
Naruto: One piece of Bleach

Grew up with normal parents. Not rich, not poor but able to help other people. But that was just them, my parents. Me? I am nothing but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. If and when I die, it won't even matter but to my family only, maybe some real friends not the fake ones and maybe, just maybe. it might matter to my dog hahahahaha... so, here I am, drowning with a smile on my face. Don't ask how cause like I said, I'm just a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. I am not that important for the storm to stop so that the ship I'm on also stops sinking... Some had gone to fetch the life boats, life jackets and life I don't know paddles? While I am in the kitchen eating my last meal. After eating, a few minutes later, water came to greet me and I welcomed it with open arms and a bright smile... Hello death! Then I died. That's it ^_^ yeah no, that was probably a prologue. Synopsis would be short like. A simple guy died. Woke up in the Naruto world and discovers powers from the big 3 anime. (Naruto, One Piece and Bleach) How will he change the Shinobi world? Will he even change it with his personality? I don't know... read and find out... then drop at the middle if you want but I will tell you right now that it's fast paced Wahahahahahahaha

I_am_Dumb_Iknow · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
37 Chs

Chapter 18: Sage Mode

Shikkotsu forest

Osamu didn't encounter any known characters when he had his lunch at Teuchi's.

So without any delay, he came to Shikkotsu forest and searched for Katsuyu who was not that hard to see.

Soon, a Katsuyu in the same height as him appeared and started his training that Katsuyu believed Osamu was not ready for only to be proven wrong by Osamu's impeccable control.

"Are you ready Osamu-kun?"

"I am."

"One more thing. Once you are successful in this endeavor and becomes a sage. You will have to be addressed as a lord. I will have to call you Osamu-sama then."

Hearing this Osamu could only shake his head.

"Although strength does have the right to be respected. However, I believe it is still proper manners to be also respectful to your elders, especially if they deserve it, Lady Katsuyu." Osamu honestly replied.

The slug didn't say anything and began teaching Osamu how to absorb nature energy in a slug sage's way that'll make him a enter sage mode.

She reminded Osamu that the nature energy must be of equal balance to that of his chakra which is a combination of spiritual and physical energy.

"Does that mean I will have to balance chakra and nature energy? Or does it mean I have to balance nature energy, physical energy and spiritual energy?" Osamu asked confused.

Katsuyu tilted his head hearing Osamu's question.

"Doesn't controlling your chakra means controlling both spiritual and physical energy at the same time?"

This time Osamu tilted his head.

"But I told you before, the reason why I easily sensed nature energy is because I can control 3 different kinds of energy inside me. Namely, chakra which is the combination of both physical and spiritual energy, both of which I can also control, although there was a limit with physical energy before, but I have crossed that and I now can freely controll all 3 energies."

Katsuyu remembered and was surprised by Osamu talent of control.

"Then Osamu-kun, I believe you will be able to enter sage mode much earlier if you can do that."

"While it is true that the pre-requisite for sage mode is having a larger reserves, it is because sage mode is not the balance of chakra and nature energy alone inside you, but the balance of 3 energies, nature, spiritual and chakra. The reason why it's a bit confusing is because chakra is composed of physical and spiritual energy."

"Also, If my guess is correct, you must have a unique affinity for Yin and Yang chakra based on your impeccable control and sense."

"As far as I know, my only affinity thus far are lightning and water."

"That's because your land does not have a way to confirm yin-yan affinity."

"Not that you need it confirmed since I can easily sense it."

"You can? Does that mean you can sense my affinity to lightning and water too?"

"Yes. Although let me clarify this, everyone has affinity to all elements but only a select few would have affinity to yin or yang or both. It's just that in the case of the 5 main elements, it is so miniscule that it becomes nonexistent. While your main affinity shows stronger reaction which can easily be mistaken that it is the only elements you are good at or the only elements you can practice."

"Once you've become a sage. Naturally, you will easily sense these things. Sage mode enhances your physical strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, perception, and durability. Even your ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu become more powerful than normal."

"Now I'm even more pumped-up. Let's do this lady Katsuyu."

"Yes, as I was saying earlier. Using the slug way of absorbing nature energy. You will only absorb the same amount as your chakra reserves and have it balanced along with your spiritual energy. But,"

"But?" Osamu repeated, of course there's a but, there's always a but.

"But are you aware that you are continuously expanding your reserves right now?"

"Oh that? Yeah I am aware. It's the only way I can grow stronger. I have discovered this when I started studying how to refine and mold chakra before attending the academy. Although it's advancement is slow, the results overtime makes up for it."

"While that is a good discovery, you must cease it when entering sage mode to avoid complications."

"Understood, Lady Katsuyu."

Osamu stopped his method of expanding his reserves then he entered Shuchu state.

"I am ready Lady Katsuyu."

"Good. Now listen carefully and follow each and every instructions on how to absorb nature energy carefully."

Osamu listened in focus and followed Katsuyu's instructions in every word.

Because he has great control over it, it wasn't long before dark markings surrounded his eyes with two tail marks going to the side and below.

There was also a markings of a circle with a dot inside it on his forehead. His sea green eyes became a tad bit darker.

"Congratulations, Osamu-sama. You have become a sage in just two days after our meeting and in just a few hours after practicing it for the first time!" Katsuyu was happy, she once again have a sage contractor.

'If only Lady Tsunade could become a Sage as well.'

"So, what's next Lady Katsuyu?"

"Next, you need to get used to this state and be able to enter it faster. But for now we need to know how long can you keep this state."

"Won't it last for as long as I continue gathering nature energy?"

"That is if you are using sage chakra continuously. You can't really increase the water in cup if it's already full, right?"

"That does makes sense."

"Therefore, before you can continue gathering nature energy for a longer sage mode state. You need to be able to get used on entering it first."

"I understand. Please continue teaching me Lady Katsuyu."

"I will, Osamu-sama. By the way, would you like me to tell Lady Tsunade about you?"

"Nah, let her discover it naturally. We really don't want to disturb her right now."

Osamu continued for 1 month like this. In the morning he would study flying raijin, in the afternoon he would train sage mode where he also learned how to cast the shuriken Kage bunshin and water shuriken jutsu while in sage mode or not.

He also found Kakashi to learn the shadow clone jutsu which he intends to copy Naruto's way of replenishing his sage mode.

This was just in case he doesn't have a way to enter sage mode in a heated battle.




A month later

Hokage office

"So, it's been a month already? How was your training progress?"

"It was successful. I have added your ninjutsu to my arsenal." Osamu held back on telling him his contract summon with Katsuyu.

"Right, so you are here for your first solo mission as Chunin?"

Osamu nodded.

"I have 2 missions perfect for your debut right here."

Osamu accepted the scrolls and read the mission details.

It was a C and B rank mission. The C-rank mission was a simple guarding mission for a merchant family returning to fire county. While the B-rank was dealing with a rogue ninja from Konoha located not far away from the fire country.

It was like a buy 1 take 1 mission. Totally perfect for his debut. The rogue ninja was actually from Konoha, a Chunin.

"Does this mean I get to take these two missions at the same time?"

"Yes, it's actually convenient, not only for you but for the village. No need to send more than enough personnel. This way instead of sending another force, we can have that force focus on a different mission. So do you accept?"

"I do, Hokage-sama."

"Good. Bring in the client."

A fat man came in and saw Osamu.

"Excuse me Hokage-sama, I understand that Konoha is strong but isn't he still just a kid?"

"You don't have to worry Miyajima-san, your looking at a genuine Chunin ninja. If you have him, it would be like having 10 Genins guarding you. Now if that's not enough to persuade you, I as his Great great Grandmaster give you my word that I have thought him something."

"My, is that so? Then I can only apologize for my misconduct and I will very much rely on you soon."

"It was nothing Miyajima-san, what time are we leaving?"

"We will leave in 3 hours. We will meet at the gate by that time."

"Got it. I shall prepare myself then."

Osamu excused himself and prepared his tools. Kunai, shurikens, senbons, basic poisons and antidote, explosive tags, and a few incapacitating seals he prepared last night.




3 hours later

Osamu met up with the client at the gate.

The client was already on the driver seat of his wagon being pulled by 3 horses. Inside the wagon was the client's family.

His wife, 2 daughters already in their teens and youngest son probably 7-10 yrs old based on Osamu's observation.

As soon as they started their journey, Osamu entered shuchu state to be able to sense enemies from far away while on top of the wagon.

As soon as he did so, he became troubled.

End of Chapter

Words: 1500