
Naruto : Neji Hyuga revolution

A Naruto fan is reincarnated as Neji Hyuga. Distressed by his situation as a vassal, he will try by all means to free himself from the cursed seal. No system No Tenseigan The powers will be according to my imagination.

Sr_Angel · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Team 9

The 6 months passed quickly.

I was currently in a training field.

I could go to the famous Forest of Death, but access was prohibited.

I was in the deepest part of the training field, which was a forest, using my Byakugan to ensure there were no unwanted people watching my actions.

Training the Kaiten.

If Neji learned to use the Kaiten after the third phase of the Chunin exams, I should learn it before graduating.

I reviewed the skills I had obtained in these 8 months of being Neji Hyuga.

First, I gained a skill I've called foresight: it allows me to see the future of my surroundings as long as I stay still, my eyes lighting up in a light blue whenever I activate it.

8 Trigrams 32 Palms, I hadn't yet reached 64 Palms like in the anime.

In fact, in the anime, Neji managed to perform more than 64 Palms.

Medical chakra, I managed to make my hand glow green and was able to close wounds I inflicted on myself during training by hitting trees.

3 km distance with the Byakugan.

And lastly, my new acquisition, a bow.

You might be wondering why I want a bow.

Well, I doubt you're wondering because it's obvious to everyone except my clan.

Byakugan + sniper = deadly combo.

I don't understand why no one has thought of this idea.

My plan is to combine my wind chakra nature with my bow.

Of course, using a bow in a mid-range ninja battle is stupid, but at a distance of 3 km? It was terrifying.

As a Naruto fan, I know what natures Neji has without the paper.

The main one is wind, the secondary ones are water, fire, and earth.

He doesn't have the lightning element unfortunately.

But currently, I was trying to replicate the Kaiten.

I saw some Jonin from the Hyuga clan doing it in a practice fight.

Later, when I master it, I'll combine it with the fire element.

A spiral of flames.

But for that, I need to train and learn to use the elements.

First, I would mimic Naruto's leaf training.

First step, take a kunai.

What did Asuma say to Naruto in Shippuden?

Imagine you divide your chakra in two and rub them against each other, try to manipulate your chakra as if you were sharpening the tip of the blade.

The chakra reached the blade but it wasn't wind, just chakra...

Well, now let's go with the other exercise, splitting leaves.

I practiced using my chakra to split the leaf for hours without success.

I sighed.

What was I expecting? Naruto struggled even using more than 100 shadow clones; it would take days or months to learn it.

Neji knew it wouldn't take years because he was a genius, but until I learned the multi-shadow clone jutsu, I couldn't learn jutsus in a month.

I cursed the ninja Jesus for being so broken; he could learn jutsus in a day if he wasn't so stupid.


I was at the ninja academy again, having just taken my ninja exam, the clone jutsu, the substitution jutsu (important for dodging logs), and the transformation jutsu.

"Congratulations, Neji, this makes you a ninja, take the headband with pride." Masao, my teacher, whom I would never see again, said to me.

I took my headband and went back to my class.

I didn't bother remembering the names of filler characters, only Rock Lee and TenTen.

'Although with how irrelevant Tenten is in the canon, I doubt I'll remember her.'

Due to my new experiences, I found out that Tenten is the daughter of a great weapons merchant.

That explains why she carries so many weapons everywhere.

Rock Lee, on the other hand, is a foreigner who came to Konoha with the aim of becoming a ninja. As stated by Kishimoto himself.

"You will be Team 23, your Jonin is Kain Inuzuka, Team 24..." the Chunin continued assigning teams while I got bored until he finally said our names.

"Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga, Tenten Higarashi, your sensei will be Might Guy."

"Yoshhhh" a guy in a green jumpsuit kicked the entrance with force, interrupting the teacher, "Sorry, I got motivated, where are my students?" He finished with a smile and a thumbs up.

The class stared at him strangely, I smiled.

A Kage-level ninja would train me.

"Here." "Here."

"Good, follow me! One two, one two."

I got up and followed him.


"From today, you are genin, I want to take this moment to hear your goals."

At the top of a building in Konoha, on a rooftop, there was a beautiful terrace with a wide and comfortable seating area.

"Sensei! I want to prove that without using ninjutsu or genjutsu, I can be an excellent ninja! That's what I live for."

"Yoshhh, I'm sure with my guidance you'll achieve it, you just need a good rival and youth."

Rock Lee looked at me when a rival was mentioned, not a chance, I'll surpass you by far.

In classic Naruto, probably Lee with the gates could beat the original Neji, I won't let him get ahead of me.

"Alright Tenten, you're next."

"Oh, I want to be like the legendary kunoichi, Tsunade-Sama!" Immediately after saying that, Tenten was embarrassed.

We stayed quiet for a while until Gai-Sensei interrupted the awkward silence.

"That's the spirit, youthful dreams make me burst with joy!"

My turn.

What did I want? What was my goal? I couldn't say 'to be free,' I would expose myself.

To be a great Leaf Shinobi? No.

To be Hokage? That was just a means to an end.

"So, Neji, it's your turn, we're waiting."

Everyone was eagerly awaiting my response.

"To be at the top of the ninja world." It was the truth and didn't have connotations of betrayal.

I noticed how in the end, the most normal dream was Rock Lee's.

"Alright dear genin, I expect you at training ground number 4, go there, you'll take a test to see if I accept you as my students."

"Eh? Haven't we already passed?" Tenten was surprised.

"Youth is impatient hahaha, no, that was just another test, tomorrow I'll test your determination to become, make sure to arrive early."

And with a bunch of leaves, he disappeared.

We stayed silent.

"Do you want to go eat and get to know each other better if we pass the test?" I said, to everyone's surprise.

"Yoshh, I wouldn't mind spending the afternoon with you, Neji-Kun, Tenten-chan."

And so, without realizing it, Rock Lee started to imitate Gai-Sensei.


Training ground 4 was like all the others, full of trees, there wasn't much to describe, I didn't know where training ground 4 was, luckily Lee, being Gai's disciple, did.

I didn't carry my bow with me, it was stupid to carry a bow to a ninja battle without a jutsu to complement it, why shoot arrows if you could throw kunai and shuriken?

"Alright, you've arrived early, this will be the test, you have to defeat me, the three of you against me."

Taking advantage that he was talking to us, I threw a kunai a few meters away at his waist, in a non-lethal part, but he caught it without blinking.

"Now, we're impatient huh, I didn't say start." Gai said to me seriously, his good mood had soured.

I shuddered, maybe it wasn't a good choice.

"Alright, I'll count to 3, you can hide."

"1, 2, 3."