
Naruto: Monkey Sage

Transmigrated into the body of Asuma, He gained a system to help him protect himself and maybe anyone who will become dear to him.

truepowerscaler1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Chunin arc 3

Asuma and team 10 stood there in the audiance along with Kurenai and her team, watching the boring fights go by.

And it was the turn of Sasuke vs Yoroi.

"yoroi vs Sasuke, Ready?, start!" Hayate quickly started the fight and he stepped back so as to not get between them.

Sasuke looked at Yoroi and he smirked, his eyes turned cromson and 2 magatama appeared in each of his eye, his dinamic vision improved to such lengths tht he was able to see the twitch of Yoroi's muscles.


Sasuke dashed at Yoroi leaving a dust cloud behind him, and before Yoroi can react, he was punched in his chin causing his body to fly into the air, and his eyes was dazed not seeing Sasuke anywhere.

"Behind you"" Yoroi came to his senses, but it was useless as a kick from sasuke connected to his back, Yoroi's eyes went white from the force and the pain and his body flew into the ground creating a dust cloud as well as a small crater with cracks surrounding it.

Hayate looked at this with a solemn look, the strength Sasuke displayed is already high chunin, and he is an Uchiha as well.

"The winner is... Uchiha Sasuke!"

"Yeah!!" Sakura shouted in joy while Naruto made an annoyed face, Asuma smiled as he saw the sharingan in Sasuke's eyes, looks like he still unlocked his sharingan.

"Hmm, there is only 4 fights left, including you and Ino" Asuma said as he looked at Shikamaru, he was nervous as Garaa still haven't fought yet, so Shikamaru or Ino could encounter him in the next round.

"Don't worry, if either me and Ino encounter that crazy guy, you better know we are forfeiting, i don't want to feel that kind of bloodlust even stronger than Zabuza's...." Shikamaru said as sweat slid down his brow, just remembering the bloodlust when that guy attacked him made him freeze.

Ino on the side nodded as well, she did nto want to fight him either.

"okay, for the next round, Neji Hyuga and Hinata Hyuga please come down here!" Hayate said with a weird look on his face, a hyuga heiress fighting a branch leader?.

Kurenai gained a worried look on her face, but she calmed down as she felt Asuma pat her, Asuma looked at the 2 Hyuga and shock his head, it's not his business to be involved, so let Naruto deal with it.

"Hinata, forfeit while you can, you know that you cannot win against me, fate said so" Neji looked at Hinata with annoyance, he does not like anyone other then Hinata from the main family, and that is why he even talks to her.

"Brother Neji..." Hinata looked at Neji with hurt in her eyes, she used to hang out with him everyday before they were 4 years old, they were inseparable, but now...

"Ready?, start!" Hayate looked at the 2 who became silent and he started the match.


Instantly Nehi sprinted towards Hinata and he tried to attack her shoulder, Hinata deflected but it was bad as Neji managed to brush his finger against her forearm.

"ugh!" Hinata jumped back in pain as she ferlt her chakra point get blocked, she quickly slapped her forearm and sent chakra in her chakra point to unblock it, just in time to fight against Neji.




Loud sounds was heared as Neji and Hinata slapped the air, causing sonic booms from the mere force they slapped the air with, but it wa snot looking good for Hinata.


"Ughh!" Hinata coughed out blood as her shoulder was hit by a solid hit from Neji, she flew back in a spiral and hit the ground, she slid back a few meters before coming to a stop.

"Give up Hinata, you can not win against me" Neji walked towards Hinata and he said again, this time with a neutral voice.

Hinata teembled on the ground as she tried to stand up, her legs were wobbly and bloud trickled down her lips, but she remembered how Naruto always stood up.

'No... i can't give up... just like he don't' Hinata lifted her head an dshe got into her gentle fist stance, Neji seeing this his face scrucnhed up, and in anger he ran at her with the intent to strike at her heart.

"Ahhh!" Neji screamed as he was mere inches from bursting her heart in a flash of anger, but before he can do that he was surrounded by ninjas who stopped him.

"That's enough" Neji looked at the Ninjas before realising that he was about to kill Hinata, he looked away before jumping back to the audience stand.

Hinata sighed in relief before she collapsed and the ninjas called the medical team.

"winner is Neji Hyuga!!"

Asuma looed at the worried Kurenai and he embraced her, he smiled as he felt her trembling shoulders stop.

"Don't worry, i can feel her vitals, she is gonna be alright" Kurenai looked at Asuma in surprise but nodded, as she enjoyed his embrace.

"Now for the next round, it is Rock Lee vs Ino Yamanaka!" Asuma stopped for a second before his eyes flashed, he knows that this fight will be short.

"Come to the arena please!"

"Do your best Ino, and don't let him stand in place and cross his arms!" Asuma shouted to Ino who was already in the arena, Guy looked at Asuma in surprise before worry crossed his face.

'If lee can't activate his gates to disrupt his chakra... this is bad!' Guy thought in worry as he looked at Lee.

"Ino!, you might be a girl, but i will not go easy on you as my youth does not allow me to!" Rock Lee looked at Ino seriously before saying this.

"Whatever!" Ino looked at Lee with annoyance before looking away, she is not annoyed with Lee, but she is now worried for Shikamaru.

"Ready?, start!" 


Lee rushed at Ino with chunin speed and he appeared in front of her in an attempt to kick her in the chin, Ino jumped back before clapping her hands into 3 seals, and spitting towards Lee.




"Ahhh!" Lee shouted in pain as 3 water bullets penetrated his skin and muscles, he quickly jumped back to get space while looked at Ino with caution.

'I need to take it off, those water bullets were too fast!' Lee immediately took his weights off and without delay dropped them on the ground.


"Huhhhhh!" Ino looked at this in worry, these weights were probably just as heavy if not heavier than Choji.


Lee ran across the distance between him and Ino and before most genins can react he was under her preparing to kick her into the air, Ino tho was no slouch as she could barely react to his speed, she jumped back and instantly cast a few seals.

"Water whip!" water formewd around her hands and she striked at Lee, Lee jumped into the air avoiding them, but he was met with the water bullets again.


Lee spun n the air and he kicked the water bullets, causing them to deflect into the ground and creating a deep hole.

"body swap!" While in the air, Ino quickly took her chance and she tried to swap her mind with Lee, bu too bad lee was to fast for that.

"Lee!, do it!" Guy seeing Ino using her clans jutsu, quickly shouted to Lee in worry, ther moment she gets her technique to hit, Lee will lose.

"Huh?" Lee heard the shout, and he looked at Guy in confusion, but he saw the worried look on his face and he nodded seriously, he quickle started running circles around Ino as fast as he can creating a smoke tornade that blocked the vision of Ino.

"There!" Ino felt the chakra of Lee as she was a sensor and she tried to use her jutsu, but she was mistaken as that was only a after image.

'I can sense his chakra but he is too fast!, before i can use my jutsu he already vanished!" Ino looked around her in worry before putting her palm on the ground.

"Mud filed jutsu!" Instantly Ino used her water nature and earth nature to create an environment similar to a swamp, the swamp quickly spread around the whoile area and it engulfed everything around Ino.

"Goog, just like i thought you!" Asuma smiled.

But that was for nothing as Lee was on top of the statue with his arms crossed, he bent his knees slightly before his skin started turning red.

"First Gate!, Open!" Lee muttered as he felt his brain get fresh, his body was not able to use a 100% of his strength.

"Second Gate!, Open!" Lee opened the second Gate, causing his fatigue to lessen and to get more energy, this continued until Lee opened the final Gate.

"Fifth Gate!, Open!" Lee shouted as a green aura surrounded him, this whole thing took space in the span of a second, the dust in the air dissapeared allowing Ino to finally see Lee, she quickly put her hands in front of him and she loked at Lee, she activated her Jutsu and she saw the sky.

"Huh?" Ino muttered in Confusion Before her vision went dark.


The whole Arena shook and the statue collapsed into small bits of rocks, the ground caved in under Ino and she was smashed into the ground, her eyes went white and was instantly klnocked out while blood flowed out her mouth.

The whole audience even Garaa looked at Lee, he was standing in the mud, but due to the green aura around him the mud could not even touch him.

"This guy!, did he not use his full strength against me?" Sasuke gritted his teeth in annoyance, even now with his newly upgraded sharingan, he was barely able to get a glimpse of Lee when he moved.

"Guy actually taught him that technique!" Kakashi said in surprise as he looked at Lee, Asuma jumped down into the arena and took Ino out of the mud while he jumped back on the audiance stand.

"Hey Wukong, a little help here?" Asuma said telepathically as he felt his call get connected.


T small white cloud was made as a chibi wukong appeared, he looked around before seeing Ino on the ground, he walked to her and he put his palm on her head, a golden light enveloped her before going away in a few seconds.

"There, she is healed, and be careful of that guy in the white robe, he has a murderous aura like i never felt before, and that red haired kid, call me if you need help" Wukong said before he dissapeared, Asuma already knew so he was not surprised.

"is she okay?" Kurenai asked as she looked at Ino covered in Mud, Asuma nodded before his attention went back to the fight, 

a break was taken to fix the broken and muddy arena.


leave a power stone for me will ya!

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