
Naruto : Neji Hyuga revolution

A Naruto fan is reincarnated as Neji Hyuga. Distressed by his situation as a vassal, he will try by all means to free himself from the cursed seal. No system No Tenseigan The powers will be according to my imagination.

Sr_Angel · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Emergency plan

After hiding Tazuna and his friends, making sure Ao wasn't spying on us, I set out to find Gato with my Byakugan on Gai-Sensei's orders.

Gato wasn't at his main base, and finding his hideout, despite my x-ray vision, was like finding a needle in a haystack.

At this point, we couldn't launch a surprise attack and kill Gato. Ao must have already communicated our intentions with his Byakugan and would head to protect his client.

The worrying part wasn't Ao, but the lava from the destroyed bridge.

It meant that Mei was with them.

Mei was kage level, we were screwed.

Even though I had Gai-Sensei, we couldn't underestimate her.

Additionally, we still didn't know the enemy's numbers. As a certain Chinese strategist said, know your enemy and yourself, and you will win every battle.

What worried me wasn't just myself but Tenten and Lee, who were very inexperienced.

With all this in mind, I spoke to Gai-Sensei:

"Gai-Sensei, it's been half an hour, and I haven't found him. We can't, the enemies must have already gathered with Gato and are on alert. Also, that fog is the Hidden Mist Jutsu, which means there's a Jounin in that group, along with the lava, indicating there's someone with a Kekkei Genkai. I doubt our chances of getting out of this alive."

My companions fell silent at my statement. "A Kekkei Genkai, what's that?" Lee asked me. I forgot I had a Naruto on the team, although, looking at it, Tenten also looked at me with intrigue. Maybe they were just uninformed.

"A bloodline limit, like my eyes, this ninja can spew lava."

At my words, Lee and Tenten were less motivated to continue the mission.

We stood there, unsure of what to do. Until Gai spoke. "Let's return to our client's hideout."


We returned to Tazuna after our failure. We were currently in Tazuna's emergency hideout with his relatives.

Apparently, Tazuna had anticipated a situation where they would try to kill them all and created a hideout. This is where I met Inari, the first one evangelized by Naruto. "Did you make it?"

"No," I said bluntly.

Tazuna sighed and sat down, "We're lost, with the bridge destroyed there's no hope. I underestimated Gato's influence."

"There is hope! Gai-Sensei is incredible, he can-"

"Lee," Gai said in warning.

"I'll be clear, I'm considering abandoning the mission," continued the sensei.

This discouraged everyone.

"But-" Lee was at a loss for words, not expecting his hero to give up.

"Our enemies are at least two Jounin, and we have 3 genin fresh out of the academy. You should have paid for at least a B-rank mission," interrupted Lee. "Also, they have the Byakugan, it won't take long for them to find you."

"Well, you would die for Gato and his henchmen anyway," said a boy with a fisherman's hat, "the last one who tried died. I don't know how a ninja who dresses stupidly thinks he can save us."

That boy was Inari.

"What did you say!!" Lee spoke angrily.

And then Tazuna kneeled, crying. "Please, you are this country's only hope."

An idea occurred to me, I remembered a popular saying from my previous life.

A timely retreat is a victory.

"Gai-Sensei, if your concern is our safety, what do you think about sending us back to Konoha for reinforcements while you protect Tazuna and the others?"

"It's dangerous."

"I'm a genius, I'm at least Chunin level at this point."


Gai pov

"Well, you would die for Gato and his henchmen anyway," said a boy with a fisherman's hat, "the last one who tried died. I don't know how a ninja who dresses stupidly thinks he can save us."

That boy lacks youth... something must have happened to him.

"What did you say!" Lee shouted angrily. On the other hand, Lee burns with youthful flames.

It's a shame about this mission, I shouldn't have accepted it, I should have known better. Konoha will help the Land of Waves next year.

Then Tazuna-san kneeled before me, begging me to help him.

But I couldn't, the children are more important for the future of the village than a foolish mission. "Gai-Sensei, if your concern is our safety, what do you think about sending us back to Konoha for reinforcements while you protect Tazuna and the others?"

I stopped for a moment, reflecting a bit, the idea had merit but... "It's dangerous."

"I'm a genius, I'm at least Chunin level at this point."

I sighed, I should have known better, genin are hungry for glory in their early days as ninja, at least Neji suggested a strategic retreat.

"That's an excellent idea Neji," Tenten entered the conversation, thinking she wouldn't be in danger if they left the village.

I sighed again, if I failed this mission, I would get a reprimand from the Hokage.

But the enemies intercept them, no matter how genius Neji is, he can't protect them.

But ensuring influence in the Land of Waves was important for the village.

I was at a crossroads.

"Konoha is a day's journey at ninja speed from here, with how much you've made us sweat we'll get there faster, we won't even sleep."

In the end, I chose to follow my student's plan and promised myself never to let him choose a mission again.

"I'll hide Tazuna-san and the others, I want you here in less than 2 days, that will be your new training," I said with a thumbs up.

"First, I must confess something, I have a jutsu that allows me to see the future, but it requires me to stay still and wait."

I was surprised, did the Hyuga clan have that jutsu?

My surprise continued when my Hyuga student's eyes glowed blue and, as he said, he stayed still.

He stayed still for an hour when suddenly his eyes dimmed, and he focused on me.

"How long have I been here?"

"Approximately 1 hour."

"Then the Mist shinobi will cover this hideout with mist and lava in an hour, we need to get out of here."

This left everyone perplexed, "So fast?"

"Neji, how sure is that information?"

"As absolute truth, the enemy has the Byakugan, it's natural," said my student.

Damn it.

So my student's new technique has the ability to see the future one second for every second he stays still, very useful.

"In that case, flee, I will stay and distract them. Tazuna, do you have another hideout?"

"I have a relative who can shelter us."

"Then you know where to go, tell me where it is so I can reach you later," I addressed my students.

"Neji, you are the leader, go get reinforcements now."

"Yes, Gai-Sensei."


We left by raft from the Land of Waves half an hour after our sensei's order.

And it was then that I received an unexpected sight.

The Demon Brothers.

Does it mean Zabuza and Haku were here too?

Here, I seriously worried about Gai's chances of victory.

Well, in a bad situation, he still has the 7th Gate.

"We have company," I told Lee and Tenten.

"How many?"

I made sure we had no more enemies with my Byakugan.


"We have the numerical advantage, let's go for them," Lee advised.

"It's very dangerous, we shouldn't waste time," Tenten said.

"She's right, Lee," I said, surprising Tenten, "sooner or later we'll have to get rid of them. They're probably Chunin, they can walk on water," I observed the brothers walking on the sea water.

"All the more reason to flee!" Tenten panicked.

"The enemy is coming, it's the perfect time to set a trap for them. Let's go to our element: the trees."

It was a fact that the specialty of Konoha shinobi was the trees, they taught us in the academy how to jump from tree to tree like monkeys.

Then I showed them my ace up the sleeve, explosive tags.

I then proceeded to explain the plan.

"The plan is simple, I use my Byakugan to look into the future, knowing where their feet will land, I will place an explosive tag where they will step in the future. You will help me set the trap, if they survive, we will fight."

Tenten and Rock Lee nodded seriously. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x The plan went smoothly with my Byakugan active.

Just like with Gai-Sensei in the genin test, the Demon Brothers Meizu and Gozu stepped on the explosive tags.

But unlike Gai-Sensei, they barely managed to dodge the explosion and ended up badly injured. The Demon Brothers' clothes were charred, and their skin burned from the explosion. I took this opportunity to see my companions' level.

Tenten managed to defeat the Chunin in about 30 seconds, stabbing him in the shoulder with a kunai and knocking him unconscious with a punch.

Meanwhile, Lee defeated his in a minute, with some nunchaku he pulled from his clothes.

Suddenly, I heard clapping sounds.

clap clap clap

"An excellent way to defeat the enemy, how did you know where they would pass? Is it because of your eyes that glow blue?"

The three of us were surprised by the new individual who bypassed my Byakugan. Tenten took the opportunity to reproach me, "Didn't you see everything with your Byakugan?" Shut up, Tenten.

"Anyway, I must thank you," the enemy said.

"For what?"

"Not every day one finds another Byakugan user to rip their eyes out. I still have the theory that if I rip them out alive, they won't be destroyed."

Before us stood Ao of the Hidden Mist.

I have a theory about how he was able to follow us. His Byakugan had a greater range, he used my distraction with the brothers to get closer.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu."

And he spewed a thick mist towards our direction.

Preventing me from seeing anything.

"Unfortunately for you, the Byakugan can't see through this jutsu either."

I moved quickly, barely dodging a kunai. "Then you can't see either."

"Ha ha ha, true, but I am a sensor."

Damn it.

Ao was a sensor, that's right.

"Let's get close, back to back."


"When I tell you, get out of the mist, he confessed he is after me."


"Don't abandon me, I'm just giving you time to get out of the mist. I'll come out later, if we all leave at once, one of us will die. I'll cover your back."

Lee and Tenten listened to me, thank God.

"Then you sacrifice yourself for your comrades, you are a good leader. I will respect that."

"I'm not going to die here."

I hadn't completed it, but it would serve to disperse the mist.

"Incomplete Kaiten."

A good portion of the mist around me dispersed, giving me some maneuvering room.

"Not bad."

I focused on the direction of the voice, where a body soon emerged.

No, it was a kunai with a jacket, making it act like a parachute.

Ao came out behind me with a kunai.

But I was faster and managed to hit him with the gentle fist.

Only for Ao to disperse into water. A clone.

It was odd that I was faster than a Jounin, especially at just 12 years old. Thinking about it, ninja ranks don't make sense, the Demon Brothers were Chunin, but Sasuke can handle them. Haku was Chunin but defeated Jounin, Neji was Genin but defeated the Sound Four elite, Konohamaru was Genin but defeated a Pain, Itachi wasn't Genin and already thought like a Hokage.

Canonically, Neji is the strongest Genin in the Leaf Village at the beginning of the Chunin Exam arc, so it wasn't so strange that he was faster than an Ao clone.

Knowing this, I prepared to flee.

If Ao is slower than me, a Genin, then I don't have to worry about him chasing me.

I prepared to flee.

"Water Prison Jutsu."

He caught me.

"I let you defeat my clone, my target was you."

Damn it.

Then the mist cleared, allowing me to see my companions again.

"Neji!!!" Tenten shouted at me.

The two Genin were 20 meters away.


"If you run, your companion will end up dead."

I wasn't dumb; this was my chance. The enemy had underestimated me.

In Shippuden, there was a fight where Neji escaped Kisame's prison using his gentle fist.

It's the principle of the gentle fist, chakra blocks chakra, that's why Neji was able to break Kidomaru's web.

I just had to wait for the right moment.

"Run from here!! He can't move with this jutsu," I continued the act, knowing they wouldn't abandon me.

Lee, after much hesitation, ran to help me.

I saw Ao smile.

"Looks like I'll kill everyone today," Ao said.

Lee tried to kick, but Ao was faster and countered with his own kick.

It was Tenten's turn, who threw several kunai, all deflected by Ao.

Do something better! At this rate, I'll drown before you give me a chance to attack.

Luckily, Lee and Tenten learned from their mistakes and managed to work together in the following attacks.

I had to hand it to Lee; he didn't give up even though he was getting beaten.

Lee with taijutsu and Tenten with shurikenjutsu simultaneously attacked Ao, but even with one hand down, he managed to evade all the attacks.

Finally, Tenten had a good plan.

Taking advantage of the enemy's temporary paralysis, Tenten threw two shuriken, apparently missing, but in a last moment, the shuriken collided, and one of them bounced to Ao's head, who had to duck to avoid being killed.

There's my chance.

I escaped the prison using the gentle fist.

"8 Trigrams 32 Palms."


Once freed, I hit him in the chest.

Ao spat blood and made a big jump backward, landing on top of a tree.

He looked at me with hatred, coughing blood.

I looked with my x-ray vision at the Mist shinobi.

His right lung was damaged.

Chakra was useful for everything, as an analgesic, to harden your body, to breathe longer underwater, etc.

But it didn't help withstand the pain of damaged vital organs.

That's why the gentle fist was so feared.

In short, Ao was screwed.

Considering all this, it was no surprise that Ao fled.

Phew, that was close.

"Neji, are you okay?"

I smiled, appreciating the genin companions I had for the first time.



Here's today's chapter, please comment something!