
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

Zaelum · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
292 Chs

Chapter 89

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Kyomu led his team through the Sand ninja attacking from the 3 o'clock direction with ease.

Glancing back, he asked, "Rin-san, how's the situation behind us?"

"The Sand ninja reinforcements have surrounded us. Our comrades have noticed and are breaking through to us, but..." Rin immediately reported, "Several squads of Sand ninja are encircling us, intending to block this breach."

"Leave this to me. You take the team back to intercept our comrades breaking through."

Rin panicked, "But this place..."

"I'm here," Kyomu declared firmly. "As long as I'm here, this breach will remain open!"

Rin wanted to persuade him otherwise but ultimately accepted Kyomu's command.

He trusted Aragami Kyomu!

Turning around, Rin led the remaining team members to quickly double back for support, while Kyomu sheathed his sword, waiting quietly for the Sand ninja reinforcements.

This month's passive skill was still in effect!

The longer the battle, the stronger Kyomu would become, provided he wasn't overwhelmed at once. His strength would reach a terrifying level as the fight dragged on.

"Where is my limit?"

As the Sand ninja drew closer, Kyomu couldn't help but grip his sword, Yoei, tighter, his eyes shining with excitement and anticipation.


Drawing his sword and stepping forward, he charged at the Sand ninja.

"Let me test it out!"

With a fierce swing forward, coupled with a flicker of his silhouette, a wave of heat so intense that it turned golden yellow burst out behind him.

For the first time, Kyomu's own speed caught up with the speed of his sword's glow.


The figure and the sword's glow separated, Kyomu sheathed his sword and stood up without even glancing back.


At that moment, a wave of heat swept over from behind, lifting a corner of Kyomu's black cloak and scraping a layer of dust off the ground beneath his feet.

Spreading out beyond Kyomu, the heat wave continued to extend forward.

And the next instant.


The concentrated golden sword glow exploded in a line, shining brightly over nearly a hundred meters, accompanied by a piercing, trembling sound.

At first glance, the scene behind him looked like a horizon line splitting the sky and the earth, dazzling and powerful.

"Cut through all enemies!"

The golden glow behind Kyomu swallowed up the bodies of the Sand ninja.

"Sever without fail!"

The horizontal sword glow uniformly cut all the afflicted Sand ninja at the waist, the intense heat instantly melting them, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Golden! Horizon!"


A more explosive roar followed, the fierce shockwave spreading outwards in waves, peeling off a layer of the earth four or five meters deep, like mud waves in the sea.

Trees were uprooted, those closer turned to ash, scattered everywhere by the golden shockwave.

The subsequent Sand ninja abruptly stopped, sweating coldly!

"What was that technique just now!"

"I don't know, but it seems like it might be an S-rank secret jutsu."

"Then we..."

"We were supposed to surround him, but we ended up showing fear."

"This is disgraceful!"

The subsequent Sand ninja rallied, "This is indeed a disgrace, but he's just one person, one person!

Let's go together; I don't believe he can use that move again. I don't believe his chakra and stamina are limitless!"

The strong always prevail, not fearing being surrounded.

Like the Third Raikage, who fought to his death, not just breaking through enemy lines once but capable of doing so tenfold.

But being able to break through doesn't mean one can withdraw. When the situation doesn't allow it, one must fight to the death, a tragic yet heroic end for the strong when surrounded.

However, tragedy and heroism have nothing to do with Kyomu. He lives as a legend, not as a dead hero.

Flicking his sword, Yoei, Kyomu turned around, "Buddy, it's time to activate the health and mana regeneration features."


Yoei responded with a clear sound.

"Ha, with my passive skills combined with my trustworthy sword, I'll surely break through something like this hundreds of times!"

With a light step, Kyomu dashed forward.

Unsheathing his sword, he raised both hands above his head and swung down heavily!

Yoei has one of its property thats allows it to change its weight at will, without affecting the user.

In Kyomu's hands, Yoei felt just right at six kilos and 320 grams, allowing him to swing with the fastest speed and fiercest strike.

But in reality, Yoei's weight had been augmented by him to a terrifying degree.

Not ten tons, but based on the consumption of his chakra, a ton was possible.

Indeed, this passive trait consumes Kyomu's chakra, varying the weight of Yoei according to the amount of chakra used.

A one-ton weapon, combined with Kyomu's ultimate swinging speed and explosive force, that scene can be...


A gigantic sword shadow descended from the sky, the clouds swirling above, red flames dancing upon it, dragging a long tail of fire.

This was no ordinary fire, but a blend of chakra and the natural energy absorbed by Yoei, turning into a unique flame that even Kyomu couldn't name.

He could only call it "Purple Blade Fireflies."

The fire danced like purple fireflies, encircling the descending sword shadow, making it appear as though a meteor was falling from the sky, its tail flames spreading wide.


The earth trembled, dust and smoke billowing.

A straight line was drawn on the ground, extending from Kyomu's position forward, the terrain completely altered.

Wherever the sword shadow passed, the earth split open, creating a ravine several meters wide and deep, extending straight ahead.

This was the power of "Purple Blade Fireflies."

It wasn't just about splitting the earth; the purple flames that followed turned everything they touched into ash, leaving nothing behind.

Even the air seemed to burn, the temperature rising sharply, making it hard for anyone to approach.

The Sand ninja who were charging at Kyomu stopped in their tracks, shocked by the scene before them.

"This... this is impossible!"

"How can such a terrifying power exist!"

They had seen many powerful jutsu, but none like this, capable of altering the terrain with a single strike.

Kyomu stood at the end of the ravine, his cloak fluttering, his eyes cold and indifferent.

"If you wish to cross this line, be prepared to face death."

His voice was calm, but it carried a chilling certainty.

The Sand ninja hesitated, fear creeping into their hearts.

They had come to capture Kyomu, but now they faced an insurmountable obstacle.

The "Purple Blade Fireflies" not only showcased Kyomu's strength but also his determination to protect his path, making anyone think twice before crossing that line.

And so, the battlefield fell silent, the Sand ninja unsure of how to proceed, and Kyomu standing unchallenged, a lone figure against an army, yet invincible.


As the blade fell, accompanied by shockwaves that shattered the earth, sending Sand Shinobi flying, burying them in the trenches cut by the blade, or being struck by flying sand and stones, their deaths grotesque and varied.

The attack of the blade, especially when it's as huge as this, is never just a single point of penetration but rather a range of destruction brought by the explosive aftermath.

With one strike, the weaklings were practically wiped out.

Fifty people? Maybe sixty or seventy.

Looking around, there were only about a dozen people left standing in front of Kyomu.

"Your strength is decent," Kyomu's voice was indifferent. "Let me see if you can help me unleash even greater power."

With the assistance of his passive skill, Kyomu became a battle maniac, rare to see, and even simultaneously engaged in a verbal provocation.

For what purpose?

"Don't even think about fleeing. I haven't had my fill yet, and I doubt you've proven yourselves either, right?

So, let's fight!!!"

With a shout from Kyomu, the remaining Sand Shinobi completely abandoned their plans to retreat.

Just killing some weaklings, and he's acting so arrogantly!

He must be killed!

Simultaneously forming hand seals in perfect synchronization, indicating that a powerful technique was brewing.

In less than a second, it was ready.

Composite Ninjutsu: Wind Release: Great Sickle Weasel!

Several special jonin Sand Shinobi simultaneously spewed out ten or so tornadoes, each the size of a house, instantly forming in front of them.

And these were no ordinary tornadoes; they were composed of wind blades shaped like weasels' sickles, forming lethal weapons of dismemberment!

Whoosh, swish.~

The dozen or so tornadoes flew forward for a distance, colliding and merging to form an even larger super tornado, equivalent to the height of a skyscraper and occupying an area almost half the size of a soccer field.

This was the composite ninjutsu, this was why a dozen or so special jonin or jonin working together could destroy a small country.

The power of ninjutsu was never to be underestimated. Alone, one might be weak, but with the collective power of many, even the mighty firestorms of the Uchiha's Susano'o could be withstood!

"Indeed, quite impressive, after all, ants can indeed kill elephants if the amount is enough."

Kyomu muttered, Yoei rising before him, the tip of his blade pointing diagonally towards the sky.

His eyes suddenly burst into a brilliant light. "Yoei, show them your power, cut through it!"

He swung his blade downward sharply.

The blade tip met the oncoming wind blade tornado, and in an instant, enough to grind a person into mincemeat and wreak havoc within a few hundred meters, the wind blade tornado was silently cut open.

No hindrance, everything went smoothly!


The blade flashed, and the incredibly oppressive wind blade tornado split apart to either side, narrowly missing Kyomu's shoulders.

Without any damage, not even a wrinkle on his clothes. A seemingly ordinary swing of the blade, yet it astounded everyone with its extraordinary feat.

In fact.

Such a visual spectacle, if placed twenty years later, would hardly be worth mentioning.

Compared to the Uchiha's fan rebound ninjutsu attacks or the Rinnegan's absorption ninjutsu abilities, each one was a cognitive refreshment.

But for now, in this pre-'mythical' era, Kyomu's actions were like a seismic shift, leaving the Sand Shinobi dumbfounded, their hearts sinking to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

How should this battle continue?

Should they continue to combine their ninjutsu attacks?

Kyomu clearly wouldn't give them the chance.


His figure suddenly flashed, the perfected Body Flicker Technique erupting with an effect similar to instantaneous teleportation.

Though it wasn't, before anyone could react, he was already upon them, and in effect, the result was no different from instantaneous teleportation.

However, during the physical attack, vulnerabilities would still be exposed, much like the Flying Thunder God Technique; no matter how fast the assault, there would always be time for the enemy to react.

But Kyomu's blade speed was simply too fast, and even before using the Body Flicker Technique, he had already swung his blade.


Sparks flew, as his shadow split the ninja's blade into two, descending along his shoulder and slicing him in half diagonally.

Blood splattered, but before it could stain Kyomu's clothes, he had already disappeared. When he reappeared, the blade he had swung out in advance followed his attack, striking another Sand Shinobi.

The falling shadow blades, psychological illusions, clones' coordinated attacks, and the incoming crimson blade, such a dense and deadly attack combination, how could they evade?

They couldn't possibly!

With each hand and each blade, he managed to execute a pincer attack, and the special jounin Sand Shinobi looked at Kyomu with incredulous eyes, their expressions filled with disbelief, their perspectives spinning, their bodies already separated.

Meanwhile, his passive skill was still in effect. With every passing second, Kyomu's strength increased by another notch.

Previously, he had only been able to imagine using techniques like this due to his insufficient strength, but now Kyomu was unleashing them one after another, magnificent and devastating.

When Kyomu killed four people in a second, the remaining Sand Shinobi finally reacted and organized a desperate counterattack.

You can cut through the ninjutsu attacks coming straight at you, but how would you deal with ninjutsu that alters the terrain?!

Fighting with all their might, one special jounin Sand Shinobi drained all the chakra within him, using a large-scale, terrain-altering Earth Release ninjutsu that he wasn't even proficient in.

Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld!

The next second, the ground in front of them turned into a swamp, covering an area roughly the size of a soccer field.

With this range even the massive body of Manda would be completely covered by this technique, with plenty to spare.

"This is indeed troublesome," Kyomu frowned slightly. "The Body Flicker Technique relies on the instantaneous eruption of chakra underfoot to propel the body to move rapidly.

If the footing is unstable, it can still be used, but the effect is greatly diminished."

But Kyomu quickly devised a countermeasure.

"Although I mainly use swordsmanship, occasionally incorporating a few ninjutsu to deal with enemies, it doesn't mean I can't use ninjutsu.

And besides, I also have the Scorch Release kekkei genkai!"

With a fleeting thought in his mind, Kyomu brushed the blade with one hand, the wind-chakra and fire-chakra within his body merged, instantly forming Scorch Release chakra, which covered Yoei.

A rising heat, although Yoei blade's appearance remained unchanged, the ground under Kyomu, previously covered in mud, now emitted wisps of steam, obscuring his surroundings like a beautiful mist.


The Sand Shinobi's warning had barely sounded, but Kyomu had already swung his blade horizontally, combining the crimson blade with Scorch Release, resulting in a violent chemical reaction.

For instance, the previous technique, 'Golden Horizon,' had flames that were golden in color, with temperatures around 1300 degrees Celsius.

But now, the color of the blade was purple!

With a minimum of 7000 degrees Celsius!

The purple streaks swept across the ground, cracking it open amidst the steam. The swampy terrain altered by the Swamp of the Underworld was instantly covered with a dried-up desert-like appearance.


Before the blade even arrived, one by one, the Sand Shinobi ahead of him were vaporized, carbonized almost instantaneously.

As the blade swept past, clouds of charcoal-black debris were carried away by the wind, leaving behind black humanoid imprints on the cracked and parched ground.

Extremely tragic, yet there were no signs of pain or struggle in death; they departed peacefully.

And in the next moment, waves of heat capable of melting steel began to sweep outward layer by layer, like the blinding sunlight, turning the entire world into black and white.

The aftermath had only just begun!

(End of Chapter.)