
Naruto: One Step At A Time

Our MC, a 28 year old man, gets reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But he is not your typical MC as he in the neutral evil alignment, being absolutely rational in every decision he makes. Calm, calculated and a Machiavellian person. In this world where the strong rule and the weak get trampled on. Our MC will do anything in order to ensure his survival and his ambition of being at the top to gain eternal life. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---Tags--- -Evil Protagonist -No Romance -No Harem -No Morals -Benefit Oriented MC - Purely Rational ------------------------------------------------------------------- --Partner-- Discord - Raw Novel Community | Dark Novels Check out the Server I am a partner with: https://discord.gg/QFkJZyM5 This is the best server for Dark novels or fanfics like mine. You can just come there to ask me any questions or a general discussion. Since I am mostly active there. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord: Bored#6316 Alt Webnovel: IAmReallyBored ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like evil MC's be sure to give this a try and leave a review so I know what to improve. Also feel free for any constructive criticism. -------------------------------------------------------------------

IAmJustBored · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
54 Chs

Eye of Hypnotism

Explosions rang in my ears, deafening me for a split second. The teammate in front of me waved his hand. This was the signal; I thought as I flickered through the trees.

"Yokuma, take the left," Hisajami quickly said. "Kibira, come with me."

We all nodded and went our separate ways.

While moving through the forest, I fed chakra to my eyes. They began blending into a red hue with two tomoe.

Yes, I now have a two tomoe Sharingan after being in constant battle for months. Not much has happened in two months, except a new mission—also, improvements in taijutsu, chakra control, and ninjutsu.

My overall speed and strength were the same; only experience honed my reflexes and Sharingan, making it feel like I was faster.

There wasn't any time for training, only meditation and chakra control exercises. Also, my chakra capacity increased a significant amount a month ago, maybe because I use it every day.

Although, since then, there's been no sort of micro change in my chakra. I'm guessing it will be a long time before it increases again.

But I'm certainly not bothered; my chakra is now at chunin level, bordering mid. Therefore, my endurance has improved too.

Right now, we are just nearing an enemy slip-through that has been going on for some time. It was near our post, so most likely chunin or jonin.

I've done everything from scouting, tracking, ambushing, setting traps, and assassination. All missions I took on, without a single task, failed. Mainly because they were cherry-picked by me, excluding team missions of course.

Our teamwork is much better than before so failing a mission is rare.

Now, I was approaching a barren land, as shown through the trees a hundred meters in front of me.

My senses were on high alert, so I could vividly hear speech and movements. Although I couldn't discern what they were saying; I only knew three people were on each side. As for their level, I had to get closer to find out.

Approaching the scene, I leapt to a nearby tree and stood far up on a branch. My teammates were a couple of meters away from me, at a different angle.

"Hehe, it seems you're short on jonin shinobi," An Iwa shinobi viciously spoke with a smile.

"We should quickly get rid of these small fry quickly," Another one spoke; he was a chunin. "There's even a genin."

They all chuckled, seemingly playful at seeing two chunin and a genin taking them on. If they weren't, maybe one of them would have noticed us.

The squad leader was not a real jonin but a special one, which means that the three of us were definitely enough to kill him. Hisajami noticed this and signaled; I looked at him and nodded, to which we all started moving.

As they wrapped around the right side, I went to the left, directly behind the enemies still caught up in small talk.

A few seconds later, Kibira joined my side. "Me and you will take on the two chunin whilst Hisa joins the ally," She nodded. "Try finishing it as fast as possible."

I leapt to the other tree and grabbed a few kunai in my pocket, attached with and without strings. I thrust them into the tree and wrapped them around as I carried them in my hand.

Kibira waited for me but kept an eye on if they started fighting. Finishing planting my strings, I signaled, and we both flickered toward the enemy's backs.

In mid-air, I swiftly shoved the kunai down the guy's throat. Only for him to substitute at the last second, not fazing me. However, I threw two free kunai toward him and faked a hand seal.

Instead, a string lifted him off the ground the moment he sidestepped, so I rushed at him. To my surprise, he had cast a Jutsu.

[Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp]

The ground beneath me felt like quicksand, sinking me in further and further. Luckily, the enemy was also stuck, so I had time to look around me. Kibira was fighting the other chunin and Hisajami, and the three were equally matched with the jonin.

Although, the genin was useless. He had already exhausted himself from chakra consumption.

[Fire Release: Fireball]

I looked downwards and spat out many flames, turning the mud into a thicker mold. This stopped its sinking nature, allowing me to smash it with raw strength to get out.

Also, the enemy had dropped from the strings and immediately rushed me.

As he was about to flicker, I stared intensely at him. His eyes directly level with my Sharingan.

[Genjutsu: Sharingan]

"Ahh! Not this shit again." He thought he had stepped on the strings again, not knowing it was my genjutsu. As he felt it already, it was now more accessible for it to work.

This was the eye of hypnotism. An ability the Uchiha was most feared for, controlling almost any living being.

The only downside was its consumption; already, I had lost 20 percent of my chakra. At most, I could use it three more times. But right now, I needed to use it so I could help fend off that jonin. They were getting pushed back.

Not thinking anymore, I quickly finished him off and flickered over to the jonin. He side-eyed me with a grunt as I held up my kunai and attacked an opening.

Then, spat a few rocks out at all of us and through his mouth. They squinted, except Hisajami and me, so we tried to push him back. Although, he now stepped back on his own, gaining distance which was strange.

The jonin looked at us with scorn and turned to see his comrades corpse, also at Kibira pushing back the chunin.

"Tch! A useless bunch," He spoke. "Why'd they give me such a crap pair of idiots."

Then he spat on the ground and looked at us.

"Oi, Goza, forget her and come back."

His teammate listened, backing off and joining his side. But the next second, Goza backed out a kunai and thrust it into his superior's neck.

Of course, it wasn't going to be that easy. As he sidestepped and shouted, "What are you playing at."

Strangely, Goza didn't speak. In fact, his eyes didn't even look real, looking like a doll without emotion.

His brows raised, noticing this and turned around; only to see no one was there. He turned again to Goza, but surprisingly nothing. Everyone was gone.

"What the.."

His eyes bore confusion.

"Release!" He cooked up a hand seal and reversed his chakra flow, but nothing.

"Oi, you kono-"

Before he could say another word, strings flew off from every side. No angle was missed, lifting him off the ground.

The next second, his vision went completely dark. Not noticing his head slide off his shoulders, still, confusion written all over his face as his head was left on the barren land.

"Finally!" A feminine voice spoke. "Hey, you okay? You seem pale."

She was talking about me, and she wasn't wrong. I felt like crap, and my eyes were crunching with pain. That Genjutsu was the most sophisticated one I have done yet, especially since it was a jonin.

"I'm fine, just a little exertion." I replied.

After I said this, the two chunin nodded in respect.

"Thank you. God knows what we would have done without you guys."

We exchanged some pleasantries as they went to pick up their injured teammate. He was slumped across a tree with his hand over a wound.

Then, I went toward the decapitated head of the jonin and looked at its open gaze. The pure eyes of confusion, not knowing if he even died.

What he doesn't realise is that there was no Goza. Kibira killed his teammate a few minutes ago and didn't notice as he fought us.

A few clone techniques, timing, and blending it with the Sharingan made this happen. I lifted my hand, firmly touching these eyes. The plan I carried out to get these was my best decision.

"Yokuma, it's time to go back," A calm voice behind me said. "We've only got a week till this mission is finished."

I turned around and briefly smiled, "Yes, only a week till this mission finished."

It wasn't like I was excited as we still had not received any information regarding our discharge. Which probably wasn't going to happen anytime soon. It didn't matter, though; I will survive.