
Naruto of the kumo

Naruto is kidnapped by Orochimaru at a young age. He is rescued by The Raikage and Killer Bee and decides to go with them. My first fan fic so any criticism is welcome. Officially cancelled. Read the final chapter for more details.

frandley_mesidor · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

chapter 11 chunin exams part 10

"I have to pee." Naruto said as he stopped suddenly.

"Hold it, we're almost to the tower." Karui said still a little annoyed at Naruto from before.

"But I really got to go. I've been holding it since before we fought those three idiots." Naruto was now holding his nether regions and hopping up and down like an idiot.

"Fine then, just hurry the hell up so we can get this test over with." Karui relented.

"I'll be right back." Naruto tried to run behind a nearby tree but Omoi and Karui grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back.

"Are you stupid? Pee in front of us so we can watch your back. You're asking to get ambushed if you go behind that tree where we can't see you." Karui said.

"B-B-But... I can't go if you watch." Naruto said embarrassed. "Besides I can sense there isn't anyone nearby."

"There aren't any people. What about animals?" Omoi interjected.

"God damn it." Naruto said as he thought about it. There were indeed a ton of animals nearby and Naruto wasn't about to risk some random snake or something falling out of a tree and chomping down on his fun parts.

"Fine. Just please don't stare at me." Naruto walked up to a nearby tree and unzipped his fly. He sat there for a few seconds mumbling about waterfalls and powerful flowing streams before he finally unleashed a torrent of bodily waste from his nether regions. He soaked the entire bottom of the tree before he was done. Afterwards he zipped back up and went back on his way to the tower with his team.

While Naruto was on his way to the tower, Hinata and her team had already arrived and made themselves at home. Hinata was sitting in a chair reading a little orange book in one of the rooms of the tower. She was told by a ninja stationed there to greet them that it was a room for socializing between the teams but the only other team at the tower was the sand team who kept to their room mostly so she thought it was safe to indulge in her dirty little secret, at least for a little while. Kiba was off bathing with Akamaru and Shino was off "collecting samples" as he put it, which was his way of saying bug hunting. That left Hinata all alone with her favorite book. She loved this particular volume of Icha Icha Paradise because the main heroine was a lot like her. She was incredibly shy and had trouble confessing her feelings to the one she loved but at the end of the story she finally works up the courage to tell him and they live happily ever after and start their own clan. To be honest she really did read them for the story. The sexy bits were just a bonus to her. A bonus that she loved but a bonus none the less. She was deep into one of the dirtier parts of the book at this very moment. So deep in fact that she didn't notice someone walk right up behind her.

"I've done that before. Guys go crazy for that." Anko said as she read from over Hinata's shoulder.

"AAAHHHH!" Hinata screamed as she jumped out of the seat and turned around to face the crazy woman behind her.

"A good thing to remember when you're in that position is to use your mouth at the same time. A lot of girls I know just let their breasts do the work which is a huge waste. I mean your mouth is right there, why not use it?"

"I-I-I w-was j-just..."

"Haha, you're adorable. I can see why Kurenai cares about you so much."

"Y-You know my s-sensei?" Hinata asked still flustered being caught in the act of indulging her guilty pleasure.

"Yep, me and her have been best friends ever since the academy. She asked me to keep an eye on you. Something about her catching a cloud ninja trying to sweet talk his way into your pants. I wasn't really paying attention at the time on account of I was eating dango."

"Sh-She even asked you..." Hinata said looking forlorn.

"Oh I see. You actually want that cloud ninja in your pants. Kurenai is twat blocking you."

"N-NO! It's not that. I really like him but I'm not ready for that yet."

"Good. A pretty girl like you shouldn't give it up so easy. Especially this young. About this cloud ninja, which one is he. Did he make it past the first exam?"

Hinata was slowly warming up to Anko. She started to smile and talk with her like she would talk to Kurenai.

"Yes. He was the blond one who was sitting next to me."

"You mean the one who couldn't take his eyes off my fat rack?"

Hinata hung her head down in shame. "Yes. The very same."

"Come to think of it he wasn't the only one. You were eyeballing my twins too. Do you like both?"

"B-Both?" The stutter was back. Hinata wasn't comfortable enough to talk about this kind of stuff yet.

"Cocks and cunts. Do you like both or do you only like cocks. Personally I love both cocks and cunts with cocks barely beating out cunts as my favorite."

"..." Hinata's face was the darkest shade of red it had ever been in her entire life.

"Do you masturbate? I realized I was bisexual when I was masturbating one night and thought "I wouldn't mind doing this to another girl" so I went out to a club found a girl and did it. It was pretty fun. Then her boyfriend came home and it got awkward. It was alright though. I ended up spending the night with both of them."

Hinata's body fell to the ground with a thud as the shy girl fainted.

"Damn... I wasn't expecting that. I guess we'll just have to work on that later." Anko slung Hinata over her shoulder and walked off. As soon as she was out of sight Shino walked around the corner with a face similar in hue to the one Hinata just had.

"Kurenai sensei has strange friends." Was all he said before he pulled out a jar full of bugs and started searching the room for any more potential samples. He heard some loudmouth start yelling from outside the tower but ignored whoever it was as he was busy scooping up a beetle that he had found hiding under the chair that Hinata had just been sitting in.

"WE HAVE ARRIVED!" Naruto yelled in excitement as his team walked up to the door of the tower.

"Shut the fuck up!" A voice yelled from within the structure.

"Who said that!?" Naruto yelled back.

A window opened to reveal the sand ninja with the purple paint on his face. "There are people sleeping up here asshole."

"Geez, sorry miss. I'll be quiet so you can get your beauty sleep. You need as much of it as you can get." Naruto shot back at the painted boy.

"Motherfucker." The sand ninja muttered as he closed his window and shut the blinds.

"You're making friends all over the place today aren't you Naruto?" Omoi joked.

"Can we please just pass this god damn test already?" Karui said irritated.

The three walked through the door and were greeted by a man who took their scrolls and escorted them through the tower to their rooms. They all walked in and sat down on their beds and started talking.

"So we have four days to sit here and wait for the rest of the teams. I vote we spend the time relaxing." Karui said hoping to convince the training obsessed Naruto to take it easy for once.

"I agree." Omoi said also hoping for some down time.

"You guys are lightweights. Fine I'll take it easy too." Naruto said a little disappointed.

"Naruto?" Karui asked.

"Whats up?"

"Why are you still here? Don't you have someone you wanted to talk to?"

"She's sleeping right now. I'll go see her when she's awake."

"That power is bullshit."

"You're just jealous."

"God damn it Naruto.