pressured Abe. So, Abe's act of treason is only a cry for help, not a sign of hatred of his fellow Gamers. I rest my case."

Lorne Lanning sits down on his booth, Naruto is in deep thought of what Lorne Lanning said, but it wouldn't be a fair trial without the prosecution.

"Will the Prosecutor please begin the cross-examination?" Said Naruto "And be quick about it."

"Sure…" said Lulu as he shuffles his feet towards Abe, this is literally the first time they get close in the same room, last time Abe was up on the rafters of the Vykker's Lab auction room posses Lulu in buying the Gabbiar for Munch. "Abe, you call yourself a hero, yet you manipulated me in being rich, which I must admit a first was awesome since I never thought my false charity wouldn't work, but then used me as a puppet and left me in the gutter. That's unheroic-like."

"Objection!" exclaimed Lorne "You're honor, the prosecutor's statement is irrelevant to the case, he is clearly ranting about the misfortunes of his lost finance."

"On the contrary, my misfortune is relevant," said Lulu "You clearly stated earlier that Abe was a Hero and his actions were a burden and weighing him with responsibility and all that. But I beg to differ, the Magog Cartel are industrialist and the industry is the next step of life to a modern society. Those so called "Slaves" that Abe and the others blabbed about are actually volunteers and hired help."

"Only because you influenced them with addictive produce that brainwashed them!" exclaimed Abe angrily

Naruto hammered his gavel to silence him.

"Abe, please be silent or I'll hold you in contempt." Warned Naruto

"Do let that Gluk get to you Abe, it's exactly what he wants" Lorne whispered in Abe ear. "Please trust in me, I have a plan."

"Continue, Prosecutor." Said Naruto

"Now then…err…where was I? Ah yes, ahem, sure we made the products addictive, but we ensured that they are safe for consumption and to buy, which is why we partnered with the Vykkers, they develop the produce and we provide the marketing. There is nothing evil about forming businesses. We were only making a living, a living which you robbed from us and now threatening to eliminate through war. A war the last thing we wanted, it's bad for business."

Lulu then turns to the jury

"Now ask me this, has there been anyone you thought was evil just because how the way they look and who they run things? Quick to judge and never stop to ask of their purpose."

Abe wanted to react, stating his witness of Molluck's plan of New and Tasty, but heeded Lorne's advice and remained silent, using the stitches on his lips as they were there for. He watches the Jury murmurs at this, debating about Lulu's statement.

"Now that you mentioned it, Eggman didn't actually harmed the animals when he placed them in the robots. Probably protecting from Mobius's harsh environment, or something." Said Sonic "And Shadow was cleared misunderstood due to amnesia when he first thought his old friend died when she was already dying."

"I disagree, Gnasty Gnorc stole the gems to magically create an army and turned all my kind into stone just because one of them was simply stating how cruel and evil he was." Said Spyro "And don't get me started on Ripto! Man, he was a mean short bastard, and that old fat bitch Sorceress stealing our dragon eggs to harvest our babies' wings for some spell. But…there was Moneybag, and he was only trying to earn a few gems."

"Uh huh" said Crash as Neo Cortex's purpose was truly evil, especially when teamed up by an evil spirit in a dark mask, a cyborg scientist with an unset nuke on his head and a madman who invented a time machine. Neo basically kidnapped animals and experimented on them so he would create an army for world domination.

"I may a mixed thought this, sure Bowser wanted to rule the Mushroom Kingdom, but I have a rival who did one time stole my own castle but decided to become a treasure hunter and started owning his own mini-game business in Diamond City." Said Mario

"And don't forget Waluigi, he just wanted to play sports and compete in party events." Said Luigi

"What about you, Master Chief?" said Sonic to John-117

"No comment" said Master Chief

Lulu is happy what the jury does somewhat agree to his statement, he only hopes it would be enough to convince them to declare Abe guilty. Then Lorne Lanning suddenly stands up and calls to the judge.

"Your honor, with permission, I would like to call out another witness" said Lorne

"I object to this" said Lulu complaining

"Objection overruled" said Naruto whacking the gavel. "You may proceed, Defense"

"Thank, I call out…the Black Heart herself" said Lorne, causing the jury to gasp and murmur at this. What is Lorne Lanning planning? Noire was shocked at this but she trusted Lorne as she knows he is doing, so she heads to the witness booth while Lorne cross-exam her. "Tell me, when you made Abe your champion before Crash and Spyro, where you are witnessing his action?"

"I was" said Noire

"That means you were around when the Magog was plotting their new get rich schemes" said Lorne

"Objection! Your honor, this is an unnecessary biased statement of my Cartel!" said Lulu "Completely irrelevant to the case."

"Sustained, please choose your words carefully" said Naruto with a minor warning to the defense.

"My apologies" said Lorne "As I was saying, were you around when the Magog…organized their next products."

"I was" Noire

"And with your own words, please tell everyone in this room about what you witnessed" said Lorne

"Objection, what is this got to do with defendant's treachery?" said Lulu

"To show solid proof of why he committed treason" said Lorne

"That will only prove his guilt…you know what, go ahead." Said Lulu when he thought of what Lorne said and thought he could use it to his advantage. "You're honor, I would like to take back my objection."

"Fair enough," said Naruto before turning to Lorne "Please proceed."

"Thank you" said Lorne while smirking inwardly Foolish Gluk. "Noire, as you please."

"OK" said Noire

The Black Heart explained everything to the court, Naruto listened carefully as he also wants to know why she chose Abe as her Champion…and truth on why she hated the Magog Cartel

"The Magog Cartel are the guiltiest than Abe's actions combined, treachery is one thing but stealing from Yami-sama and her hearts is a serious irredeemable offense which will no be tolerated." Said Noire darkly as she glares daggers at Lulu, causing the Glukkon to piss himself and shiver in fear.

"And what did the Magog Cartel steal?" said Naruto

"Knowledge…knowledge of our technology specifically from Lastation, MY COUNTRY and they they cannibalized it in their twisted fashion, all the structures, the tool, the weapons and vehicles, each branded on their sign all for what to make themselves feel superior when Lorne and I chose them as one of the chosen superior races. Yami-sama is erect with rage, so am I even more so then Yami-sama has right now." said Noire darkly, her wrath has no bounds and the Murderous Intent pollutes the area, causing everyone to feel uneasy and nervous…well, not all are effected mind you. "I want them dead, no obliterated, destroyed, everything they did to insult us and commit such heresy fills me with rage that I wanted someone to do us great justice…which is why I chose Abe to do the deed, I can sense hatred, I could feel the unkindled rage that it rivaled my own like a brother would to which I gave him the power as a Gamer to grant him the power which help him destroy the Magog Cartel."

"So that it, huh?" said Naruto clearly understanding. The purpose of the Champions is to avenge Yami and her Heart against those who wronged…the sweet kind of justice Naruto would familiarize with. "What will be all, thank you."

Noire nods at this and returns by Yami's side.

"It quite clear to us now, we will announce the verdict of the Defendant." Said Naruto "Champions of the Hearts of Yami, please rise."

The Champions rise from their booths.

"Each of you, have you agreed on a verdict?" said Naruto

"We have, your honor" said Sonic speaking for the Champions

"And?" said Naruto

"Due to the testimonies from the defendant and the witnesses, we have decided to declare Abe of Oddworld…Not Guilty for his crime of Treason" said Sonic "But, due to his lack of faith with Noire and Yami, he will be punished regardless."

"I see" said Naruto while Yami telepathically tells him of a suitable punishment. "Abe of Oddworld, rise."

Abe then rose up.

"You will not be charged for treason, which the penalty will be deletion by the Goddess herself," said Naruto "But your act of treason concluded that you lost faith in Yami and the Heart you represented. Therefore, an alternative punishment is decided. Restarting your Gamer Status to default and starting over from the beginning…but, with some alternatives."

Abe raised his nonexistent brow at this but continues to listen.

"From what Yami-sama told me, you rescued 99 in your odyssey and 300 in your exodus." said Naruto "This time your rescues count on rupture farms has increased to 299. The rescue count for the odyssey is increased by 299. The rescue count for your new exodus is yet to be decided."

Naruto then turns to Lulu who was shitting his britches that he is not getting his revenge and will possibly die.

"As for you, as member of the Magog Cartel, you are hold responsible for the crimes against Yami and the Gamers." Said Naruto darkly as he has his Mangekyō Sharingan out which looked like a power sign, "The sentence is death, Game Over!"

Yami suddenly opens her stony orb exterior to reveal a beam like weapon charging up and it fires at Lulu. The Glukkon screams as the beam slowly erases him from existence.


The last thing coming that Gluk was his agonizing screams before they fade in the wind, Abe felt a cold chill after seeing this, that was about to be him if he was declared guilty. But the alternative was a sign of redemption and he will serve his new punishment such he ever regains Yami's trust and favor.

"Well then, now that the case is done, this court is now adjourned" said Naruto whacking his gavel to declare the court officially over.

With the court over, the Champions are dismissed and head on back to their home worlds. Crash and Spyro converse for a bit, well Spyro mostly talks while Crash nods and make responding gestures. Sonic is doing some stretches before starting his trans dimensional dash though a warp ring. The Mario Bros. are also conversing, to each other and in a foreign language Naruto doesn't know. Master Chief already left without saying a word, mostly because he has some important business back in his realm.

He then notices that Noire is nowhere to be seen, and neither are Abe, Stranger and Lorne Lanning. But it doesn't matter anymore since the punishment is clear, even to him. Abe will be return from the beginning, but his quest is altered, remastered you might say. More challenging and difficult as he'll have to same more than he normally did in that meat factory.

It's rather strange to get all that knowledge about the Ex-champion, he never met the guy personally and never thought him. He only got vague info from Slig-Alpha, biased info but official. But Yami mentally gave him complete info of the Mudokon, enough to get a clear image for the judgement in court.

Besides, Noire's relationship is simply platonic, which is reassuring thanks to Yami's inaudible whispers.

Suddenly the whispers are starting to become loud, loud enough to completely heard normally, but only in his mind.

"Naruto, I need to speak with you in private, stand beneath my physical form."

Naruto nods as he walks to Yami, who hovers 12 feet from the ground. Naruto stands beneath her until her shadow shrouds him, then she slowly descends to him, opening her lower section of her spherical form to invite him in. No one notices this, even if they did they would know that the current form of Yami is not her true form, it is a vessel to contain her true form which no mortal man could handle to see.

Within Yami's Vessel

The interior of the Dark Goddess's vessel is pure darkness but whereas darkness reigns there is also light, and the only light in this dark abyss are the red vein-like lights identical to the one on the spherical vessel. Then the darkness becomes clear to see regardless of that it is, the darkness is only invisible of Yami herself demands it so. The abyss suddenly changes into what would appear to be the inside of an advanced machine comprised with wiring, electronic circuitry and flashing red lights which goes with the veiny lights on the walls, floors and ceiling.

"Hello?" said Naruto as he subconsciously activates his Mangekyō Sharingan help see though this overwhelming darkness. "Yami-sama, are you here?"

"Hai, I am here, my Champion"

Naruto suddenly felt a pair of slender arms wrap around him from behind, pulling him in an embrace which includes the feeling of something warm and soft pressing on his back, then he feels a single hand trail down to his manhood and starts fondling his balls, causing his cock to erect. Naruto never felt like this before, but it's overwhelming his brain and causing his arousal to skyrocket, yet he is beyond cumming, or rather something is preventing him from reaching his climax.

Naruto was about to turn his head to see the Goddess who is caressing his body, but Yami stops him by biting the top of his ear.

"Not yet, your mortal body would not comprehend or handle the sight of me especially with the amount of insight you have right now, but I assure you, I am beautiful." Said Yami with the darkness within her vessel is enough to conceal her figure.

Quest alert: To Love the evil one

• get 60 insights

Winning Conditions: Yami in the harem and summon

Insight Unlocked

Naruto nods at this and took Yami's warning while deactivating his Sharingan, causing his vision to completely he obscured. He can only imagine what Yami would look like, and judging by the act that the darkness is magically removing his clothes, she is completely naked, her breast size is a Mid F cup. Naruto never imagined such a size could exist, it causes his loins to heat up and erect to a hard 10 inches.

"You may not see me in this total dark, but I can Naruto-kun. And I am quite impressed that the power I blessed onto you has shown great results." Said Yami as she continues to fondle Naruto's manhood with hungry strokes. "Yet you still appear to look like a mere child. Why is that?"

"To…*grunt* prepare," said Naruto whilst groaning by the Dark Goddess's elusive touch on his body. "I want to be fully…prepared while Konoha is still…weak from the…Kyūbi attack."

"I see, very clever" said Yami, her smile beams within the darkness as she is pleased of Naruto's tactics.

"But I…never expected the Censored Justice…to be a…round" said Naruto "I thought I…had the upper hand and…Konoha is done for."

"I understand" said Yami as she released Naruto who suddenly came like a fire hydrant, the Overlord was shocked at the amount of cum he shot out. "Hmm, a very impressive sperm count. You are extremely virile, Naruto-kun."

"Thanks, I guess" said Naruto blushing in embarrassment. "Forgive me for asking, but is that all you came for, to examine my length and virility?"

"No, I was just enjoying myself and see if you are a worthy Champion for me" said Yami, due to the pitch blackness within the vessel, it is impossible to pinpoint her whereabouts, hell even know who big the area is as is does look bigger than the outside. "I asked you here because I know you have some unanswered questions, Naruto-kun"

"Some of those questions were answered, Yami-sama" said Naruto "And I don't want to trouble you with my…personal issues around Konoha, and my new gamer Life in general."

"Nonsense, you are my Champion" said Yami "When I first saw you doubting yourself after discovering the truth by Mizuki, I sensed great potential that I must make you a Gamer, especially when you have the Jūbi within you. And besides, there are benefits of being my Champion, I physically demonstrated it to you."

"H-Hai, I noticed" said Naruto trying not to blush, but the idea of a goddess, who is undoubtedly overwhelming to look at by mortal eyes, jacking him off is impossible not to blush at. "But what is it you want from me?"

"Straight to the point, I see? Said Yami "Ok, I'll make this brief so that you can go back to your own game. I noticed that Neptune-chan has grained her Purple Heart form."

"Hai, she regained it by making contact by a Share Crystal" said Naruto as he showed Yami the crystal he obtained by Rodin by destroying the Gulag Abe formally operated as a collaborator of the Censored Justice. "I'm yet to give it to Noire, but I'll wait for her to finish her goodbyes with the ex-champion."

"Which is why I call you here. Also regarding the questions of Multi-Gamer and the Demon Prince, formally known as Akenomyosei." Said Yami "But, you must do me this quest before I tell you."

"Of course," said Naruto nonchalantly as it's not a surprise, even from the dark goddess herself. "What is my quest this time."

"I'm sure you know when I mentioned Neptune and the fact your yet to give the crystal to Noire." Said Yami

Quest alert: Dark Crusade

Main Hearts regain HDD (1/4)

Sisters regain HDD (0/4)

Winning Conditions: New Quest

"And what about my mom and sister any way to bring them back?" said Naruto as he subconsciously created a personal quest of his own.

"Fret not, you'll be reunited, you just need to remove certain…obstacles in your way"

"The Censored Justice?" assuming Naruto "I'm aware of that, Fugaku imprisoned them in the AntiCrystal, which I am about to obtain in time"

Yami couldn't help but laugh at this, Naruto isn't sure what amused the dark goddess.

"What's amusing?" said Naruto frowning at the darkness, knowing he can't and won't directly look at her.

"What's amusing is that foolish mortal assuming that he used an AntiCrystal to imprison them, but he didn't" said Yami

"What?" said Naruto

"True they are imprisoned, but not by an Anticrystal" said Yami "The one he used was just a Share Crystal, which was used as a power conduit to open up a portal to another world."

"SO my Kaa-san and Otome are still around?" said Naruto with hope "Where are they?"

Yami was silent, Naruto not see it, but he can sense that she is showing empathy.

"I don't know, due to the Censored Justice's influence throughout the lands, I am unable to track them. And with the Basilicoms destroyed, it's impossible."

"I see" said Naruto sighing at this, but he frowned as he will not be brought down by this. He suddenly subconsciously created his own quest and a message box appears in front of him.

Quest alert: Family reunion

Restore Basilicoms (0/8)

Find mother

Find sister

Naruto is confused at this, 8 Basilicoms? But doesn't Yami have 4 Hearts? Yami noticed the confusion.

"Originally, I have 8, but due to the Crash of Tari in Game Era 1983, the 5 was lost." Said Yami "But there is hope yet to restore her, to bring back my Blue Heart."

"But there are 8 Basilicoms?"

"The remaining 3 are you might say…deities in training and not to be mistaken as the Sisters. They are still young and have a lot to learn, but out of the 3, one is quite talented and will become a member of my Hearts."

"And who are they?"

"Plutia, the Iris heart" said Yami as she reveals a young girl is nearly close to be mistaken as Neptune, due to the came hair except that her purple hair is lighter, her clothes as the style of a cute frilly dress with a pair of teddy bear slippers and holding a plush doll of Neptune herself. But then the image changes of what appears to Iris Heart, Plutia's goddess form. Iris heart is nearly identical to Purple Heart except her attire has more of a sadistic dominatrix theme to it, especially when she's holding a whip. "To a cult formed in the Land of Hot Springs, they call her Jashin and they praise her though torture and mutilation…with a side order of tortilla chips and a patch of marijuana."

"Peashy, the Yellow Heart" said Yami as a blonde little girl with short hair with some oversized hair bobbles on top. She wears a yellow/black striped jacket with a tail, a pair of shorts and sneakers. She also wears paw gloves, which she seems to use as a weapon. Yellow Heart is a fair-skinned young woman with bright peach colored eyes and pale blonde-yellow hair, in a very similar shade to Vert's. Her hair looks to be medium-long in length. Her bangs are about eye length with two very long one's going past her ears and ending directly at her breasts. Her hair is pulled into a ponytail held with an odd dark blue/black, red, and white piece. It also has two curled strands out hair popping out of it, resembling cowlicks. "She is in what was known as Eden which had 2 names the land of sound or the land of rice fields which my precious Blue heart taken from my sister which unfortunately lead to the fall of Tari thanks to my sister and is now under the control of a man that no one likes."

"Her name is Uzume Tennoubshi, commonly known as the Orange Heart" said Yami as a tomboyish teen with red hair in twin tails and dark orange eyes. She is dresses like a carefree tomboy student, composed with a plain white shirt with only the top buttons on to show her stomach, her long orange tie with the spiral at the end, short grey shorts and a pair of boots with various buttons pined on them. "she sires in Uzushio of the Land of Eddies, worshiped by the now defunct Uzumaki Clan."

"Wait… that name" said Naruto when he felt his hand tingle and looks at the back of it, revealing an orange spiral tattoo. He never noticed this before, but he did remember hearing the Uzume's name when he was dragged into his dreamscape, he subconsciously created his Rasengan, it spirals in his palm and swirls elegantly in a ball of concentrated chakra. "Uzume Tennoubshi, I might go see her next"

"That can be arranged" said Yami while something else appears in Yami's vessel. It appears to be a blue fish with fins and a human face hovering in the air. Naruto couldn't decide what to think of what he just saw but comparing to the fact he liberated himself an army of Sligs, being a judge to an Gamer from another world AND gaining a hand job by the dark goddess herself, this is nothing. "Naruto, meet Umio."

"Err…hi" said Naruto

The floating human faced fish approaches Naruto, the Overlord is still finding it weird being close to this creature.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you, Uzumaki-san." said Umio smiling at Naruto.

End of Chapter

Level 17

HP: 7672 (40% Per level)

Mana: 5760 (20% per level)

RAGE: 7680 (20% per level)

CHAOS: 3360 (20% per level)

VOID: 3360 (20% per level)

Phazon: 15840 (60% Per Level)


KUNAI: 15/35 (5 per Level)

SHURIKEN: 15/35 (5 Per Level)


Weapon: Sting

Description: An ancient Elven Short sword made of an alloy that glows blue when evil creatures are close, like an early warning before an attack is made by the enemy. This weapon has been passed down from many generations of Halfling Heroes, down from a Halfling Thief who travelled with a Dwarf Prince, to a Halfling hero who ventured through various dangers to destroy an object of pure evil. Any Halfling who possess this legendary sword is forever branded as a legend and a hero to his/her people.

Bonus Perk: Glowing blade (Long-range enemy presence)

Uchiha Katana

A Katana used by the Uchiha clansmen, forged and treated to be stronger than any blade, such like the Uchiha. Ha, such arrogance, but this weapon is indeed strong and will eventually drink in the blood of Uchihas.

Bonus Perk: Sharp (Can cause Bleed)

Demon's Scar

Description: A blade made of entirely out of flames. This chaotic thing, the last flame kindled by a demon prince, is shaped like the claw marks of a demon. It is both a fiery bladed weapon, and pyromancy flame.

Added Skill: Spin Slash – Spin to stoke a fierce chaos flame, and use momentum to transition into a spinning strong attack, creating an evanescent lava chamber.

Saw Cleaver

Description: One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used in the hunting business. This saw, effective at drawing the blood of beasts, transforms into a long cleaver that makes use of centrifugal force. The saw, with its set of blood-letting teeth, has become a symbol of the hunt, and only grows in effectiveness the more grotesquely transformed the beast.

Censor Blade

Description: A weapon used by one of the Censored Justice's elite knights. This one was owned by Fugaku Uchiha before his timely defeat against the Gamer named Darkborne.

Bonus Perk: Censorship: Temporally disables skills and abilities.

Head: Black Goggles

Description: Naruto's new black goggles.

• Defence: +25

• Dexterity: +25

• Bonus Perk: Night vision (increase Sharingan's Insight by 30%)

Standard Ninja Mask

Description: an ordinary ninja mask

• Defence: +5

• Dexterity: +5

• Bonus Perk: Incognito

Hunter's Tricorn

Description: A hat worn by hunters centuries ago when a village was plague by a bloodborne virus that turns humans into monsters.

Defence: +10

Dexterity: +5

Bonus Perk: Hunter ( 20% Soul bonus)

Chest: Leather Trench coat

Description: Coat made from the strongest leather, blends well in darkness

• Defence: 500

• Dexterity: +25

Mythril Chainmail

Description: a chainmail made of Mythril, a metal which is light as a feather but much denser than steel. Mythril is extremely rare and can only be found in one certain place, unfortunately the place is incinerated by an Ancient Demon during pitfall battle against a Wizard.

• Defence: 500

Pants: Black trousers

Description: Trousers dyed in black, helps blend in the darkness.

Defence: 500

Dexterity: +25

Iron greaves

Description: Greaves that protects the shins

Defence: +62

Arm: Overlord Phazon Gauntlet

Description: The gauntlet of the Overlord with Phazon primordial gems added to it

Defence: +60

Ninja Vambrace

Description: Greaves that protects the forearms

Defence: +60


Blood Estus Flask

Description: an item that was made by jubi as a gift for her previous true mate using a Estus Flask from the Dark realm and the blood vials from the blood realms. the blood Estus Flask tastes like the person's favourite drink and they are rare

Key Items


Share Crystals

Sega Saturn Fragment (3/4)


Slig Queen Egg



Silver Tongue

Body Flicker


Minion Control





Mangeykyo Sharingan:






6 Paths


Human Path

Petra Path

Chakra control: LV2


Shadow Clone Jutsu




Lightning Whip





Legendary Baka Bros


Magic Fire Kunai (1 Kunai and 10 Mana)

Blazing Shuriken (5 Shuriken and 10 Mana)


HyperMode (Requires Phazon)

Void Sword (Requires Void)

Void Projection

Chaos Claws (Requires Chaos)

Chaos Bomb









Human Path

Petra Path


Land of Fire

Fire Temple