
Naruto: Our Goal Is To Dig Every Corner of Konoha

After crossing, I arrived in Naruto World, um, I was planning to start a life against the sky, but I found that I was not in Konoha. If it is not in Konoha, there is no blood of the Otsutsuki Clan, then I will only be a cannon fodder. Ding! Your golden finger has arrived. Very good, my golden finger is here, my life against the sky is about to start. The powerful clans are all in Konoha? No problem, I'll find a way to dig them. Konoha has the most girls? No problem, I'll find a way to dig them. Konoha has the most talents? No problem, I'll find a way to dig them. Konoha has the most moths? No prob... um, let's leave some for the others, it's not good to be too greedy. Although I have traveled to other Shinobi Village, my goal is to hollow out Konoha! ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! I am not the author of Naruto: Our Goal Is To Dig Every Corner of Konoha, I am just translating the story. you can read the original work here : https://wap.faloo.com/682476.html --------------------------------------- Support me at https://www.patreon.com/IamPoorGuy There are more than 150 advanced chapters there Update 1 chapter/day

Iampoorguy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
602 Chs

Chapter 133 Unscrupulous

"Damn it, Danzo, what the hell do you want to do?"

After Jiraiya was caught by Danzo, his Chakra was completely restricted. Danzo didn't even left a chance to Jiraiya, as he also knew one thing, that is, Jiraiya is a Kage-level powerhouse. If he is determined to get through with him, he can't control Jiraiya even with the curse mark, and Danzo has no such ability to wash away a person's memory and completely brainwash him.

Otherwise, why would he take Shisui's Mangekyo before? The purpose was to give himself some convenience when he needed it, but what Danzo could not imagine is that now Shisui has completely disappeared, and he can't be found it no matter how hard they look.

He would have never thought of Shisui being death, so Danzo is having a headache about Jiraiya. He is thinking about what method he could use to control Jiraiya, a Kage-level powerhouse. If he really pushes him, even if he dies, he won't be able to make him work him, and there is also Mount Myoboku behind Jiraiya, which is what Danzo fears the most.

Each of the three legendary Holy Land is terrifying. Danzo hasn't felt that he can be unscrupulous enough to affect these places, but after thinking for a while, Danzo, who has no lower limit, thought of a new way.

"Jiraiya, I don't ask for much. I just need you to obey me. That's all. Now that I am the Hokage of Konoha, I will lead Konoha to a stronger future. As long as you promise to help me, I will release you immediately!"

Danzo stood in front of the cell and said as he looked at Jiraiya inside.

"Well, you sure are a hypocrite, you are the one who led the Uchiha Clan's extermination, right? As for the old man, why did Akatsuki suddenly attack the old man? Do you really think I don't know at all? Except for you, is there any other people who would play such a trick behind the scenes?"

Jiraiya said with a sneer. Wanting him to work for Danzo is completely impossible.

"It seems that there is no more to talk about. Originally, I didn't want to get to this point, but you can force it. Come out!"

Danzo clapped his hands, and two Root's members appeared at the door of the cell. As for the Anbu, Danzo has not yet fully grasped it, but after he has mastered Anbu, then Anbu will become the Root. He doesn't need those people without Curse Mark, as he won't be at ease at all. The two Root's members each lifted a person with one hand.

These two people are children, one is about three or four years old, and the other is six or seven years old.

"Naruto, Konohamaru! Danzo, how dare you!"

After seeing these two people, Jiraiya's eyes almost popped out. He never expected that Danzo would be so insidious, as he directly captured his disciple's son and his teacher's grandson.

"You are the one who forced me. If you compromise earlier, I will not cause trouble for these two younglings. Both of these boys have Curse Marks in their bodies, as I disdain directly imprisoning them. I will not interfere how should they live in the future, but if you are not obedient, I will activate the Curse Marks, at that time, don't blame me if these two boys are dead!"

Danzo, who has even killed Sandaime, has all entered the state of madness. He doesn't care about other things, and as long as he can achieve his goal, he will use any means.

"Bastard, bastard, Danzo, one day, I will kill you!!!"

Jiraiya's eyes are bloodshot, but Danzo doesn't care about his threat. He just stretches his hand to the two children, which was enough to make these two cowered in fear.

"Sometimes, it's better to be despicable in order to achieve a certain method, and I have also said that the decision is yours. Whether they die or live depends on your decision. I still disdain to target these two children. You must know that everything I do is for Konoha. I will give you a day to think about it, and I'll come back tomorrow!"

After saying that, Danzo took the two Root's members to leave, but before he took a few steps, Jiraiya's voice came over.

"Wait…, you won!"

Jiraiya's eyes were bloodshot, but he had no other choice. He didn't need so much time to think about it. As he saw these two children's condition, he could only admit defeat.

"A wise decision, then, I will not impose any restrictions on you, and I will also put them back to their home, but you'd better not think about removing the Curse Marks in their bodies. I will send my men to keep an eye on them. They will report to me once a day. Once there is any problem, I will directly activate the Curse Marks. When the time comes, don't blame me for the dead!"

Danzo explained his final layer of insurance. Originally, Jiraiya planned to find a way to remove the Curse Marks from the two children after going out. However, Danzo is an old dog who is very cunning, so he can't do anything at all.

In the end, Jiraiya was released, and Danzo did not impose any Curse Marks to restrict him. To deal with Jiraiya, the Curse Mark was useless, mainly because these two little guys were already enough. This is Jiraiya's lifeline.

"Now that Jiraiya's business is settled, the next step is the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. I won't let Konoha's economic lifeline in the hand of other people!"

After Danzo settled Jiraiya's matter, he set his sights on the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. The status of the Daimyo is higher than that of the Kage, and the reason why this happens is because of the economy.

Iwagakure has basically completely escaped from the control of the Land of Earth, and now, Tsuchikage's position is even higher than that of the Land of Earth's Daimyo. The only thing that is controlled is the economy, and since the economic control is lifted, whoever has the big fist has the final say.

But other Shinobi Villages are different. They don't have Asahi, so even if they want to imitate Iwagakure, they can't compare with Iwagakure at all. The most is they could do is increase their income a little. To put it bluntly, Iwagakure is eating meat, and they are drinking soup.

Many things can't be learned without imitating, so there is always no way for them to get rid of the Daimyo's control, and in order to gain absolute control, Danzo intends to do something to the Daimyo.

Danzo knows very well that these Daimyo are just ordinary people without any strength. So he doesn't even need Kotoamatsukami. After he put simple Curse Marks on their body, the other party will definitely be controlled by him. As for Twelve Guardian Shinobi, Danzo doesn't care at all.

It has to be said that Danzo is indeed a ruthless person, but this kind of tough policy, although effective, the aftermath will be very big.

After Jiraiya was released, Danzo directly released the news that Jiraiya has pleaded guilty and hopes to make meritorious deeds to atone for his crimes.

He has already repented, and he is still Konoha's person, but Jiraiya has lost all of his previous status, and can only be regarded as a thug now.

Now in Konoha, there are only two Kage-level powerhouses. Among them, Danzo is a crazy bastard who only cared for himself. There should have been Itachi too, but Itachi experienced his family defecting and was abandoned by them. There's also the death of Sandaime, Danzo came to power, and his clan's massacre, so he was very confused, and even doubted the ideas Shisui instilled in him, but his talent was favored by Obito, so he was brought into the Akatsuki. It's just that whether he will be able to awaken Mangekyo in the future, and when he will awaken it, nobody knows.

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