
Naruto: Multiverse And I

Oh no! it's the famous Truck-Kun! and so our protagonist dies only to be reborn into Naruto.

VelocityIV · แอคชั่น
5 Chs

All according to keikaku

Ren had a great tie with kushina talking about their lives. Kushina being the bubbly person that she is asked Ren many questions about how his lifr had gone after leaving the clan to which Ren answered with vague responses. She of course also talked about her life at Konoha and how it was going so far.

After spending some time with kushina Ren walked around the village a little more before stopping and looking up at the sky, a devilish smile creeping up on his face. 'met Kushina and Minato, got jounin, plus kushina said she'd give me a lesson on the uzumaki fuinjutsu tomorrow man this day couldnt get any better' and it didnt. Ren made his way to his apartment complex and fell asleep in his new home.

~next morning~

Knock Knock!

Ren, with a tired and terrible face on opened the door to be greeted by random anbu #1 "Lord hokage has requested your presence at his office" After delivering his message the anbu seemingly disappeared from the spot and left Ren all by himself.

'Man you're an up and at em typa guy ain't you Minato?' With a sigh Ren shut the door, then went on to practice great hygiene before heading out towards the Hokage mansion.

~Hokage mansion~

Knock knock again!

"Enter!, Ren its good that you're here" Minato sighed and looked at the Uzumaki with a tired face on "Sorry i ran a little late, still had to familiarize myself with Konoha" giving out an awkward laugh and scratching his head Ren stood in front of Minato.

Minato stood up and smiled putting his hand out "You're officially a leaf shinobi now, its a pleasure to have you here" Ren looked at the hand "No need to be so formal with me Minato" A smile on his face as well Ren stuck his arm out but instead of an open hand for a handshake it was in the form of a fist 'sorry for taking your thing Naruto but now i'll just be the one to teach you this instead kehehe'

Minato's hand changed into a fist and did exactly what Ren wanted him to, gave him a fist pump. Both men let out laughter afterwards and it could be heard all around "On to more serious business, as a Jounin you are allowed access to all graded missions and will be on call should anything serious happen in the village" Minato sat down and said "You're also invited this evening to dinner, me and kushina would love to have you there" With a smile Minato leaned back on his chair and looked at Ren.

"Yes sir~ it would be and honor to have dinner with the famous Yondaime Hokage and his wife, however i do have one request" Ren clasped his hands together in determination "Have a spar with me"

~out on Training Grounds 6~

"Im a little surprised you agreed to this" Ren said standing on one side of the training grounds "Honestly i needed the break, and it'll be good to test if you're really at the Jounin level" Minato sighed and responded.

'Using this as a chance to test me, you're definitely a smart guy' Ren looked at Minato, Minato looked at Ren, both men not uttering a word while having the staring contest of a century.....until suddenly.

Both charging at each other Minato and Ren moved incredibly fast, Minato with his famous kunai in hand and Ren with...well...nothing. As Ren and Minato reached each other it seemed as if the two were equal to the naked eye 'He's faster' thought Ren, slowly the two men began to brawl it out with their taijutsu. It was clear who was superior of course, although Ren's body was sure to have that prior experience his mind was untrained and he wasnt ready to keep up with a genius like minato, however he was adapting fast and with every blow he was slowly improving himself.

Ren Jumped back and weaved hangsins Rat, Tiger, Dog, Ox, Rabbit, Tiger "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu" With 6 balls of fire coming his way like homing missiles from earth, Minato threw his kunai past Ren and in a yellow flash he was gone. The jutsu didnt crash and instead with Ren's fast reflexes he was able to hold them for a second, until he turned around and met Minato's fist with his own. In a response, Ren grabbed Minato's wrist and pulled him backwards while Ren himself jumped out of the way.


"Man, You're really just too fast" Ren turned around to see an unscathed Minato "You're good Ren, almost had me there on that one. How about we do one more attack and finish this" Here it comes, the famous Rasengan.

Minato held his hand out, chakra began to gather until it quickly turned into a small ball of wind chakra. "Ready?" With a smirk Ren looked at Minato and also held his hand out. To Minato's dismay the same phenomenon began to occur, chakra circled around the palm of Ren's hand until a few seconds passed and a Rasengan identical to Minato's own had formed. "You just copied my Rasengan....on the first look" Minato looked at Ren in dismay.

"Kehehehe, i guess you could say im a genius" Or just saw every episode in the anime about how to form the rasengan. "Ready?" Although still relatively in shock, Minato looked at Ren and nodded. The next second, the two charged at each other, rasengan in hand ready to clash with the other.

Before the two could clash however, a figured appeared in between the two and grabbed both of their wrists before the Rasengan could clash. "Oya, its not very convenient if a jutsu like this clashed in a training ground" As Ren looked up he was met with a a head full of white hair and a seemingly proud face, most likely from stopping Ren and Minato's attacks by clashing. Ren retracted his arm and gave a laugh.

"Its an honor to meet one of the legendary sannin Jiraiya." Ren gave a small bow

" HAHAHAHA" Jiraiya laughed and looked at Ren "Anyone who Minato has taught the rasengan must be a friend, its good to meet you, who might this young man be minato"

Minato stood next to Ren and gave his shoulder a pat "This is Rengoku Uzumaki, a new Konoha jounin and as you can see an even bigger genius than i am." Both Ren and Jiraiya looked at Minato with a weird face while thinking the same thing 'did he just brag and praise at the same time?'

"An Uzumaki eh? im sure Kushina must have been glad to meet you" Ren nodded "she was definitely the most....exciting person ive had the pleasure of meeting." Minato and Jiraiya looked at each other with an image of Kushina popping up in their heads "HAHAHAHA" both shared a laugh. "Anyways it was nice meeting you Rengoku, i must be on my way to do some....research. I would love to get to know the other genius that was able to master the Rasengan" With that Jiraiya gave a wave and walked away from the duo.

"What a coincidence that you got to meet master Jiraiya, he was right about our clash it definitely would have caused a slight problem.... I wouldve never heard the end of it from kushina and the council." Minato shook his head and turned to Ren "Your jounin status is well earned, anyone who can master the rasengan when seeing it the first time is definitely someone deserving of that title if not more."

Ren chuckled and gave Minato a slap on the back making Minato fall stumble forwards a bit " What an honor to hear that from Lord Fourth himself. As a thanks for everything you've done i should give you some advice that will make your life a lot easier." Minato also chuckled in return "What advice would that be" Ren leaned into his ear and whispered a few words before turning around, hands in his pockets as he walked away and giving Minato a wave with the back of his hand.

"HOW HAVE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT" after that day Minato was known as the fastest hokage not only on the battlefield, but also in his office.