
Naruto: One step away from the abyss

The two Shinobi blocking the way didn't look strong at all. Unlike the others, there was no danger from them at all. But for some reason, it was their appearance that forced the captains to step back and for the first time in an hour-long battle, they were powerless to lower their hands. The book cover doesn't belong to me.

aswsok · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 1

This mission was as important as it was difficult. Its failure marked the beginning of the Fifth World War, but it seemed to Konohamaru that this war had already begun. However, this time he did not patrol the streets of Konoha, but took an active part in the main events. And these events were disturbing. It was too much like the Fourth World War. There was a craftsman who mastered Edo Tensei. If they had known about it from the very beginning, the team would have been different, there would have been more Jonins here, and the rank of the mission would have been higher. Now it was supposed to be a simple reconnaissance. Checking rumors. Nothing too complicated. A suitable mission for genins who recently failed the chunin exam. But everything turned out in a completely unexpected way. An unknown enemy not only mastered Edo Tensei, but was also able to take over many strong Shinobi. And it was still unknown how many talented ninjas he had turned into his puppets. The collision lasted only one day, the main "surprises" were still ahead. Konohamaru knew about this from the stories of the Sixth Hokage. Jonin knew perfectly well that it would only get worse. They are lucky that the former shinobi of the Hidden Sand are not eager to fight at all. But they were still forced into a long, exhausting battle. Fortunately, despite everything, they were lucky to get off with just scratches. As the participants of the Fourth World War told, it turned out to be impossible to feel who controlled the equipment during the battle. But this fight still allowed us to gather some information. For a long time, the enemy could not control the mind of five resurrected Shinobi at once.

Konohamaru leaned his back against a tree and tried to relax. It's been night for a long time. The enemy retreated, giving a respite. It was necessary to gain strength and be ready for a new battle, but Konohamaru could not bring himself to close his eyes. He was worried. There was no one in his team who was proficient in sealing techniques. They were not needed for simple reconnaissance. Besides, Konohamaru himself was from the "younger" generation. He, like his students, knew nothing about the resurrected Shinobi, even though they, when they appeared, asked if it was still the Fourth World War. It was a little encouraging that the Shinobi Alliance had already sent him reinforcements. Teams of experienced ninjas came out of five Hidden villages almost simultaneously. There are sealing squads among them. Tomorrow it will be easier to cope with the resurrected Edo Tensei Shinobi. Tomorrow, most likely, there will be more of them. The enemy was testing him too. He has found weak points and will certainly hit them.


Konohamaru-sensei didn't close his eyes all night. Mitsuki knew about this, because he himself couldn't sleep from excitement. The enemy was strong and strange. It was impossible to kill him, and it was frightening. Edo Tensei. Mitsuki had never heard of such a technique before, but it was amazing. The young Shinobi promised himself to master her at all costs. When they get out of here, he will come to his father and ask him about her. Her father probably knows all about her. The main thing is to get out of here.

Mitsuki finally dozed off. The sounds of battle snapped him out of oblivion. Konohamaru-sensei has already encountered the enemy. He didn't have time to wake them all up. Mitsuki took a cursory look around. The enemy was different. These Shinobi were hungry for blood. They wanted to kill. For some reason, my hands were shaking from this completely unfamiliar sensation. It was scary. It was very scary and not only for him. His comrades watched their captain's battle with all their eyes and did not dare to move from their place. But a stationary target is the easiest blow job.

- Stop sitting around! - just thinking like that, Konohamaru-sensei called out to them. - Come on guys, - he jumped back to them, covering his back, - the first formation. Reinforcements will be coming soon," the captain continued, quieter, but infinitely more confident. "We have to hold out until they arrive.

Konohamaru-sensei is amazing. Even in such a dangerous situation, fighting off three at once, he manages to remain calm and even encourages them. And the fear recedes by itself. The body obeys again, and they easily take the right positions. The first formation will have to move into the third, and then everything will end with the second. This is their best scheme. She never let them down. And it won't let you down now.

But the enemy doesn't care about rules and constructions. He is fast and lightning fast. The stock of chakra in resurrected Shinobi seems to be limitless. One of them spits poison, another skillfully controls water, the third skillfully wields a huge sword. You don't have to expect mercy from any of them, and fear does not allow you to approach them to engage in close combat. But even if they could suppress all their feelings and fears, they would still not be able to stand firmly on the ground. After all, the fourth summoned Edo Tensei Shinobi makes the earth shake. His techniques uproot tall trees, and those, falling, block the escape routes.

The construction has been broken for a long time. Here everyone is for himself. You can only catch a glimpse of the fact that everything is still fine with your comrades. With such an invulnerable enemy, you feel helpless. Useless. But Konohamaru-sensei's shadow clones are nearby. They encourage, guide and protect.

...But it seems to last only a moment…

A powerful blow knocks Konohamaru-sensei off his feet. Everything freezes for a few seconds. The dark blood on the green grass looks somehow unnatural. Not real. The clones disappear. The captain hisses, struggles to get up and again falls powerlessly on the grass. There is more blood. A shinobi with a sword laughs hoarsely. Casually swings his terrible weapon, cuts the air with it, intending to pierce through the motionless captain.

Something needs to be done. Jump forward, block the blow, but for some reason right now, at the crucial moment, the body refuses to move. My legs become wadded up, my heart is gripped by terror like a steel vise. It's over. It's all over with them. This is the end.


Mitsuki didn't realize how he closed his eyes. My ears were ringing, my hands were shaking.

- Konohamaru-sensei!

Did he scream himself or did someone else do it? Mitsuki opened his eyes and collapsed to the ground. The deadly sword strike was stopped. The long-awaited reinforcements have arrived. Now everything will be different.

Growls Akamaru - Kiba-sensei's faithful companion. An unfamiliar shinobi with snow-white hair pushes the swordsman away. Sakura-san is already treating their captain. Shikamaru-sensei orders something briefly to someone, and the animals drawn by Sai are already rushing into battle. The battle is being fought with renewed vigor, only this time they, the Genins, are being pushed back, ordered to cover the rear.

There is no time to look around. But Mitsuki has already noticed many more unfamiliar Shinobi from other villages. The Hidden Stone provides protection, and the sealing squads are mostly made up of Shinobi Hidden Sand. Konohamaru-sensei was rescued by jonin from a Hidden Cloud. Sakura-san has already patched it up a little, and the captain went to the front line again. His place is almost immediately taken by another seriously wounded Shinobi. He was unlucky enough to fall under the poisonous spit. But Sakura-san is not so easy to confuse. And you can't help admiring the coolness with which she starts treatment. The wounded Shinobi recovers before his eyes, hurries back to the battle, not wanting to hear anything about rest.

This fight is just incredible. The combined efforts of the shinobi of the Leaf and the Stone drive the annoying swordsman into a corner, and immediately a sealing squad from Hidden Sand is connected. One is ready. Mitsuki is elated.

Almost at the same time, the Hidden Cloud Shinobi immobilize the one who spat poison. Tiger Saya ruthlessly absorbs him, and the ranks of the enemy are thinning by another Shinobi. Sakura-san angrily hits the ground with her fist, and it splits into a moat in different directions. The former shinobi of the Hidden Stone jumps onto a tree. Shikamaru-sensei instantly immobilizes him with his famous Shadow Imitation, and the re-sealing squad acts without the slightest delay. There is only one Shinobi left to defeat before complete victory. One!

… But this is just an illusion. The enemy can resurrect as many Shinobi as he wishes. And in a moment, people come out of a dozen coffins that have appeared. Edo Tensei revives them again, and whoever is behind this terrible technique forces them to fight.

"He won't be able to suppress their minds for long," Konohamaru-sensei's voice comes from somewhere far away.

Mitsuki instinctively jerked at the sound of his voice. He should be where his captain is. He won't be scared anymore. He won't let him down again. But he is suddenly stopped by grabbing his hand tightly. Mitsuki freezes, looks around, looks at the medic who detained him. Sakura-san is pale, but her gaze is resolute.

- Where are you going? - she asks dryly, and it gets creepy from how cold and tense her voice sounds.

- There, - the answer breaks out. Mitsuki waves his hand vaguely to the side, and there new coffins appear again, and Edo Tensei Shinobi dressed in burgundy cloaks slowly and somehow lazily come out of them.

- Your task is to protect the rear. Get ready. Everything is just beginning.

Everything was really just beginning. Resurrected Shinobi are strong, fast, devoid of any will. They violently rush at the allies, involving them in a difficult, exhausting battle. They are not afraid of wounds or death. Their strikes are fast and accurate. Groans and wheezing can be heard from everywhere. Mitsuki looks around in horror. His gaze clings to those Shinobi who no longer get up from the blood-soaked ground, he notices how the enemy shinobi crumbles into thousands of small particles, and, gritting his teeth, watches his body recover again. It's not fair. It's not fair! It doesn't happen that way…

Kiba-sensei was pushed back. Of all his situation seems the most hopeless. And it's scary to watch how, growling, the faithful Akamaru rushes to his aid, how the Gatsugi seals are formed with lightning speed, how the enemy is preparing his deadly response. It's scary to look at, but it's impossible to look away.

At the crucial moment, when Gatsuga is defeated and it seems that everything is over, the enemy loses control of the resurrected Shinobi. Summoned by Edo Tensei, they look around in confusion, lower their hands, without striking the last blow.


Mitsuki weakly kneels down. He hasn't seen his teammates for a long time. Sakura-san entrusted them with something, and they fell through the ground. And perhaps it's even better that they're not here. Surely they are in another, safer place now. The respite does not last long. The enemy is getting better and better at mind control. Less and less time is needed for him to re-subordinate the resurrected Shinobi to his will. In a short time of respite, the allies simply do not have time to seal them.

The fight seems endless. The earth is shaking, fire burns down trees, water sweeps away everything in its path. Kunai are ringing, shurikens are ricocheting in different directions. They have to be beaten off all the time to protect the already wounded Shinobi from new injuries. But protecting the rear does not mean only that. Their main task is to cover the medics. The enemy surrounds the allies, and he is obliged to restrain him as long as possible. Until one of the elders comes to the rescue. And it happens that this help has to wait a very long time.

Reinforcements have been requested for a long time, they are looking forward to it. The sealing teams are already at the limit. The respite between battles is too short. Although the resurrected Shinobi do not crave victory, it is not so easy to defeat them. And it does not always help even that they, when attacking, tell about their intentions, point out their weaknesses.

Allies get tired. Their strength is being depleted. Time drags painfully slowly. Meanwhile, the sun is rising higher and higher. It's getting unbearably hot. I want to stop, take a breath, take a sip of cool water. But the enemy does not give a break for this. And while his body automatically moves, then beating off shurikens, then blocking the deadly blows of the enemy, Mitsuki thinks only about one thing. About reinforcements.

And help is coming. Everything repeats. Fresh forces are rapidly entering the battle. Shikamaru-sensei directs them. Resurrected Shinobi are immobilized and sealed. Everything is as before, only shocked sighs are heard more often. Allies, gritting their teeth, are again fighting against former comrades, relatives, lovers. Mitsuki hears more and more about the Fourth World War. Someone desperately emphasizes that this has already happened, someone wonders if the first Kage will be called, someone very quietly pronounces the name with superstitious horror: "Uchiha Madara".

But there are neither the first Kage, nor the Madara Uchiha that frightens many so much. The fight is gradually ending. The last summoned Edo Tensei Shinobi are sealed amazingly easily. The enemy seemed to have lost interest in what was happening. I waved my hand, decided to take a break. The Allies are worried about this. They are worried about an easy victory and a suddenly stopped fight. But they need a break. Medics examine the wounded and close the eyes of the dead. Many do not hold back tears, mourning the defeated comrades. The faces of the allies are gloomy, determined. As if they had just not won, but lost. And now they swear to themselves by all means to win next time. No one doubts that this battle is not over yet.

Reports have already been sent to the five Kage and backup reinforcements have been requested. It has already been decided that everyone will move to Konoha. The Hidden Leaf, they say, is closer. That's just help the wounded, and everyone will move on. Or they will join the battle. The enemy will certainly appear soon. Konohamaru-sensei has no doubt about it, but he is seriously injured again and, probably, that's why he is delirious. Mitsuki wanted to approach him, to encourage him, but only now realized how tired he was. His legs didn't hold him at all.

"You're doing great," Sakura-san says softly. Kunoichi gently presses on his shoulder, forcing him to fall to the ground. - Get some rest.


Despite the fact that the respite was short, Mitsuki managed to have a good rest. To his annoyance, he dozed off and missed how Sakura-san used the summoning technique, and how all the allies were treated with Katsuya's help. He missed how the shinobi of the Hidden Stone, using their techniques, buried comrades killed in battle and sealed Shinobi underground. Everyone who could, returned to the ranks. Even more. They were joined by fresh forces sent by the Hidden Fog and Cloud. It was rumored that detachments of Hidden Stone and Hidden Sand were checking neighboring territories and would join them somewhere near Konoha.

Mitsuki was genuinely happy that they could finally return home. Mentally, he was already in Konoha. It seemed that all the most difficult things were left behind. Now there was a long, but quiet way home. The path that was so unexpectedly blocked by two Shinobi. Dressed in burgundy Edo Tensei cloaks, they looked around in confusion and seemed to notice nothing but the boundless sky. They didn't look strong at all. There was no danger from them, and the thirst for murder did not come from them. But for some reason, it was their appearance that made the allies freeze in place and for the first time in an hour-long battle, they were powerless to give up.

"And what's wrong with them?" - Mitsuki thought irritably, looking closely at the resurrected Shinobi. They were about the same age and height. The first is a brunette with a pretty face, which girls often fall for. The second is a blond man with six symmetrical scars on his cheeks and incredibly bright blue eyes against the background of black eyeballs.

The brunette, it seems, has already figured everything out and probably noticed them. But the blond kept peering into the sky, as if he wanted to see something there. It probably won't be difficult to cope with it. Mitsuki mentally chuckled, exchanged glances with his teammates. They'll start with the absent-minded blond. They will wound him, and the sealing squad will finish the job. Others will immediately understand what needs to be done. The main thing is to start. These adults, sometimes, are so sentimental!

- No! Sakura-san shouts with superstitious horror. But it doesn't matter now. Is it possible to stop when they have already got into the first formation?

"Go ahead," Mitsuki mouthed to the guys.

As always, they are fast and impetuous. The blond-haired Shinobi still doesn't pay any attention to them. A perfect, stationary target. You don't need to ask for more!

A powerful blow was unexpectedly blocked. Mitsuki stared at the dark-haired Shinobi with all his eyes. Those who were resurrected by Edo Tensei usually did not help each other. And this brunette took and protected his companion.

...His eyes are so cold. Frightening. He is fast and strong. He stopped them with unprecedented ease, as if he knew exactly how their combination worked.

Mitsuki didn't understand how he was hit. But the blow was strong. He flew to the side, hitting his elbow painfully. After some fractions of seconds, his friends were next to him. They also lay on the ground and rubbed the bruised places.

- Stop soaring in the clouds, - the brunette said softly, - Naruto.

- But the sky is so ... - the blond whispered admiringly. - This! - he clearly did not have enough words to describe him, and he began to actively wave his hands. - No, Sasuke, look at that! Has it always been like this?

- How do I know? - the brunette muttered irritably, and Naruto finally deigned to look at him before answering.

They talked as if no one was around. As if nothing is more important than how beautiful the clear, boundless sky is. And they didn't care at all that the Allies came a little closer. Mitsuki slowly stood up, looked around helplessly, looking for his captain with his eyes. Konohamaru-sensei was far away and looked only ahead at the resurrected Shinobi. Sakura-san had just knelt down next to him tiredly. A tear rolled down kunoichi's pale cheek.

- Who is this? Mitsuki cautiously asked the shinobi from the Hidden Stone standing next to him.

- Heroes of the Fourth World, - the ninja answered in a voice that was not his own. - Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, - he smiled wryly and laughed nervously. "You should know them.

Mitsuki again stared with all his eyes at the Shinobi called up by Edo Tensei. He knew about the legendary hero Konoha Uzumaki Naruto. He was Konohamaru-sensei's mentor. He taught him the legendary Rasengan. Mitsuki also knew about the famous renegade Konoha Uchiha Sasuke. The heir of the legendary clan, the owner of the sharingan. My father often talked about him. And that the friendship of Uchiha and Uzumaki turned out to be stronger and scarier than his friendship with Jiraiya. His father didn't really like to talk about the latter, so Mitsuki knew practically nothing about one of the three legendary sannins. But even now it was not so important. My father said that Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha died not saving the world, but after that, resolving their long-standing, tormenting dispute. According to his stories, from the words of the Sixth Hokage, according to the memoirs of Konohamaru-sensei and others, these two undeniably legendary Shinobi seemed to be wise old men. And in no way did this image fit in with the two boys who blocked the way...


Sasuke rolled his eyes. Talking to Uzumaki has always been difficult. This dobe not only did not understand anything, but also did not listen to anything.

"This is Edo Tensei," Uchiha repeated, still unperturbed. I repeated it on purpose. For the first time, Naruto did not pay attention to these words at all. - Do you understand what this means, Dobe?

Uzumaki grunted significantly, frowned, nodded knowingly. Sasuke sighed heavily, shook his head, mentally resigning himself to the need to explain everything to this impenetrable dullard. No, of course, Naruto had enlightenment of the mind, but even during his lifetime it happened quite rarely. And if it wasn't about fighting, it was almost impossible to deal with him. In any case, Uchiha simply did not have time to make sure of the opposite.

... But even so, Naruto remained his best friend. The only friend. And he could be forgiven a lot. And he certainly wouldn't let anyone hurt him. Even if it's completely impossible now…

- We died, - Sasuke began to explain. - We were resurrected. And now...

- Kurama! Naruto interrupted him sharply. His eyes were worried, and he looked confused. - Kurama disappeared!!

Of course, it was more important to him than what was happening around. Uchiha lazily watched Uzumaki quickly walking back and forth across the clearing and excitedly repeating: "Kurama is gone!".

... It was... funny…

Naruto couldn't find a place for himself. He didn't feel his precious friend. Kurama disappeared as if the Fox had been extracted from him. But it just couldn't be. It couldn't!

- Kurama…

- Yes, I'm here, - the Fox growls irritably. Uzumaki freezes in place. A moment and he focuses on his subconscious. The outside world finally ceases to exist for him.

Kurama lies behind the doors of a long-open cage. The fox yawns, baring sharp teeth, and slowly gets up. It bends in a flexible back and sits down the way people usually sit.

"You're too noisy," he grumbles and gets a sincere white-toothed smile in response.

- How glad I am to see you! Uzumaki cheerfully declares and immediately disappears. He is in a hurry to share with everyone the wonderful news: everything is fine with Kurama.

Sasuke perceives such wonderful news with insulting indifference. But it's silly to expect more from this topic. After all, he's always been like this. Closed. For Naruto, this has never been an obstacle and, in fact, has long ceased to matter. Uzumaki seemed to see right through Uchiha, and often he did. And now he knew that Sasuke also understood him like no one else. He even noticed things that he would like to hide. But there was nothing wrong with the fact that Uchiha noticed something, because he never shared his observations with anyone. Yes, it was so great to finally talk to him. To reach out to his heart, to grab his hand, to force him to open his eyes. They managed to sort everything out, to clarify everything. They have found answers to all the questions that torment them. Everything is just wonderful! That's just…

They're dead.

- Sasuke-kun. Naruto.

Sakura, as always, is the first to call Sasuke, and this, as always, hurts a little. Just a little bit. Naruto has already learned not to pay attention to it. A wide smile appears on your face by itself. But he's glad, really glad to see his girlfriend. And Sasuke is also happy. Let him not show it.

"Sakura-chan," Uzumaki chanted as always. His smile widened. He looked at kunoichi for a few seconds, involuntarily noting to himself that she had changed. She was no longer the same excited but determined girl who bravely entered the decisive battle of the Fourth World War. In front of them stood a mature woman with sad, tired eyes. She got prettier, but still, looking at her, Naruto did not leave the feeling that something was missing in her.

"Your death broke it," Kurama responded to Jinchuriki's thoughts.

- It can't be! Uzumaki hotly objected. - It can't be! - he repeated confidently, angrily examining the Fox. - Sakura-chan is very strong!

- And you really think so ... - Kurama vaguely chuckled, thoughtfully tilted his head to one side. - Of course, she does not take up physical strength and she is an excellent medic. But in order to be truly strong, this is not enough…

"You got it right, Uchiha," Shikamaru said softly. "You're here because of Edo Tensei.

Naruto looked at Nara curiously for a few seconds. A joyful smile bloomed on his lips again, he inhaled for sure in order to cheerfully call a good friend, but suddenly became serious and abruptly turned to Sasuke.

- The bastard! Kurama growled. - Trying to control you!

- We know, - Naruto smiled wryly at the Fox. - I'm counting on you.

The next moment, he looked into Uchiha's eyes again, silently asking: "Are you sure?" Sasuke nodded slightly, but Uzumaki understood more. This is not a simple "Yes", this is a decision dictated by curiosity and firm determination. They will test former allies, and at the same time find the owner of the equipment. And no one will understand anything.

"Sorry, guys," Naruto whispers, folding the seals at the same time as Sasuke.

... They had two hands, although Uzumaki remembered for sure that he and Sasuke had to sacrifice one each in order to fully understand each other. Edo Tensei is really an amazing technique. But now it doesn't matter at all. Now the chakra is overflowing the body, and it seems as if the blood is running through the veins again. It's a wonderful, indescribable feeling. It feels like they're alive.


Mitsuki couldn't believe his eyes. The resurrected Shinobi were hardly much younger than Konohamaru-sensei, but they turned out to be several times stronger than him. They put seals together in an amazingly harmonious way, their techniques complemented each other amazingly. Surprisingly, they did not exchange any signs, and it seemed that the war heroes were just reading each other's thoughts. In addition, they had excellent command of taijutsu. Especially this blond one, Naruto Uzumaki. It was not immediately clear, but he is incredibly fast, with amazing intuition and instincts. Uzumaki rushed into the first ranks of the allies with lightning speed, stunned them with this and, like some skittles, knocked them down with unprecedented ease. And with the others who recovered from the first shock, he entered into a clearly unequal battle. Uzumaki seemed to be reading the minds of his opponents. He knew where the blow would come from, sensed the impending danger and avoided it with amazing accuracy. He attacked himself and quickly returned. I was returning to my companion, and Sasuke was already attacking the allies with a huge fireball.

The fire was weakened by the flow of water. Shinobi built small earthen shields from Hidden Stone. The fire technique somehow lazily dissipated, and a completely bleak picture presented itself before Mitsuki's eyes. Practically no one was left standing. Taijutsu and Ninjutsu allies could not really oppose either the first or the second. It was a shame. And scary.

"It's not real," Mitsuki realized. "It's genjutsu!"

Yes, that's right. His father told him a lot about the legendary sharingan and about its owners - Uchiha. They are unsurpassed genjutsu masters. Their obsessions are not so easy to distinguish from reality. When Uchiha uses sharingan, his eyes change. They turn red, black symbols appear around the pupil. Mitsuki looked at Sasuke vividly. His dark eyes were barely discernible against the background of black eyeballs. But that doesn't mean anything! Nothing at all!

- Kai! Mitsuki folded the seals and tried, as he had been taught, to dispel the technique. Nothing happened. "Kai!" he repeated stubbornly. And again, nothing has changed. It looks like this is the kind of genjutsu that you can't dispel on your own. Mitsuki again cautiously looked at Uchiha and realized that he was watching him with lazy curiosity.

A chill ran down my spine. A sharp powerful punch in the gut caught Mitsuki off guard. While he was looking closely at Uchiha, he completely forgot about Uzumaki. Naruto still only used taijutsu, and even if he couldn't do anything else, he was incredibly strong. Mitsuki flew head over heels on the ground until his "flight" was slowed down by Konohamaru-sensei. The captain, without looking, stopped him with one hand. Konohamaru did not take his intense gaze off Uzumaki, and he did not seem to notice him.

"I've stopped," Kurama chuckled. "I believed you," he growled contentedly, willingly joining his fists with his jinchuriki.

Naruto grinned, held out his clenched fist to Uchiha, and he, without hesitation, hit him. Sasuke chuckled. He didn't learn anything new, but his guesses were confirmed. Not bad either.

- Did you find it? "What is it?" he asked softly.

- Not yet. I'll have to give in…

- Will you tell me your weaknesses? - taking advantage of the respite, Shinobi asked from the Hidden Fog. The Allies were slowly getting to their feet. Some of them retreated back, remembering that Uzumaki prefers close combat. Some remained in place. Everyone knew that Uchiha was good at long-range attacks.

- Now that we are together... - Uzumaki watched the actions of his former comrades and realized that all these precautions were useless against them and Sasuke. For them, "close" or "long-range" combat has no meaning. "There aren't any," he finished softly.

"When together," the Shinobi from the Hidden Cloud caught on to this phrase. If you divide them, then you will win!

"You won't be able to separate us," Uchiha warned dryly, guessing their thoughts.

"You remember, Sakura-chan, don't you?" Naruto smiled sadly. - While Sasuke and I were a team, we didn't lose a single battle.

Sakura lowered her head, tightly pursing her lips. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, but she didn't even think about wiping them away. Yes, Naruto is right. While Sasuke did not leave the village, the seventh team did not fail a single mission, did not concede to any opponent. But then they were still children!

Haruno clenched her fists tightly. Even in her worst dream, she could not imagine that she would fight against her closest friends. And okay with Sasuke. He became an apostate, and they had already faced each other more than once. But fight Naruto?! This could never have happened! After all, Uzumaki has always been on her side... their side. He is their support and support. He is the key to victory. If Naruto is nearby, then the battle cannot be lost. So, everything will definitely be fine!

"And now everything will be fine!" - Sakura resolutely wiped her tears and confidently looked at the resurrected friends.

- We won't lose.

Sasuke chuckled. Naruto nodded and smiled broadly. They liked kunoichi's attitude. She finally pulled herself together. And even folded her incomprehensible seals. Everything is right. That's the way it should be. After all, the real fight will begin only now.